162 research outputs found

    Il ministero dei beni culturali e le biblioteche

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    L'articolo riprende la discussione che ha seguito l'emanazione del bando per 500 funzionari del MiBACT (che prevedeva solo 25 posti per le biblioteche) e illustra le motivazioni che hanno portato alle dimissioni dal Consiglio superiore per i beni culturali e paesaggistici.The article traces the discussion about the tender for five hundred officials in the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage. It illustrates the controversies over the public libraries dramatic situation, which have caused Giovanni Solimine’s resignation from the Board for Cultural Heritage and the en bloc resignation of the Technical-Scientifical Committee for Libraries

    Canone e canoni: opinioni a confronto

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    Nella nostra epoca ha ancora senso parlare di un "canone", e cioè di un scelta di letture da proporre ai giovani? Su questo tema abbiamo ascoltato l'opinione di storici della letteratura, critici letterari, editori, bibliografi, bibliotecari, insegnanti, pedagogisti.Nowadays does the idea of “literary canon”, i.e. a selection of readings for young people, still make sense? Literary historians, literary critics, publishers, bibliographers, librarians, teachers, educators: we asked for their opinion about this topic

    I centocinquant'anni della Biblioteca Panizzi di Reggio Emilia

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    Mostra e volume commemorativo in occasione dei 150 dalla fondazione della Biblioteca municipale "Antonio Panizzi" di Reggio Emili

    Il segno di un maestro

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    L'articolo espone i contenuti del volume Le biblioteche di Luigi Crocetti. Saggi, recensioni, paperoles (1963-2007), ripercorrendo la vita e l'attività di Luigi Crocetti nel campo della biblioteconomia e dell'associazione professionale dei bibliotecari italian

    La dimensione internazionale della biblioteconomia e la ricaduta sull'insegnamento universitario

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    Prima di affrontare i temi specifici di questo workshop, è necessario dire qualcosa sulla dimensione internazionale della professione bibliotecaria in Italia. Infatti, occorre affrontare distintamente il problema della internazionalizzazione nell’esercizio della professione e nella didattica della biblioteconomia, se si vuole comprendere realmente le ragioni della nostra attuale situazione. Per la natura stessa della biblioteca – internazionale per definizione, perché inserita all’interno di un orizzonte universale e con l’ambizione di rappresentare nelle sue raccolte tutto il sapere registrato nei documenti – l’esercizio della professione bibliotecaria non può non sentire un forte richiamo verso una dimensione internazionale

    Un' autobiografia dell’editoria italiana

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    The paper analyzes the various themes addressed in Storia confidenziale dell’editoria italiana by Gian Arturo Ferrari, published by Marsilio in 2022. The author is one of the main protagonists of Italian publishing industry: he worked for almost fifty years in Mondadori and for other publishers, as well as presided over the Centro per il libro e la lettura. From this privileged observatory, he reconstructs atmospheres and anecdotes and provides a wealth of data and information on the events that have characterized the main Italian publishers’ life, extending his reflection to the development of Italian society in general. The work is not (only) an historiographical essay but also a story written by someone who was witness and protagonist of the narrated facts, representing, at the same time, a handbook for those who want to work in this world and learn the publisher’s profession: it is a book that was not there until now and that certainly fills a gap.Il contributo analizza i diversi temi affrontati nella Storia confidenziale dell’editoria italiana di Gian Arturo Ferrari, edito da Marsilio nel 2022. L’autore è uno dei principali protagonisti dell’industria editoriale del nostro paese, avendo lavorato per quasi cinquant’anni in Mondadori e presso altre sigle editoriali, oltre ad aver presieduto il Centro per il libro e la lettura. Da questo osservatorio privilegiato ricostruisce atmosfere e aneddoti e fornisce una grande quantità di dati e informazioni sulle vicende che hanno caratterizzato la vita delle principali case editrici italiane, allargando la riflessione allo sviluppo della società italiana nel suo complesso. L’opera non si offre (soltanto) come un saggio di ricostruzione storiografica ma come un racconto scritto da chi è stato testimone e protagonista dei fatti narrati, offrendo al tempo stesso un vero e proprio vademecum per chi volesse operare in questo mondo e apprendere il mestiere dell’editore: un libro che finora non c’era e che senz’altro colma una lacuna

    Lo stargate della lettura, ovvero il passaggio che stiamo attraversando

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    Un’analisi delle trasformazioni intervenute nell’ultimo ventennio nel campo della lettura deve partire da una valutazione del ruolo che alcuni fattori esterni hanno avuto sui consumi culturali e sui comportamenti individuali, tra i quali spicca la pervasività della rete e l’utilizzo intensivo dei social network. La rete ha infilato nelle nostre tasche un universo sconfinato di informazioni, saperi, distrazioni, bisogni e piaceri, che in poco tempo ha reso irrimediabilmente vecchio tutto ciò che esisteva prima e ha fatto perdere al libro – almeno agli occhi dei più giovani – la centralità che questo strumento ha esercitato per secoli nella comunicazione culturale e nei processi formativi, per far posto a nuovi ‘stili conoscitivi’.Le misure di distanziamento imposte dal Covid-19 hanno inoltre provocato una forte e improvvisa accelerazione del trasferimento sulla rete di molte attività umane, scaraventandoci in un mondo sconosciuto e in un clima da fantascienza, come quello descritto nel film e nella serie TV Stargate.In questo contesto, il mondo dell’editoria chiede provvedimenti che incentivino la domanda e un sostegno alle imprese, ma è necessaria una progettualità di più ampio respiro che investa la produzione e l’offerta editoriale, le modalità di circolazione e commercializzazione dei prodotti e i contesti in cui si sviluppano le pratiche di lettura, sfruttando le potenzialità del digitale e incuriosendo nuove fasce di lettori. Le trasformazioni più significative saranno tuttavia il risultato degli stili di vita che si diffonderanno nell’era post-Covid: ciò riguarderà l’assetto urbano, la sopravvivenza delle librerie di prossimità e dei servizi pubblici territoriali, come le biblioteche di base.An analysis of changes occurred in the last twenty years in the field of reading must start from an evaluation of the role that some external factors have had on cultural consumption and individual behavior, among which the pervasiveness of the web and the intensive use of social networks stands out. The web has put in our pockets a boundless universe of information, knowledge, distractions, needs and pleasures, which in a short time has made irremediably old everything that existed before and has made the book lose – at least in the eyes of the youngest – the centrality that this tool has exercised for centuries in cultural communication and training processes, to make way for new ‘styles of knowledge’.The distancing measures imposed by Covid-19 have also caused a strong and sudden acceleration of the transfer of many human activities on the web, throwing us into an unknown world and a science fiction climate, like the one described in the movie and the TV series Stargate.In this context, the publishing world is asking for measures to stimulate demand and support to businesses, but a broader planning that invests the production and publishing offer is needed, the way products are circulated and marketed and the contexts in which reading practices are developed, exploiting the potential of digital and intriguing new groups of readers. However, the most significant transformations will be the result of the lifestyles that will spread in the post-Covid era: these lifestyles will affect urban planning, the survival of local bookshops and local public services, such as basic libraries

    Statistiche di servizio e livelli di adesione a SBN

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    L’intervento ha lo scopo di illustrare alcuni indicatori di servizio che potrebbero essere utilizzati per le biblioteche aderenti al Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale (SBN). Si tratta di riflessioni nate all’interno del Gruppo di lavoro “Linee d’azione per la definizione delle politiche per l’accesso ai servizi SBN”, attivo dal febbraio 2016

    Integrazione di programmi di information literacy e visual literacy nel curriculum universitario: una proposta di corso

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    ABSTRACT (eng)This study is based on the hypothesis that higher education in the 21st century must be developed in the context of the semantic web and knowledge, for this reason the educational model must define precisely what knowledge is and what knowledge is needed, it must define what are the skills to generate knowledge and innovation, it must identify which are the way to developing the skills required by a rapidly evolving of Web to finally determine the best possible educational environment.The aim of the research is to present a proposal for an educational program in information literacy, but with a solid visual (visual literacy) and communicative dimension, consistent with the value that the image, in its different contexts, has acquired in knowledge on the web, such as demonstrates the success of data visualization.The aim of the research is to present the didactic planning of a training course, based on a selection of visual literacy rules of ACRL (2011), the appropriate educational methods, the objectives and the teaching program.From a methodological point of view, the study uses a method based on the analysis of best practices to offer the development of a teaching unit for conceptual training, skills (illustrations) through the development of appropriate exercises, skills (practices) through the proposal of activities designed for classroom processing, a forum for the development of communication skills. The course also offers the development of a self-assessment system based on the type of skills to be assessed, a set of indicators and questions that measure the degree of achievement of the skills through a questionnaire. The result is the presentation of a course of education that can be carried out, as a model, by specialists and professionals. This study is based on the hypothesis that higher education in the 21st century must be developed in the context of the semantic web and knowledge, for this reason the educational model must define precisely what knowledge is and what knowledge is needed, it must define what are the skills to generate knowledge and innovation, it must identify which are the way to developing the skills required by a rapidly evolving of Web to finally determine the best possible educational environment. The aim of the research is to present a proposal for an educational program in information literacy, but with a solid visual (visual literacy) and communicative dimension, consistent with the value that the image, in its different contexts, has acquired in knowledge on the web, such as demonstrates the success of data visualization.The aim of the research, furthermore, is to present the didactic planning of a training course, based on a selection of visual literacy rules of ACRL (2011), the appropriate educational methods, the objectives and the teaching program. From a methodological point of view, the study uses a method based on the analysis of best practices to offer the development of a teaching unit for conceptual training, skills (illustrations) through the development of appropriate exercises, skills (practices) through the proposal of activities designed for classroom processing, a forum for the development of communication skills. The course also offers the development of a self-assessment system based on the type of skills to be assessed, a set of indicators and questions that measure the degree of achievement of the skills through a questionnaire. The result is the presentation of a course of education that can be carried out, as a model, by specialists and professionals.Questo studio si basa sull’ipotesi che l’istruzione superiore nel XXI secolo debba essere sviluppata nel contesto del web semantico e della conoscenza, per questa ragione il modello educativo di riferimento deve definire precisamente cos’è la conoscenza e quali sono i saperi necessari, deve definire quali sono le competenze per generare conoscenza e innovazione, deve individuare quali sono le specializzazioni che sviluppano le competenze richieste da un web in rapida evoluzione per determinare infine il miglior ambiente educativo possibile. Obiettivo della ricerca è presentare una proposta di un programma educativo in information literacy, ma con una solida dimensione visiva (visual literacy) e comunicativa, coerente con il valore che l’immagine, nei suoi diversi contesti, ha acquisito nella conoscenza nel web, come dimostra il successo della visualizzazione dei dati.L’obiettivo della ricerca, inoltre, è presentare la progettazione didattica di un corso di formazione, per il quale, sulla base di una selezione delle norme di visual literacy dell’ACRL (2011), si propongono le modalità educative appropriate, gli obiettivi e il programma didattico. Dal punto di vista metodologico, lo studio utilizza un metodo basato sull’analisi delle migliori pratiche così da offrire lo sviluppo della programmazione di un’unità didattica per la formazione concettuale, le abilità (illustrazioni) attraverso lo sviluppo di esercizi appropriati, le competenze (pratiche) attraverso la proposta di attività progettate per l’elaborazione in classe, un forum per lo sviluppo delle capacità comunicative. Il corso offre anche lo sviluppo di un sistema di auto-valutazione in base al tipo di competenze da valutare, un set di indicatori e domande che misurano il grado di raggiungimento delle competenze attraverso un questionario. Il risultato è la presentazione di un corso di educazione che può essere svolto, come modello, da specialisti e professionisti

    Proposal of Visual Literacy Indicators for competencies courses. An academic literacy perspective for academic excellence

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    The paper presents the results of a reasearch based on the evaluation culture approach and particularly on the social corporate responsibility of universities and their duty to account for the quality of their mission, researches, teaching and dissemination of knowledge. Metrics and international rankings have been developed to measure value and performance of the universities; as a consequence, the academic world must express appropriate means in order to improve its position in quality evaluation rankings. The research project focuses on “La Sapienza” University of Rome and especially on international rankings and metrics used to measure its degree of information literacy.The indicators that would take advantage of a program devoted to digital competences are here listed and analyzed to underline: a) the instructional plan, based on the cooperation between researchers-professors and librarians; connectivism as a pedagogical concept; the flipped classroom methodology; the necessity of taking into due account visual competencies and social networks; Educational Digital Objects as Web didactic materials; b) the educational plan meant to enhance visual competences, given the relevance of virtual and augmented reality for university education. The best Visual Literacy standards are selected to empower iconic and visual reading and to envision effective goals, learnign units, methodology and quality. The evaluation must then be considered as one of the principal results of the research itself: it must be based on competecies and quality, and the 13 indicators suggested to measure the educational program –  feedback and other metrics included –  will be of great use to help the University to highlight its quality standards. The paper presents the results of a research based on the evaluation culture approach and particularly on the social corporate responsibility of universities and their duty to account for the quality of their mission, researches, teaching and dissemination of knowledge. Metrics and international rankings have been developed to measure value and performance of the universities; as a consequence, the academic world must express appropriate means in order to improve its position in quality evaluation rankings. The research project focuses on “La Sapienza” University of Rome and especially on international rankings and metrics used to measure its degree of information literacy. The indicators that would take advantage of a program devoted to digital competences are here listed and analyzed to underline: a) the instructional plan, based on the cooperation between researchers-professors and librarians; connectivism as a pedagogical concept; the flipped classroom methodology; the necessity of taking into due account visual competencies and social networks; Educational Digital Objects as Web didactic materials; b) the educational plan meant to enhance visual competences, given the relevance of virtual and augmented reality for university education. The best Visual Literacy standards are selected to empower iconic and visual reading and to envision effective goals, learning units, methodology and quality. The evaluation must then be considered as one of the principal results of the research itself: it must be based on competencies and quality, and the 13 indicators suggested to measure the educational program – feedback and other metrics included – will be of great use to help the University to highlight its quality standards.The paper presents the results of a reasearch based on the evaluation culture approach and particularly on the social corporate responsibility of universities and their duty to account for the quality of their mission, researches, teaching and dissemination of knowledge. Metrics and international rankings have been developed to measure value and performance of the universities; as a consequence, the academic world must express appropriate means in order to improve its position in quality evaluation rankings. The research project focuses on “La Sapienza” University of Rome and especially on international rankings and metrics used to measure its degree of information literacy.The indicators that would take advantage of a program devoted to digital competences are here listed and analyzed to underline: a) the instructional plan, based on the cooperation between researchers-professors and librarians; connectivism as a pedagogical concept; the flipped classroom methodology; the necessity of taking into due account visual competencies and social networks; Educational Digital Objects as Web didactic materials; b) the educational plan meant to enhance visual competences, given the relevance of virtual and augmented reality for university education. The best Visual Literacy standards are selected to empower iconic and visual reading and to envision effective goals, learnign units, methodology and quality. The evaluation must then be considered as one of the principal results of the research itself: it must be based on competecies and quality, and the 13 indicators suggested to measure the educational program –  feedback and other metrics included –  will be of great use to help the University to highlight its quality standards