566 research outputs found

    A deep learning approach for pressure ulcer prevention using wearable computing

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    Abstract In recent years, statistics have confirmed that the number of elderly people is increasing. Aging always has a strong impact on the health of a human being; from a biological of point view, this process usually leads to several types of diseases mainly due to the impairment of the organism. In such a context, healthcare plays an important role in the healing process, trying to address these problems. One of the consequences of aging is the formation of pressure ulcers (PUs), which have a negative impact on the life quality of patients in the hospital, not only from a healthiness perspective but also psychologically. In this sense, e-health proposes several approaches to deal with this problem, however, these are not always very accurate and capable to prevent issues of this kind efficiently. Moreover, the proposed solutions are usually expensive and invasive. In this paper we were able to collect data coming from inertial sensors with the aim, in line with the Human-centric Computing (HC) paradigm, to design and implement a non-invasive system of wearable sensors for the prevention of PUs through deep learning techniques. In particular, using inertial sensors we are able to estimate the positions of the patients, and send an alert signal when he/she remains in the same position for too long a period of time. To train our system we built a dataset by monitoring the positions of a set of patients during their period of hospitalization, and we show here the results, demonstrating the feasibility of this technique and the level of accuracy we were able to reach, comparing our model with other popular machine learning approaches

    Direct to implant breast reconstruction by using SERI®, preliminary report

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    Groundwater recharge estimation in karst aquifers of southern Apennines (Italy) by integration of remotely sensed data

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    Karst aquifers, actual evapotranspiration, groundwater recharge, remote sensing data, southern Italy

    Al di lĂ  del Repubblicanesimo: ModernitĂ  politica e origini dello Stato

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    [Italiano]: Il volume raccoglie gli interventi tenutisi al Convegno Internazionale Al di là del repubblicanesimo. Modernità politica e origini dello Stato. Esperienze e discipline a confronto (1350-1600), celebrato a Napoli nell’aprile del 2018, e incorpora un certo numero di altri contributi, ritenuti in linea con lo spirito dell’operazione. I lavori, nel loro insieme, conformano il quadro della ricca varietà di tradizioni e linguaggi intellettuali che dialogano e s’incrociano nel grande snodo della modernità, grosso modo tra XIV e XVII secolo: dalla tradizione giuridica a quella dell’ars dictaminis, a quella umanistica rinascimentale e post-rinascimentale, nutrite di pensiero classico, la riflessione investe le strutture concettuali e discorsive che – tra conflitti, contraddizioni e adattamenti – concorrono a formare l’idea moderna di Stato. Il “caso di studio” della Napoli aragonese (1442-1503), dimostra come questa realtà, storicamente determinata, abbia rappresentato un laboratorio d’avanguardia di tale modernità etica e socio-politica europea. L’ultima sezione affronta, da un punto di vista storico-critico e filosofico-politico, le sfide che l’epoca contemporanea pone alla modernità politica e alla dottrina, ma forse ancor più alla realtà stessa, dello Stato. Sullo sfondo, l’invito ad esplorare un approccio rinnovato alla concettualizzazione della politica e dei comportamenti pubblici, a partire dalla riflessione sul pensiero europeo tra basso Medioevo e prima Età moderna ./[English]: The volume collects the interventions held at the International Conference Beyond Republicanism. Political modernity and the origins of the State. Comparing experiences and disciplines (1350-1600), that took place in Naples during April 2018. It also includes a number of external contributions deemed in line with the spirit of the conference. The works included in the volume describe the rich variety of intersecting traditions and specialist languages that, roughly between the fourteenth and seventeenth centuries, cross their paths during the great junction of modernity: from the juridical tradition to that of the ars dictaminis, to the humanities of the Reinassance and post-Reinassance period, all nourished by classical thought, the book’s reflection invests the conceptual and discursive structures which - amid conflicts, contradictions and adaptations - combine to form the modern idea of ​​the State. The "case study" of Aragonese Naples (1442-1503) demonstrates how this historically determined reality has represented an avant-garde laboratory of the European ethical and socio-political modernity. The last section addresses, from a historical-critical and philosophical-political point of view, the challenges that the contemporary era poses to political modernity and doctrine, and perhaps even more so to the nature of the State itself. In the background, the volume suggests to explore a renewed approach to the conceptualization of politics and public behavior, starting with a reflection on European thought between the late Middle Ages and the early modern age

    Coexistence of Ballistic and Fourier Regimes in the β Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou Lattice

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    Commonly, thermal transport properties of one-dimensional systems are found to be anomalous. Here, we perform a numerical and theoretical study of the β-Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou chain, considered a prototypical model for one-dimensional anharmonic crystals, in contact with thermostats at different temperatures. We give evidence that, in steady state conditions, the local wave energy spectrum can be naturally split into modes that are essentially ballistic (noninteracting or scarcely interacting) and kinetic modes (interacting enough to relax to local thermodynamic equilibrium). We show numerically that the well-known divergence of the energy conductivity is related to how the transition region between these two sets of modes shifts in k space with the system size L, due to properties of the collision integral of the system. Moreover, we show that the kinetic modes are responsible for a macroscopic behavior compatible with Fourier's law. Our work sheds light on the long-standing problem of the applicability of standard thermodynamics in one-dimensional nonlinear chains, testbed for understanding the thermal properties of nanotubes and nanowires
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