364 research outputs found

    Follicle-like environment for domestic cat vitrified oocytes.

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    The in vitro development of vitrified oocytes (VOs) is still suboptimal (Mandawala et al., 2016) and the traditional two-dimensional (2D) culture systems might not be adequate to fully exploit VOs potential. The use of three-dimensional (3D) follicle-like structures, i.e. a combination of granulosa cells (GCs) and semipermeable 3D matrices, could mimic the physiological microenvironment and enhance VOs maturation and embryo development.The aim of this study was to assess the steroidogenic ability (estradiol and progesterone secretion) of GCs encapsulated in 3D barium alginate microcapsules (follicle-like structure) compared to GCs cultured in a 2D monolayer and the maturation outcomes of VOs cultured in these systems.After purification (Simsek & Arikan, 2015), cat GCs retrieved from isolated ovaries were in vitro cultured for 6 days in 3D microcapsules (Vigo et al., 2005) or in 2D monolayers. On days 2 and 6, conditioned medium was collected and hormonal determination by enzyme-linked fluorescent assay was performed. On the same days, 3D and 2D cultured GCs were used as artificial milieu for in vitro maturation of VOs obtained by Cryotop protocol. Nuclear maturation was assessed by bis-benzimide staining.Steroidogenesis was observed in 3D follicle-like structures as well as in 2D monolayers; hormonal concentration increased over time and on day 6 it significantly differed between systems (p=0.02). Vitrified oocytes resumed meiosis in presence of GCs cultured for 2 days (3D: 45.5%; 2D: 56.7%), while GCs cultured for 6 days significantly hindered VOs meiosis progression in monolayers (21.7%, p=0.007), but supported high proportions of full maturation in follicle-like structures (26.7%, p=0.07).Granulosa cells in 3D microcapsules maintained their physiological features and these follicle-like structures were able to restore VOs developmental abilities. However, further advancements in VOs culture methods would optimize the use of these valuable resources

    The Italian Dubbing and Subtitling of Monster, Inc- An Analysis

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    The study attempted the analysis of the Italian dubbing and subtitles of the animated film Monsters, Inc., released in 2001 by Disney Pixar and directed by Pete Docter, Lee Unkrich and David Silverman. The paper is divided into three sections- each one regarding a (extra) linguistic issue. The first one focuses on cultural-specific references (CSRs), which are considered one of the hardest aspects in all types of translation. Dialects and registers are analysed in the second section, while the third one deals with typical phenomena of the spoken language-such as question tags, vocatives and modes of address. For each section, a brief theoretical frame is provided to build the basis to discuss the examples taken from the film (original and dubbed/subtitled version). In addition, the degree of influence (or difference) between the two versions is considered, and some translation strategies are outlined according to the examples shown

    Proton pump inhibitors: use and misuse in the clinical setting

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    Introduction: The introduction of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) into clinical practice has greatly improved our therapeutic approach to acid-related diseases for their efficacy and safety. Areas Covered: The following evidence-based indications for PPI use are acknowledged by many scientific societies: treatment of the various forms and complications of gastroesophageal reflux disease, eradication of H. pylori infection in combination with two or more antibiotics, short- and long-term therapy of H. pylori-negative peptic ulcers, healing, and prevention of NSAID/COXIB-associated gastric ulcers, co-therapy with endoscopic procedures to control upper digestive bleeding and medical treatment of Zollinger Ellison syndrome. Expert Commentary: Despite the above well-defined indications, however, the use of PPIs continues to grow every year in both western and eastern countries and the endless expansion of the PPI market has created important problems for many regulatory authorities for two relevant features: the progressive increase of the costs of therapy and the greater potential harms for the patients. The major reasons for the misuse of PPIs are the prevention of gastro-duodenal ulcers in patients without risk factors and the stress ulcer prophylaxis in non-intensive care units, steroid therapy alone, anti-platelet or anti-coagulant treatment in patients without risk of gastric injury and the overtreatment of functional dyspepsia

    Vonoprazan for treatment of gastroesophageal reflux: pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic considerations

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    This review provides an update on the pharmacokinetic properties of vonoprazan and their correlates with pharmacodynamics; preliminary data on the therapeutic efficacy of vonoprazan as compared to lansoprazole in GERD patients Expert opinion: At variance from all available PPIs, vonoprazan acts directly on H+,K+-ATPase irrespectively of its activity, providing a fast onset of action without requiring acid activation and specific administration timing. Clinical and pharmacological investigations have confirmed a more rapid, potent and prolonged inhibition of acid secretion, including a better nighttime acid control, and a less antisecretory variability, as compared with PPIs. Preliminary data in patients with erosive esophagitis (EE) have shown the non-inferiority of vonoprazan to lansoprazole in terms of symptom relief and healing rate. Since these pharmacokinetic advantages, it is expected that it will have a significant favorable impact on GERD management. However, the clinical use of vonoprazan raises also some issues about its efficacy and safety in the long-term that deserve verification and careful investigation

    Case report: Area of focus in a case of malignant hypertension

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    Malignant hypertension (MH) is characterized by severe hypertension (usually grade 3) associated with fundoscopic changes (flame hemorrhages and/or papilledema), microangiopathy and disseminated intravascular coagulation. In addition encephalopathy, acute heart failure and acute deterioration in renal function may be present. The term "malignant" reflects the very poor prognosis for this condition if untreated. When severe hypertension is associated with hypertension-mediated organ damage (HMOD) a life-threatening situation that requires immediate but careful intervention occurs (hypertensive emergency). In the last few years an increase in the number of patients with malignant hypertension has been observed, especially among those patients with black ethnicity. Limited access to treatment and the poor adherence to anti-hypertensive therapy may contribute to the development of hypertensive emergencies. It is considered appropriate to study patients in order to rule out thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and hemolytic uremic syndrome. In fact, the microvascular damage caused by malignant hypertension can favor intravascular hemolysis like Thrombotic Microangiopathies (TMs). TMs may present in three different clinical conditions: typical hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). TMs can arise in the context of other pathological processes, including malignant hypertension

    Il biofeedback preoperatorio migliora il recupero della continenza a seguito di prostatectomia radicale: una revisione sistematica con meta-analisi

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    BACKGROUND:  Postoperative urinary incontinence is the overall result of urethral sphincter incompetence and modifications in urethral length after radical prostatectomy. Findings for preoperative interventions targeted at preventing post-prostatectomy incontinence include preoperative pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) and biodfeedback (BFB), which can be managed by nurses in many countries and have been used for decades to speed up continence recovery after surgery. AIM: to determine the effectiveness of preoperative biofeedback (BFB) for post-prostatectomy urinary incontinence compared to pelvic training without BFB, considering the variability between the results of the available studies.  METHODS: A systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted, analyzing the indications provided by the literature regarding preoperative biofeedback for preventing urinary incontinence after open radical prostatectomy, in terms of treatment regimens, timing for beginning the sessions, number of contraction and relaxation exercises, and scheduled work at home. Literature search on Pubmed, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, Scopus, EMBASE, and PEdro. RESULTS: Despite only three papers being suitable for metanalysis, our results support BFB over written instructions for continence recovery after both 3 and 6 moths from surgery. Implementing progressive programs with many different muscular exercises and including relaxation are the main recommendations. CONCLUSIONS: Preoperative biofeedback leads to improved urinary continence after 3 and 6 months from radical prostatectomy. Future studies should focus on the characteristics and number of pelvic muscle contractions required during biofeedback in order to maximize effectiveness.BACKGROUND: L'incontinenza urinaria postoperatoria è il risultato complessivo dell'incompetenza dello sfintere uretrale e delle modifiche della lunghezza dell'uretra dopo la prostatectomia radicale. I risultati degli interventi preoperatori mirati a prevenire l'incontinenza post-prostatectomia includono l'allenamento preoperatorio dei muscoli del pavimento pelvico (PFMT) e il biodfeedback (BFB), che possono essere gestiti dal personale infermieristico in molti Paesi. OBIETTIVO: determinare l'efficacia del biofeedback preoperatorio (BFB) per l'incontinenza urinaria post-prostatectomia rispetto al training pelvico senza BFB, considerando la variabilitĂ  dei risultati degli studi disponibili.  METODI: è stata condotta una revisione sistematica con meta-analisi, analizzando le indicazioni fornite dalla letteratura sul biofeedback preoperatorio per la prevenzione dell'incontinenza urinaria in termini di regimi di trattamento, tempi di inizio delle sessioni, numero di esercizi di contrazione e rilassamento e lavoro programmato a casa. La ricerca della letteratura è stata effettuata su Pubmed, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, Scopus, EMBASE e PEdro. RISULTATI: nonostante solo tre articoli siano stati adatti alla metanalisi, i nostri risultati supportano il BFB rispetto alle istruzioni scritte per il recupero della continenza dopo 3 e 6 mesi dall'intervento. L'implementazione di programmi progressivi con molti esercizi muscolari diversi e l'inclusione del rilassamento sono le principali raccomandazioni. CONCLUSIONI: Il biofeedback preoperatorio porta a un miglioramento della continenza urinaria dopo 3 e 6 mesi dalla prostatectomia radicale. Gli studi futuri dovrebbero concentrarsi sulle caratteristiche e sul numero di contrazioni muscolari pelviche richieste durante il biofeedback per massimizzare l'efficacia.Il biofeedback preoperatorio migliora il recupero della continenza dopo la prostatectomia aperta: una revisione sistematica e una meta-analis

    Management of Metastatic Endometrial Cancer: Physicians' Choices Beyond the First Line. A MITO Survey

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    BACKGROUND: Endometrial cancer (EC) therapeutic and diagnostic approaches have been changed by the development of a new prognostic molecular classification, the introduction of dostarlimab in microsatellite instability (MSI) high pre-treated advanced EC patients with further expected innovation deriving from lenvatinib plus pembrolizumab regardless MSI status. How this is and will be translated and embedded in the clinical setting in Italy is not known; this is why we developed Multicentre Italian Trials in Ovarian cancer and gynaecologic malignancies (MITO) survey on the current practice and expected future changes in EC. METHODS: We designed a self-administered, multiple-choice online questionnaire available only for MITO members for one month, starting in April 2021. RESULTS: 75.6% of the respondents were oncologists with a specific focus on gynaecologic malignancies and 73.3% of the respondents declared the availability of clinical trials in second line treatment for advanced EC. The therapeutic algorithm in second line was heterogeneous, being the most frequent choice administering anthracyclines followed by endocrine therapy or enrolling in clinical trials. While more than half of the clinicians declared that they performed the molecular classification, only six/45 respondents (13.3%) ran all the tests needed for it. On the other hand, 80% of them declared regular assessment of MSI status with IHC as recommended. The therapeutic approach in MSI high advanced EC patients has changed since dostarlimab approval. Indeed the most frequent choice in second line has been chemotherapy (53.3%) before its availability, while dostarlimab has been preferred in more than three-fourths of the cases (75.6%) after its approval. As for MSS patients, 77.8% of clinicians would choose lenvatinib plus pembrolizumab for them in second line once approved. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the selected sample of respondents from Italian MITO centres showing good knowledge of diagnostic and therapeutic innovations in EC, these are not fully implemented in everyday clinics, except for MSI status assessment

    Reduced humoral response to two doses of COVID-19 vaccine in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: Data from ESCAPE-IBD, an IG-IBD study

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    Background Patients on immunosuppressive drugs have been excluded from COVID-19 vaccines trials, creating concerns regarding their efficacy. Aims To explore the humoral response to COVID-19 vaccines in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) Methods Effectiveness and Safety of COVID-19 Vaccine in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Treated with Immunomodulatory or Biological Drugs (ESCAPE-IBD) is a prospective, multicentre study promoted by the Italian Group for the study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. We present data on serological response eight weeks after the second dose of COVID-19 vaccination in IBD patients and healthy controls (HCs). Results 1076 patients with IBD and 1126 HCs were analyzed. Seropositivity for anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG was reported for most IBD patients, even if with a lesser rate compared with HCs (92.1% vs. 97.9%; p<0.001). HCs had higher antibody concentrations (median OD 8.72 [IQR 5.2-14-2]) compared to the whole cohort of IBD patients (median OD 1.54 [IQR 0.8-3.6]; p<0.001) and the subgroup of IBD patients (n=280) without any treatment or on aminosalicylates only (median OD 1.72 [IQR 1.0–4.1]; p<0.001). Conclusions Although most IBD patients showed seropositivity after COVID-19 vaccines, the magnitude of the humoral response was significantly lower than in HCs. Differently from other studies, these findings seem to be mostly unrelated to the use of immune-modifying treatments (ClinicalTrials.govID:NCT04769258)
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