2,600 research outputs found

    Aplicabilidade da Análise Dinâmica do Capital de Giro como Instrumento de Avaliação da Gestão Financeira em Cooperativas Agropecuárias

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    This study has as purpose to investigate the originof the funds that financed the net workingcapital needs of a sample of 64 located agricultural cooperatives in 8 Brazilian states, in the period1999 to 2004. The results obtained lead to the conclusion that cooperatives’ demand for workingcapital has not been financed, in general, with permanent funds (long term liabilities andstockholders’ equity). So, there is a need to raiseshort-term burdensome funds to complement thefinancing of its financial cycle, generally, with higher cost and risks than the other sources of funds


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    This Thesis pursues three main objectives: (i) to use computational modelling to explore how music is perceived, cognitively processed and created by human beings; (ii) to explore interactive musical systems as a method to model and achieve the transmission of musical influence in artificial worlds and between humans and machines; and (iii) to experiment with artificial and alternative developmental musical routes in order to observe the evolution of musical styles. In order to achieve these objectives, this Thesis introduces a new paradigm for the design of computer interactive musical systems called the Ontomemetical Model of Music Evolution - OMME, which includes the fields of musical ontogenesis and memetlcs. OMME-based systems are designed to artificially explore the evolution of music centred on human perceptive and cognitive faculties. The potential of the OMME is illustrated with two interactive musical systems, the Rhythmic Meme Generator (RGeme) and the Interactive Musical Environments (iMe). which have been tested in a series of laboratory experiments and live performances. The introduction to the OMME is preceded by an extensive and critical overview of the state of the art computer models that explore musical creativity and interactivity, in addition to a systematic exposition of the major issues involved in the design and implementation of these systems. This Thesis also proposes innovative solutions for (i) the representation of musical streams based on perceptive features, (ii) music segmentation, (iii) a memory-based music model, (iv) the measure of distance between musical styles, and (v) an impi*ovisation-based creative model

    Kierkegaard e Kant : algumas aproximações entre a ética do amor e a ética do dever

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    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar, com intuito aproximativo, duas posições éticas. Para atingir tal objetivo, o texto vai analisar, nas suas considerações introdutórias, o contexto e os objetivos das Obras do Amor de Kierkegaard, visto que ali se encontra claramente expressa a proposta ética do autor dinamarquês. Na sua primeira parte, o foco do artigo consistirá na avaliação da racionalidade da ética do dever, especialmente por meio de uma investigação da boa vontade em relação à liberdade, tal como elaborada na terceira seção da Fundamentação da Metafísica dos Costumes. Na segunda parte, o artigo analisará o discurso kierkegaardiano Tu deves amar, que é parte integrante das Obras do Amor. Por fim, à guisa de conclusão, serão realizadas aproximações e apontadas as diferenças significativas entre os dois pensadores. Aqui serão utilizadas, de forma mais intensiva, também as reflexões de comentadores de ambos os autores. Todavia, o foco principal da pesquisa se dará em torno das reflexões kierkegaardianas, que serão avaliadas de modo mais exaustivo. A reflexão acerca da filosofia moral kantiana não seguirá do mesmo modo, mas, antes, buscará compreendê-lo no diálogo com a filosofia kierkegaardiana. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe aim of this paper is to analyze, with approximate order, two ethical positions. To achieve this goal, the text will look in their introductory considerations, the context and objectives of Kierkegaard´s Works of Love, since there is clearly expressed the ethics second the Danish author. In its first part, the focus of the article will consist in evaluating the rationality of ethics of duty especially through an investigation of goodwill and freedom, which is developed in the third section of the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. In the second part, the paper will analyze the speech Kierkegaardian Thou shalt love, which is part of the Works of Love. Finally, in conclusion, be carried out approaches and pointed out the significant differences between the two thinkers. Here will be used more intensively, also the reflections of commentators from both authors. However, the main focus of the research will take place around the Kierkegaardian reflections, which will be evaluated in a more exhaustive. Reflection on Kant's moral philosophy does not go just the same, but rather seek to understand it in dialogue with the philosophy of Kierkegaard

    The religious problem as a preamble of Italian idealism : from the theses of Maurizio Viroli to religious freedom in Croce

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    O objetivo do presente artigo é analisar o quanto o chamado idealismo italiano de Croce e Gentile é, em verdade, dependente da concepção religiosa italiana. Para tanto, nos deteremos, na primeira parte do nosso trabalho, principalmente numa análise das teses de Maurizio Viroli. Já no segundo parte do nosso artigo nos deteremos na análise dessa temática dentro do conceito de religião da liberdade em Croce. Assim, após tal inventário, teceremos nossas conclusões. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe purpose of this paper is to analyze how the so-called Italian idealism of Croce and Gentile is, in fact, dependent on the Italian religious conception. To this end, we will hold us in the first part of our work, especially in theses Maurizio Viroli. In the second part of our article we will concentrate on the analysis of this theme within the concept of religious freedom in Croce. So after such an inventory, we will weave our conclusions


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    Podemos definir metacontingência, de modo geral, como a seleção, por consequências culturais, de contingências comportamentais entrelaçadas (CCE) recorrentes que, por sua vez, geram um produto agregado (PA). Essa unidade CCE-PA deveria corresponder ao operante na contingência individual. Um dos principais problemas com um novo conceito é o de validade interna e externa. A presente proposta apresenta um procedimento com animais que pode servir para estudar metacontingência no laboratório e, também, como uma fonte de validade externa. Palavras-chave: contingência, metacontingência, consequências culturais, modelo animal. We can define metacontingency, generally as, the selection by cultural consequences of recurrent interlocked behavioral contingencies (IBC), which in turn generate an aggregate product (AP). This IBC-AP unit should correspond to the operant in individual contingency. One of the main problems related to a novel concept is that of internal and external validity. The proposal here is to present an animal procedure that may serve to study metacontingency in the laboratory, as well as a source of external validity. Key words: contingency, metacontingency, cultural consequences, animal model.

    De Ratione, una, universalli, infinita: uma obra de Feuerbach

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho é investigar a temática da razão subjetiva e objetiva especialmente através de uma leitura minuciosa da obra De Ratione, una, universalli, infinita. Trata-se de um escrito juvenil do pensador, mas nele já podemos vislumbrar os futuros desdobramento de suas teses futuras. Com efeito, o intuito é investigar aqui seus posicionamentos primitivos, buscando extrair deles conseqüências para o próprio filosofar posterior do pensador, bem como a inserção de tais teses no contexto filosófico. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to investigate the issue of subjective and objective reason especially through a close reading of the work of De Ratione, Una, niversally, infinita. It is a youthful thinker’s writing, but it can already glimpse the future deployment of their theses. Indeed, the intent here is to investigate their positions early, trying to extract them consequences for their own later philosophy of the thinker as well as the inclusion of such theories in the philosophical context