19 research outputs found

    Berkeley Screen: a set of 96 solutions for general macromolecular crystallization.

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    Using statistical analysis of the Biological Macromolecular Crystallization Database, combined with previous knowledge about crystallization reagents, a crystallization screen called the Berkeley Screen has been created. Correlating crystallization conditions and high-resolution protein structures, it is possible to better understand the influence that a particular solution has on protein crystal formation. Ions and small molecules such as buffers and precipitants used in crystallization experiments were identified in electron density maps, highlighting the role of these chemicals in protein crystal packing. The Berkeley Screen has been extensively used to crystallize target proteins from the Joint BioEnergy Institute and the Collaborative Crystallography program at the Berkeley Center for Structural Biology, contributing to several Protein Data Bank entries and related publications. The Berkeley Screen provides the crystallographic community with an efficient set of solutions for general macromolecular crystallization trials, offering a valuable alternative to the existing commercially available screens

    ThermoFMN - A Thermofluor Assay Developed for Ligand-Screening as an Alternative Strategy for Drug Discovery

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    Thermofluor has become a well-known and widely practiced methodology for screening of ligands that enhance stability and solubility of proteins, and also a powerful tool for hit identification in early drug discovery. In the present work, we developed an alternative Thermoflour method, named ThermoFMN, which explores the endogenous prosthetic group flavin mononucleotide (FMN) of flavoproteins as the fluorescent probe. Validation of ThermoFMN method was achieved by monitoring fluorescence signal of FMN of several drug targets in the presence of an unbiased library of ligands. In addition, drugs with known efficacy had their selective inhibition profile evaluated. Besides demonstrating that FMN signal provides sufficient fluorescence intensity for detection, our results revealed that ThermoFMN assay requires low concentration of protein samples and is compatible with a wide range of chemical reagents. The methodology presented here proposes an alternative strategy in the search for ligands of FMN-binding drug targets, therefore an important tool for the development of new therapies against neglected diseases

    Plant cell wall glycosyltransferases: High-throughput recombinant expression screening and general requirements for these challenging enzymes.

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    Molecular characterization of plant cell wall glycosyltransferases is a critical step towards understanding the biosynthesis of the complex plant cell wall, and ultimately for efficient engineering of biofuel and agricultural crops. The majority of these enzymes have proven very difficult to obtain in the needed amount and purity for such molecular studies, and recombinant cell wall glycosyltransferase production efforts have largely failed. A daunting number of strategies can be employed to overcome this challenge, including optimization of DNA and protein sequences, choice of expression organism, expression conditions, co-expression partners, purification methods, and optimization of protein solubility and stability. Hence researchers are presented with thousands of potential conditions to test. Ultimately, the subset of conditions that will be sampled depends on practical considerations and prior knowledge of the enzyme(s) being studied. We have developed a rational approach to this process. We devise a pipeline comprising in silico selection of targets and construct design, and high-throughput expression screening, target enrichment, and hit identification. We have applied this pipeline to a test set of Arabidopsis thaliana cell wall glycosyltransferases known to be challenging to obtain in soluble form, as well as to a library of cell wall glycosyltransferases from other plants including agricultural and biofuel crops. The screening results suggest that recombinant cell wall glycosyltransferases in general have a very low soluble:insoluble ratio in lysates from heterologous expression cultures, and that co-expression of chaperones as well as lysis buffer optimization can increase this ratio. We have applied the identified preferred conditions to Reversibly Glycosylated Polypeptide 1 from Arabidopsis thaliana, and processed this enzyme to near-purity in unprecedented milligram amounts. The obtained preparation of Reversibly Glycosylated Polypeptide 1 has the expected arabinopyranose mutase and autoglycosylation activities

    Jungle Express is a versatile repressor system for tight transcriptional control

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    Tightly regulated promoters are essential for numerous biological applications, where strong inducibility, portability, and scalability are desirable. Current systems are often incompatible with large-scale fermentations due to high inducer costs and strict media requirements. Here, we describe the bottom-up engineering of ‘Jungle Express’, an expression system that enables efficient gene regulation in diverse proteobacteria. This system is guided by EilR, a multidrug-binding repressor with high affinity to its optimized operator and cationic dyes that act as powerful inducers at negligible costs. In E. coli, the engineered promoters exhibit minimal basal transcription and are inducible over four orders of magnitude by 1 ”M crystal violet, reaching expression levels exceeding those of the strongest current bacterial systems. Further, we provide molecular insights into specific interactions of EilR with its operator and with two inducers. The versatility of Jungle Express opens the way for tightly controlled and efficient gene expression that is not restricted to host organism, substrate, or scale

    Author correction: Jungle Express is a versatile repressor system for tight transcriptional control (Nature communications (2018) 9 1 (3617))

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    In the original version of this Article, an incorrect URL was provided in the Data Availability Statement regarding the deposition of plasmids listed in Supplementary Table 4. The correct URL is https://public-registry.jbei.org/folders/378 . This error has been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article