200 research outputs found

    Older British migrants in Spain:Return patterns and intentions post‐Brexit

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    After the Brexit referendum results, there may have been fears that a significant part of the British population in Spain, one of the largest outside the Commonwealth, would return to the United Kingdom. This paper uses different sources to assess whether, on the one hand, such a return movement has existed and, on the other hand, whether it could exist in the future. To do so, we analyse data from the Spanish Population Register (Padrón) and the Residential Variation Statistics (EVR) from 2003 to 2021, and a survey carried out in 2020 of 643 British people over 55 years of age living in Spain. In relation to the registry data, it has been observed that the return movement after Brexit has not been as significant as might be expected at a time of great uncertainty. Only in 2021 it was detected an increase in return movements, especially above the age of 75, probably caused by the end of the application of the Withdrawal Agreement. On the other hand, the survey results show that the intention to return is lower than in other similar surveys that have been carried out in the past, even in another COVID-19 outbreak scenario. Moreover, this intention to return is especially related to variables linked to insertion, such as not being properly registered or owning a property in the United Kingdom, among other variables

    Contra les aules

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    Contra les aules (Contra las aulas, València, Ed. Tres i Quatre, 2016) es un libro de memorias escrito por Tomás Llopis, un profesor valenciano recién jubilado. El propio título del libro es un equívoco con el que juega Llopis, como también lo hace con la elección de una de las citas célebres del también maestro valenciano Carles Salvador con la que abre el volumen ?Si enderroquéssim l?escola, quin bell centre d?interés? (?si derribáramos la escuela, qué bello centro de interés?). No es esta una declaración contra la escuela como tal si no más bien contra los muros, los físicos pero también los administrativos y los ideológicos, que la han constreñido históricamente y lo siguen haciendo hoy en día

    Apuntes para una sociología del cómic

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    This article focuses on the analysis of theoretical and empirical studies on the sociology of comics during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Although currently comics are widely accepted in academia, both in journals and specialised monographs, this was not common in the past. The first studies were exceptions in the broader scope of communication sociology, and they only became popular in academia as of the 1950s. One of the catalysts for the sociology of comics was Umberto Eco (1968), from which deeper studies would come, such as those by Dorfman and Mattelart (1971) or Luc Boltanski (1975) . Finally, some empirical research based on the language of comics is analysed.-Este artículo se centra en el análisis de los estudios teóricos y empíricos sobre la sociología del cómic durante los siglos XX y XXI. Aunque en la actualidad el cómic está ampliamente aceptado en el ámbito académico, tanto en publicaciones periódicas como en monografías especializadas, esto no ha sido lo habitual en el pasado. Los primeros estudios fueron excepciones en el ámbito más amplio de la sociología de la comunicación, y no será hasta los años 50 cuando se popularicen en la academia. Uno de los catalizadores de la sociología del cómic fue la obra de  Umberto Eco (1968), a partir de la cual llegarían estudios más profundos como los de Dorfman y Mattelart (1971) o Luc Boltanski (1975). Finalmente, se analizan trabajos empíricos que toman como base el lenguaje del cómic


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    El document forma part dels materials docents programats mitjançant l'ajut del Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de ValènciaEl document versa sobre els temes inclosos en l'assignatura Socioestadística del Grau de Sociologi

    End to dream? British retired residents in Spain and their return patterns

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    Academic production on residential tourism and retirement migration historically focus on movements of arrival in receiving countries. This assumes both the uni-directionality of migrations and the importance of analysing immigrations from the host society point of view. Other types of migratory flows or mobility such as re-emigrations, return movements or transnationalism are left aside from the academic agenda. One of the factors that difficult the analysis of issues such as re-emigration or return migration is the arduousness of capturing these movements in migration statistics. Even when we have access to such sources of information, their interpretation must be very prudent, since numbers do not always reflect real migrations. In this paper, we focus our analysis both on the British population living in Spain, their arrivals and, mainly, out-migrations. Moreover, the result of the referendum of 23th May 2016 could be key to understanding future exit movements. We will use the Residential Variation Statistics (RVS) developed by the National Statistics Institute (INE) to try to shed some light on this topic

    Externalising moods and psychological states in a cloud based system to enhance a pet-robot and child’s interaction

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    Background:This PATRICIA research project is about using pet robots to reduce pain and anxiety in hospitalized children. The study began 2 years ago and it is believed that the advances made in this project are significant. Patients, parents, nurses, psycholo- gists, and engineers have adopted the Pleo robot, a baby dinosaur robotic pet, which works in different ways to assist children during hospitalization. Methods: Focus is spent on creating a wireless communication system with the Pleo in order to help the coordinator, who conducts therapy with the child, monitor, under- stand, and control Pleo’s behavior at any moment. This article reports how this techno- logical function is being developed and tested. Results: Wireless communication between the Pleo and an Android device is achieved. The developed Android app allows the user to obtain any state of the robot without stopping its interaction with the patient. Moreover, information is sent to a cloud, so that robot moods, states and interactions can be shared among different robots. Conclusions: Pleo attachment was successful for more than 1 month, working with children in therapy, which makes the investment capable of positive therapeutic possibilities. This technical improvement in the Pleo addresses two key issues in social robotics: needing an enhanced response to maintain the attention and engagement of the child, and using the system as a platform to collect the states of the child’s progress for clinical purposes.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    L'Actualitat de Thomas Hobbes i la traducció de Bartomeu Forteza del De Corpore

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    En aquest article es recullen els textos de la presentació de la traducció de l'obra de Thomas Hobbes, De Corpore, traducció realitzada per Bartomeu Forteza i acompanyada d'un extens estudi introductori. L'acte fou celebrat a la Sala Pere Coromines de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans el 17 de novembre de 2010.This article compiles the texts of the presentation of Bartomeu Forteza’s translation of Thomas Hobbes’ De Corpore. The translation also includes an extensive introductory study. The presentation was held at the Sala Pere Coromines of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans on November 17th 2010

    La participación en asociaciones de los inmigrantes africanos. Vías de interpretación del distanciamiento asociativo

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    This article is focused on the reasons for non-participation of African population in immigrant associations. To understand this question, we conducted semi-structured interviews with persons who decided consciously no to participate in associations and organizations that worked with immigrants. All this work was developed in Catalonia, Valencia and Navarra, from a multilocal research perspective. We interpret the associative detachment, as a voluntary distancing based on the absence of information, lack of time, disenchantment, proprietorship activism, passively waiting, or because they are the only user population. Nevertheless, there are other factors of greater significance, as the political culture or the questioning of leadership in associations.Este artículo se adentra en las razones de la no-participación de la población africana en las asociaciones de inmigrantes. Para ello se utilizan entrevistas semidirigidas realizadas a personas que deciden de manera consciente no participar en las asociaciones y a entidades que trabajan con inmigrantes, en el contexto de un proyecto de investigación mucho más amplio y de carácter multilocal centrado en Cataluña, la Comunidad Valenciana y Navarra. El desapego asociativo, observado a través de las entrevistas, se interpreta como un distanciamiento más o menos voluntario, basado en la ausencia de información, la falta de tiempo, el desencanto, el activismo unipersonal, la espera pasiva o la condición de población únicamente usuaria, pero también en factores de mayor calado como la cultura política o el cuestionamiento de los liderazgos asociativos