337 research outputs found

    The LIL for UU-statistics in Hilbert spaces

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    We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the (bounded) law of the iterated logarithm for UU-statistics in Hilbert spaces. As a tool we also develop moment and tail estimates for canonical Hilbert-space valued UU-statistics of arbitrary order, which are of independent interest

    Response of potential cucurbit rootstocks against Meloidogyne spp

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    the Cucurbita hybrids, usually used as cucurbit rootstocks, are susceptible to Meloidogyne. Its cultivation increases the nematode population densities at similar levels than ungrafted cucumber or melon crops, and higher 'Ievels than watermelon.Postprint (published version

    Common Ownership, Competition, and Top Management Incentives

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    When one firm’s strategy affects other firms’ value, optimal executive incentives depend on whether shareholders have interests in only one or in multiple firms. Performance-sensitive contracts induce managerial effort to reduce costs, and lower costs induce higher output. Hence, greater managerial effort can lead to lower product prices and industry profits. Therefore, steep managerial incentives can be optimal for a single firm and at the same time violate the interests of common owners of several firms in the same industry. Empirically, managerial wealth is more sensitive to performance when a firm’s largest shareholders do not own large stakes in competitors

    L'estimulació primerenca : definició i algunes experiéncies actuals

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    La estimulación precoz nos remite generalmente a alteraciones en el desarrollo del niño, dentro de un organismo y un ambiente concretos, y sujeto a unas exigencias sociales también concretas. Tiene una importancia fundamental la adquisición de aprendizajes que faciliten el desarrollo y, sobre todo (últimamente hemos podido constatarlo), el aspecto preventivo de la estimulación precoz, tanto en deficientes mentales como sensoriales, considerando los objetivos y teniendo en cuenta el desarrollo psíquico y la maduración biológica, para llevar a cabo un programa de estimulación precoz que comprenda trabajo psico-pedagógico en las diferentes áreas personal, social, motrocidad gruesa y fina y lenguaje. Esto debe complementarse con la disponibilidad de servicios y la colaboración de los padres de estos niños.To speak of early stimulation generally leads us to refer to alterations in the childs development, and these disorders are usually given in a specific organism and atmosphere and also with certain specific social demands. The attainment of learning skills that will aid development is of basic importance, as is (and we have been able to ascertain it lately) the preventive aspect of early stimulation for mental as well as sensory .deficiency. The latter must be done considering previously established aims and taking into account the childs psychological and biological development, so as to carry out an early stimulation program which includes work in the different personal, social, linguistic and coarse and fine motricity areas. This task must be complemented with aid and cooperation from social services and from these childrens parents

    Analytic integrability of certain resonant saddle

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    We provide sufficient conditions of analytic integrability for a family of planar differential system with a p : −q resonant saddle at the origin. The conditions are then shown to be necessary in several finite dimensional families where the calculations can be performed explicitly. It is conjectured that the conditions are in fact complete for all families. Though the form of the equations is quite simple, their study merits further attention as they exhibit an interesting dichotomy between finite and arbitrary dimensional components of the center variety.The second author is partially supported by a MINECO/ FEDER grant number MTM2017-84383-P and an AGAUR (Generalitat de Catalunya) grant number 2017SGR-1276

    Fracturas abiertas de pelvis: seguimiento a largo plazo

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    Presentamos una serie de fracturas abiertas de pelvis atendidas en nuestro centro. Para su estudio hemos revisado las historias clínicas de los pacientes, evaluando los resultados por medio de entrevista telefónica. La proporción de este tipo de fracturas, especialmente grave, con respecto a todas las fracturas de pelvis ingresadas es de algo más del 2%. Con especial atención analizamos las lesiones asociadas, las complicaciones y la necesidad de transfusión. Así mismo presentamos el tratamiento efectuado. La mortalidad de nuestra serie es del 6,6%. Parece evidente la necesidad de un tratamiento agresivo, que incluya la temprana estabilización de la fractura, así como la colaboración con otros especialistas quirúrgicos.A series of open pelvis fractures were restrospectively studied using the clinical records and telephone interview. This specially severe fractures account for a 2% of all pelvis fractures admitted to our hospital. We emphasised our review on associated injuries, complications and indication for transfusion. The treatment indicated is presented. The mortality was 6,7%. It is evident the need of an aggressive treatment including early fracture stabilization with a multidisciplinary approach

    The Pioneer anomaly and the holographic scenario

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    In this paper we discuss the recently obtained relation between the Verlinde's holographic model and the first phenomenological Modified Newtonian dynamics. This gives also a promising possible explanation to the Pioneer anomaly.Comment: 5 pages, Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    Concentration Inequalities and Confidence Bands for Needlet Density Estimators on Compact Homogeneous Manifolds

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    Let X1,...,XnX_1,...,X_n be a random sample from some unknown probability density ff defined on a compact homogeneous manifold M\mathbf M of dimension d1d \ge 1. Consider a 'needlet frame' {ϕjη}\{\phi_{j \eta}\} describing a localised projection onto the space of eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator on M\mathbf M with corresponding eigenvalues less than 22j2^{2j}, as constructed in \cite{GP10}. We prove non-asymptotic concentration inequalities for the uniform deviations of the linear needlet density estimator fn(j)f_n(j) obtained from an empirical estimate of the needlet projection ηϕjηfϕjη\sum_\eta \phi_{j \eta} \int f \phi_{j \eta} of ff. We apply these results to construct risk-adaptive estimators and nonasymptotic confidence bands for the unknown density ff. The confidence bands are adaptive over classes of differentiable and H\"{older}-continuous functions on M\mathbf M that attain their H\"{o}lder exponents.Comment: Probability Theory and Related Fields, to appea

    Artritis séptica de rodilla por Pantoea agglomerans: caso clínico

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    Presentamos un caso clínico de artritis séptica de rodilla causado por Pantoea agglomerans, inoculado en la articulación mediante un pinchazo con cuerpo vegetal. Este bacilo gram (-) se ha asociado a la producción de artritis séptica en algunas ocasiones, pero nunca en nuestro país hasta la fecha y según nuestro conocimiento. Artritis originadas por punciones con vegetales y etiquetadas como asépticas, enmascaran en nuestra opinión verdaderos cuadros infecciosos. Como el tratamiento de cualquier artritis purulenta, deben combinarse el drenaje (en este caso mediante artroscopia) y antibioterapia, lo que en nuestro caso consiguió la curación del paciente.We report a case of septic arthritis of the knee caused by Pantoea agglomerans, that gained access into the joint by a puncture with a vegetal body. This gram –ve bacillus has been occasionally linked to cases of septic arthritis, but never in our country up to date and to our know- ledge. We think that arthritis related to punctures with plants and labelled as “aseptic”, mask in fact septic processes. As in any pyogenic arthritis, adequate drainage of joint fluid (through arthroscopy in this case) and antimicrobial therapy must be used together; this approach allowed the healing of our patient