88 research outputs found
Mating disruption of helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on processing tomato: First applications in northern Italy
Helicoverpa armigera is a polyphagous and globally distributed pest. In Italy, this species causes severe damage on processing tomato. We compared the efficacy of mating disruption with a standard integrated pest management strategy (IPM) in a two-year experiment carried out in Northern Italy. Mating disruption registered a very high suppression of male captures (>95%) in both growing seasons. Geostatistical analysis of trap catches was shown to be a useful tool to estimate the efficacy of the technique through representation of the spatial pattern of captures. Lower fruit damage was recorded in mating disruption than in the untreated control plots, with a variable efficacy depending on season and sampling date. Mating disruption showed a higher efficacy than standard IPM in controlling H. armigera infestation in the second season experiment. Mating disruption showed the potential to optimize the H. armigera control. Geostatistical maps were suitable to draw the pheromone drift out of the pheromone-treated area in order to evaluate the efficacy of the technique and to detect the weak points in a pheromone treated field. Mating disruption and standard IPM against H. armigera were demonstrated to be only partially effective in comparison with the untreated plots because both strategies were not able to fully avoid fruit damage
Gallbladder Agenesis and Cystic Duct Absence in an Adult Patient Diagnosed by Magnetic Resonance Cholangiography: Report of a Case and Review of the Literature
Gallbladder agenesis (GA) is a rare congenital anomaly of the biliary system often associated with other congenital abnormalities. Patients become symptomatic in 23% of cases. GA is often misinterpreted as other diseases, therefore, leading to unnecessary surgery. We report a case of congenital GA associated to cystic duct absence and a biliary tract abnormality diagnosed by Magnetic Resonance with Cholangiopancreatography
Large paravertebral abscess in a child.
A 2-year-old male infant with a recent history of imbalance and ambulatorydeficits came to our attention after entering the primary care unit. The child presented with a marked loss of appetite and progressive weight loss during the last two weeks. Clinical examination showeddorsal gibbus and signs of uppermotor neuron lesion on lower limb examination. Conventional laboratory exams showed a mild leukocytosis and elevation of erythrocyte sedimentation rate andC-reactive protein levels.Anultrasound evaluationof the abdomen identified a large solid mass reported on the left suprarenalgland.X-rayexaminationof the spinewasperformedand revealed crushing of the 11 and 12 dorsal vertebrae with
Imaging of Congenital Skeletal Disorders
AbstractOsteochondrodysplasias are the result of the expression of gene mutations. The phenotypes in osteochondrodysplasias evolve through life, with the possibility that previously unaffected bones may be involved at later stages of growth. Due to the variable time of onset, the diagnosis may be made prenatally, at birth, or later. Certainty in the diagnosis is sometimes only achieved as the patient matures and the disease evolves. Radiographic evaluation is a fundamental part of the diagnostic work-up of congenital skeletal disorders and in most cases the first tool used to arrive at a diagnosis. This review describes the imaging characteristics, specific signs, and evolution of several skeletal dysplasias in which diagnosis may be directly or indirectly suggested by radiologic findings. A definitive accurate diagnosis of a congenital skeletal abnormality is necessary to help provide a prognosis of expected outcomes and to counsel parents and patients
Reforestation as part of an urban eco-horticultural infrastructure
Redevelopment of urban spaces can take different forms and configurations. With this work
we propose a project of regeneration of residual green spaces included within an exindustrial area located in the outskirts of Bologna. Three small urban forests have been
designed and put into practice, using native and naturalized species, with the specific aim of
contributing to the spill-over of beneficial organisms, such as insect predators, parasitoids
and pollinators from these areas to cultivated fields. The project, in fact, is part of a complex
green infrastructure, a cycle-eco-horticultural corridor, made up also by an orchard of
ancient and forgotten varieties, productive fields managed with organic method, semiintensive cultivation of aromatic plants, social gardens and fellow field
Design of “hot-spots” for beneficial insects in urban context
This study has the aim of identifying the wild plant species located in the case study area, an urban agro-ecological farm, that could be used to build functional biodiversity "hot-spots", in order to attract and create suitable habitats for predators, parasitoids and pollinators insects in view of conservative biological control and pollination service.
Design of the specific "hot spots" is based on the consideration that some plants have a fundamental role in entomophagous and pollinator insects life as source of protein through their pollen, energy from their nectar, alternative preys and winter shelter. These roles are synthetized within the sigla SNAP (shelter, nectar, alternative preys), the base of conservative
biological control
Dieci orti brevi. Storie di piante, uomini e altri animali
10 Orti Brevi. Storie di piante uomini e altri animali.
Dieci racconti sulla storia di ortaggi, scritti nell'occasione dell'evento 10 orti brevi, nell'ambito dell’evento nazionale “Che Gusto” di Repubblica-Gusto, che si è svolto a Bologna nell’autunno del 2023
Frailty and Sarcopenia in Older Patients Receiving Kidney Transplantation
Kidney transplantation is the treatment of choice for most of the patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). It improves quality of life, life expectancy, and has a lower financial burden to the healthcare system in comparison to dialysis. Every year more and more older patients are included in the kidney transplant waitlist. Within this patient population, transplanted subjects have better survival and quality of life as compared to those on dialysis. It is therefore crucial to select older patients who may benefit from renal transplantation, as well as those particularly at risk for post-transplant complications. Sarcopenia and frailty are frequently neglected in the evaluation of kidney transplant candidates. Both conditions are interrelated complex geriatric syndromes that are linked to disability, aging, comorbidities, increased mortality, and graft failure post-transplantation. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and more importantly ESRD are characterized by multiple metabolic complications that contribute for the development of sarcopenia and frailty. In particular, anorexia, metabolic acidosis and chronic low-grade inflammation are the main contributors to the development of sarcopenia, a key component in frail transplant candidates and recipients. Both frailty and sarcopenia are considered to be reversible. Frail patients respond well to multiprofessional interventions that focus on the patients' positive frailty criteria, while physical rehabilitation and oral supplementation may improve sarcopenia. Prospective studies are still needed to evaluate the utility of formally measuring frailty and sarcopenia in the older candidates to renal transplantation as part of the transplant evaluation process
Plant-syrphid interactions in an urban farm matrix
Insect biodiversity is being lost at a staggering rate. One of the largest contributors of global insects declines is urban development and expansion (Maxwell et al., 2020). This is because natural and semi-natural landscapes are converted into areas dominated by built features and impervious ground cover, leading to habitat loss and degradation and ultimately, insect and pollinator extinction or replacement (McKinney, 2006). Urban agricultural sites are a growing component of cities to improve food security and reintroduce ‘green spaces’ that could potentially revitalise dull city centres that are otherwise depauperate in vegetation and biodiversity. However, it is still unclear how urban agriculture contributes to biodiversity and whether it beneficially impacts pollinator communities
Oli essenziali come repellenti per Halyomorpha halys: prove olfattometriche e in laboratorio in condizioni di scelta
La cimice asiatica, Halyomorpha halys Stål 1855 (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), originaria dell’Asia nordorientale, è un insetto dannoso estremamente invasivo, segnalato per la prima volta in Italia nel 2012 e in
breve tempo divenuto il fitofago chiave in numerosi agroecosistemi causando ingenti danni economici su
molte colture arboree. Nel presente lavoro sono stati presi in considerazione oli essenziali di canapa (Cannabis sativa), artemisia (Artemisia vulgaris), cajeput (Melaleuca cajuputi), origano di Spagna (Thymbra capitata) menta (Mentha piperita), geranio (Pelargonium graveolens), allo scopo di valutarne le potenzialità come repellenti in strategie integrate (es. push and pull) di lotta all’insetto, in particolare su pero. Gli oli essenziali sono stati saggiati, a diverse concentrazioni e in diverse combinazioni (blend), in prove olfattometriche (olfattometro a Y). Una volta selezionati gli oli e le miscele maggiormente performanti come repellenti, sono state effettuate prove “in vivo” su frutti di pero in condizioni di scelta in arene sperimentali appositamente realizzate. Gli oli utilizzati in tali prove sono stati caratterizzati chimicamente tramite Gas cromatografia con rivelatore a ionizzazione di fiamma (GC-FID).
I risultati hanno permesso di evidenziare l’estrema efficacia di alcune miscele di oli essenziali - in particolare: cajeput+origano di Spagna e menta+geranio - come repellenti di H. halys. L’efficacia è tuttavia fortemente influenzata dalle concentrazioni relative e dal tempo trascorso dal trattamento, fattore quest’ultimo
importante data l’elevata volatilità degli oli essenziali.
Le sperimentazioni illustrate in questo lavoro fanno ben sperare sulla possibilità di utilizzo di miscele di oli
essenziali come repellenti della cimice asiatica in strategie integrate (es. “push and pull”) per il controllo della cimice asiatica, ma le loro effettive potenzialità richiedono conferme in successive sperimentazioni in piano
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