1,429 research outputs found

    S1 stanica, rijeka Po: rukovanje podacima i prikaz podataka

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    The technical setting of the mete-oceanographic buoy at site S1 south of the Po River delta is presented. The station was deployed by Istituto di Scienze Marine (ISMAR) of CNR of Bologna, in cooperation with the local Regional Government and Environmental Agencies (ARPA) of E. Romagna, and ADRICOSM. The buoy mooring and data flow architecture is discussed, with some emphasis on the WWW data presentation. The possible integration with other remote stations, data and mete-oceanographic operational activities is also proposed.U radu je predstavljen tehnički postav meteorološko-oceanografske plutače na položaju S1 južno od delte rijeke Po. Stanicu su postavili ISMAR CNR iz Bolonje, u suradnji s lokalnom agencijom za zaštitu okoliša (ARPA) iz pokrajine Emilia-Romagna i ADRICOSM-om. Diskutirana su sama struktura plutače i arhitektura tijeka podataka s naglaskom na prikaz podataka na web-u. Predložena je, također, i moguća integracija s ostalim postajama, izvorima podataka i ostalim operativnim meteorološko-oceanografskim aktivnostima

    Bioprofiling TS/A Murine Mammary Cancer for a Functional Precision Experimental Model

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    The TS/A cell line was established in 1983 from a spontaneous mammary tumor arisen in an inbred BALB/c female mouse. Its features (heterogeneity, low immunogenicity and metastatic ability) rendered the TS/A cell line suitable as a preclinical model for studies on tumor-host interactions and for gene therapy approaches. The integrated biological profile of TS/A resulting from the review of the literature could be a path towards the description of a precision experimental model of mammary cancer

    Natural Versus Anthropic Influence on North Adriatic Coast Detected by Geochemical Analyses

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    This study focused on the geochemical and sedimentological characterization of recent sediments from two marine sites (S1 and E1) located in the North Adriatic Sea, between the Po River prodelta and the Rimini coast. Major and trace metal concentrations reflect the drainage area of the Po River and its tributaries, considered one of the most polluted areas in Europe. Sediment geochemistry of the two investigated sites denote distinct catchment areas. High values of Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn detected in sediments collected in the Po River prodelta (S1 site) suggest the Po River supply, while lower levels of these elements characterize sediments collected in front of the Rimini coast (E1 site), an indication of Northern Apennines provenance. Historical trends of Pb and Zn reconstructed from the sedimentary record around the E1 site document several changes that can be correlated with the industrialization subsequent to World War II, the implementation of the environmental policy in 1976 and the effects of the Comacchio dumping at the end of 1980. At the S1 site, the down core distributions of trace elements indicate a reduction of contaminants due to the introduction of the Italian Law 319/76 and the implementation of anti-pollution policies on automotive Pb (unleaded fuels) in the second half of the 1980s

    Multi-year mesozooplankton flux trends in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard

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    We conducted this study to investigate the relationship between environmental stressors and mesozooplankton fluxes in inner Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. The ongoing Arctic amplification, characterized by phenomena such as increased temperatures, glacial and watershed runoff, and diminishing ice cover, poses significant challenges to marine ecosystems. Our multi-year time-series analysis (2010–2018) of mesozooplankton, collected from a moored automatic sediment trap at approximately 87 m depth, aims to elucidate seasonal and interannual variations in fluxes within this Arctic fjord. We integrate meteorological, hydrological, and chemical datasets to assess their influence on zooplankton populations. Principal component analysis reveals the impact of seawater characteristics on mesozooplankton fluxes and composition, while two-way ANOVA highlights the role of seasonality in driving variations in our dataset. We observe a decrease in swimmer fluxes following the maxima mass flux event (from 2013 onwards), coupled with an increase in community diversity, possibly attributed to copepod decline and functional diversity. Notably, sub-Arctic boreal species such as Limacina retroversa have been detected in the sediment trap since 2016. Our continuous multi-year dataset captures the physical, chemical, and biological dynamics in this extreme environment. With Arctic amplification in Kongsfjorden and increasing submarine and watershed runoff, we anticipate significant shifts in mesozooplankton communities in the medium to long-term. This underscores the urgency for further research on their adaptation to changing environmental conditions and the potential introduction of alien species.publishedVersio

    Physical Volcanology and Facies Analysis of Silicic Lavas: Monte Amiata Volcano (Italy)

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    Monte Amiata (Italy) is a middle Pleistocene silicic volcano characterized by the extrusion of extensive (5–8 km long and 60 m thick on average) sheet-like lava flows (SLLFs). It is one of the prime volcanoes that have been involved in the volcanological debate on the genetic interpretation of large silicic flows. We performed integrated stratigraphic, volcanological, and structural field survey and petrochemical study of Monte Amiata SLLFs to describe their volcanic facies characteristics and to elucidate their eruptive and emplacement processes. Individual flow units exhibit basal autoclastic breccia beds or shear zones, frontal ramp structures, massive cores with subvertical cooling columnar jointing, coherent non-vesicular upper parts, and plain surfaces with pressure ridges. Internal shear-bedding and crystals and vesicles lineations define planar to twisted and straightened outflow layering. The absence of fragmental textures, both at micro- and macro-scale, supports the effusive nature for the SLLFs. The most common lithology is a vitrophyric trachydacite of whitish to light-gray color, showing a homogeneous porphyritic texture of K-feldspar, plagioclase, pyroxene, and biotite, in a glassy perlitic or microcrystalline poorly vesicular groundmass. Morphological features, facies characteristics, internal structure, and petrographic textures of these silicic sheet-like and long-lasting flows suggest that their effusive emplacement was governed by peculiar physicochemical and structural conditions