28 research outputs found

    Analysis of some environmental barriers for physical activity Cuernavaca City, Morelos, México

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    Introduction: Physical activity (PA) is a factor of protection against multiple diseases. Global recommendations for PA are well established and are spread in all possible scenarios, but the built environment could present multiple barriers to follow these recommendations. Objective: To Analyze some built environment barriers for physical activity by levels of marginalization in the city of Cuernavaca, Mexico. Material and methods: Using the software Atlas ti 5.0, data from 170 observation guides and were categorized. The analysis of a photographic collection of 341 images of 20 AGEBS of Cuernavaca was performed using an analysis connotative and denotative by 3 categories (roadways, traffic and sports areas). Stata 12.0 software was used to obtain frequencies and percentages. Results: Deficiencies in the design and use of spaces such as sidewalks, lack of signage and insecurity of public roads were identified. Lack of spaces for the practice of physical activity was found. There is only one presence of 10% of sports facilities in the 20 AGEBS studied. It was found that 82.86% of the streets are in poor condition. Poor street lighting, lack of bicycle paths and graffiti with significant percentages were also identified as barriers to PA. Discussion: In Cuernavaca the possibilities of access to safe spaces for FA have multiple barriers, this negatively affects the health of the habitants of the city, and that is not consistent with global recommendations for physical activity. Conclusions: Identifying and abolishing barriers must be within the priorities of public health policies and interventions should seek this transformation, to improve the tendency to only report on benefits of physical activity prevailing in the vast majority of programs.Introducción: La actividad física (AF) es un factor de protección ante múltiples enfermedades. Las recomendaciones mundiales para la AF están bien establecidas y son difundidas en todos los escenarios posibles, pero el ambiente construido podría presentar múltiples barreras para seguir dichas recomendaciones. Objetivo: Analizar algunas barreras del ambiente construido para la actividad física por niveles de marginación en la ciudad de Cuernavaca, México. Materiales y métodos: Empleando el programa Atlas ti 5.0, se categorizaron los datos obtenidos de 170 guías de observación. Se realizó el análisis de un acervo fotográfico de 341 imágenes de 20 AGEBS de la ciudad de Cuernavaca, utilizando un análisis de imágenes fijas connotativo, denotativo y por 3 categorías (Calzadas, tránsito y espacios deportivos). Se utilizó el programa Stata 12.0 para obtener frecuencias y porcentajes. Resultados: Se identificaron deficiencias en el diseño y uso de espacios como las banquetas, falta de señalización e inseguridad de las vías públicas. Se encontró carencia de espacios para la práctica de la actividad física. Solo hay una presencia del 10% de espacios deportivos en los 20 AGEBS estudiados. Se encontró que el 82.86% de las calles está en deficiente estado. La deficiente iluminación vial, carencia de ciclovías y grafitis con porcentajes importantes también se identificaron como barreras para la AF. Discusión: En Cuernavaca las posibilidades de acceso a espacios seguros, presentan múltiples barreras y por ende esta tendencia afecta de forma negativa la salud de los habitantes de la ciudad, además que no es congruente con las recomendaciones mundiales para la actividad física. Conclusiones: La identificación y abolición de las barreras deben estar dentro las prioridades de las políticas de salud públicas y las intervenciones deben procurar dicha transformación, de esta forma se superará la tendencia de solamente informar sobre los beneficios de la actividad física que predominan en la gran mayoría de las recomendaciones e intervenciones

    Mental health problems and smoking among adolescents from Southern Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the association between mental health problems and smoking in adolescents. METHODS: A total of 4,325 adolescents aged 15 from the 1993 birth cohort of the city of Pelotas, Southern Brazil, was studied. Smoking was defined as having smoked one or more cigarettes in the previous 30 days. Mental health was assessed according to the total score of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. Score >; 20 points was considered positive. Data were analyzed using Poisson regression with adjustment for robust variance. RESULTS: Smoking prevalence was 6.0% and about 30% of the adolescents presented some mental health problem. In the crude analysis, the prevalence ratio for smoking was 3.3 (95%CI 2.5; 4.2). After the adjusted analysis (for sex, age, skin color, family income, mother's level of schooling, group of friends who smoke, employment in the previous year, school failure, physical activity during leisure time and experimental use of alcohol), it decreased to 1.7 (95%CI 1.2; 2.3) among those with mental health problem. CONCLUSIONS: Mental health problems in adolescence may be related to tobacco consumption.OBJETIVO: Analisar a associação entre problemas de saúde mental e uso de tabaco em adolescentes. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados 4.325 adolescentes de 15 anos da coorte de nascimentos de 1993 da cidade de Pelotas, RS. Tabagismo foi definido como fumar um ou mais cigarros nos últimos 30 dias. Saúde mental foi avaliada de acordo com o escore total do questionário Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire e escore maior ou igual a 20 pontos foi considerado como positivo. Os dados foram analisados por regressão de Poisson, com ajuste robusto para variância. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de tabagismo foi 6,0% e cerca de 30% dos adolescentes apresentaram algum tipo de problema de saúde mental. Na análise bruta, a razão de prevalências para tabagismo foi de 3,3 (IC95% 2,5; 4,2). Após ajuste (para sexo, idade, cor da pele, renda familiar, escolaridade da mãe, grupo de amigos fumantes, trabalho no último ano, repetência escolar, atividade física de lazer e uso experimental de bebida alcoólica), diminuiu para 1,7 (IC95% 1,2; 2,3) entre aqueles com problemas de saúde mental. CONCLUSÕES: Problemas de saúde mental na adolescência podem ter relação com o consumo de tabaco.OBJETIVO: Analizar la asociación entre problemas de salud mental y uso de cigarro en adolescentes. MÉTODOS: Se analizaron 4.325 adolescentes de 15 años de la cohorte de nacimientos de 1993 de la ciudad de Pelotas, Sur de Brasil. Tabaquismo fue definido como fumar uno o más cigarros en los últimos 30 días. Salud mental fue evaluada de acuerdo con el escore total del cuestionario Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire y escore mayor o igual a 20 puntos fue considerado como positivo. Los datos fueron analizados por regresión de Poisson, con ajuste robusto para varianza. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de tabaquismo fue 6,0% y cerca de 30% de los adolescentes presentaron algún tipo de problema de salud mental. En el análisis bruto, la tasa de prevalencias de problema de tabaquismo de 3,3 (IC95% 2,5;4,2). Posterior al ajuste para sexo, edad, color de la piel, renta familiar, escolaridad de la madre, grupo de amigos fumadores, trabajo en el último año, repitencia escolar, actividad física de ocio y uso experimental de bebida alcohólica, disminuyó a 1,7 (IC95% 1,2;2,3) entre aquellos con problemas de salud mental. CONCLUSIONES: Problemas de salud mental en la adolescencia pueden tener relación con el consumo de tabaco

    Ethnic group inequalities in coverage with reproductive, maternal and child health interventions:cross-sectional analyses of national surveys in 16 Latin American and Caribbean countries

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    Background Latin American and Caribbean populations include three main ethnic groups: indigenous people, people of African descent, and people of European descent. We investigated ethnic inequalities among these groups in population coverage with reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health interventions. Methods We analysed 16 standardised, nationally representative surveys carried out from 2004 to 2015 in Latin America and the Caribbean that provided information on ethnicity or a proxy indicator (household language or skin colour) and on coverage of reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health interventions. We selected four outcomes: coverage with modern contraception, antenatal care coverage (defined as four or more antenatal visits), and skilled attendants at birth for women aged 15-49 years; and coverage with three doses of diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus (DPT3) vaccine among children aged 12-23 months. We classified women and children as indigenous, of African descent, or other ancestry (reference group) on the basis of their self-reported ethnicity or language. Mediating variables included wealth quintiles (based on household asset indices), woman's education, and urban-rural residence. We calculated crude and adjusted coverage ratios using Poisson regression. Findings Ethnic gaps in coverage varied substantially from country to country. In most countries, coverage with modern contraception (median coverage ratio 0.82, IQR 0.66-0.92), antenatal care (0.86, 0.75-0.94), and skilled birth attendants (0.75, 0.68-0.92) was lower among indigenous women than in the reference group. Only three countries (Nicaragua, Panama, and Paraguay) showed significant gaps in DPT3 coverage between the indigenous and the reference groups. The differences were attenuated but persisted after adjustment for wealth, education, and residence. Women and children of African descent showed similar coverage to the reference group in most countries. Interpretation The lower coverage levels for indigenous women are pervasive, and cannot be explained solely by differences in wealth, education, or residence. Interventions delivered at community level-such as vaccines-show less inequality than those requiring access to services, such as birth attendance. Regular monitoring of ethnic inequalities is essential to evaluate existing initiatives aimed at the inclusion of minorities and to plan effective multisectoral policies and programmes.Entidad financiadora: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Wellcome Trus

    Effect of reiterative sprays of an agricultural detergent at low concentrations to control the wooly apple aphid, eriosoma lanigerum, during the summer on malus domestica.

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    Memoria para optar al Título Profesional de Ingeniero AgrónomoSe evaluó el control de Eriosoma lanigerum Hausmann infestando manzanos (Malus domestica Borkh) var. Granny Smith plantados en maceta y mantenidos en sombreadero, con aplicaciones repetidas (1 a 3) de un detergente agrícola (TS2035) en concentraciones bajas (0,5 y 1,0 % v/v), en período estival. El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar, con tres repeticiones (=1 maceta/repetición) y 8 tratamientos, incluyendo Lorsban 75 WG (estándar recomendado contra E. lanigerum; se aplicó sólo una vez) y agua pura (testigo). Se hizo una evaluación pre-, y una evaluación post-aspersiones (0,7 y 14 días post aplicación) de los individuos vivos y muertos, estimando el porcentaje de mortalidad bajo lupa estereoscópica (20x). También se evaluó el porcentaje de hojas con síntomas de fitotoxicidad. Los resultados de mortalidad se corrigieron (respecto de la inicial), se transformaron a grados Bliss y sometieron a ANDEVA factorial, seguidos del test de Tukey (p<0,05). Se encontró que la mortalidad inicial fue baja y relativamente homogénea, sin signos de fitotoxicidad, antes de las aplicaciones. Post aplicaciones, tanto el número de aplicaciones como la concentración del detergente, fueron significativos en la mortalidad final, mientras que sólo la concentración fue significativa en la ocurrencia de fitotoxicidad en el follaje, sin interacción entre los factores para ninguna de las variables medidas

    Profile of food consumption in the first childhood of individuals belonging to birth cohort of 2004 - Pelotas / RS

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    Objectives: To identify the eating profile of children in early childhood and to assess its variability according to demographic, socioeconomic and behavioral factors. Methods: 4,231 children participated in the study of perinatal birth cohort from Pelotas, southern Brazil, who were followed at 3, 12, 24, and 48 months. Information on children's food intake were collected through a list of foods consumed in last 24 hours before interviews (LF24) at 12, 24 and 48 months of age. Principal components analysis (PCA) was carried out in order to identify eating profiles for each age studied. Results: We identified five components in each follow-up. Four of them were equal in three follow-ups, which were called milks, base, beverage and snack. A component called adult appeared at 12 and 24 months and another, called treats, at 48 months. The greatest differences were found between the dietary profile and socioeconomic groups in all the trimmings. Milks was the profile that best explained the children s diet at 12 months. At 48 months, breast milk doesn t appear anymore and at this age milks (cow's milk and chocolate milk) shows an monotonic and increasing trend in relation to economic level, indicating that richest families tends to present great consumption of theses foods. The component sweets at 48 months of age was associated with greater consumption of sweets, chocolate and chips, which were negatively associated with socioeconomic status and maternal education. Child care outside home was a characteristic extremely important for differentiation of eating profiles, with aging. Conclusion: Our results showed that in times such early childhood, food profiles already associated with social (education, socioeconomic status and child care) and behavioral (duration of breastfeeding, bottle feeding and pacifier) characteristics.Objetivos: identificar o perfil alimentar de crianças na primeira infância e avaliar sua variabilidade segundo fatores demográficos, socioeconômicos e comportamentais. Métodos: No estudo perinatal da coorte de nascimentos de Pelotas (Sul do Brasil) participaram 4.231 crianças as quais foram acompanhadas com 3, 12, 24, e 48 meses. As informações sobre consumo alimentar das crianças foram coletadas através de uma lista de alimentos em 24 horas (LA24) aos 12, 24 e 48 meses de idade através desses dados foram identificados perfis alimentares usando análise de componentes principais (ACP) para cada uma das idades estudadas. Resultados: Foram identificados cinco componentes em cada um dos acompanhamentos. Quatro deles foram iguais em três acompanhamentos, os quais foram denominados leites, base, bebida e lanche. Um componente chamado adulto apareceu aos 12 e 24 meses e o guloseimas, aos 48 meses. As maiores diferenças foram encontradas entre o perfil alimentar e os grupos de nível econômico medido pelo IEN em todos os acompanhamentos. O leite materno apareceu, aos 12 meses como o perfil que melhor explicou a alimentação das crianças. Aos 48 meses, o leite materno não apareceu e pode-se mostrar uma tendência crescente, monotônica, do escore leites (leite de vaca e achocolatado) com o nível econômico, indicando maior consumo destes alimentos, quanto mais rica a família. O componente guloseimas (48 meses) esteve associado ao maior consumo de doces, chocolate e chips, o qual apresentou associação negativa com nível econômico e escolaridade da mãe. O fato da criança ter sido cuidada fora de casa foi uma característica de extrema importância na diferenciação dos perfis alimentares, conforme o avanço da idade. Conclusão: Nossos resultados mostraram que em período tão precoce quanto a infância os perfis alimentares já se mostram associados a características sociais (escolaridade, nível socioeconômico e cuidado da criança) e comportamentais (duração do aleitamento materno, uso de mamadeira e bico)

    Food intake profiles of children aged 12, 24 and 48 months from the 2004 Pelotas (Brazil) birth cohort: an exploratory analysis using principal components

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    Abstract Objectives To identify food intake profiles of children during their first four years of life and assess its variations according to sociodemographic and behavioral characteristics. Methods The Pelotas Birth Cohort Study (Brazil) recruited 4,231 liveborns, who were followed-up at ages 3, 12, 24 and 48 months. Food consumption data of children aged 12, 24 and 48 months was collected using a list of foods consumed during a 24-hour period prior to the interview. The food profiles were identified with the use of principal component analysis (PCA) for each age studied. Results Five components were identified at each age, four of them similar in all time points, namely: beverages, milks, staple, and snacks. A meat & vegetables component was identified at 12 and 24 months and a treats component at 48 months. The greatest nutritional differences were found among children from different socioeconomic levels. With regard to the milks component, higher breast milk intake compared to cow's milk was seen among poorer children (12- and 24-month old) and higher milk and chocolate powdered milk drink consumption was seen among more affluent children aged 48 months. Poorer children of less educated mothers showed higher adherence to the treats component (48 months). Regarding to the snack component, poorer children consumed more coffee, bread/cookies while more affluent children consumed proportionately more fruits, yogurt and soft drinks. Child care outside of the home was also a factor influencing food profiles more aligned with a healthier diet. Conclusions The study results showed that very early in life children show food profiles that are strongly associated with social (maternal schooling, socioeconomic position and child care) and behavioral characteristics (breast-feeding duration, bottle-feeding and pacifier use).</p

    Análisis de algunas barreras del ambiente construido para la actividad física en la Ciudad de Cuernavaca, Morelos, México

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    Introducción: La actividad física (AF) es un factor de protección ante múltiples enfermedades. Las recomendaciones mundiales para la AF están bien establecidas y son difundidas en todos los escenarios posibles, pero el ambiente construido podría presentar múltiples barreras para seguir dichas recomendaciones. Objetivo: Analizar algunas barreras del ambiente construido para la actividad física por niveles de marginación en la ciudad de Cuernavaca, México. Materiales y métodos: Empleando el programa Atlas ti 5.0, se categorizaron los datos obtenidos de 170 guías de observación. Se realizó el análisis de un acervo fotográfico de 341 imágenes de 20 AGEBS de la ciudad de Cuernavaca, utilizando un análisis de imágenes fijas connotativo, denotativo y por 3 categorías (Calzadas, tránsito y espacios deportivos). Se utilizó el programa Stata 12.0 para obtener frecuencias y porcentajes. Resultados: Se identificaron deficiencias en el diseño y uso de espacios como las banquetas, falta de señalización e inseguridad de las vías públicas. Se encontró carencia de espacios para la práctica de la actividad física. Solo hay una presencia del 10% de espacios deportivos en los 20 AGEBS estudiados. Se encontró que el 82.86% de las calles está en deficiente estado. La deficiente iluminación vial, carencia de ciclovías y grafitis con porcentajes importantes también se identificaron como barreras para la AF. Discusión: En Cuernavaca las posibilidades de acceso a espacios seguros, presentan múltiples barreras y por ende esta tendencia afecta de forma negativa la salud de los habitantes de la ciudad, además que no es congruente con las recomendaciones mundiales para la actividad física. Conclusiones: La identificación y abolición de las barreras deben estar dentro las prioridades de las políticas de salud públicas y las intervenciones deben procurar dicha transformación, de esta forma se superará la tendencia de solamente informar sobre los beneficios de la actividad física que predominan en la gran mayoría de las recomendaciones e intervenciones

    Physical fitness of school age children post-implementation of an educational intervention to prevent childhood obesity in Morelos, Mexico

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    Objective. To compare the physical fitness of children from eight elementary schools in Morelos, México after the imple­mentation of an intervention to prevent childhood obesity. Materials and methods. 214 children were randomly selected (111 - intervention community and 103 - control community). Physical fitness was evaluated by the 6 minutes walking test and the 50 meters speed test, as well as the number of steps/day. Results. The median of time in the speed test at the intervention site was 11.3 seconds and 13.8 seconds at the control site (p<0.001). The median distance traveled in the walking test was 550 m in the intervention site and 420 m in the control site (p<0.001). The children of the intervention community took a median of 15 161 steps/ day and those of the control community took 13 749 steps/ day (p<0.05). Conclusions. Children from the intervention community have significantly better physical fitness

    Infant formula consumption is positively correlated with wealth, within and between countries: a multi-country study

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    BackgroundIn contrast with the ample literature on within- and between-country inequalities in breastfeeding practices, there are no multi-country analyses of socioeconomic disparities in breastmilk substitute (BMS) consumption in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).ObjectiveThis study aimed to investigate between- and within-country socioeconomic inequalities in breastfeeding and BMS consumption in LMICs.MethodsWe examined data from the Demographic Health Surveys and Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys conducted in 90 LMICs since 2010 to calculate Pearson correlation coefficients between infant feeding indicators and per capita gross domestic product (GDP). Within-country inequalities in exclusive breastfeeding, intake of formula or other types of nonhuman milk (cow/goat) were studied for infants aged 0&ndash;5 mo, and for continued breastfeeding at ages 12&ndash;15 mo through graphical presentation of coverage wealth quintiles.ResultsBetween-country analyses showed that log GDP was inversely correlated with exclusive (r = &minus;0.37, P &lt; 0.001) and continued breastfeeding (r = &minus;0.74, P &lt; 0.0001), and was positively correlated with formula intake (r = 0.70, P &lt; 0.0001). Continued breastfeeding was inversely correlated with formula (r = &minus;0.79, P &lt; 0.0001), and was less strongly correlated with the intake of other types of nonhuman milk (r = &minus;0.40, P &lt; 0.001). Within-country analyses showed that 69 out of 89 did not have significant disparities in exclusive breastfeeding. Continued breastfeeding was significantly higher in children belonging to the poorest 20% of households compared with the wealthiest 20% in 40 countries (by &sim;30 percentage points on average), whereas formula feeding was more common in the wealthiest group in 59 countries.ConclusionsBMS intake is positively associated with GDP and negatively associated with continued breastfeeding in LMICs. In most countries, BMS intake is positively associated with family wealth, and will likely become more widespread as countries develop. Urgent action is needed to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding in all income groups and to reduce the intake of BMS, in light of the hazards associated with their use