109 research outputs found

    Use of penile shear wave elastosonography for the diagnosis of Peyronie's Disease: a prospective case-control study

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    Background: To evaluate the stiffness of the tunica albuginea (TA), we used a new noninvasive diagnostic technique called shear wave elastography (SWE). We determined whether SWE values are correlated with the degree of penile curvature, the time of disease onset, and pain severity experienced by patients during erection. This study analyzed the elasticity of the TA of patients with Peyronie's disease compared to that of the control group. We also analyzed any correlations between the stiffness of the cavernous bodies and the degree of curvature, time from diagnosis to curvature onset, and erectile pain severity. This was a prospective case-control study involving 100 men enrolled from September 2020 to August 2021. Participants were divided into group A (case group, n = 50), which included men with PD, with or without pain, and with penile curvature, or group B (control group, n = 50), which included healthy patients older than 18 years who visited the urology clinic for reasons other than PD. The medical history was collected for all patients who also underwent objective examination, B-mode ultrasound evaluation, and SWE. The International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-15) visual analog scale (VAS) questionnaire was administered to all participants. Results: There were no significant between-group differences regarding age, weight, and height (p > 0.05); however, there was a significant difference in the stiffness values (p < 0.05). An inverse correlation was observed between stiffness and the VAS score (p < 0.0001). A positive correlation was observed between the degree of curvature (p < 0.0001) and the time of curvature onset (p < 0.0001). The IIEF-15 scores were poorer in group A than in group B (p < 0.0001). Conclusion: SWE is an inexpensive, noninvasive method that can be used to measure the stiffness of PD patients

    Effect of biologically oriented preparation technique on the stress concentration of endodontically treated upper central incisor restored with zirconia crown: 3d-fea

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of biologically oriented preparation technique on the stress concentration of endodontically treated upper central incisors restored with zirconia crown (yttria-stabilized zirconia polycrystalline ceramic) through finite element analysis (FEA). Four models of maxillary central incisors containing enamel, dentin, periodontal ligament, cortical and medullary bone were created in CAD. Each model received a polymeric core-build up with nanofilled dental resin composite. The evaluated models were SM—preparation in shoulder 90°; CM—chamfer preparation; BOPT—biologically oriented preparation technique and BOPTB—BOPT preparation 1 mm below the cement-enamel junction. All models received zirconia crowns (5Y-TZP), fiberglass post and 1 mm ferrule. The models were imported into the analysis software with parameters for mechanical structural testing using the maximum principal stress and the tensile strength as the analysis criteria. Then, load of 150 N was applied at the cingulum with 45° slope to the long axis of the tooth, with the fixed base for each model. The type of marginal preparation affected the stresses concentration in endodontically treated teeth and in the zirconia crown margin. Considering the stress magnitude only, BOPT is a viable option for anterior monolithic zirconia crowns; however, with the highest stress magnitude at the restoration margin

    Stress echo 2020: the international stress echo study in ischemic and non-ischemic heart disease

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    BACKGROUND: Stress echocardiography (SE) has an established role in evidence-based guidelines, but recently its breadth and variety of applications have extended well beyond coronary artery disease (CAD). We lack a prospective research study of SE applications, in and beyond CAD, also considering a variety of signs in addition to regional wall motion abnormalities. METHODS: In a prospective, multicenter, international, observational study design, > 100 certified high-volume SE labs (initially from Italy, Brazil, Hungary, and Serbia) will be networked with an organized system of clinical, laboratory and imaging data collection at the time of physical or pharmacological SE, with structured follow-up information. The study is endorsed by the Italian Society of Cardiovascular Echography and organized in 10 subprojects focusing on: contractile reserve for prediction of cardiac resynchronization or medical therapy response; stress B-lines in heart failure; hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; heart failure with preserved ejection fraction; mitral regurgitation after either transcatheter or surgical aortic valve replacement; outdoor SE in extreme physiology; right ventricular contractile reserve in repaired Tetralogy of Fallot; suspected or initial pulmonary arterial hypertension; coronary flow velocity, left ventricular elastance reserve and B-lines in known or suspected CAD; identification of subclinical familial disease in genotype-positive, phenotype- negative healthy relatives of inherited disease (such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy). RESULTS: We expect to recruit about 10,000 patients over a 5-year period (2016-2020), with sample sizes ranging from 5,000 for coronary flow velocity/ left ventricular elastance/ B-lines in CAD to around 250 for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or repaired Tetralogy of Fallot. This data-base will allow to investigate technical questions such as feasibility and reproducibility of various SE parameters and to assess their prognostic value in different clinical scenarios. CONCLUSIONS: The study will create the cultural, informatic and scientific infrastructure connecting high-volume, accredited SE labs, sharing common criteria of indication, execution, reporting and image storage of SE to obtain original safety, feasibility, and outcome data in evidence-poor diagnostic fields, also outside the established core application of SE in CAD based on regional wall motion abnormalities. The study will standardize procedures, validate emerging signs, and integrate the new information with established knowledge, helping to build a next-generation SE lab without inner walls

    Segmental transverse colectomy. Minimally invasive versus open approach: results from a multicenter collaborative study

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    none65noThe role of minimally invasive surgery in the treatment of transverse colon cancer is still controversial. The aim of this study is to investigate the advantages of a totally laparoscopic technique comparing open versus laparoscopic/robotic approach. Three hundred and eighty-eight patients with transverse colon cancer, treated with a segmental colon resection, were retrospectively analyzed. Demographic data, tumor stage, operative time, intraoperative complications, number of harvested lymph nodes and recovery outcomes were recorded. Recurrences and death were also evaluated during the follow-up. No differences were found between conventional and minimally invasive surgery, both for oncological long-term outcomes (recurrence rate p = 0.28; mortality p = 0.62) and postoperative complications (overall rate p = 0.43; anemia p = 0.78; nausea p = 0.68; infections p = 0.91; bleeding p = 0.62; anastomotic leak p = 0.55; ileus p = 0.75). Nevertheless, recovery outcomes showed statistically significant differences in favor of minimally invasive surgery in terms of time to first flatus (p = 0.001), tolerance to solid diet (p = 0.017), time to first mobilization (p = 0.001) and hospital stay (p = 0.004). Compared with laparoscopic approach, robotic surgery showed significantly better results for time to first flatus (p = 0.001), to first mobilization (p = 0.005) and tolerance to solid diet (p = 0.001). Finally, anastomosis evaluation confirmed the superiority of intracorporeal approach which showed significantly better results for time to first flatus (p = 0.001), to first mobilization (p = 0.003) and tolerance to solid diet (p = 0.001); moreover, we recorded a statistical difference in favor of intracorporeal approach for infection rate (p = 0.04), bleeding (p = 0.001) and anastomotic leak (p = 0.03). Minimally invasive approach is safe and effective as the conventional open surgery, with comparable oncological results but not negligible advantages in terms of recovery outcomes. Moreover, we demonstrated that robotic approach may be considered a valid option and an intracorporeal anastomosis should always be preferred.noneMilone, Marco; Degiuli, Maurizio; Velotti, Nunzio; Manigrasso, Michele; Vertaldi, Sara; D'Ugo, Domenico; De Palma, Giovanni Domenico; Dario Bruzzese, Giuseppe Servillo, Giuseppe De Simone, Katia Di Lauro, Silvia Sofia, Marco Ettore Allaix, Mario Morino, Rossella Reddavid, Carlo Alberto Ammirati, Stefano Scabini, Gabriele Anania, Cristina Bombardini, Andrea Barberis, Roberta Longhin, Andrea Belli, Francesco Bianco, Giampaolo Formisano, Giuseppe Giuliani, Paolo Pietro Bianchi, Davide Cavaliere, Leonardo Solaini, Claudio Coco, Gianluca Rizzo, Andrea Coratti, Raffaele De Luca, Michele Simone, Alberto Di Leo, Giovanni De Manzoni, Paola De Nardi, Ugo Elmore, Riccardo Rosati, Andrea Vignali, Paolo Delrio, Ugo Pace, Daniela Rega, Antonio Di Cataldo, Giovanni Li Destri, Annibale Donini, Luigina Graziosi, Andrea Fontana, Michela Mineccia, Sergio Gentilli, Manuela Monni, Mario Guerrieri, Monica Ortenzi, Francesca Pecchini, Micaela Piccoli, Italy. Corrado Pedrazzani, Giulia Turri, Sara Pollesel, Franco Roviello, Marco Rigamonti, Michele Zuolo, Mauro Santarelli, Federica Saraceno, Pierpaolo Sileri Giuseppe Sigismondo Sica, Luigi Siragusa Salvatore Pucciarelli, Matteo ZuinMilone, Marco; Degiuli, Maurizio; Velotti, Nunzio; Manigrasso, Michele; Vertaldi, Sara; D'Ugo, Domenico; De Palma, Giovanni Domenico; Dario Bruzzese, Giuseppe Servillo, Giuseppe De Simone, Katia Di Lauro, Silvia Sofia, Marco Ettore Allaix, Mario Morino, Rossella Reddavid, Carlo Alberto Ammirati, Stefano Scabini, Gabriele Anania, Cristina Bombardini, Andrea Barberis, Roberta Longhin, Andrea Belli, Francesco Bianco, Giampaolo Formisano, Giuseppe Giuliani, Paolo Pietro Bianchi, Davide Cavaliere, Leonardo Solaini, Claudio Coco, Gianluca Rizzo, Andrea Coratti, Raffaele De Luca, Michele Simone, Alberto Di Leo, Giovanni De Manzoni, Paola De Nardi, Ugo Elmore, Riccardo Rosati, Andrea Vignali, Paolo Delrio, Ugo Pace, Daniela Rega, Antonio Di Cataldo, Giovanni Li Destri, Annibale Donini, Luigina Graziosi, Andrea Fontana, Michela Mineccia, Sergio Gentilli, Manuela Monni, Mario Guerrieri, Monica Ortenzi, Francesca Pecchini, Micaela Piccoli, Italy. Corrado Pedrazzani, Giulia Turri, Sara Pollesel, Franco Roviello, Marco Rigamonti, Michele Zuolo, Mauro Santarelli, Federica Saraceno, Pierpaolo Sileri Giuseppe Sigismondo Sica, Luigi Siragusa Salvatore Pucciarelli, Matteo Zui

    Annali storici di Principato Citra, A. 7, n. 1.1 (2009)

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    A. 7, n. 1.1 (2009): G. Guardia, Editoriale, P. 3 ; R. Salati, Le ambre "tipo Roscigno”, P. 5 ; E. Bianco, La viabilità medievale nel Parco Nazionale del Cilento e Vallo di Diano. Il territorio del Comune di Gioi, P. 33 ; D. Petrone, Le case-torri nel territorio ebolitano, P. 51 ; A. Capano, Pollica e i suoi casali nel Catasto provvisorio del 1815. Il Sessantotto a Salerno. In margine ad un Convegno e ad un libro, P. 69 ; Francesco Sofia, Il '68: alcune riflessioni, P. 95 ; G. Acocella, Un '68 "cattolico"? P. 104 ; P. Cantillo, La profezia di una società estetica, P. 108 ; G. Foscari, Il '68, P. 112 ; M. La Via, Dal mito degli anni '60 alla utopie del '68, P. 113 ; P. Lucia, Miti, utopie, speranze di una generazione, P. 117 ; L. Marinucci, Donne, istituzioni, movimenti civili: una questione ancora attuale. La Mostra "Le frodi alimentari nella provincia di Salerno fra '800 e '900" tenutasi a Salerno il 16 ottobre 2008, a cura di Caterina Aliberti e Francesco Innnella, P. 121 ; C. Aliberti - F. Innella, La Mostra "Le frodi alimentari nella Provincia di Salerno tra Ottocento e Novecento", P. 126 ; I. Ascione, Le frodi alimentari nella provincia di Salerno fra Ottocento e Novecento, P. 128 ; A. Vacca, Inganni cibici, P. 131 ; V. Ferrara, Le attività operative del Comando Carabinieri Politiche Agricole e Alimentari e del Nucleo Antifrodi Carabinieri di Salerno. Il XIV Festival "Linea d'ombra" - Festival culture giovani, P. 134 ; P. D'Antonio, Caos: tra Filosofia, Scienza e Arte, P. 150 ; S. Metetich, Al caos, al caos! Così è (se vi piace), P. 151 ; P. Simone Di Chiara, Il caos, P. 153 ; F.M. Iandiorio, M. Autuori, P.S. Di Chiara, Il caos della natura fra letteratura e percezione, P. 154 ; S. Maritato, D. Di Stefano, A. Di Lauro, M. Massa, Caos e/è cinema, P. 156 ; F. Bonifacio, M. Talento, A. Catoio, Obiettivo caotico, P. 158 ; M. Radano, Per una "memoria" del territorio. Le celebrazioni per il Millenario di Guarrazzano di Stella Cilento (1009-2009), P. 160

    Stress echo 2020 : the international stress echo study in ischemic and non-ischemic heart disease

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    Background: Stress echocardiography (SE) has an established role in evidence-based guidelines, but recently its breadth and variety of applications have extended well beyond coronary artery disease (CAD). We lack a prospective research study of SE applications, in and beyond CAD, also considering a variety of signs in addition to regional wall motion abnormalities. Methods: In a prospective, multicenter, international, observational study design, > 100 certified high-volume SE labs (initially from Italy, Brazil, Hungary, and Serbia) will be networked with an organized system of clinical, laboratory and imaging data collection at the time of physical or pharmacological SE, with structured follow-up information. The study is endorsed by the Italian Society of Cardiovascular Echography and organized in 10 subprojects focusing on: contractile reserve for prediction of cardiac resynchronization or medical therapy response; stress B-lines in heart failure; hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; heart failure with preserved ejection fraction; mitral regurgitation after either transcatheter or surgical aortic valve replacement; outdoor SE in extreme physiology; right ventricular contractile reserve in repaired Tetralogy of Fallot; suspected or initial pulmonary arterial hypertension; coronary flow velocity, left ventricular elastance reserve and B-lines in known or suspected CAD; identification of subclinical familial disease in genotype-positive, phenotype- negative healthy relatives of inherited disease (such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy). Results: We expect to recruit about 10,000 patients over a 5-year period (2016-2020), with sample sizes ranging from 5,000 for coronary flow velocity/ left ventricular elastance/ B-lines in CAD to around 250 for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or repaired Tetralogy of Fallot. This data-base will allow to investigate technical questions such as feasibility and reproducibility of various SE parameters and to assess their prognostic value in different clinical scenarios. Conclusions: The study will create the cultural, informatic and scientific infrastructure connecting high-volume, accredited SE labs, sharing common criteria of indication, execution, reporting and image storage of SE to obtain original safety, feasibility, and outcome data in evidence-poor diagnostic fields, also outside the established core application of SE in CAD based on regional wall motion abnormalities. The study will standardize procedures, validate emerging signs, and integrate the new information with established knowledge, helping to build a next-generation SE lab without inner walls

    Microglia modulates hippocampal synaptic transmission and sleep duration along the light/dark cycle

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    Microglia, the brain's resident macrophages, actively contributes to the homeostasis of cerebral parenchyma by sensing neuronal activity and supporting synaptic remodeling and plasticity. While several studies demonstrated different roles for astrocytes in sleep, the contribution of microglia in the regulation of sleep/wake cycle and in the modulation of synaptic activity in the different day phases has not been deeply investigated. Using light as a zeitgeber cue, we studied the effects of microglial depletion with the colony stimulating factor-1 receptor antagonist PLX5622 on the sleep/wake cycle and on hippocampal synaptic transmission in male mice. Our data demonstrate that almost complete microglial depletion increases the duration of NREM sleep and reduces the hippocampal excitatory neurotransmission. The fractalkine receptor CX3CR1 plays a relevant role in these effects, because cx3cr1GFP/GFP mice recapitulate what found in PLX5622-treated mice. Furthermore, during the light phase, microglia express lower levels of cx3cr1 and a reduction of cx3cr1 expression is also observed when cultured microglial cells are stimulated by ATP, a purinergic molecule released during sleep. Our findings suggest that microglia participate in the regulation of sleep, adapting their cx3cr1 expression in response to the light/dark phase, and modulating synaptic activity in a phase-dependent manner.Bordeaux Region Aquitaine Initiative for Neuroscienc