83 research outputs found

    Mekanisme Tata Kelola Dan Pengungkapan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan

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    The objective of this research is to study and to gain empirical evidence in solving problem identification concerning “the effect of corporate governance mechanism (institutional ownership, managerial ownership, independent commissioners, and audit committee) toward CSR disclosure”. The sample of the study consist of 120 financial reports and annual reports in manufacturing sector that listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange since 2007-2014. The results of this research showed that the mechanism of corporate governance (institutional ownership, managerial ownership, independent commissioners, and audit committee) have a significant impact on CSR disclosure variable. Meanwhile, partially, only the variable managerial ownership and independent commissioners have the significant effects toward the disclosure of CSR

    Aplikasi Deteksi Kemiripan Kata Menggunakan Algoritma Rabin-Karp

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    Meningkatnya tindakan plagiarisme di universitas dan perguruan tinggi merupakan masalah yang cukup serius dan perlu ditangani. Pada zaman sekarang ini, mendapatkan suatu informasi memang sangatlah mudah sehingga memberikan kesempatan kepada kalangan tertentu untuk mendapatkan keuntungan pribadi. Salah satunya adalah dengan mengambil atau menggunakan karya orang lain tanpa izin seolah-olah itu adalah hasil karyanya sendiri dan ini disebut juga plagiarisme. Berdasarkan keadaan ini peneliti bertujuan untuk merancang sebuah aplikasi pendeteksi kemiripan kata pada dokumen. Metode yang diterapkan adalah algoritma Rabin-Karp dengan menggunakan pola string matching. Pencocokan pada kata sudah ditentukan sebesar 5 k-gram dan dikonversi ke nilai hashing dan nilai hashing yang serupa akan membentuk kesamaan kata pada kedua dokumen yang akan dilakukan percobaan. Dari hasil percobaan yang telah dilakukan menggunakan 10 data dokumen abstrak pada skripsi menghasilkan tingkat akurasi sebesar 95.08% dan waktu untuk memproses dokumen yang diuji rata-rata 11,8 detik. Sistem pendeteksi kesamaan kata ini dapat membantu mengidentifikasi kesamaan antara dua dokumen yang dibandingkan

    Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Jagung Hibrida Pada Berbagai Campuran Pupuk Kandang Sapi Dan N, P, K, Mg

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    The purpose of research is to find out the growth and production of hybrid corn at various manure cow mixture and N, P, K, Mg. This research was conducted at Tanjung Anom Village from October 2015 until January 2016. This research used non factorial randomized design, Application of manure cow mixture and N, P, K, Mg significant effect to plant height 6, 7 WAP and stem diameter. Application of manure cow mixture and N, P, K, Mg was not significant effect to leaf area, number of rows per cob, cob diameter, cob length, dry root weight, dry seeds weight per sample, dry 100 seeds weight, production per plot, production per hectare. The best application of manure cow mixture (5 ton/ha) + N (300 kg urea/ha) + K (120 kg KCl/ha) + Mg (400 kg Dolomit/ha) was 9,20 ton per hectare

    Study of Optical Cloaking Lenses Design for Optimizing Large Vehicle Driver’s Visibility in Bandar Lampung

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    Nowadays, invisibility efforts by scientists and engineers have focused on building a large broadband, multidirectional cloaking device. The device is usually a cloak that works in macroscopic dimensions and for the entire visible spectrum. Addition with the full-field of light, no new materials, simple infrastructure, and scale easily may be considered an ‘ideal’ cloaking device. This paper report of implementing ray optics cloaking formalism presented previously by Choi and Howell [1] using lenses design for cloaking arbitrarily large, and moving objects such as large vehicle. We apply their formalism using simulation and experiment scheme to general optical systems up to four convex lenses. The results support the information to create optical cloaking prototype for optimizing large vehicle driver’s visibility as alternative solution for decreasing traffic accident in Bandar Lampung

    Study of Optical Cloaking Lenses Design for Optimizing Large Vehicle Driver\u27s Visibility in Bandar Lampung

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    Nowadays, invisibility efforts by scientists and engineers have focused on building a large broadband, multidirectional cloaking device. The device is usually a cloak that works in macroscopic dimensions and for the entire visible spectrum. Addition with the full-field of light, no new materials, simple infrastructure, and scale easily may be considered an ‘ideal\u27 cloaking device. This paper report of implementing ray optics cloaking formalism presented previously by Choi and Howell [1] using lenses design for cloaking arbitrarily large, and moving objects such as large vehicle. We apply their formalism using simulation and experiment scheme to general optical systems up to four convex lenses. The results support the information to create optical cloaking prototype for optimizing large vehicle driver\u27s visibility as alternative solution for decreasing traffic accident in Bandar Lampung

    Sifat Fisis Dan Keawetan Alami Kayu Pengkih Terhadap Serangan Rayap Tanah (Macrotermes Gilvus)

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    Availability of wood species from natural forest that commonly used for building contructions, meuble, craft and industrial materials nowadays is increasingly limited and not balanced with increasing the needs of wood. To fulfill the needs should be used the species of wood that easily obtained, such as the species that are less well known from natural forest or cultivated by people. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the physical propersties and natural durability of pengkih wood towards termite attack. These physical properties testing is based on the ASTM D 143-94 standard with three replications in each sample. These natural durability of wood testing based on the SNI 01-7207-2006 standard with four replications in each sample. Based on the results of this research pengkih wood is including class II of wood strength, that have value of density substance is 1.5 and including class I of grade durability with percentage of weight lose about 0.3-0.6%. The smallest value of attack intensity is in the wooden base and the largest is in the end of the wood.

    Effect of Rabbit Production Factors on Revenue of Rabbit Farmers in Berastagi District, Karo Regency

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    The aim of this research was to investigate the influence of rabbitproduction factors on rabbit farmers income in the District of Berastagi Regency ofKaro which include Litter Size, Sum of Wean, Sum of Deaths, Feed Cost and Sum ofLabor; and knowing rabbit business in District of Berastagi Regency of Karo isdeserves to be forwarded. The research method used census method done twice for twomonths to take as many as 48 respondent farmers. Factor analysis was obtained byregression analysis while business feasibility obtained by Revenue Cost Ratio (RatioR/C), Benefit Cost Ratio (Rasio B/C) and Break Event Point (BEP) analysis. Theresults showed that the factor affect rabbit farmers income were Sum of Deaths andSum of Labor. Financial analysis of rabbit farmers were R/C=5,61, B/C=4,24, PriceBEP=Rp 9.875 dan Production BEP=22 pieces. It conclude that the factor affect rabbitfarmers income were Sum of Death and Sum of Labor. Rabbit business is profitableand feasible to conduct

    Marketing Efficiency of Chicken’s Egg in Binjai City, North Sumatra

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    The egg marketing by producers usually uses various marketing agencies so that chicken eggs will reach consumers. This process requires marketing costs to be used to perform marketing functions. Therefore, research is conducted to investigate the marketing channels, marketing institutions, marketing functions and investigate the marketing efficiency of chicken’s egg found in Binjai City. This research was conducted from July to August 2018. The method used in data collection is the withdrawal of a sample of retailers using the purposive sampling method, while the sample of farmers and other marketing institutions with snowball sampling. Data collection was done by interview technique using a questionnaire. Data analysis includes marketing costs, marketing margins, farme’r share and cost benefit ratio of each marketing channel. The results of this study indicate that there are two marketing channels. The smallest marketing margin is obtained by the second marketing channel, therefore the second marketing channel has the largest ratio of profit to cost. The biggest farmer's share is obtained in the second marketing channel, this channel only uses retailers as an intermediary channel. So it can be concluded that the second channel is the most efficient channel because it has the smallest cost and the profit is spread evenly across all the marketing institutions that play a role

    Chemical scarification using kno3 to increase seed germination and early growth of Indigofera zollingeriana

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    Indigofera zollingeriana as animal feed contain high protein and a goodalternative source of feed for livestok. In North Sumatera Province, now adaysIndigofera has been introduced to livestockers. This study aims to determine theeffect of scarification by soaking KNO3 (potassium nitrate) on seed germination andearly growth of Indigofera zollingeriana. This research was carried out at AnimalProduction Laboratory; Animal Husbandry Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture,University of North Sumatra Jl. A. Sofyan No. 3 Medan, which began from November2018 to January 2019. The design used was a factorial completely randomized design(RAL) with 12 combination factors, each of which contained 3 replications where eachreplication contained 15 seeds of Indigofera zollingeriana. The treatment consisted of2 factors, namely the K factor = KNO3 concentration, K0 = control, K1 = 4 g / l, K2 =8 g / l, K3 = 12 g / l repeatedly, and L factor = soaking time, L1 = 4 hours, L2 = 8hours, L3 = 12 hours .The results showed that the administration of KNO3 and soaking time on Indigoferazollingeriana seeds had a significant effect on the percentage of sprouts, sprout height,and growing power. The conclusion of the use of KNO3 with levels of 4 grams and 8grams has a positive impact on the percentage of germination and height of indigoferazollingeriana and the duration of 12 hours immersion in the seeds of indigoferazollingeriana also gives a positive effect on the percentage of sprouts and sproutheight, and the best percentage of growth is on the use of 8 grams of KNO3 with 8hours of soaking time