942 research outputs found

    The Impact of Distance Uncertainties on Local Luminosity and Mass Functions

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    In order to investigate discrepancies between recent published estimates of the the HI mass function (HIMF), we explore the impact of distance uncertainties on the derivation of the faint end slope of mass and luminosity functions of galaxies in the local volume by deriving HIMFs from mock HI surveys. We consider various survey geometries and depths and compare the HIMFs measured when using ``real'' distances, distances derived by assuming pure Hubble flow and distances assigned from parametric models of the local velocity field. The effect is variable and dependent on the exact survey geometry, but can easily lead to incorrect estimates of the HIMF, particularly at the low mass end. We show that at least part of the discrepancies among recent derivations of the HIMF can be accounted for by the use of different methods to assign distances. We conclude that a better understanding of the local velocity field will be necessary for accurate determinations of the local galaxy luminosity and mass functions.Comment: 4 pages, accepted to ApJ

    Geometrical tests of cosmological models. II. Calibration of rotational widths and disc scaling relations

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    This series of papers is dedicated to a new technique to select galaxies that can act as standard rods and standard candles in order to perform geometrical tests on large samples of high redshift galaxies to constrain different cosmological parameters. The goals of this paper are (1) to compare different rotation indicators in order to understand the relation between rotation velocities extracted from observations of the Halpha line and the [OII]3727 line, and (2) determine the scaling relations between physical size, surface brightness and magnitude of galaxies and their rotation velocity using the SFI++, a large catalog of nearby galaxies observed at I-band. A good correlation is observed between the rotation curve-derived velocities of the Halpha and [OII] observations, as well as between those calculated from velocity histograms, justifying the direct comparison of velocities measured from Halpha rotation curves in nearby galaxies and from [OII] line widths at higher redshifts. To provide calibration for the geometrical tests, we give expressions for the different scaling relations between properties of galaxies (size, surface brightness, magnitude) and their rotation speeds. Apart from the Tully-Fisher relation, we derive the size-rotation velocity and surface brightness-rotation velocity relations with unprecedentedly small scatters. We show how the best size-rotation velocity relation is derived when size is estimated not from disc scale lengths but from the isophotal diameter r23.5, once these have been corrected for inclination and extinction effects.Comment: 14 pages and 10 figures. A&A submitte

    SFI++ I: A New I-band Tully-Fisher Template, the Cluster Peculiar Velocity Dispersion and H0

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    The SFI++ consists of ~5000 spiral galaxies which have measurements suitable for the application of the I-band Tully-Fisher (TF) relation. This sample builds on the SCI and SFI samples published in the 1990s but includes significant amounts of new data as well as improved methods for parameter determination. We derive a new I-band TF relation from a subset of this sample which consists of 807 galaxies in the fields of 31 nearby clusters and groups. This sample constitutes the largest ever available for the calibration of the TF template and extends the range of line-widths over which the template is reliably measured. Careful accounting is made of observational and sample biases such as incompleteness, finite cluster size, galaxy morphology and environment. We find evidence for a type-dependent TF slope which is shallower for early type than for late type spirals. The line-of-sight cluster peculiar velocity dispersion is measured for the sample of 31 clusters. This value is directly related to the spectrum of initial density fluctuations and thus provides an independent verification of the best fit WMAP cosmology and an estimate of Omega^0.6 sigma_8 = 0.52+/-0.06. We also provide an independent measure of the TF zeropoint using 17 galaxies in the SFI++ sample for which Cepheid distances are available. In combination with the ``basket of clusters'' template relation these calibrator galaxies provide a measure of H0 = 74+/-2 (random) +/-6 (systematic) km/s/Mpc.Comment: Accepted by ApJ (scheduled for 20 Dec 2006, issue 653). 21 pages (2 column emulateapj) including 12 figures. Version 2 corrects typos and other small errors noticed in proof

    SFI++ II: A New I-band Tully-Fisher Catalog, Derivation of Peculiar Velocities and Dataset Properties

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    We present the SFI++ dataset, a homogeneously derived catalog of photometric and rotational properties and the Tully-Fisher distances and peculiar velocities derived from them. We make use of digital optical images, optical long-slit spectra, and global HI line profiles to extract parameters of relevance to disk scaling relations, incorporating several previously published datasets as well as a new photometric sample of some 2000 objects. According to the completeness of available redshift samples over the sky area, we exploit both a modified percolation algorithm and the Voronoi-Delaunay method to assign individual galaxies to groups as well as clusters, thereby reducing scatter introduced by local orbital motions. We also provide corrections to the peculiar velocities for both homogeneous and inhomogeneous Malmquist bias, making use of the 2MASS Redshift Survey density field to approximate large scale structure. We summarize the sample selection criteria, corrections made to raw observational parameters, the grouping techniques, and our procedure for deriving peculiar velocities. The final SFI++ peculiar velocity catalog of 4861 field and cluster galaxies is large enough to permit the study not just of the global statistics of large scale flows but also of the {\it details} of the local velocity field.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, 4 external online tables, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Galaxy Peculiar Velocities and Infall onto Groups

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    We perform statistical analyses to study the infall of galaxies onto groups and clusters in the nearby Universe. The study is based on the UZC and SSRS2 group catalogs and peculiar velocity samples. We find a clear signature of infall of galaxies onto groups over a wide range of scales 5 h^{-1} Mpc<r<30 h^{-1} Mpc, with an infall amplitude on the order of a few hundred kilometers per second. We obtain a significant increase in the infall amplitude with group virial mass (M_{V}) and luminosity of group member galaxies (L_{g}). Groups with M_{V}<10^{13} M_{\odot} show infall velocities V_{infall} \simeq 150 km s^{-1} whereas for M_{V}>10^{13} M_{\odot} a larger infall is observed, V_{infall} \simeq 200 km s^{-1}. Similarly, we find that galaxies surrounding groups with L_{g}<10^{15} L_{\odot} have V_{infall} \simeq 100 km s^{-1}, whereas for L_{g}>10^{15} L_{\odot} groups, the amplitude of the galaxy infall can be as large as V_{infall} \simeq 250 km s^{-1}. The observational results are compared with the results obtained from mock group and galaxy samples constructed from numerical simulations, which include galaxy formation through semianalytical models. We obtain a general agreement between the results from the mock catalogs and the observations. The infall of galaxies onto groups is suitably reproduced in the simulations and, as in the observations, larger virial mass and luminosity groups exhibit the largest galaxy infall amplitudes. We derive estimates of the integrated mass overdensities associated with groups by applying linear theory to the infall velocities after correcting for the effects of distance uncertainties obtained using the mock catalogs. The resulting overdensities are consistent with a power law with \delta \sim 1 at r \sim 10 h^{-1}Mpc.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figure


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    Seeking the Local Convergence Depth. The Abell Cluster Dipole Flow to 200 Mpc/h

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    We have obtained new Tully-Fisher (TF) peculiar velocity measurements for 52 Abell galaxy clusters distributed throughout the sky between ~ 50 and 200 Mpc/h.The measurements are based on I band photometry and optical rotation curves for a sample of 522 spiral galaxies, from which an accurate TF template relation has been constructed. Individual cluster TF relations are referred to the template to compute cluster peculiar motions. The reflex motion of the Local Group of galaxies is measured with respect to the reference frame defined by our cluster sample and the distant portion of the Giovanelli et al. (1998) cluster set. We find the Local Group motion in this frame to be 565+/-113 km/s in the direction (l,b)=(267,26)+/-10 when peculiar velocities are weighted according to their errors. After optimizing the dipole calculation to sample equal volumes equally, the vector is 509+/-195 km/s towards (255,33)+/-22. Both solutions agree, to within 1-sigma or better, with the Local Group motion as inferred from the cosmic microwave background (CMB) dipole. Thus, the cluster sample as a whole moves slowly in the CMB reference frame, its bulk flow being at most 200 km/s.Comment: 11 pages, uses AAS LaTeX; to appear in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Sizes of Voids as a test for Dark Matter Models

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    We use the void probability statistics to study the redshift-space galaxy distribution as described by a volume-limited subsample of the Perseus-Pisces survey. We compare the results with the same analysis realized on artificial samples, extracted from high-resolution N-body simulations by reproducing the observational biases of the real data set. Simulations are run for the Cold+HotDM model (CHDM) and for unbiased and biased (b=1.5) CDM models in a 50 Mpc/h box. We identify galaxies as residing in peaks of the evolved density field. We fragment overmerged structures into individual galaxies so as to reproduce both the correct luminosity function (after assuming M/ L values for the resulting galaxy groups) and the two-point correlation function. Our main result is that a void-probability function (VPF) from the standard CHDM model with fractions 60% cold, 30% hot, 10% barions, exceeds the observational VPF with a high confidence level. CDM models produce smaller VPF independent of the biasing parameter. We verify the robustness of this result against changing the observer position in the simulations and the galaxy identification in the evolved density field.Comment: 15 pages, postscrip
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