8 research outputs found


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    The Palliative Care concept was re-signified from the holistic perspective of health that sees the being in its multidimensions, valuing care with physical, psychological, social, emotional and spiritual well-being, through promotion actions aimed at citizenship. Interdisciplinary action is a prerequisite of Palliative Care and the social worker is one of the professionals who make up the teams. The objective of this work is to understand Palliative Care and the role of social workers in multidisciplinary teams. The investigation was anchored in qualitative research, with a bibliographical approach and sought in the literature subsidies for critical-theoretical reflection. It is concluded that there is a need for recognition of the multidisciplinary work in Palliative Care and appropriation of the social worker to the area, so that he has mastery of the dimensions that make up his work.                                        O conceito Cuidados Paliativos foi ressignificado a partir da perspectiva holística de saúde que enxerga o ser em suas multidimensões, prezando cuidados com o bem-estar físico, psicológico, social, emocional e espiritual, através de ações de promoção que visam à cidadania. A atuação interdisciplinar é pressuposto dos Cuidados Paliativos e o assistente social é um dos profissionais que compõem as equipes. O objetivo deste trabalho é compreender os Cuidados Paliativos e a atuação dos assistentes sociais nas equipes multiprofissionais. A investigação ancorou-se na pesquisa qualitativa, de abordagem bibliográfica e buscou na literatura subsídios para a reflexão crítico-teórica. Conclui-se que há necessidade de reconhecimento do trabalho multiprofissional nos Cuidados Paliativos e apropriação do assistente social à área, para que possua domínio das dimensões que compõem sua atuação

    Transcription blockage by DNA damage in nucleotide excision repair-related neurological dysfunctions

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    Human genetic syndromes deficient in nucleotide excision repair (NER), such as xeroderma pigmentosum and Cockayne syndrome, may present neurological abnormalities and premature aging symptoms. Unrepaired endogenously generated DNA damage that hampers transcription is a strong candidate that contributes to the development of these severe effects in neuronal tissue. Endogenous lesions include those generated due to byproducts of cellular metabolisms, such as reactive oxygen species. This review presents much of the evidence on the mechanisms related to neurodegenerative processes associated with DNA damage responses. The primary focus is on the effects of the transcription machinery, including the accumulation of DNA•RNA hybrids (R-loops) that, in turn, influence DNA damage and repair metabolism. Moreover, several neuronal tissues present higher expression of long genes, a genomic subset more affected by DNA lesions, which may explain part of the neurological abnormalities in these patients. Also, neuronal tissues have different DNA repair capabilities that might result in different neurological consequences, as observed in patients and NER deficient animal models. The better understanding of how the accumulation of transcription blocking lesions can lead to neurological abnormalities and premature aging-like phenotypes may assist us in finding potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets that might improve the lives of these patients, as well as other neurological disorders in the general population.This work was supported under the International Collaboration Research Funding from São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP, SP, Brazil) and the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research – NWO (Grant #2019/19435-3). Financial support was also received from Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq, Grant #308868/2018-8) and Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal do Ensino Superior (CAPES, Brasília, DF, Brazil, financial code 001)

    Efectos de la suplementación con HMB sobre la composición corporal en ratas

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    The aim was to investigate the effects of HMB supplementation on the physical performance and anthropometric parameters of Wistar rats that underwent eight weeks of concurrent training. We used 22 male Wistar rats of approximately 60 days of age, And were divided into four groups: control (C), supplemented control (SC), exercise (E) and supplemented exercise (SE). The training consisted of 30 minutes of swimming with an overload corresponding to 70 % of the anaerobic threshold, a one-minute interval, and four sets of ten jumps in water with a one minute interval between sets and a load of 50 % of body weight. After the tests, the tLIM and tTESTE were obtained and used to evaluate the performance of the animals, and anthropometric indices evaluated. The weight increases during the treatment in the SC animals was significantly higher than the animals in groups C and E. The absolute weight of the muscles, kidney and epididymal fat showed higher values for the SC and SE groups in relation to the others352705710Se investigaron los efectos de la suplementación con HMB en el rendimiento físico y los parámetros antropométricos de ratas Wistar sometidas a ocho semanas de entrenamiento concurrente. La muestra consistió en 22 ratas Wistar machos, aproximadamente de 60 días de edad, los que fueron divididos en cuatro grupos: control (C), control suplementado (CS), ejercicio (E) y ejercicio suplementado (ES). El entrenamiento consistió en 30 minutos de natación correspondiente a 70 % de la sobrecarga del umbral anaeróbico, un intervalo de un minuto y cuatro series de diez saltos en el agua con intervalo de un minuto entre series y una carga del 50 % del peso del cuerpo. El tLIM y tTESTE se utilizaron para evaluar el rendimiento de los animales, y los índices antropométricos. El aumento de peso durante el tratamiento CS fue significativamente más alto que las de los grupos C y E. El peso absoluto de los músculos, los riñones y la grasa del epidídimo mostraron valores más altos en los grupos CS y ES en relación con los demá

    Núcleos de Ensino da Unesp: artigos 2010: volume 4: as disciplinas escolares, os temas transversais e o processo de educação

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Ser e tornar-se professor: práticas educativas no contexto escolar

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    Núcleos de Ensino da Unesp: artigos 2009

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