4,857 research outputs found

    Primary prophylaxis of neutropenia in women affected by breast cancer undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy with fec 100+/- docetaxel. Comparison of efficacy and tolerability between lenograstim and pegfilgrastim

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    Objectives: evaluate safety and toxicity of a single injection of pegfilgrastim compared to daily administration of lenograstim in breast cancer patient undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy

    Modal analysis of the lysozyme protein considering all-atom and coarse-grained finite element models

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    Proteins are the fundamental entities of several organic activities. They are essential for a broad range of tasks in a way that their shapes and folding processes are crucial to achieving proper biological functions. Low-frequency modes, generally associated with collective movements at terahertz (THz) and sub-terahertz frequencies, have been appointed as critical for the conformational processes of many proteins. Dynamic simulations, such as molecular dynamics, are vastly applied by biochemical researchers in this field. However, in the last years, proposals that define the protein as a simplified elastic macrostructure have shown appealing results when dealing with this type of problem. In this context, modal analysis based on different modelization techniques, i.e., considering both an all-atom (AA) and coarse-grained (CG) representation, is proposed to analyze the hen egg-white lysozyme. This work presents new considerations and conclusions compared to previous analyses. Experimental values for the B-factor, considering all the heavy atoms or only one representative point per amino acid, are used to evaluate the validity of the numerical solutions. In general terms, this comparison allows the assessment of the regional flexibility of the protein. Besides, the low computational requirements make this approach a quick method to extract the protein’s dynamic properties under scrutiny

    Evaluation of the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic interaction between pagoclone and ethanol

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/109936/1/cptclpt2003353.pd

    Dairy bioactives and functional ingredients with skin health benefits

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    The potential of whey from Italian cheese productions to support skin health and anti-ageing mechanism was studied. The effect of whey on dermal and epidermal cells was evaluated. Whey inhibited the activity of elastase and tyrosinase enzymes by 60% and 32%, respectively. Whey cytotoxicity against tested skin cell lines, human fibroblasts (HDFa) and keratinocytes (HaCaT) was not observed. Moreover, the antioxidant activity of the samples was noted, after treatment with whey intracellular ROS level was decreased by 87% in comparison with the hydrogen peroxide-treated cells. Fibroblasts produced a significant amount of extracellular matrix molecules, collagen I, elastin and glycosaminoglycans as a result of treatment with tested whey. In addition, the ability of samples to improve the cell barrier integrity of keratinocytes was proven. The obtained results indicate that pure whey supports skin health and shows potential to be used by the cosmetic industry

    Mechanism of action of drugs with activity against multicellular parasites

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    Parasiticides have been the most valuable weapons to combat parasites for almost half a century, constituting more than 50 % of veterinary pharmaceuticals and a good part of the products destined for human health. However, in many parts of the world, parasites develop resistance to these drugs, and it is now a major health problem. One way to avoid this inconvenience is the in-depth knowledge of its mechanisms of action, which will allow a more appropriate use. This work is a review of the different physiological aspects of parasite species and an explanation of the different mechanisms of action of antiparasitic agents. Once these drugs are ingested or absorbed by parasites the agents come into contact with the parasites structures, and according to the drug's properties it will define the antiparasitic activity either by altering tegument, carbohydrates, protein and lipid metabolism, or motility of the multicellular parasites.Facultad de Ciencias VeterinariasConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    Structural analysis and corrosion studies on an ISO 5832-9 biomedical alloy with TiO2 sol–gel layers

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    The aim of this study was to demonstrate the relationship between the structural and corrosion properties of an ISO 5832-9 biomedical alloy modified with titanium dioxide (TiO2) layers. These layers were obtained via the sol–gel method by acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of titanium isopropoxide in isopropanol solution. To obtain TiO2 layers with different structural properties, the coated samples were annealed at temperatures of 200, 300, 400, 450, 500, 600 and 800 C for 2 h. For all the prepared samples, accelerated corrosion measurements were performed in Tyrode’s physiological solution using electrochemical methods. The most important corrosion parameters were determined: corrosion potential, polarization resistance, corrosion rate, breakdown and repassivation potentials. Corrosion damage was analyzed using scanning electron microscopy. Structural analysis was carried out for selected TiO2 coatings annealed at 200, 400, 600 and 800 C. In addition, the morphology, chemical composition, crystallinity, thickness and density of the deposited TiO2 layers were determined using suitable electron and X-ray measurement methods. It was shown that the structure and character of interactions between substrate and deposited TiO2 layers depended on annealing temperature. All the obtained TiO2 coatings exhibit anticorrosion properties, but these properties are related to the crystalline structure and character of substrate–layer interaction. From the point of view of corrosion, the best TiO2 sol–gel coatings for stainless steel intended for biomedical applications seem to be those obtained at 400 C.This study was supported by Grant No. N N507 501339 of the National Science Centre. The authors wish to express their thanks to J. Borowski (MEDGAL, Poland) for the Rex 734 alloy

    Zonisamide (CI-912) and Cognition: Results from Preliminary Study

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    Nine patients with refractory partial seizures were evaluated in a pilot study of a new anticonvulsant compound, zonisamide (l,2-benzisoxazole-3-methane-sulfonamide; CI-912). Cognitive functioning was evaluated prior to treatment with zonisamide and repeated after 12 and 24 weeks of treatment with zonisamide. At minimum steady-state plasma concentrations >30 jjug/ml, zonisamide appeared to affect specific cognitive functions such as acquisition and consolidation of new information. Previously learned material, such as vocabulary, and psychomotor performance were not affected. Verbal learning was affected, while visual-perceptual learning was unimpaired. These cognitive effects were observed in the absence of the usual clinical signs and symptoms of toxicity. A linear relationship was found between impairment of cognitive abilities and the minimum plasma concentration (r = -0.73; p < 0.05). Findings also suggest the development of tolerance to the adverse cognitive effects. RESUMEN En un estudio piloto realizado para valorar la eficacia de la zonisamida (1,2-Bencisoxazol-melanosulfonamida [CI-912]), un nuevo compuesto anticonvulsive se han evaluado unos 9 pa-cientes con ataques parciales refractarios al tratamiento. Se de-terminÓ la capacidad cognitiva anterior al tratamiento y se re-pitio 12 y 24 semanas despuÉs del tratamiento con zonisamida. Con concentraciones plasmÁticas mÍnimas estables per encima de 30 mcg/ml, la zonisamida afectÓ las funciones cognitives especÍficas tales como la adquisiciÓn y consolidaciÓn de nueva informaciÓn. El material aprendido previamente, tal como el vo-cabulario, y las funciones psicomotoras no se afectaron. El aprendizaje verbal se modificÓ mientras que el aprendizaje visuo-perfectivo no se modificÓ. Estos efectos cognitivos se ob-servaron en ausencia de los habituales signos y sÍntomas clÍnicos de toxicidad. Se encontrÓ una relaciÓn lineal entre la alteraciÓn de las posibilidades cognitivas y la concentraciÓn plasmÁtica mÍnima (r = -0.73, p < 0.05). Estos hallazgos tambiÉn sugieren el desarrollo de una tolerancia a los efectos cognitivos adversos. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 9 Patienten mit rezidivierenden Partial-AnfÄllen wurden in einer Pilotstudie mit einer neuen antiepileptischen Substanz: Zonisamide untersucht. Die kognitiven Funktionen wurden vor der Behandlung mit Zonisamide geprtÜft und nach 12 und 24 Therapiewochen mit Zonisamide wiederholt. Bei einem Min-destplasmaspiegel von 30 mcg/ml schien Zonisamide spezifische kognitive FÄhigkeiten wie Aufnahme und Speicherung neuer In-formationen zu beeintrÄchtigen. Vorher gelernte Inhalte wie sprachliche und psychomotorische Fertigkeiten wurden nicht beeinflußt. Verbales Lernen war ebenfalls betroffen, wÄhrend visuell, perzeptives Lernen nicht verschlechtert war. Diese BeeintrÄchtigung kognitiver Funktionen wurde bei fehlenden klinischen Intoxikationszeichen beobachtet. Eine lineare Bezie-hung zwischen Verschlechterung kognitiver FÄhigkeiten und Mindest-Plasmaspiegel konnte hergestellt werden (r = -0,73; p < 0,05). Allerdings lassen die Ergebnisse auch auf eine GewÖhnung an diese unerwÜnschten Nebenwirkungen schließen.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65995/1/j.1528-1157.1987.tb03624.x.pd

    Enhanced detection techniques of orbital angular momentum states in the classical and quantum regimes

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    The orbital angular momentum (OAM) of light has been at the center of several classical and quantum applications for imaging, information processing and communication. However, the complex structure inherent in OAM states makes their detection and classification nontrivial in many circumstances. Most of the current detection schemes are based on models of the OAM states built upon the use of Laguerre-Gauss (LG) modes. However, this may not in general be sufficient to capture full information on the generated states. In this paper, we go beyond the LG assumption, and employ hypergeometric-Gaussian (HyGG) modes as the basis states of a refined model that can be used - in certain scenarios - to better tailor OAM detection techniques. We show that enhanced performances in OAM detection are obtained for holographic projection via spatial light modulators in combination with single-mode fibers (SMFs), and for classification techniques based on a machine learning approach. Furthermore, a three-fold enhancement in the SMF coupling efficiency is obtained for the holographic technique, when using the HyGG model with respect to the LG one. This improvement provides a significant boost in the overall efficiency of OAM-encoded single-photon detection systems. Given that most of the experimental works using OAM states are effectively based on the generation of HyGG modes, our findings thus represent a relevant addition to experimental toolboxes for OAM-based protocols in quantum communication, cryptography and simulation


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    High resolution numerical simulations of recent flash-flood events that have occurred over Mediterranean coasts are used to underline the physical mechanisms leading to the stationary of the precipitating systems and the predictability associated with such events. Three cases, including the two last extreme flash-flood events over Southeastern France, have been simulated : the 12-13 November 1999 catastrophe over the Aude region (MAP IOP16), the 8-9 September 2002 flash-flood over the Gard region and the less paroxysmal event of 13-14 October 1995 over the Cévennes-Vivarais relief. Sensitivity to the initial conditions, to the Massif Central relief and to the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) has been studied