2,611 research outputs found

    Unsupervised smooth contour detection

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    An unsupervised method for detecting smooth contours in digital images is proposed. Following the a contrario approach, the starting point is dening the conditions where contours should not be detected: soft gradient regions contaminated by noise. To achieve this, low frequencies are removed from the input image. Then, contours are validated as the frontiers separating two adjacent regions, one with signicantly larger values than the other. Signicance is evalu-ted using the Mann-Whitney U test to determine whether the samples were drawn from the same distribution or not. This test makes no assumption on the distributions. The resulting algorithm is similar to the classic Marr-Hildreth edge detector, with the addition of the statistical validation step. Combined with heuristics based on the Canny and Devernay methods, an efficient algorithm is derived producing sub-pixel contours

    A brief analysis of the holistically-nested edge detector

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    Este artículo está disponible en línea con materiales complementarios, software, conjuntos de datos y demostración en https://doi.org/10.5201/ipol.2022.422This work describes the HED method for edge detection. HED uses a neural network based on a VGG16 backbone, supplemented with some extra layers for merging the results at different scales. The training was performed on an augmented version of the BSDS500 dataset. We perform a brief analysis of the results produced by HED, highlighting its quality but also indicating its limitations. Overall, HED produces state-of-the-art results

    A sub-pixel edge detector: an implementation of the Canny/Devernay Algorithm

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    An image edge detector is described which produces chained edge points with sub-pixel accuracy. The method incorporates the main ideas of the classic Canny and Devernay algorithms. The analysis shows that a slight modification to the original formulation improves the sub-pixel accuracy of the edge points

    A brief analysis of the dense extreme inception network for edge detection

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    This work describes DexiNed, a Dense Extreme Inception Network for Edge Detection proposed by Xavier Soria, Edgar Riba and Angel Sappa in [IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2020]. The network is organized in blocks that extract edges at different resolutions, which are then merged to produce a multiscale edge map. For training, the authors introduced an annotated dataset (BIPED) specifically designed for edge detection. We perform a brief analysis of the results produced by DexiNed, highlighting its quality but also indicating its limitations. Overall, DexiNed produces state-of-the-art results

    Joint A Contrario Ellipse and Line Detection.

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TPAMI.2016.2558150We propose a line segment and elliptical arc detector that produces a reduced number of false detections on various types of images without any parameter tuning. For a given region of pixels in a grey-scale image, the detector decides whether a line segment or an elliptical arc is present (model validation). If both interpretations are possible for the same region, the detector chooses the one that best explains the data (model selection ). We describe a statistical criterion based on the a contrario theory, which serves for both validation and model selection. The experimental results highlight the performance of the proposed approach compared to state-of-the-art detectors, when applied on synthetic and real images.This work was partially funded by the Qualcomm postdoctoral program at École Polytechnique Palaiseau, a Google Faculty Research Award, the Marie Curie grant CIG-334283-HRGP, a CNRS chaire d’excellence and chaire Jean Marjoulet, and EPSRC grant EP/L010917/1

    A contrario 3D point alignment detection algorithm

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    In this article we present an algorithm for the detection of perceptually relevant alignments in 3D point clouds. The algorithm is an extension of the algorithm developed by Lezama et al. [J. Lezama, J-M. Morel, G. Randall, R. Grompone von Gioi, A Contrario 2D Point Alignment Detection, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 37 (3), pp. 499- 512, 2015] for the case of sets of 2D points. The algorithm is based on the a contrario detection theory that mathematically formalizes the non-accidentalness principle proposed for perception: an observed structure is relevant if it rarely occurs by chance. This framework has been widely used in different detection tasks and leads to algorithms with a single critical parameter to control the number of false detections

    Mass production of event simulations for the BaBar experiment using the Grid

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    The BaBar experiment has been taking data since 1999, investigating the violation of charge and parity (CP) symmetry in the field of High Energy Physics. Event simulation is an intensive computing task, due to the complexity of the algorithm based on the Monte Carlo method implemented using the GEANT engine. The simulation input data are stored in ROOT format, they are classified into two categories: conditions data for describing the detector status when data are recorded, and background triggers data for including the noise signal necessary to obtain a realistic simulation. In order to satisfy these requirements, in the traditional BaBar computing model events are distributed over several sites involved in the collaboration where each site manager centrally manages a private farm dedicated to simulation production. The new grid approach applied to the BaBar production framework is discussed along with the schema adopted for data deployment via Xrootd/Scalla servers, including data management using grid middleware on distributed storage facilities spread over the INFN-GRID network. A comparison between the two models is provided, describing also the custom applications developed for performing the whole production task on the grid and showing the results achieved