41 research outputs found

    Hipoparatiroidismo primario en un perro

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    Una perra Terrier de 8 años se presentó con convulsiones generalizadas agudas. El animal sufría hipocalcemia severa persistente, fosfatemia en el rango superior o elevada y niveles de PTH compatibles con hipoparatirodismo primario. Tras 21 meses de tratamiento el animal sólo requiere la administración de calcitriol a días alternos.

    Lesión quística calcificada periféricamente en el biceps femoral de un perro

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    Un perro pastor alemán macho de 7 meses de edad se presentó a consulta por la aparición de un abultamiento marcado en los músculos flexores de la extremidad posterior derecha. El estado general era normal y no había otros síntomas. A la palpación había dolor moderado, la masa estaba bien delimitada y tenía consistencia blanda pero con cierta tensión que sugería la existencia de una cavidad rellena de líquido o gas. Se sospechó de un origen traumático y se trató inicialmente con prednisona, a dosis antiinflamatoria, y diuréticos. Después de cinco días el tamaño de la lesión no se había reducido y una biopsia con aguja fina obtuvo un exuda do serohemorrágico. Se colocó un drenaje penrose y se realizaron varias biopsias para histopatología. Microscópicamente la lesión estaba formada por tejido fibroso aparentemente aséptico. Un examen radiográfico posterior demostró la presencia de calcificación periférica

    Enfermedades por inmunosupresión asociadas al virus de la leucemia felina

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    Este trabajo trata de resaltar la importancia del síndrome de inmunosupresión/mielosupresión inducido por el virus de la leucemia felina (FeLV), frente a la patología tumoral más característica y divulgada. Se realiza una revisión de las principales enfermedades asociadas a este síndrome citosupresivo, diagnosticándose por primera vez la asociación clínica de coccidiosis (Cystoisospora felis) y de FeLV en una colonia de gatos afectados porFeLV. Finalmente, se comentan los aspectos más destacados del tratamiento y prevención de esta importante virosis felinaThe aim of this work is to highlight the clinical relevance of the immunosupressive/myelosupressive syndrome induced by the feline leukemia virus (FeLV) as oposed to the better known and reported tumoral pathology. The main diseases associated to this cytosupressive syndrome are revised, reporting for the first time the clinical association between FeLV and feline coccidiosis (Cystoisospora felis) in a FeLV affected cattery. Finally, we comment on the more relevant aspects about treatment and prevention of this major feline virosis

    Multistage and adaptive sampling protocols combined with near-infrared spectral sensors for automated monitoring of raw materials in bulk

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    A near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy-based real-time monitoring system is proposed to sample and analyse agro-industrial raw materials transported in bulk in a single stage, easing and optimising the evaluation process of incoming lots at reception of agri-food plants. NIR analysis allows rapid and cost-effective analytical results to be obtained, and hence to rethink current sampling protocols. For this purpose, multistage and adaptive sampling designs were tested in this paper, which have been reported (in soil science and ecology) to be more flexible and efficient than conventional strategies to study patterns of clustering or patchiness, which can be the result of natural phenomena. The additional spatial information provided by NIR has also been exploited, using geostatistical analysis to model the spatial pattern of key analytical constituents in Processed Animal Proteins (PAPs). This study addresses the assessment of two kinds of quality/safety issues in PAP lots – moisture accumulation and cross-contamination. After a simulation study, qualitative and quantitative analyses were carried out to make a performance comparison between sampling designs. Results show that sampling densities below 10–15% demonstrated higher estimation errors, failing to represent the actual spatial patterns, while a stratified adaptive cluster sampling design achieved the best performance

    Performance comparison of sampling designs for quality and safety control of raw materials in bulk: a simulation study based on NIR spectral data and geostatistical analysis

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    This study exploits the potential of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy to deliver a measurement for each sampling point. Furthermore, it provides a protocol for the modelling of the spatial pattern of analytical constituents. On the basis of these two aspects, the methodology proposed in this work offers an opportunity to provide a real-time monitoring system to evaluate raw materials, easing and optimising the existing procedures for sampling and analysing products transported in bulk. In this paper, Processed Animal Proteins (PAPs) were selected as case study, and two types of quality/safety issues were tested in PAP lots —induced by moisture and cross-contamination. A simulation study, based on geostatistical analysis and the use of a set of sampling protocols, made a qualitative analysis possible to compare the representation of the spatial surfaces produced by each design. Moreover, the Root Mean Square Error of Prediction (RMSEP), calculated from the differences between the analytical values and the geostatistical predictions at unsampled locations, was used to measure the performance in each case. Results show the high sensitivity of the process to the sampling plan used — understood as the sampling design plus the sampling intensity. In general, a gradual decrease in the performance can be observed as the sampling intensity decreases, so that unlike for higher intensities, the too low ones resulted in oversmoothed surfaces which did not manage to represent the actual distribution. Overall, Stratified and Simple Random samplings achieved the best results in most cases. This indicated that an optimal balance between the design and the intensity of the sampling plan is imperative to perform this methodology

    Near-infrared spectroscopy and geostatistical analysis for modeling spatial distribution of analytical constituents in bulk animal by-product protein meals

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    Control and inspection operations within the context of safety and quality assessment of bulk foods and feeds are not only of particular importance, they are also demanding challenges, given the complexity of food/feed production systems and the variability of product properties. Existing methodologies have a variety of limitations, such as high costs of implementation per sample or shortcomings in early detection of potential threats for human/animal health or quality deviations. Therefore, new proposals are required for the analysis of raw materials in situ in a more efficient and cost-effective manner. For this purpose, a pilot laboratory study was performed on a set of bulk lots of animal by-product protein meals to introduce and test an approach based on near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and geostatistical analysis. Spectral data, provided by a fiber optic probe connected to a Fourier transform (FT) NIR spectrometer, were used to predict moisture and crude protein content at each sampling point. Variographic analysis was carried out for spatial structure characterization, while ordinary Kriging achieved continuous maps for those parameters. The results indicated that the methodology could be a first approximation to an approach that, properly complemented with the Theory of Sampling and supported by experimental validation in real-life conditions, would enhance efficiency and the decision-making process regarding safety and adulteration issues

    Predicción del Índice de Reposición en Montanera para la clasificación de canales de cerdo Ibérico según régimen alimenticio mediante el análisis no destructivo por Espectroscopía del Infrarrojo Cercano

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    The classification of Iberian pig carcasses into different commercial categories according to feeding regime was evaluated by means of a non-destructive analysis of the subcutaneous adipose tissue using Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS). A quantitative approach was used to predict the Acorn-Grass Weight Gain Index (AGWGI), and a set of criteria was established for commercial classification purposes. A total of 719 animals belonging to various batches, reflecting a wide range of feeding regimes, production systems and years, were analyzed with a view to developing and evaluating quantitative NIRS models. Results for the external validation of these models indicate that NIRS made clear differentiation of batches as a function of three feeding regimes possible with high accuracy (Acorn, Recebo and Feed), on the basis of the mean representative spectra of each batch. Moreover, individual analysis of the animals showed a broad consensus between field inspection information and the classification based on the AGWGI NIRS prediction, especially for extreme categories (Acorn and Feed).La clasificación en distintas categorías comerciales según régimen alimenticio de canales de cerdo Ibérico fue evaluada mediante el análisis no destructivo de muestras de tejido adiposo subcutáneo por Espectroscopía del Infrarrojo Cercano (NIRS). Partiendo de una aproximación cuantitativa para predecir el Índice de Reposición en Montanera (IRM) se establecieron una serie de criterios para proceder a su clasificación comercial. Se analizaron un total de 719 animales pertenecientes a diversas partidas, que recogen una amplia variabilidad de muestras de distintos regímenes alimenticios, campañas y sistemas productivos, para el desarrollo y evaluación de los modelos NIRS cuantitativos. Los resultados de validación externa de los modelos indicaron que es posible discriminar con una gran exactitud entre partidas de distintos categorías (Bellota, Recebo y Cebo), en base al espectro medio representativo de cada partida. Además, el análisis individualizado de los animales mostró un amplio consenso entre la información recibida de campo y la clasificación en base a la predicción del parámetro IRM por NIRS, sobre todo para categorías con características extremas (Bellota y Cebo)

    Predicción de color de la pulpa en melones enteros mediante espectroscopía de reflectancia en el infrarrojo cercano

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    El color de la pulpa del melón es uno de los índices utilizados para determinar el grado de madurez y calidad del mismo, siendo necesario disponer de medidas no destructivas que impidan el daño y la depreciación del producto. La tecnología NIRS ofrece enormes expectativas en este terreno, particularmente derivadas de su carácter de no destructiva, rápida y con posibilidad de ser incorporada a nivel de la línea de producción. El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación fue evaluar un instrumento NIRS de red de diodos para estimar el color del mesocarpio (a*: variación verde-rojo y b*: variación amarillo-azul) de melones intactos. El desarrollo de los modelos de predicción de color se realizó utilizando un colectivo constituido por 158 muestras (vars. Cantaloupe y Galia) procedentes de El Ejido (Almería). Los valores del coeficiente de determinación (r2) y del error típico de validación cruzada (ETVC) obtenidos para los parámetros a* (0,97, 1,98) y b* (0,88, 3,17) en la fruta intacta indican la viabilidad inicial del empleo de la tecnología NIRS para la determinación de la madurez y calidad de frutos de melón enteros

    The immunopathology of canine vector-borne diseases

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    The canine vector-borne infectious diseases (CVBDs) are an emerging problem in veterinary medicine and the zoonotic potential of many of these agents is a significant consideration for human health. The successful diagnosis, treatment and prevention of these infections is dependent upon firm understanding of the underlying immunopathology of the diseases in which there are unique tripartite interactions between the microorganism, the vector and the host immune system. Although significant advances have been made in the areas of molecular speciation and the epidemiology of these infections and their vectors, basic knowledge of the pathology and immunology of the diseases has lagged behind. This review summarizes recent studies of the pathology and host immune response in the major CVBDs (leishmaniosis, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, hepatozoonosis, anaplasmosis, bartonellosis and borreliosis). The ultimate application of such immunological investigation is the development of effective vaccines. The current commercially available vaccines for canine leishmaniosis, babesiosis and borreliosis are reviewed