43 research outputs found

    Research on herbaceous plants compaction in container stores using vibrating compactors

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    Direct-action and indirect-action vibrators for compaction of silage in container stores were built for experimental trials. Experimental results indicated that during vibrating compaction the grass layer was compacted intensely for 5-10 min. Therefore, vibrators of this type are suggested for compacting grass layers with thicknesses of 0.5-0.6 m. The determination of comparative pressure as a function of vibration frequency showed that the most effective frequency was 43.96 Hz during the direct-action vibrator compaction of grass. This relationship was determined experimentally by measuring the pressure caused by the vibrator and the effective power while compacting the grass mass in a container. The pressure increase coefficient varied over a wide range of 1.5-6.8. It was established that a centrifugal indirect-action vibrator works well to compact chopped maize (a bulk density of up to 730 kg m-3 was achieved) and works to some extent for mixtures of Caucasian goat’s rue (Galegaorientalis Lam.) and red clover (Trifoliumpratense L.). This vibrator is not suitable for compacting either pure red clover or pure Caucasian goat’s rue because the compacted densities were only 260-350 and 225-280 kg/m3, respectively. Similar studies were performed using a direct-action vibrator, and similar fodder compaction results were obtained. These vibratory silage compaction methods can be recommended for small farms. Vibrating devices are useful on herbaceous plants with large stems (e.g., maize) and are somewhat useful for mixtures including such herbaceous plants when compacting in stores

    Experimental study of carriageway operational condition influence on acoustic roadside area pollution

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    Environmental noise management is an important part of the policy across the EU policy context, because transportation noise is a significant local environmental problem for most of the urban population. Increasing numbers of vehicles are associated with growing noise levels from road transport in urban areas and rising public health problems. Motor transport is considered to be a main source of noise pollution, so it is important to investigate the level of traffic noise and assess the relationship with traffic flows. The paper describes the main methods for determination of noise characteristics of traffic flows. The dependences for the prediction of the equivalent noise level and the results of field measurements of sound levels are presented. The results of field experiments and the calculated values of sound levels obtained by the analytical method are tested for homogeneity, using the Wilcoxon test. Experimental studies have established that the external sound level depends largely on the speed of vehicles, road conditions, and basic operating characteristics of highways. The analytical method associated with the use of deterministic and probabilistic models makes it possible to predict the traffic noise. But when dealing with the foregoing methods, there arise specific problems, many of which have not been resolved: there is no uniform terminology, nor is there any consensus on the use of noise characteristics of traffic flows in calculations at different stages of construction and reconstruction of highways of a certain traffic flow model under conditions of human settlements. Standardized measurement methods have been established and revised throughout the years by many renowned researchers. These methodologies have been revised in order to minimize problems that may occur and may not be foreseen by a less experienced researcher when adopting the measurement methods. Standardizing the measurement method is also useful for researchers because it becomes possible for researchers from around the world to compare their data. The joint effect of road conditions and the operational status of the roadway on the acoustic pollution of the roadside area is not fully taken into account. Therefore, applying the internationally recognized acoustical measurement standards is a good way to start any noise measurement experiment. The purpose of experimental research is to investigate the joint effect of road conditions and the operational status of the roadway on the acoustic pollution of the roadside area of settlements: identify the main characteristics of noise produced by traffic flows, consider the comparability of results of the field experiment and analytical computations. Slopes of 20…40‰ have little impact on the noise caused by the movement of passenger cars and trucks. In this case, the average acoustic emissions are identical to those used in the prediction of noise mode

    14. mezinárodní vědecká konference Didaktická konference 2021

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    Title in English: 14th International Scientific Conference Didactic Conference 2021: Proceedings Didactics of mathematics, natural sciences and vocational education represent developing areas and are a breeding ground for new ideas and approaches. In mathematics and physics, the proceedings provide an overview of the historical development of education process and the possibilities of activating students. From a practical point of view, physics and chemistry are interconnected by using simulations in teaching. Vocational education is represented from various perspectives, whether in technical education, by solving logistical problems, or educational activities in the teaching of economic subjects. Due to the current situation, there are abundant contributions on the effects of the ongoing pandemic on the educational process and distance learning

    Research of Accuracy Parameters of the Gantry Course

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    New technological processes and investigation methods for agricultural engineering : proceedings of the international conference, 8-9 september 2005

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    In order to improve conditions for potato bush formation and growing a timely good preparation of soil by a potato planter is not enough.A suitable fertilization and good care of the crop is needed at the same time ensuring the least possible compaction of the soil in the zone of bush formation. In order to avoid soil compaction, first of all manure fertilization should be abandoned as this technological operation is carried out in autumn after harvesting and at that moment soil moisture differs greatly from the optimum condition. Nevertheless, due to fertilizing with only mineral fertilizers humus amount in soils decreases, therefore, soil coherence and stickiness increase and at the same time the so called period of physical maturity during which the prepared soil crumbles best becomes shorter. Due to this reason it is difficult to prepare soil adequately for planting in time, if the year is rainy. Abroad more advanced technical means have been started to be used for potato planting in loamy soils and taking care of the crop ensuring more favourable conditions both for bush formation and harvesting with minimum losses and minimum costs. When using rotary implements in puddled soils it is loosened more intensely and it can be fertilized through chopping and incorporating catch cropsVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Gamybos inžinerijos ir valdymo studijų programos laboratorinių darbų metodikos nurodymai

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    Leidinyje pateikti laboratorinių darbų aprašymai, kuriuos sudaro: darbo tikslas, užduotis, darbo atlikimo tvarka, naudojamų įrankių ir mechanizmų konstrukcijų bei veikimo principo aprašymai, gautų rezultatų analizės metodikos. Leidinys parengtas ir išleistas už Europos Sąjungos strukturinių fondų lėšas, jomis finansuojant VGTU Mechanikos fakulteto projektą „Pirmosios pakopos inžinerinių studijų programų atnaujinimas gerinant studijų kokybę, didinant tarptautiškumą ir diegiant inovatyvius mokymo(-si) metodus“ (Nr. VP1-2.2-ŠMM-07-K-01-051), pagal Žmogiškųjų išteklių veiksmų programos 2 prioriteto „Mokymasis visą gyvenimą“ priemonę VP1-2.2-ŠMM-07-K „Studijų kokybės gerinimas, tarptautiškumo didinimas“

    Technologinės mašinos

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    Šioje mokomojoje knygoje pateikiamos bendrosios žinios apie plačiausiai naudojamų universalių technologinių mašinų mechaninę įrangą, aprašoma jos konstrukcija, veikimo principas ir derinimas. Leidinys parengtas ir išleistas už Europos Sąjungos struktūrinių fondų lėšas, jomis finansuojant VGTU Mechanikos fakulteto projektą „Pirmosios pakopos inžinerinių studijų programų atnaujinimas gerinant studijų kokybe, didinant tarptautiškumą ir diegiant inovatyvius mokymo(-si) metodus“ (Nr. VP1-2.2-ŠMM-07-K-01-051) pagal Žmogiškuųjų išteklių veiksmų programos 2 prioriteto „Mokymasis visa gyvenimą“ priemone VP1-2.2-ŠMM-07-K „Studijų kokybės gerinimas, tarptautiškumo didinimas“

    Investigation cloggy soil preparation of potatoes growing

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    Tyrimų metu palyginta dirvų purenimo kokybė sudėtiniais ir įprastais daugkartinio kultivavimo, kaupimo agregatais bei įtaka bulvių kasimui. Sudėtiniai agregatai sudaryti iš technologinių vėžių vagotuvų ir gilaus purenimo noragų priekinėje traktoriaus pakaboje bei rotorinio kultivatoriaus ir bulviasodės - galinėje traktoriaus pakaboje. Tiriama supuolančių priemolio dirvų ruošimo bulvėms aktyviomis darbinėmis dalimis ir sudėtiniais agregatais technologija, leidžianti suformuoti didesnio skerspjūvio ir puresnes vagutes, sumažinti dirvų suslėgimą agregatų važiuoklėmis. Nustatyta, kad sukuriamos palankesnės bulvių kerų augimo sąlygos, sumažinamas pasėlių piltžolėtumas bei vagutės dirvos kietis bulviakasio metu. Tai pagerina derliaus nuėmimo mašinų darbo sąlygas, sumažina derliaus užterštumą bei pažeidimus bulviakasio metuDuring the investigation it was compared the quality of soil hoeing using multiple and regular multifold cultivation-hoening aggregates and influence over potato harvesting. Multiple aggregates were compounded from technological track hiller and deep share in the tractor front suspension and rotary cultivator and potato-planter - in the tractor rear suspension. It was explored the technology using cloggy loam soil preparation for active working parts and multiple aggregates, which allows to form wider fluffier furrows, and to reduce the soil compression by aggregate chassis. It was established that using method it coul be created better potato growing conditions, reducing the amount of weeds among crops and furrow hardness during potato harvesting. That improves the working conditions of harvesting machinery, reduces yield impurity and lesions during potato harvestingVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Maize and grass mixture silage compaction with centrifugal direct-action vibrator

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    The efficiency of silage compaction of the chopped mass of maize and grass mixtures by means of centrifugal direct-action vibrators was experimentally evaluated in the reported study. The results indicate that the layer of grass plant chaff undergoes intensive compaction for the duration of 5-10 min. The dependences of the density variation of maize and grass plant mixture mass on compaction duration were determined. After 20 min of maize compaction, both silage layers of 510 kg m-3 density (the density of the dry matter – 143 kg m-3) were achieved. Moreover, while mixture of maize and fodder goat's rue (3:1) was compacted, a high mixture density was reached as well. After 10 min of compaction, 474 kg m-3 (166 kg m-3 DM) density was obtained. Analysis of silage quality indicates that maize mixtures (fodder goat's rue (3:1) and maize - red clover (1:1) silage), which were compacted with centrifugal direct-action vibrator, meet the requirements for the high quality silage