16 research outputs found

    Monitoraggio microbiologico ambientale nei musei: conservazione preventiva delle collezioni grafiche

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    Summary In museums, the biological component of indoor air, called bioaerosol or biological aerosol, is a potential biodeteriogen for graphic collections. The biological particles settling on the surface of artworks find favorable nutritional and environmental conditions for their growth, and promote biodeterioration. As is well known, biological attacks depend on microclimatic conditions; for this reason their control is essential to assess contamination and estimate biological risks. This article presents the partial application of a methodological model, in the National Institute of Graphic Arts (Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica-ING), a museum of international importance in Rome, on a collection of ancient drawings in the Fondo Corsini, preserved in repository no.1. This model is based on an integrated system of biological environmental monitoring (air and surfaces) in association with microclimatic monitoring (repository no.1, cabinet no.6, volumes, drawings and outdoor) carried out in an interdisciplinary research project.The values of thermohygrometric parameters were stable enough during the monitored month and had no daily fluctuations. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of air contamination and that on the surfaces of drawings did not show a critical situation.This article describes a pilot study which has focused attention on the biological contamination of the graphic collections and is a contribution to standardizing a system of diagnosis-intervention for preventive conservation of organic cultural heritage preserved in museums and in other indoor environments and the protection of the health of operators and visitors.Riassunto Nei musei la componente biologica dell’aria, chiamata bioaerosol o aerosol biologico, rappresenta un potenziale biodeteriogeno per le collezioni grafiche aventi come supporto la carta. Le particelle biologiche quando si depositano sulla superficie del manufatto e trovano condizioni nutrizionali ed ambientali favorevoli per la loro crescita causano il biodeterioramento. Come è noto gli attacchi biologici sono fortemente condizionati dalle condizioni microclimatiche, per questo il loro controllo è essenziale per la valutazione della contaminazione e la stima del rischio biologico. In questo articolo viene presentata l’applicazione parziale di un modello metodologico presso l’Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica (ING), un organismo museale di rilevanza internazionale con sede a Roma, su una raccolta di disegni antichi appartenenti al Fondo Corsini, conservato nel deposito di conservazione n°1. Tale modello è basato su un sistema integrato di monitoraggio microbiologico (aria e superfici) e monitoraggio microclimatico (interno ed esterno ambiente, opere ed arredi) e realizzato su un progetto di ricerca interdisciplinare. Dai risultati ottenuti emerge che i parametri termoigrometrici non mostrano fluttuazioni durante tutto il mese monitorato e il loro andamento risulta stabile. Dall’analisi qualitativa e quantitativa della contaminazione microbica nell’aria e sulle superfici dei disegni è emersa una situazione di non criticità. Questo lavoro riporta uno studio pilota che ha focalizzato l’attenzione sul rischio biologico per le collezioni grafiche, come contributo alla standardizzazione di un sistema di diagnosi-intervento per la conservazione preventiva del patrimonio culturale di natura organica conservato nei musei e in tutti gli ambienti confinati di conservazione ed esposizione e per la protezione della salute degli operatori e visitatori.Résumé Dans les musées, la composante biologique de l’air, appelée bioaerosol ou aérosol biologique, correspond à une menace potentielle de détérioration biologique pour les collections d’arts graphiques sur support papier. Lorsqu’elles se déposent sur la surface de l’objet, et lorsqu’elles y trouvent des conditions nutritionnelles et environnementales favorables à leur croissance, les particules biologiques en provoquent la biodétérioration. Il est bien connu que les attaques biologiques sont fortement influencées par les conditions microclimatiques. Dès lors, il devient primordial de les contrôler pour évaluer la contamination et pour estimer le risque biologique. Cet article traite de l’application partielle d’un modèle méthodologique chez l’Institut national des arts graphiques (Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica, ING), un organisme muséal d’importance internationale dont le siège est à Rome, notamment sur un recueil de dessins anciens du Fonds Corsini conservés dans le dépôt de conservation n. 1. Ce modèle est fondé sur un système intégré de surveillance microbiologique (air et surfaces) et surveillance microclimatique (environnement interne et externe, oeuvres et éléments de la décoration), qui a été mis en place dans le cadre d’un projet de recherche multidisciplinaire.Les résultats obtenus montrent que les paramètres thermiques et hydrométriques ne fluctuent pas au cours du mois étudié, leur évolution étant stable. L’analyse qualiquantitative de la contamination microbienne de l’air et des surfaces des dessins fait ressortir l’absence de criticités. Ce travail relate les résultats d’une étude pilote qui s’est concentrée tout particulièrement sur le risque biologique pour les collections d’arts graphiques, afin de contribuer à la standardisation d’un système de diagnostic et d’intervention pour la conservation préventive du patrimoine culturel de nature organique des musées et de tous les lieux de conservation et d’exposition confinés, en vue d’assurer aussi la protection de la santé des opérateurs et des visiteurs.Zusammenfassung In den Museen stellt die als Bio-Aerosol oder biologisches Aerosol bezeichnete Komponente der Luft einen potentiellen biologischen Schadfaktor für alle grafischen Sammlungen dar, deren Trägermaterial Papier ist. Wenn biologische Partikel sich auf der Oberfläche eines Manufakts ablagern und dort für ihr Wachstum günstige Ernährungs und Umgebungsbedingungen vorfinden, verursachen sie eine biologische Schädigung. Wie bekannt, sind biologische Angriffe stark von den mikroklimatischen Bedingungen abhängig. Deshalb ist deren Kontrolle eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für die Beurteilung der Kontamination und die Einschätzung des biologischen Risikos.In diesem Artikel präsentieren wir die partielle Anwendung einer Modellmethode beim Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica (ING), einer Museums-Organisation von internationaler Bedeutung mit Sitz in Rom. Diese Anwendung betrifft eine Sammlung antiker Zeichnungen aus dem Besitz des Fondo Corsini, die im Konservierungslager Nr. 1 verwahrt ist. Das genannte Modell basiert auf einem integrierten (Luft und Flächen) mikrobiologischen und mikroklimatischen Überwachungssystem (Umgebung innen und außen, Werke und Einrichtung) und wurde aufgrund eines interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekts realisiert. Aus den Ergebnissen zeigt sich, dass die Wärmeund Feuchtigkeitsparameter während des gesamten Überwachungsmonats keine Schwankungen aufweisen und der Verlauf der Werte gleichbleibend ist. Aus der Qualitäts- und Mengenanalyse der bakteriellen Kontamination der Luft und der Oberflächen der Zeichnungen ergibt sich eine nicht kritische Situation. Das vorliegende Schriftstück berichtet über eine Pilotstudie, deren Brennpunkt das biologische Risiko für graphische  Sammlungen war. Sie soll zur Standardisierung eines Diagnose- und Maßnahmensystems zur vorbeugenden Konservierung des Kulturbestands aus organischem Material beitragen, der in den Museen bzw. in geschlossenen Aufbewahrungs- und Ausstellungsräumen verwahrt ist, sowie zum Schutz der Gesundheit von Beschäftigten und Besuchern.Resumen En los museos, el componente biológico del aire, llamado bioaerosol o aerosol biológico, es un potencial agente biológico deteriorante de las colecciones gráficas realizadas sobre papel. Cuando las partículas biológicas se depositan sobre la superficie del objeto y encuentran condiciones nutricionales y ambientales favorables para su crecimiento provocan el deterioro biológico. Se sabe que los ataques biológicos están estrechamente vinculados a las condiciones del microclima. Por ello resulta fundamental controlarlas con miras a evaluar la contaminación y valorar el riesgo biológico.En este artículo se presenta la aplicación parcial de un modelo metodológico en el Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica (ING), organismo museológico de relevancia internacional sito en Roma, a una colección de dibujos antiguos pertenecientes al Fondo Corsini, guardado en el depósito de conservación nº 1. Dicho modelo se basa en un sistema integrado de seguimiento microbiológico (aire y superficies) y monitorización del microclima (ambiente interior y exterior, obras y decoraciones) aplicado en el marco de un proyecto de investigación interdisciplinario. De los resultados obtenidos se desprende que los parámetros térmicos e higrométricos no han mostrado fluctuaciones durante la totalidad del mes monitorizado y su evolución resulta ser estable. El análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo de la contaminación microbiana del aire y las superficies de los dibujos revela una situación no crítica. Este trabajo presenta un estudio piloto que centra su atención en el riesgo biológico al que están expuestas las colecciones gráficas y constituye una contribución para la creación de un sistema estándar de diagnostico-intervención con el fin de conservar de manera preventiva el patrimonio cultural de tipo orgánico que se guarda en los museos y en todos los lugares destinados a la conservación y la exposición, así como para proteger la salud de operadores y visitantes.简介 博物馆中空气中的生物组成成份,被称为有机气溶胶,是以纸张形式书画藏品一个潜在的生物腐蚀威胁。当生物颗粒附着于工艺品上,并获得营养物供给以及合适的繁殖环境,它们就会造成生物腐蚀问题。众所周知,微环境条件决定了微生物的破坏性,因此微环境的控制对污染评估及生物危害评估尤为重要。这篇文章介绍了国家书画协会(ING)所使用的部分应用,该协会位于罗马,是具有国际影响力的博物馆型组织,其中收藏了一系列归属于Corsini基金会的一级古老书绘画藏品。该应用模型基于一套完备的微生物监控(空气及表面)和微环境监控(内外部环境,作品及装饰),并融合多学科研究为一体。根据检测结果得出,在检测月期间,温度-湿参数无波动,走向平稳。由空气、绘画表面微生物污染的质、量分析得出无危险性。这项报告引发了新研究,将注意力指向了书画藏品所面对的生物威胁,如针对博物馆或其它保存、展览环境中的天然成分文化遗产的预防性保存,提供了一个标准化诊断-干预系统,并为工作人员及游客的身体健康提供保护。Резюме Биологические компоненты воздуха, т.н. биоаэрозоль или биологический аэ-розоль, является потенциальным биовредителем для графических коллекций на бумажном носителе в музеях. При оседании на поверхности артефакта и в присутствии благоприятных для их развития условий питания и окружающей среды биологические частицы наносят ущерб. Как известно, биологическая атака сильно зависит от микроклиматических условий, поэтому, их контроль играет фундаментальную роль в оценке загрязнения и биологического риска. В этой статье представлено частичное применение методологической модели в Национальном институте графики (ING) - римском музее международного значения, на собрании старинных рисунков из фонда Корсини, хранящегося в фондохранилище № 1. Эта модель основана на интегрированной системе микробиологического мониторинга (воздуха и поверхностей) и микроклиматического мониторинга (внутри и вне помещения, произведений и мебели) и была создана в результате междисципли-нарного исследовательского проекта. Полученные результаты показывают, что термо-гигрометрические параметры не претерпели колебаний в течение месяца, когда велось наблюдение, и их уровень является стабильным. Качественный и количественный анализ микробного загрязнения воздуха и поверхности рисунков обнаружил некритическое состояние. В этой работе представлено пилотное ис-следование, сфокусированное на биологическом риске для графических коллек-ций, вносящее вклад в стандартизацию системы диагноза и вмешательства для профилактической консервации объектов культурного достояния органического происхождения, хранящихся в музеях и других закрытых средах для хранения и экспозиции, а также для охраны здоровья работников и посетителей

    Prolyl oligopeptidase inhibition ameliorates experimental pulmonary fibrosis both in vivo and in vitro

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    Abstract Background Pulmonary fibrosis is a progressive disease characterized by lung remodeling due to excessive deposition of extracellular matrix. Although the etiology remains unknown, aberrant angiogenesis and inflammation play an important role in the development of this pathology. In this context, recent scientific research has identified new molecules involved in angiogenesis and inflammation, such as the prolyl oligopeptidase (PREP), a proteolytic enzyme belonging to the serine protease family, linked to the pathology of many lung diseases such as pulmonary fibrosis. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a selective inhibitor of PREP, known as KYP-2047, in an in vitro and in an in vivo model of pulmonary fibrosis. Methods The in vitro model was performed using human alveolar A549 cells. Cells were exposed to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) 10 μg/ml and then, cells were treated with KYP-2047 at the concentrations of 1 μM, 10 μM and 50 μM. Cell viability was evaluated by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium (MTT) bromide colorimetric assay, while inflammatory protein expression was assessed by western blots analysis. The in vivo model was induced in mice by intra-tracheal administration of bleomycin (1 mg/kg) and then treated intraperitoneally with KYP-2047 at doses of 1, 2.5 and 5 mg/kg once daily for 12 days and then mice were sacrificed, and lung tissues were collected for analyses. Results The in vitro results demonstrated that KYP-2047 preserved cell viability, reduced inflammatory process by decreasing IL-18 and TNF-α, and modulated lipid peroxidation as well as nitrosative stress. The in vivo pulmonary fibrosis has demonstrated that KYP-2047 was able to restore histological alterations reducing lung injury. Our data demonstrated that KYP-2047 significantly reduced angiogenesis process and the fibrotic damage modulating the expression of fibrotic markers. Furthermore, KYP-2047 treatment modulated the IκBα/NF-κB pathway and reduced the expression of related pro-inflammatory enzymes and cytokines. Moreover, KYP-2047 was able to modulate the JAK2/STAT3 pathway, highly involved in pulmonary fibrosis. Conclusion In conclusion, this study demonstrated the involvement of PREP in the pathogenesis of pulmonary fibrosis and that its inhibition by KYP-2047 has a protective role in lung injury induced by BLM, suggesting PREP as a potential target therapy for pulmonary fibrosis. These results speculate the potential protective mechanism of KYP-2047 through the modulation of JAK2/STAT3 and NF-κB pathways. Graphical abstrac

    Microbial environmental monitoring in museums: Preventive conservation of graphic collections

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    In museums, the biological component of indoor air, called bioaerosol or biological aerosol, is a potential biodeteriogen for graphic collections. The biological particles settling on the surface of artworks find favorable nutritional and environmental conditions for their growth, and promote biodeterioration. As is well known, biological attacks depend on microclimatic conditions; for this reason their control is essential to assess contamination and estimate biological risks. This article presents the partial application of a methodological model, in the National Institute of Graphic Arts (Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica-ING), a museum of international importance in Rome, on a collection of ancient drawings in the Fondo Corsini, preserved in repository no.1. This model is based on an integrated system of biological environmental monitoring (air and surfaces) in association with microclimatic monitoring (repository no.1, cabinet no.6, volumes, drawings and outdoor) carried out in an interdisciplinary research project. The values of thermohygrometric parameters were stable enough during the monitored month and had no daily fluctuations. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of air contamination and that on the surfaces of drawings did not show a critical situation. This article describes a pilot study which has focused attention on the biological contamination of the graphic collections and is a contribution to standardizing a system of diagnosis-intervention for preventive conservation of organic cultural heritage preserved in museums and in other indoor environments and the protection of the health of operators and visitors

    Co-Ultra PEALut Enhances Endogenous Repair Response Following Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury

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    This study aimed to assess the neuro-regenerative properties of co-ultramicronized PEALut (Glialia®), composed of palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) and the flavonoid luteolin (Lut), in an in vivo model of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and patients affected by moderate TBI. An increase in neurogenesis was seen in the mice at 72 h and 7 d after TBI. The co-ultra PEALut treatment helped the neuronal reconstitution process to restore the basal level of both novel and mature neurons; moreover, it induced a significant upregulation of the neurotrophic factors, which ultimately led to progress in terms of memory recall during behavioral testing. Moreover, our preliminary findings in a clinical trial suggested that Glialia® treatment facilitated neural recovery on working memory. Thus, co-ultra PEALut (Glialia®) could represent a valuable therapeutic agent for intensifying the endogenous repair response in order to better treat TBI

    The role of the Cdk9/Cyclin T1 complex in T cell differentiation

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    12The Cdk9/Cyclin T1 complex is very important in controlling specific differentiative pathways of several cell types, including muscle cells and neurons. We recently demonstrated the involvement of this complex in B cell activation/differentiation. To check whether the Cdk9/Cyclin T1 complex is also involved in the T cell activation/differentiation process, we isolated different T cell populations by magnetic separation, based on their surface antigens. We observed that the expression level of Cdk9/Cyclin T1 increases in effector T cells (CD27(+)), as well as in activated T cells (CD25(+)) and memory T cells (CD45RA(-)), thus suggesting a specific upregulation of the Cdk9/Cyclin T1 complex following antigen encounter. We have previously demonstrated that in B cells, Cdk9 interacts in vivo with the E2A gene products E12/E47 (members of the basic helix-loop-helix family) which are involved in differentiation. In this article, we show that this interaction also occurs in T cells. This suggests an active role for the Cdk9/Cyclin T1 complex during lymphoid differentiation, through physical binding with E12 and E47. These preliminary results suggest that the Cdk9/Cyclin T1 complex may be important in the activation and differentiation program of lymphoid cells and that its upregulation, which is due to still unknown mechanisms, may contribute to malignant transformation.reservedmixedLEUCCI E; DE FALCO G; ONNIS A; CERINO G; COCCO M; LUZZI A; CRUPI D; TIGLI C; BELLAN C; TOSI P; LEONCINI L; A. GIORDANOLeucci, E; DE FALCO, Giulia; Onnis, A; Cerino, G; Cocco, M; Luzzi, A; Crupi, D; Tigli, C; Bellan, Cristiana; Tosi, P; Leoncini, Lorenzo; Giordano, Antoni

    Adenosine Targeting as a New Strategy to Decrease Glioblastoma Aggressiveness

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    Glioblastoma is the most commonly malignant and aggressive brain tumor, with a high mortality rate. The role of the purine nucleotide adenosine and its interaction with its four subtypes receptors coupled to the different G proteins, A1, A2A, A2B, and A3, and its different physiological functions in different systems and organs, depending on the active receptor subtype, has been studied for years. Recently, several works have defined extracellular adenosine as a tumoral protector because of its accumulation in the tumor microenvironment. Its presence is due to both the interaction with the A2A receptor subtype and the increase in CD39 and CD73 gene expression induced by the hypoxic state. This fact has fueled preclinical and clinical research into the development of efficacious molecules acting on the adenosine pathway and blocking its accumulation. Given the success of anti-cancer immunotherapy, the new strategy is to develop selective A2A receptor antagonists that could competitively inhibit binding to its endogenous ligand, making them reliable candidates for the therapeutic management of brain tumors. Here, we focused on the efficacy of adenosine receptor antagonists and their enhancement in anti-cancer immunotherapy

    Cytoprotective and Antioxidant Effects of Hydrolysates from Black Soldier Fly (<i>Hermetia illucens</i>)

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    The black soldier fly (BSF), Hermetia illucens, has been recognized as one of the most promising insect species for its ability to valorize organic waste while producing a valuable larval biomass with a great potential as a sustainable source of nutrients, including proteins and bioactive molecules. In the present study, BSF larvae were used to produce and characterize the protein hydrolysates (BPHs) that were then evaluated for their potential biological activity in vitro. The BPHs obtained from the BSF larvae proteins by enzymatic digestion were characterized by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and assessed for their antioxidant activity (BPHs in the range of 0.1 to 1.5 mg/mL) in L-929 cells. Our findings show that BPHs can exert a dose-dependent cytoprotective role against H2O2-iduced oxidative stress in cells. This antioxidant activity relies on the reduction of ROS levels in challenged cells as measured by flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy, together with the induction and nuclear translocation of Nrf2, as evaluated by qPCR and indirect immunofluorescence analysis, respectively. Overall, our findings on the remarkable biological activity of the BPHs obtained in a large-scale process strongly suggest the application of BPHs as ingredients promoting animal health in feed formulations

    Piano Regolatore Generale (PRG) del comune di Roma. Adottato con deliberazione di Consiglio Comunale n. 33 del 19-20 marzo 2003

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    Il Piano Regolatore Generale del comune di Roma è avviato agli inizi del 1994 con l’elezione, nel novembre del 1993, del Sindaco Rutelli. Nel primo mandato Rutelli (1993-1997) viene affrontato il problema della cosiddetta “pianificazione sospesa” e definiti gli indirizzi strategici del Nprg. Nel 1995 il Poster plan sintetizza gli indirizzi programmatici e lo schema delle coerenze attraverso l’individuazione delle tre componenti strutturanti il Nprg: il Sistema ambientale, il Sistema delle infrastrutture per la mobilità, il Sistema insediativo, con particolare riferimento alle politiche di modernizzazione, di riqualificazione e di rigenerazione della città (Ricci, 2009). Nel secondo mandato (1997-2001) con l’adozione della Variante generale Piano delle certezze, si concretizza il primo atto formale di costruzione del Nprg. Caratterizzato da una forte connotazione processuale il piano è strutturato dai rapporti «con il piano strategico; con i grandi progetti urbani e i progetti di architettura, con le modalità di costruzione della Città metropolitana» (Marcelloni, 2003). La nuova strategia urbanistica finalizzata all’integrazione e al riequilibrio urbano e metropolitano si inserisce all’interno del più ampio disegno prefigurato dallo Schema di Piano della Provincia e dal Piano territoriale paesistico regionale in un quadro di scelte basate sui principi di copianificazione e sussidiarietà. Un piano che, tuttavia, contiene un insieme di questioni ancora non completamente definite: dal complesso quadro legislativo all'evolversi del dibattito disciplinare, tanto da rappresentare l’espressione di una fase intermedia in cui «complessità, incertezza, qualità, competitività, sviluppo sostenibile, progetto urbano, flessibilità, sono termini la cui polisemia va accettata come sintomatica di una lunga fase transitoria» (ibid.); ma anche un terreno fertile di conflitto e di sperimentazione da cui possono svilupparsi percorsi innovativi in grado di restituire efficienza ed efficacia a tutto il processo di pianificazion