49 research outputs found


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    Kebutuhan energi terbarukan di Indonesia sangatlah penting, saat ini sumber energi terbarukan porsinya relatif kecil. BPPT ( Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi) dalam kegiatannya melakukan pembangunan pilot plant Biogas Pome setara 700 kW berkerjasama dengan PTPN V (PT. Perkebunan Nusantara V) dengan sistim tangki berpengaduk secara kontinu yang mana hasil gas tersebut dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan bakar boiler pabrik PMKS di sei pagar. Metode pemilihan pondasi tangki reaktor dengan kapasitas 2000m3, kami melakukan perbandingan perhitungan antara menggunakan free head atau fix head dengan memakai diameter 50cm dan 60cm dengan melihat banyaknya jumlah, diameter pile dan ketebalan mat yang digunakan. Diameter rencana tangki reactor direncanakan berukuran 16.8m dengan ketinggian 9m, dengan beban tangki sekitar 2174.2ton dan berdasarkan data dari soil test didapat nilai N-SPT di kedalaman 10-15m, untuk itu kami merumuskan bahwa fundasi pile yang kita pilih. Perbandingan fix and free head pada pile ukuran 50cm dimana perbedaan fix and free head 44 berbanding 65, dengan ketebalan mat foundation 1.1m berbanding 0.6m sedangkan dengan mengunakan diameter 60cm jumlah pile 32 berbanding 50 dengan ketebalan mat 1.3m berbanding 0.6m. Dari analisa tersebut dengan memperhatikan kekuatan dan keekonomisan maka dipilih pile dengan diameter 50cm dengan mengunakan free head


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    Dalamsistem tenaga listrik, sistem proteksi bertujuan untuk mengamankan peralatan-peralatan listrik maupun manusia yang berlokasi di sekitar area gangguan (hubung singkat).Peralatanproteksibekerja mengisolir arus gangguan yang terjadi secepat mungkin dan seminimalmungkin agar tidak terjadi pada tingkat kerusakan yang lebih besar.Salahsatu peralatan yangtermasuk didalam sistem proteksi adalah pemutustenaga (PMT).Penelitianini bertujuanuntukmenguji hambatan isolasi dan pemeliharaan peralatan pemutus tenaga diGardu Induk Secang.Penelitianini dilakukan dengan mencari studi literatur kemudian melakukan pengambilan data diGardu Induk Secanguntuk selanjutnya data yang didapat dianalisis sesuai studi literatur yang ada.Darianalisishasil pengujian dapat diiketahui bahwa pemutus tenaga diGardu Induk Secangmasihlayakdanbekerjadenganbaik.Nilaiuji hambatan isolasi pada pemutus tenaga memiliki nilai yangbervariasi dalam setiap periode pemeliharaannya.Nilaiujihambatan isolasi antar fasa jugaberbeda-beda.Nilaikemampuan isolasi terkecil dalam pemeliharaan73.965 M Ohm/kVsedangkankemempuan terkecil pada 40.065 M Ohm/kV,masih perlu dilakukannya pembersihan dan uji ulangdikarenakan masih berada dibawah nilai minimal (>1 M Ohm/1 kV

    Microbiological Test of Siomai Product

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    This study aims to analyze the contaminants of E. coli bacteria, Salmonella sp and the Total Plate Count found in siomai food. This study uses treatment, namely siomai traders and sampling time. The data obtained were analyzed for variance and if there was a real or very real effect between the different treatments then continued with the Least Significant Difference (LSD) test of 5% and 1%. The results of this study indicate that of the 12 samples, there were 11 samples of siomai not contaminated with E. coli bacteria, and from the whole siomai samples found no contamination of Salmonella sp. Total Plate Count results on afternoon sampling at trader 6 that is 1.8 x 107 colonies / gram which is not significantly different from other treatments based on SNI 7756: 2013 concerning the quality and safety requirements of siomai namely Total Plate Count 5 x 104 colonies / gram. A total of 4.17% of the samples did not meet the standards of maximum bacterial contamination that had been determined

    Temporal Partitioning by Animals Visiting Salt Licks

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    Abstrac : This thesis entitled application problem solving to increase the activity of students in learning mathematics simple fractions in third grade Elementary School 12 Penyengkuang. The general objective of this study is to describe the use of problem-solving methods in improving student learning activities in mathematics in grade III pembelajara Elementary School 12 Penyengkuang. The method used is descriptive method. This research is a form of action research. The subjects were 1 teacher and the students of class III Elementary School 12 Penyengkuang details of 10 people with 3 men and 7 women. Data collection techniques with techniques of direct observation and indirect communication techniques. Means of collecting data using observation sheets, and a satisfaction questionnaire. While the data analysis technique using a percentage formula. The results obtained showed an increase in activity as follows : physical activity increased 30 % from 62 % to 92 %, mental activity increased 35 % from 45 % to 80 %, emotional activity increased 32.5 % from 47.5 % to 80 %. Conclusion The study is the problem-solving method is able to improve physical activity, mental, emotional, and learning outcomes of students in learning mathematics.   Abstrak : Skripsi ini berjudul penerapan pemecahan masalah untuk meningkatkan aktivitas siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika pecahan sederhana di kelas III Sekolah Dasar Negeri 12 Penyengkuang. Tujuan umum penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan metode pemecahan masalah dalam meningkatkan aktifitas belajar siswa pada pembelajara matematika di kelas III Sekolah Dasar Negeri 12 Penyengkuang. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Bentuk penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 1 orang guru dan siswa kelas III Sekolah Dasar Negeri 12 Penyengkuang berjumlah 10 orang dengan rincian laki-laki 3 orang dan perempuan 7 orang. Teknik pengumpulan datanya dengan teknik observasi langsung dan teknik komunikasi tidak langsung. Alat pengumpul datanya menggunakan lembaran pengamatan, dan angket kepuasan. Sedangkan teknik analisis datanya menggunakan rumus persentase. Hasil diperoleh menunjukkan adanya peningkatan aktifitas sebagai berikut : aktifitas fisik meningkat 30% dari 62% menjadi 92%, aktifitas mental meningkat 35% dari 45% menjadi 80%, aktifitas emosional meningkat 32,5% dari 47,5% menjadi 80%. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah dengan metode pemecahan masalah mampu meningkatkan aktifitas fisik, mental, emosional, dan hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika.   Kata Kunci : Aktivitas Belajar, Pembelajaran Matematika, Metode Pemecahan Masalah.

    Performance Analysis of IOT based Flood Monitoring Framework in Sub-urban

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    Flooding is the most common natural catastrophe worldwide that occurred without warning which caused great destruction. The government has spent millions of monies on flood mitigation plans. Several systems had been proposed which some of them have been employed around the country. However, it is limited to selected areas due to high installation and maintenance costs. This paper investigates two potential real-time flood monitoring frameworks in the sub-urban area, which are simpler, inexpensive, and require minimum maintenance. The proposed flood monitoring system utilized wireless data transmission system that is either GSM SIM900A module or XBee Pro module. The data was sent to NodeREd for monitoring purposes. From the result, XBee Pro can send more, and faster data as compared to GSM module. The time delay is very much lower for XBee Pro whereby the difference of realtime data captured as compared to the setup time interval that had been set in the system. In terms of consistency and sensitivity, both systems have equal efficacy. In Summary, both systems are adequate to offer monitoring and immediate warning in real-time. However, XBee pro is preferable if the area has internet access. Meanwhile, if the internet service is limited, GSM module can be a good alternative since it does not need Internet access

    Antioxidant Activity of Methanol Extracts From The Stem Bark of Mangrove Plant Rhizophora mucronata

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    Numbers ofdiseases such as stroke, diabetes, gout, and even cancer are caused by the reaction of free radicals (oxidants) found in the body. Those diseases currently have notyet controlled. Deleteriouslifestyle, lack of exercise, or genetics can be the trigger to this oxidant. Based on Chemotaxonomic, drugs that have been used to inhibit the oxidation process or termination stage of free radicals contain the active ingredient in the form of secondary metabolitesof alkaloids, phenolics, terpenoids and steroids. For example, phenolic compounds such as flavonoids, xanthones, antioxidants and polyphenols is a good agent because it has a structure with a high degree of oxidation (Suares, et al, 2010).Researchesrelatedtothe exploration ofantioxidant active ingredient has been more focused on secondary metabolites found in terrestrialplants. The development of natural compounds potential of marine plant material such as mangrove are still not received much attention. Spalding et al. in 2001 explainedthat mangrovesplant in Indonesia is the highest in the world, both in terms of quantity area (± 42 550 km2) as well as the number of species (± 45 species). This basic natural resource of Indonesia mangroveiscertainly valuablepromising opportunities to be expandedas a biological drug.Mangroves plant that commonlyused as medicine discovered from various species i.e: Acanthus ilicifolius, Avicennia alba, Avicennia marina, Avicennia offinalis, Bruguiera cylindrical, Bruguiera exaristata, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Ceriops tagal, Hisbiscus tiliaceus, Ipomoea pes-capre, Lumnitzera racemosa, Nypa fructicans, Pluchea indica Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata and Sonneratia alba. Those plants are usually utilized as antiasma, antidiuretic, antidiabetic, reliever itching, and others. (Purnobasuki, 2004).The potential of mangroves as a drug is very important to be developed considering the need for drugs is increasingdealswith thegrowing of population and many kinds of diseases such as cancer, hypertension, tumor diseases and diseases caused by chemical or biological waste pollution fromviruses and bacteria. Peopleare more likely to choose drugs that are natural because relatively take few side effects or even none at all.Several studies of mangrove plants from genus Rhizophorathat have antioxidant bioactivity areshown in the crude butanol extract of mangrove R. apiculatawith IC5033.34 pg / mL (Gao, 2012). The methanol extract of R. mangle’sstem were also documented to haveantioxidant activity (Palacio, et al, 2014).One of mangrovesfound in Surabaya East Coastal (Pamurbaya), East Java, Indonesia is the mangrove Rhizophora mucronata. This mangrove species is indigenous mangrovesthat ethno-botanically popular used as a pain reliever and dyes natural wood. Secondary metabolites contained in the leaves, bark, stems, roots, and fruit aredifferent in quantity. The content of secondary metabolites in plant commonly used as a medicineisfromgeneral part of the bark. Therefore, on the basis of chemotaxonomic and ethno-botany of mangroves R. mucronata,this study aimsto explore the bioactivity of antioxidant from the stem bark of R. mucronata

    Pemilihan Jenis Fundasi Tangki Reaktor KAP. 2000 M3 Pilot Plant Biogas POME Setara 700 KW di PTPN V Riau

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    Kebutuhan energi terbarukan di Indonesia sangatlah penting, saat ini sumber energi terbarukan porsinya relatif kecil. BPPT ( Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi) dalam kegiatannya melakukan pembangunan pilot plant Biogas Pome setara 700 kW berkerjasama dengan PTPN V (PT. Perkebunan Nusantara V) dengan sistim tangki berpengaduk secara kontinu yang mana hasil gas tersebut dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan bakar boiler pabrik PMKS di sei pagar. Dalam penelitian pondasi sistim tangki berpengaduk ini untuk mencapai gas setara 700 kW maka diperlukan tangki dengan kapasitas 2000m3, dengan ukuran diameter 16,8m dan tinggi 9m. Kami melakukan pemilihan jenis fundasi tangki dengan pendekatan harus kuat menahan beban, gempa dan juga ekonomis, dimana anggaran buat melakukan ini sangat terbatas. Berdasarkan data dari soil test didapat nilai N-SPT di kedalaman 10-15m, untuk itu kami merumuskan bahwa fundasi pile yang kita pilih untuk menahan beban tangki sekitar 2174.2 ton. Dalam hal ini kita membandingkan pemakaian pile ukuran 50cm dengan pemakaian pile 60cm agar mendapatkan kalkulasi yang maksimal dan lebih ekonomis. Hasil yang didapat dimana pile diameter 60cm yang kita pakai karena lebih ekonomis biaya dan maksimal dalam menahan beban dimana kebutuhan anggarannya lebih ekonomis Rp. 88,650,000