4,478 research outputs found


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    L\u27Autore, dopo un \u27anali si storica del concetto di medaglia ed un cenno alla sua origine avvenuta in Italia nei primi decenni del XV secolo, cita gli esemplari fusi nella seconda metĂ  dello stesso secolo per celebrare personaggi legati alla storia di Aquileia. Passa quindi ad illustrare quelle che hanno attinenza con l\u27 Istria nel secolo XVI. Le prime protagoniste del medagliere istriano sono quattro medaglie di Averoldo Altobello Vescovo di Pota dal 1497 al 1531. Gli esemplari studiati, conservati nei musei di Parigi, Trieste, Bologna e Berlino, vengono descritti seguendo criteri stilistici e storiografici aggiornati secondo le piĂč recenti fonti bibliografiche.Nakon povijesne analize pojma medalje te biljeske o njenom razvoju na talijanskom tlu tokom prvih desetljeĂ©a XV st., autor navodi primjerke ljevene u drugoj polovici istog stoljeĂ©a u spomen licnostima vezanim za akvilejsku povijest. U nastavku autor ilustrira medalje vezane za Istru iz XVI st. Prvi primjerci istarske zbirke medalja datiraju od 1497. do 1531. god. i pripadaju pulskom biskupu Averoldu Altobellu. Proueavane medalje, koje se inace cuvaju u muzejima Pariza, Trsta, Bologne i Berlina, opisane su po stilistickim i historiografskim kriterijima aiuriranim sa najnovijim bibliografskim izvorima

    La thĂ©orie durkheimienne du lien social Ă  l’épreuve de l’éducation morale

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    Une personne, ce n’est pas seulement un ĂȘtre qui se contient, c’est aussi un systĂšme d’idĂ©es, de sentiments, d’habitudes, de tendances, c’est une conscience qui a un contenu; et l’on est d’autant plus une personne que ce contenu est plus riche en Ă©lĂ©ments.(Durkheim, L’éducation morale). Philippe Besnard a eu, Ă  l’égard de la pensĂ©e et de la tradition durkheimiennes, une attitude multiple et fĂ©conde. Dans ses Ă©tudes sur Durkheim et les durkheimiens, Ă©tudes qui ont fait date et dont le recueil ..

    Studies on the enzymatic conversion of oxygen-substituted sterols to cholesterol.

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    Abstract The intermediary role of oxygenated sterols in the conversion of cholest-7-en-3ÎČ-ol to cholesta-5,7-dien-3ÎČ-ol by rat liver homogenates is considered, assuming that an oxygen molecule may attack the double bond of cholest-7-en-3ÎČ-ol. Labeled cholestan-7α,8α-epoxy-3ÎČ-ol, cholestane-3ÎČ,7ÎČ,8α-triol, cholest-8-ene-3ÎČ,7Ο-diols, cholestane-3ÎČ,7α,8α-triol, cholestane-3ÎČ,-8α-diol-7-one, and cholest-8(14)-ene-3ÎČ,7α-diol have been synthesized. All these compounds, but cholestane-3ÎČ,7α,8α-triol, are efficiently transformed to cholesterol under oxygen atmosphere. However, they cannot be considered as obligatory intermediates in the biosynthesis of cholesterol from cholest-7-en-3ÎČ-ol since under anaerobiosis they are transformed to cholest-7-en-3ÎČ-ol. The implications of these findings and the mechanisms involved are discussed

    Treatment with lipid therapy to resuscitate a patient suffering from toxicity due to local anesthetics

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    Recently, although without a universal recognition, the use of lipid emulsions as a rescue therapy for the bupivacaine cardiac toxicity has been proposed. In this article we report a successful resuscitation of a patient after the injection of bupivacaine in emergency room and a commented review of the related literature. The patient is a 73 years old man that, after a subcutaneous injection of bupivacaine (0.5%, i.e. 0.5 mL/h), developed circulatory arrest. After the failure of the initial treatment based on the advanced life support protocol, we have successfully performed a therapy with lipid emulsion. The bupivacaine intravascular injection, together with its interaction with amitriptyline and carbamazepine, could lead to cardiac depression, severe arrhythmias, hypotension, and/or cardiac arrest. In the case of failure of traditional life support treatment, intravenous lipid emulsion proves to be the best therapy to treat bupivacaine systemic toxicity

    Current treatment strategies for seasonal allergic rhinitis: where are we heading?

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    Allergic rhinitis (AR) is very commonly caused by pollens. The symptoms of AR consist of sneezing, nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, nasal itching and airflow obstruction. The diagnosis has long been based on clinical history, skin prick tests and in vitro measurement of specific IgE, but the innovative approach of precision medicine has made diagnostic tools of much greater accuracy available

    Hypnotizability-related complexity of heart rate variability during long lasting relaxation

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    Aim of the experiment was to compare heart rate and HRV of healthy subjects with high (Highs) and low (Lows) susceptibility to hypnosis during long-lasting relaxation. HRV indexes extracted in the frequency and time domain as well as related to the complexity of the tachogram (entropy) were analyzed through repeated measures ANOVA. The results indicated a parasympathetic prevalence in Highs all over the session and a sympathetic modulation across the session in both groups reflected in the sd2 dimension of the Poincar? plot and in entropy. The possible role of the Very Low Frequency spectral component in these changes, supported by the different correlations between entropy and frequency/time related indexes of HRV, is suggeste

    VKORC1 and CYP2C9 polymorphisms related to adverse events in case-control cohort of anticoagulated patients

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    Vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) are highly effective but have a narrow therapeutic index and require routine monitoring of the INR. The primary aim of pharmacogenetics (PGx) is to optimize patient care, achieving drug treatments that are personalized according to the genetic profile of each patient. The best-characterized genes involved in VKA PGx involve pharmacokinetics (VKORC1) and pharmacodynamics (CYP2C9) of VKA metabolism. The role of these genes in clinical outcomes (bleeding and thrombosis) during oral anticoagulant (OAC) therapy is controversial. The aim of the present study was to evaluate any potential association between genotype VKORC1 and CYP2C9 and adverse events (hemorrhagic and/or thrombotic), during initiation and long-term VKA treatment, in Caucasian patients. Furthermore, we aimed to determine if the concomitant prescription of other selected drugs affected the association between genotype and adverse events.We performed a retrospective, matched case-control study to determine associations between multiple gene variants, drug intake, and any major adverse effects in anticoagulated patients, monitored in 2 Italian anticoagulation clinics.Our results show that anticoagulated patients have a high risk of adverse events if they are carriers of 1 or more genetic polymorphisms in the VKORC1 (rs9923231) and CYP2C9 (rs1799853 and rs1057910) genes.Information on CYP2C9 and VKORC1 variants may be useful to identify individualized oral anticoagulant treatment for each patient, improve management and quality of VKA anticoagulation control, and monitor drug surveillance in pharmacovigilance programs
