4,204 research outputs found

    Ultimate periodicity of b-recognisable sets : a quasilinear procedure

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    It is decidable if a set of numbers, whose representation in a base b is a regular language, is ultimately periodic. This was established by Honkala in 1986. We give here a structural description of minimal automata that accept an ultimately periodic set of numbers. We then show that it can verified in linear time if a given minimal automaton meets this description. This thus yields a O(n log(n)) procedure for deciding whether a general deterministic automaton accepts an ultimately periodic set of numbers.Comment: presented at DLT 201

    Characterizing precursors to stellar clusters with Herschel

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    Context. Despite their profound effect on the universe, the formation of massive stars and stellar clusters remains elusive. Recent advances in observing facilities and computing power have brought us closer to understanding this formation process. In the past decade, compelling evidence has emerged that suggests infrared dark clouds (IRDCs) may be precursors to stellar clusters. However, the usual method for identifying IRDCs is biased by the requirement that they are seen in absorption against background mid-IR emission, whereas dust continuum observations allow cold, dense pre-stellar-clusters to be identified anywhere. Aims: We aim to understand what dust temperatures and column densities characterize and distinguish IRDCs, to explore the population of dust continuum sources that are not IRDCs, and to roughly characterize the level of star formation activity in these dust continuum sources. Methods: We use Hi-GAL 70 to 500 mdatatoidentifydustcontinuumsourcesintheell=30degandell=59degHiGALsciencedemonstrationphase(SDP)fields,tocharacterizeandsubtracttheGalacticcirrusemission,andperformpixelbypixelmodifiedblackbodyfitsoncirrussubtractedHiGALsources.WeutilizearchivalSpitzerdatatoindicatethelevelofstarformingactivityineachpixel,frommidIRdarktomidIRbright.Results:WepresenttemperatureandcolumndensitymapsintheHiGALell=30degandell=59degSDPfields,aswellasarobustalgorithmforcirrussubtractionandsourceidentificationusingHiGALdata.WereportonthefractionofHiGALsourcepixelswhicharemidIRdark,midIRneutral,ormidIRbrightinbothfields.WefindsignificanttrendsincolumndensityandtemperaturebetweenmidIRdarkandmidIRbrightpixels;midIRdarkpixelsareabout10Kcolderandhaveafactorof2highercolumndensityonaveragethanmidIRbrightpixels.WefindthatHiGALdustcontinuumsourcesspanarangeofevolutionarystatesfrompretostarforming,andthatwarmersourcesareassociatedwithmorestarformationtracers.Additionally,thereisatrendofincreasingtemperaturewithtracertypefrommidIRdarkatthecoldest,tooutflow/masersourcesinthemiddle,andfinallyto8and24m data to identify dust continuum sources in the ell = 30deg and ell = 59deg Hi-GAL science demonstration phase (SDP) fields, to characterize and subtract the Galactic cirrus emission, and perform pixel-by-pixel modified blackbody fits on cirrus-subtracted Hi-GAL sources. We utilize archival Spitzer data to indicate the level of star-forming activity in each pixel, from mid-IR-dark to mid-IR-bright. Results: We present temperature and column density maps in the Hi-GAL ell = 30deg and ell = 59deg SDP fields, as well as a robust algorithm for cirrus subtraction and source identification using Hi-GAL data. We report on the fraction of Hi-GAL source pixels which are mid-IR-dark, mid-IR-neutral, or mid-IR-bright in both fields. We find significant trends in column density and temperature between mid-IR-dark and mid-IR-bright pixels; mid-IR-dark pixels are about 10 K colder and have a factor of 2 higher column density on average than mid-IR-bright pixels. We find that Hi-GAL dust continuum sources span a range of evolutionary states from pre- to star-forming, and that warmer sources are associated with more star formation tracers. Additionally, there is a trend of increasing temperature with tracer type from mid-IR-dark at the coldest, to outflow/maser sources in the middle, and finally to 8 and 24 m bright sources at the warmest. Finally, we identify five candidate IRDC-like sources on the far-side of the Galaxy. These are cold (20 K), high column density (N(H2_2) gt 1022^22 cm2^-2) clouds identified with Hi-GAL which, despite bright surrounding mid-IR emission, show little to no absorption at 8 $m. These are the first inner Galaxy far-side candidate IRDCs of which the authors are aware. Herschel in an ESA space observatory with science instruments provided by European-led Principal Investigator consortia and with important participation by NASA.The FITS files discussed in the paper would be released publicly WITH the Hi-GAL data (on the Hi-GAL website) when the Hi-GAL data is released publicly.Peer reviewe

    Integer Vector Addition Systems with States

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    This paper studies reachability, coverability and inclusion problems for Integer Vector Addition Systems with States (ZVASS) and extensions and restrictions thereof. A ZVASS comprises a finite-state controller with a finite number of counters ranging over the integers. Although it is folklore that reachability in ZVASS is NP-complete, it turns out that despite their naturalness, from a complexity point of view this class has received little attention in the literature. We fill this gap by providing an in-depth analysis of the computational complexity of the aforementioned decision problems. Most interestingly, it turns out that while the addition of reset operations to ordinary VASS leads to undecidability and Ackermann-hardness of reachability and coverability, respectively, they can be added to ZVASS while retaining NP-completness of both coverability and reachability.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum cohomology of flag manifolds and Toda lattices

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    We discuss relations of Vafa's quantum cohomology with Floer's homology theory, introduce equivariant quantum cohomology, formulate some conjectures about its general properties and, on the basis of these conjectures, compute quantum cohomology algebras of the flag manifolds. The answer turns out to coincide with the algebra of regular functions on an invariant lagrangian variety of a Toda lattice.Comment: 35 page

    Unary Pushdown Automata and Straight-Line Programs

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    We consider decision problems for deterministic pushdown automata over a unary alphabet (udpda, for short). Udpda are a simple computation model that accept exactly the unary regular languages, but can be exponentially more succinct than finite-state automata. We complete the complexity landscape for udpda by showing that emptiness (and thus universality) is P-hard, equivalence and compressed membership problems are P-complete, and inclusion is coNP-complete. Our upper bounds are based on a translation theorem between udpda and straight-line programs over the binary alphabet (SLPs). We show that the characteristic sequence of any udpda can be represented as a pair of SLPs---one for the prefix, one for the lasso---that have size linear in the size of the udpda and can be computed in polynomial time. Hence, decision problems on udpda are reduced to decision problems on SLPs. Conversely, any SLP can be converted in logarithmic space into a udpda, and this forms the basis for our lower bound proofs. We show coNP-hardness of the ordered matching problem for SLPs, from which we derive coNP-hardness for inclusion. In addition, we complete the complexity landscape for unary nondeterministic pushdown automata by showing that the universality problem is Π2P\Pi_2 \mathrm P-hard, using a new class of integer expressions. Our techniques have applications beyond udpda. We show that our results imply Π2P\Pi_2 \mathrm P-completeness for a natural fragment of Presburger arithmetic and coNP lower bounds for compressed matching problems with one-character wildcards

    The Green Bank Ammonia Survey: Unveiling the Dynamics of the Barnard 59 star-forming Clump

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    Understanding the early stages of star formation is a research field of ongoing development, both theoretically and observationally. In this context, molecular data have been continuously providing observational constraints on the gas dynamics at different excitation conditions and depths in the sources. We have investigated the Barnard 59 core, the only active site of star formation in the Pipe Nebula, to achieve a comprehensive view of the kinematic properties of the source. These information were derived by simultaneously fitting ammonia inversion transition lines (1,1) and (2,2). Our analysis unveils the imprint of protostellar feedback, such as increasing line widths, temperature and turbulent motions in our molecular data. Combined with complementary observations of dust thermal emission, we estimate that the core is gravitationally bound following a virial analysis. If the core is not contracting, another source of internal pressure, most likely the magnetic field, is supporting it against gravitational collapse and limits its star formation efficiency.Comment: 18 pages, 18 figure

    Hypervelocity Stars III. The Space Density and Ejection History of Main Sequence Stars from the Galactic Center

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    We report the discovery of 3 new unbound hypervelocity stars (HVSs), stars traveling with such extreme velocities that dynamical ejection from a massive black hole (MBH) is their only suggested origin. We also detect a population of possibly bound HVSs. The significant asymmetry we observe in the velocity distribution -- we find 26 stars with v_rf > 275 km/s and 1 star with v_rf < -275 km/s -- shows that the HVSs must be short-lived, probably 3 - 4 Msun main sequence stars. Any population of hypervelocity post-main sequence stars should contain stars falling back onto the Galaxy, contrary to the observations. The spatial distribution of HVSs also supports the main sequence interpretation: longer-lived 3 Msun HVSs fill our survey volume; shorter-lived 4 Msun HVSs are missing at faint magnitudes. We infer that there are 96 +- 10 HVSs of mass 3 - 4 Msun within R < 100 kpc, possibly enough HVSs to constrain ejection mechanisms and potential models. Depending on the mass function of HVSs, we predict that SEGUE may find up to 5 - 15 new HVSs. The travel times of our HVSs favor a continuous ejection process, although a ~120 Myr-old burst of HVSs is also allowed.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted to ApJ, minor revision

    The ionised, radical and molecular Milky Way: spectroscopic surveys with the SKA

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    Mark Thompson, et al, ‘The ionised,radical and molecular Milky Way: spectroscopic surveys with the SKA’, Proceedings, Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array (AASKA14): Giardini Naxos, Italy, June 9-13, 2014. © 2015 The Authors, under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/.The bandwith, sensitivity and sheer survey speed of the SKA offers unique potential for deep spectroscopic surveys of the Milky Way. Within the frequency bands available to the SKA lie many transitions that trace the ionised, radical and molecular components of the interstellar medium and which will revolutionise our understanding of many physical processes. In this chapter we describe the impact on our understanding of the Milky Way that can be achieved by spectroscopic SKA surveys, including "out of the box" early science with radio recombination lines, Phase 1 surveys of the molecular ISM using anomalous formaldehyde absorption, and full SKA surveys of ammonia inversion lines

    Water, methanol and dense gas tracers in the local ULIRG Arp 220: results from the new SEPIA Band 5 Science Verification campaign

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    We present a line survey of the ultraluminous infrared galaxy Arp 220, taken with the newly installed SEPIA (Swedish-European Southern Observatory PI receiver for APEX) Band 5 instrument on APEX (Atacama Pathfinder Experiment). We illustrate the capacity of SEPIA to detect the 183.3 GHz H(2)O3(1,3)-2(2,0) line against the atmospheric H2O absorption feature. We confirm the previous detection of the HCN(2-1) line, and detect new transitions of standard dense gas tracers such as HNC(2-1), HCO+(2-1), CS(4-3), (CS)-S-34(4-3) and HC3N(20-19). We also detect HCN(2-1) v(2) = 1 and the 193.5 GHz methanol (4-3) group for the first time. The absence of time variations in the megamaser water line compared to previous observations seems to rule out an AGN nuclear origin for the line. It could, on the contrary, favour a thermal origin instead, but also possibly be a sign that the megamaser emission is associated with star-forming cores washed out in the beam. We finally discuss how the new transitions of HCN, HNC and HCO+ refine our knowledge of the interstellar medium physical conditions in Arp 220

    Lysophosphatides enhance superoxide responses of stimulated human neutrophils

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    Human neutrophils which are pretreated with subtoxic concentrations of a variety of lysophosphatides (lysophosphatidytcholine, lysophosphatidylcholine oleoyl, lysophosphatidylcholine myrioyl, lysophosphatidylcholine stearoyl, lysophosphatidylcholine gamma- O -hexadecyl, lysophosphatidylinositol, and lysophosphatidylglycerol) act synergistically with neutrophil agonists phorbol myristate acetate, immune complexes, poly- L -histidine, phytohemagglutinin, and N -formyl methionyl-leucyl-phenyalanine to cause enhanced generation of superoxide (O 2 − ). None of the lyso compounds by themselves caused generation of O 2 − . The lyso compounds strongly bound to the neutrophils and could not be washed away. All of the lyso compounds that collaborated with agonists to stimulate O 2 − generation were hemolytic for human red blood cells. On the other hand, lyso compounds that were nonhemolytic for red blood cells (lysophosphatidylcholine caproate, lysophosphatidylcholine decanoyl, lysophosphatidylethanolamine, lysophosphatidylserine) failed to collaborate with agonists to generate synergistic amounts of O 2 − . However, in the presence of cytochalasin B, both lysophosphatidyiethanolamine and lysophosphatidylserine also markedly enhanced O 2 − generation induced by immune complexes. O 2 − generation was also very markedly enhanced when substimulatory amounts of arachidonic acid or eicosapentanoic acid were added to PMNs in the presence of a variety of agonists. On the other hand, neither phospholipase C, streptolysin S (highly hemolytic), phospholipase A 2 , phosphatidylcholine, nor phosphatidylcholine dipalmitoyl (all nonhemolytic) had the capacity to synergize with any of the agonists tested to generate enhanced amounts of O 2 − . The data suggest that in addition to long-chain fatty acids, only those lyso compounds that possess fatty acids with more than 10 carbons and that are also highly hemolytic can cause enhanced generation of O 2 − in stimulated PMNs.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/44499/1/10753_2004_Article_BF00924787.pd