23 research outputs found

    Does Non-Moral Ignorance Exculpate? Situational Awareness and Attributions of Blame and Forgiveness

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    In this paper, we set out to test empirically an idea that many philosophers find intuitive, namely that non-moral ignorance can exculpate. Many philosophers find it intuitive that moral agents are responsible only if they know the particular facts surrounding their action. Our results show that whether moral agents are aware of the facts surrounding their action does have an effect on people’s attributions of blame, regardless of the consequences or side effects of the agent’s actions. In general, it was more likely that a situationally aware agent will be blamed for failing to perform the obligatory action than a situationally unaware agent. We also tested attributions of forgiveness in addition to attributions of blame. In general, it was less likely that a situationally aware agent will be forgiven for failing to perform the obligatory action than a situationally unaware agent. When the agent is situationally unaware, it is more likely that the agent will be forgiven than blamed. We argue that these results provide some empirical support for the hypothesis that there is something intuitive about the idea that non-moral ignorance can exculpate

    Conception et Ă©laboration de microstructures en technologie hybride couche Ă©paisse pour des applications MEMS

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    partially released from the substrate where they are deposited. A new process, combining screenprinting technology and sacrificial layer principle, has been developed in our laboratory for the fabrication of free-standing thick-films. In order to fulfil the mechanical requirements of the structural layers during the deposition and the firing of released gold layers, an epoxy/strontium carbonate composition has been chosen as a sacrificial layer. The latter is then dissolved in an acidic solution at the end of the process. For the first time, this new process has been used for the fabrication of copper and silver electrothermal actuators. Screen-printed on an alumina substrate, these Microsystems consist of two linked beams of different widths partially suspended above the substrate where they are anchored. SEM and Castaing microprobe analyses have demonstrated the harmlessness of the process with regard to the metallic layer. The deflection and the temperature profile of the actuators have been measured respectively by optical microscopy and infrared thermography. The good correlations between these results and those obtained with analytical and finite element simulations demonstrate the feasibility of actuators with this new process. Other developments of the thick sacrificial layer process include the fabrication of silver-platinum heating resistors, glass and metallic microchannels and free-standing piezoelectric components. These preliminary results demonstrate the efficiency of this simple, collective and low cost process for implementation of devices of 1µm 100µm×100µm. Complementary to silicon, LTCC or Ink jet technologies, it is clear that this original method opens new routes of investigations for MEMS.Cette étude porte sur la réalisation de dispositifs utilisant des microstructures ou des actionneurs à base de couches épaisses partiellement désolidarisées dont le mouvement peut être découplé de celui du substrat sur lequel ils sont fabriqués. Un nouveau procédé basé sur l'association de la technique de sérigraphie standard avec la méthode de la couche sacrificielle a été mis au point spécialement au laboratoire pour la fabrication de couches libérées. Afin de répondre aux exigences de tenue mécanique lors du dépôt puis de la cuisson de couches suspendues d'or, la composition époxy/carbonate de strontium s'est révélée être le meilleur choix pour la couche sacrificielle. Cette dernière est ensuite éliminée en solution acide à la fin du procédé. Pour la première fois, des actionneurs thermiques en cuivre et en argent ont été fabriqués à l'aide du procédé de la couche sacrificielle. Des analyses par microscopie électronique à balayage et par microsonde de Castaing des bras de l'actionneur en cuivre ont pu montrer l'absence d'interaction chimique avec la couche sacrificielle lors de la cuisson. Le déplacement latéral et la température au sein des actionneurs en cuivre ont été mesurés respectivement par microscopie optique et par thermographie infrarouge en fonction de la tension appliquée. La bonne corrélation entre ces résultats et ceux de simulations analytiques et par éléments finis démontre la faisabilité d'actionneurs à l'aide de ce nouveau procédé. Ce dernier a également permis d'élaborer des résistances chauffantes suspendues, des microcanaux et des composants piézoélectriques libérés du substrat. Ces premiers résultats ont démontré l'efficacité du procédé de fabrication collectif, simple et à bas coût, pour la réalisation de dispositifs présentant des dimensions géométriques 1µm 100µm×100µm. Cette méthode originale ouvre donc de nouvelles voies de recherches dans le domaine des MEMS, complémentaires aux technologies silicium, co-cuits basse température, jet d'encre, etc

    Conception et Ă©laboration de microstructures en technologie hybride couche Ă©paisse pour des applications MEMS

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    Cette étude porte sur la réalisation de dispositifs utilisant des microstructures ou des actionneurs à base de couches épaisses partiellement désolidarisées du substrat sur lequel ils sont fabriqués. Un nouveau procédé basé sur l association de la technique de sérigraphie standard avec la méthode de la couche sacrificielle a été mis au point au laboratoire pour la fabrication de couches libérées. Afin de répondre aux exigences de tenue mécanique lors du dépôt puis de la cuisson de couches suspendues d or, la composition époxy/carbonate de strontium s est révélée être le meilleur choix pour la couche sacrificielle. Pour la première fois, des actionneurs thermiques en cuivre et en argent ont été fabriqués à l aide du procédé de la couche sacrificielle. Le déplacement latéral et la température au sein des actionneurs en cuivre ont été mesurés respectivement par microscopie optique et par thermographie infrarouge en fonction de la tension appliquée. La bonne corrélation entre ces résultats et ceux de simulations analytiques et par éléments finis démontre la faisabilité d actionneurs à l aide de ce nouveau procédé. Ce dernier a également permis d élaborer des résistances chauffantes suspendues, des microcanaux et des composants piézoélectriques libérés du substrat. Ces premiers résultats ont démontré l efficacité du procédé de fabrication collectif, simple et à bas coût, pour la réalisation de dispositifs présentant des dimensions géométriques 1 m 100 m 100 m. Cette méthode originale ouvre donc de nouvelles voies de recherches dans le domaine des MEMS, complémentaires aux technologies silicium, co-cuits basse température, jet d encre, etc.This work deals with the fabrication of devices using microstructures or actuators based on thick-films partially released from the substrate where they are deposited. A new process, combining screen-printing technology and sacrificial layer principle, has been developed in our laboratory for the fabrication of free-standing thick-films. In order to fulfil the mechanical requirements of the structural layers during the deposition and the firing of released gold layers, an epoxy/strontium carbonate composition has been chosen as a sacrificial layer. For the first time, this new process has been used for the fabrication of copper and silver electrothermal actuators. SEM and Castaing microprobe nalyses have demonstrated the harmlessness of the process with regard to the metallic layer. The deflection and the temperature profile of the tuators have been measured respectively by optical microscopy and infrared thermography. The good correlations between these results and those obtained with analytical and finite element simulations demonstrate the feasibility of actuators with this new process. Other developments of the thick sacrificial layer process include the fabrication of silver-platinum heating resistors, glass and metallic microchannels and free-standing piezoelectric components. These preliminary results demonstrate the efficiency of this simple, collective and low cost process for implementation of devices of 1 m 100 m 100 m. Complementary to silicon, LTCC or Ink jet technologies, it is clear that this original method opens new routes of investigations for MEMS.BORDEAUX1-BU Sciences-Talence (335222101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    New screen-printed thermal microactuator

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    New screen-printed thermal microactuator

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    Towards Single Cell Heat Shock Response by Accurate Control on Thermal Confinement with an On-Chip Microwire Electrode

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    International audienceMetal electrodes with micron scale width enable the heating of less than a dozen cells in a confluent layer at predictable temperatures up to 85 °C with an accuracy of ±2 °C. Those performances were obtained by a preliminary robust temperature calibration based on biotin–rhodamine fluorescence and by controlling the temperature map on the substrate through thermal modeling. The temperature accuracy was proved by inducing the expression of heat shock proteins (HSP) in a few NIH-3T3 cells through a confined and precise temperature rise. Our device is therefore effective to locally induce a heat shock response with almost single-cell resolution. Furthermore, we show that cells heated at a higher temperature than the one of heat shock remain alive without producing HSP. Electrode deposition being one of the most common engineering processes, the fabrication of electrode arrays with a simple control circuit is clearly within reach for parallel testing. This should enable the study of several key mechanisms such as cell heat shock, death or signaling. In nanomedicine, controlled drug release by external stimuli such as for example temperature has attracted much attention. Our device could allow fast and efficient testing of thermoactivable drug delivery systems

    Simalikalactone E (SkE), a new weapon in the armamentarium of drugs targeting cancers that exhibit constitutive activation of the ERK pathway

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    International audienceSimalikalactone E (SkE) is a quassinoid extracted from a widely used Amazonian antimalarial remedy. Although SkE has previously been shown to have cytostatic and/or cytotoxic activities in some tumor cell lines, its mechanism of action has not yet been characterized. We show here that SkE in the high nanomolar range inhibited the growth of various leukemic and solid tumor cell lines. Importantly, SkE was highly efficient at inhibiting chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) cells that exhibit constitutive activation of the MAPK pathway and, accordingly, it impaired the phosphorylation of ERK1/2. SkE also abrogated MEK1/2 and B-Raf phosphorylation but had no effect on Ras activity. Moreover, SkE was particularly effective against melanoma cell lines carrying the B-Raf-V600E mutation. Importantly, SkE resensitized the PLX-4032-resistant 451Lu melanoma cell line (451Lu-R) and was more efficient than U0126, a MEK inhibitor, and PLX-4032 (PLX) at inducing the apoptosis of two hairy cell leukemia (HCL) patient samples carrying the B-Raf-V600E mutation. Finally, SkE was as efficient as imatinib at inhibiting tumor formation in a xenograft model of CML cells in athymic mice. In conclusion, we show that SkE, a very potent inhibitor of B-Raf-V600E, is highly effective against cancer cell lines that exhibit constitutive activation of the ERK1/2 pathway