15 research outputs found

    Pemikiran Mohammad Natsir tentang Islam dan politik di Indonesia 1927-1993

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    Muhammad Natsir lahir di Sumatra Barat, pada tanggal 17 Juli 1908, tepatnya di kota Alahan Panjang. Wafat 6 Februari 1993 di Jakarta. Beliau adalah seorang ulama, negarawan, intelektual, pembaharu, dan politikus muslim Indonesia yang disegani. Selain di bidang pendidikan, Muhammad Natsir banyak berkiprah dibidang politik. Aktivitas politiknya dimulai pada awal tahun 1940 dengan menjadi anggota Partai Islam Indonesia (PII). Di masa pendudukan Jepang (1942-1945), dia menjadi Kepala Bagian Pendidikan Kota Madya Bandung, merangkap sebagai sekretaris Sekolah Tinggi Islam (STI) di Jakarta. Di masa pendudukan Jepang, Natsir aktif dalam kepemimpinan Majelis Syura Muslimin Indonesia (Masyumi) yang dibentuk atas inisiatif pemerintah militer Jepang. Menurut Nastir, modernisasi politik Islam merupakan sikap dan pandangan yang berusaha menerapkan ajaran dan nilai-nilai kerohanian Islam yang terkandung dalam Al-Quran dan Al-sunah, yang disesuaikan dengan perkembangan-perkembangan mutakhir dalam sejarah peradaban manusia. Dalam terma politik inilah, ia mewajibkan setiap umat Islam untuk berpolitik sebagai sarana dakwah Islam. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pemikiran Muhammad Natsir baik segi Islam dan politik yang di tuangkan dalam pembentukan Negara Indonesia ini, selain itu untuk mengetahui bagaimana biografi Muhammad Natsir dan juga karyanya, terlebih pengaruh pemikirannya terhadap Indonesia. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode sejarah, yaitu metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk merekonstruksi sebuah peristiwa atau kejadian di masa lampau berdasarkan jejak-jejak yang ditinggalkan. Metode penelitian ini dilakukan melalui empat tahapan, yaitu heuristik (pengumpulan sumber), kritik (pengujian autentisitas dan validitas sumber), interpretasi (penafsiran), dan historiografi (penulisan sejarah).. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pertama, M. Natsir adalah tokoh yang sangat terkenal dengan keislamannya, beliau memasukan semua aspek kegiatannya dengan agama Islam, seperti politik, sosial, pendidikan, ekonomi, dan lain sebagainya. Karyanya pun tak melulu monoton tentang keislaman ataupun fiqih, beliau senantiasa memasukan aspek Islam dalam semua karya tulisnya ada politik, pendidikan, sosial, sejarah, ekonomi, bahkan filsafat, karya beliau yang paling fenomenal adalah Capita Selecta, karena selain memuat tentang pendidikan di sini juga tercantum politik yang sangat kental. Kedua, dalam merancang Negara Indonesia M. Natsir berperan pula dengan mengeluarkan gagasannya. Ada Polemik yang terjadi dengan Soekarno dalam pengambilan gagasan atau landasan Negara Indonesia ini, menurut M. Natsir Negara Indonesia seharusnya bisa menjadi negara Islam, sebab dilihat dari kultur masyarakatnya pun lebih dominan orang-orang muslim, sedangkan Soekarno yang begitu ambisius dengan Nasionalisnya dan menghasilkan kesimpulan negara Indonesia berlandaskan Pancasila. Ketiga, pengaruh pemikiran M. Natsir sangat terasa di bidang politik dan agam

    Uma contribuição para o desenvolvimento e controle de sistemas de posicionamento submicrométricos

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro TecnolĂłgico.A forte competição internacional na ĂĄrea tecnolĂłgica vem tendo uma influĂȘncia cada vez maior no desenvolvimento de sistemas mecĂąnicos de baixa incerteza. Hoje em dia, aplicaçÔes da tecnologia de precisĂŁo sĂŁo encontradas na fabricação de itens tais como espelhos, lentes especiais, componentes de disco rĂ­gido, etc. A tecnologia utilizada para se fabricar peças para tais aplicaçÔes exige mĂĄquinas-ferramenta de baixa incerteza, especialmente projetadas para esta função, operando sob condiçÔes controladas de temperatura, umidade e isolamento do meio ambiente. A qualidade de forma, a precisĂŁo dimensional e a rugosidade da peça produzida podem ser influenciadas por diversos fatores relacionados com o projeto da mĂĄquina-ferramenta, entre eles, a exatidĂŁo de posicionamento e repetitividade. Este trabalho de tese apresenta a tecnologia de acionamento e controle empregadas no desenvolvimento do sistema de posicionamento de um torno, onde Ă© fixado o suporte com a ferramenta e a sua função serĂĄ de transmitir Ă  ferramenta os movimentos de avanço e posicionamento com incerteza submicromĂ©trica. TambĂ©m Ă© realizada a anĂĄlise do comportamento de cada subsistema que compĂ”e a estrutura de acionamento de cada eixo do posicionador, alĂ©m do interfaceamento destes subsistemas, e por fim, Ă© aplicada a tĂ©cnica de controle PI-D+FF para se atingir uma melhor exatidĂŁo de posicionamento, dentro dos limites que a estrutura eletro-mecĂąnica impĂ”e. O sistema de posicionamento possui dois eixos com estruturas eletro-mecĂąnica diferentes, sendo que, no eixo Z implementa-se o controle direto da posição do carro, ao contrĂĄrio do eixo X, no qual implementa-se o controle indireto da posição. Os ensaios de posicionamento mostram que o eixo Z alcança a incerteza submicromĂ©trica, jĂĄ o eixo X sofre a influĂȘncia de micro folgas, as quais terĂŁo que ser minimizadas para que se possa atingir a incerteza submicromĂ©trica

    The Association of Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE) Standards of Best Practice (SOBP)

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    In this paper, we define the Association of Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE) Standards of Best Practice (SOBP) for those working with human role players who interact with learners in a wide range of experiential learning and assessment contexts. These human role players are variously described by such terms as standardized/simulated patients or simulated participants (SP or SPs). ASPE is a global organization whose mission is to share advances in SP-based pedagogy, assessment, research, and scholarship as well as support the professional development of its members. The SOBP are intended to be used in conjunction with the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) Standards of Best Practice: SimulationSM, which address broader simulation practices. We begin by providing a rationale for the creation of the ASPE SOBP, noting that with the increasing use of simulation in healthcare training, it is incumbent on ASPE to establish SOBP that ensure the growth, integrity, and safe application of SP-based educational endeavors. We then describe the three and a half year process through which these standards were developed by a consensus of international experts in the field. Key terms used throughout the document are defined. Five underlying values inform the SOBP: safety, quality, professionalism, accountability, and collaboration. Finally, we describe five domains of best practice: safe work environment; case development; SP training for role portrayal, feedback, and completion of assessment instruments; program management; and professional development. Each domain is divided into principles with accompanying key practices that provide clear and practical guidelines for achieving desired outcomes and creating simulations that are safe for all stakeholders. Failure to follow the ASPE SOBP could compromise the safety of participants and the effectiveness of a simulation session. Care has been taken to make these guidelines precise yet flexible enough to address the diversity of varying contexts of SP practice. As a living document, these SOBP will be reviewed and modified periodically under the direction of the ASPE Standards of Practice Committee as SP methodology grows and adapts to evolving simulation practices

    The Association of Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE) Standards of Best Practice (SOBP)

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    In this paper, we define the Association of Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE) Standards of Best Practice (SOBP) for those working with human role players who interact with learners in a wide range of experiential learning and assessment contexts. These human role players are variously described by such terms as standardized/simulated patients or simulated participants (SP or SPs). ASPE is a global organization whose mission is to share advances in SP-based pedagogy, assessment, research, and scholarship as well as support the professional development of its members. The SOBP are intended to be used in conjunction with the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) Standards of Best Practice: SimulationSM, which address broader simulation practices. We begin by providing a rationale for the creation of the ASPE SOBP, noting that with the increasing use of simulation in healthcare training, it is incumbent on ASPE to establish SOBP that ensure the growth, integrity, and safe application of SP-based educational endeavors. We then describe the three and a half year process through which these standards were developed by a consensus of international experts in the field. Key terms used throughout the document are defined. Five underlying values inform the SOBP: safety, quality, professionalism, accountability, and collaboration. Finally, we describe five domains of best practice: safe work environment; case development; SP training for role portrayal, feedback, and completion of assessment instruments; program management; and professional development. Each domain is divided into principles with accompanying key practices that provide clear and practical guidelines for achieving desired outcomes and creating simulations that are safe for all stakeholders. Failure to follow the ASPE SOBP could compromise the safety of participants and the effectiveness of a simulation session. Care has been taken to make these guidelines precise yet flexible enough to address the diversity of varying contexts of SP practice. As a living document, these SOBP will be reviewed and modified periodically under the direction of the ASPE Standards of Practice Committee as SP methodology grows and adapts to evolving simulation practices

    AtenciĂłn al final de la vida en una comunidad gitana durante la pandemia por COVID-19. End-of-life care in a gypsy community along the COVID-19 pandemic.

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    The COVID pandemic has limited access to conventional healthcare systems. In contexts of social exclusion and inequality, as in Gypsy population, these difficulties become more evident. Training of professionals in cultural awareness and diversity can improve attention, in this case in relation to palliative care and death. This article reports a clinical case of end-of-life care in a gypsy community during the pandemic.La pandemia por COVID ha supuesto limitaciones de acceso a los sistemas convencionales. En contextos de exclusiĂłn social y desigualdad, como es el caso de la poblaciĂłn gitana, estas dificultades se hacen mĂĄs patentes. La formaciĂłn de los profesionales en sensibilizaciĂłn cultural y diversidad puede mejorar la atenciĂłn a los cuidados, en este caso en relaciĂłn a los cuidados paliativos y la muerte. En el presente artĂ­culo se reporta un caso clĂ­nico de atenciĂłn al final de la vida en una comunidad gitana durante la pandemia

    Lysinibacillus sphaericus Isolated from Palm Oil Waste Land as Lipase Producer

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    In this research, lipolyic bacteria have been isolated from palm oil waste land for the production of lipase. Species of potential lipolytic bacteria were identified based on their morphology and sequences of 16 rRNA gene. Enzymes are produced by growing bacteria in a medium with various vegetable oils and nitrogen sources. The enzyme produced by the bacteria measured its lipolytic activity against the substrate para-nitrophenylpalmitate. The lipolytic bacteria was recognized as Lysinibacillus sphaericus L49a based on morphological and phylogenetic analysis. Mineral media with different vegetable oils as carbon sources, and different nitrogen sources were suitable for growth and production of lipase enzymes of L. sphaericus L49a. Culltivation of L. sphaericus L49a in medium containing ammonium sulfate and olive oil produced lipase with the highest lipolytic activity

    Diseño e instalación de una måquina de grabado låser controlada por visión

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    Proyecto Confidencial (Riunet)Antón Gilva, AJ. (2017). Diseño e instalación de una måquina de grabado låser controlada por visión. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/88775.Archivo delegad