16 research outputs found

    Microsatellites reveal that genetic mixing commonly occurs between invasive fall armyworm populations in Africa

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    Abstract: Understanding the population structure and movements of the invasive fall armyworm (FAW, Spodoptera frugiperda) is important as it can help mitigate crop damage, and highlight areas at risk of outbreaks or evolving insecticide resistance. Determining population structure in invasive FAW has been a challenge due to genetic mutations affecting the markers traditionally used for strain and haplotype identification; mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COIB) and the Z-chromosome-linked Triosephosphate isomerase (Tpi). Here, we compare the results from COIB and Tpi markers with highly variable repeat regions (microsatellites) to improve our understanding of FAW population structure in Africa. There was very limited genetic diversity using the COIB marker, whereas using the TpiI4 marker there was greater diversity that showed very little evidence of genetic structuring between FAW populations across Africa. There was greater genetic diversity identified using microsatellites, and this revealed a largely panmictic population of FAW alongside some evidence of genetic structuring between countries. It is hypothesised here that FAW are using long-distance flight and prevailing winds to frequently move throughout Africa leading to population mixing. These approaches combined provide important evidence that genetic mixing between invasive FAW populations may be more common than previously reported

    The distribution of covert microbial natural enemies of a globally invasive crop pest, fall armyworm, in Africa: enemy-release and spillover events

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    1. Invasive species pose a significant threat to biodiversity and agriculture worldwide. Natural enemies play an important part in controlling pest populations, yet we understand very little about the presence and prevalence of natural enemies during the early invasion stages. 2. Microbial natural enemies of fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) are known in its native region, however, they have not yet been identified in Africa where fall armyworm has been an invasive crop pest since 2016. Larval samples were screened from Malawi, Rwanda, Kenya, Zambia, Sudan, and Ghana for the presence of four different microbial natural enemies; two nucleopolyhedroviruses, Spodoptera frugiperda NPV (SfMNPV) and Spodoptera exempta NPV (SpexNPV); the fungal pathogen Metarhizium rileyi; and the bacterium Wolbachia. This study aimed to identify which microbial pathogens are present in invasive fall armyworm, and determine the geographical, meteorological, and temporal variables that influence prevalence. 3. Within three years of arrival, fall armyworm was exposed to all four microbial natural enemies. SfMNPV probably arrived with fall armyworm from the Americas, but this is the first putative evidence of host spillover from Spodoptera exempta (African armyworm) to fall armyworm for the endemic pathogen SpexNPV and for Wolbachia. It is also the first confirmed incidence of M. rileyi infecting fall armyworm in Africa. 4. Natural enemies were localised, with variation being observed both nationally and temporally. The prevalence of SfMNPV (the most common natural enemy) was predominantly explained by variables associated with the weather; declining with increasing rainfall and increasing with temperature. However, virus prevalence also increased as the growing season progressed. 5. The infection of an invasive species with a natural enemy from its native range and novel pathogens specific to its new range has important consequences for understanding the population ecology of invasive species and insect-pathogen interactions. Additionally, whilst it is widely known that temporal and geographic factors affect insect populations, this study reveals that these are important in understanding the distribution of microbial natural enemies associated with invasive pests during the early stages of invasion, and provide baseline data for future studies

    Genetic structure and insecticide resistance characteristics of fall armyworm populations invading China

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    The rapid wide‐scale spread of fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda ) has caused serious crop losses globally. However, differences in the genetic background of subpopulations and the mechanisms of rapid adaptation behind the invasion are still not well understood. Here we report the assembly of a 390.38Mb chromosome‐level genome of fall armyworm derived from south‐central Africa using Pacific Bioscience (PacBio) and Hi‐C sequencing technologies, with scaffold N50 of 12.9 Mb and containing 22260 annotated protein‐coding genes. Genome‐wide resequencing of 103 samples and strain identification were conducted to reveal the genetic background of fall armyworm populations in China. Analysis of genes related to pesticide‐ and Bt‐resistance showed that the risk of fall armyworm developing resistance to conventional pesticides is very high. Laboratory bioassay results showed that insects invading China carry resistance to organophosphate and pyrethroid pesticides, but are sensitive to genetically modified maize expressing the Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxin Cry1Ab in field experiments. Additionally, two mitochondrial fragments were found to be inserted into the nuclear genome, with the insertion event occurring after the differentiation of the two strains. This study represents a valuable advance toward improving management strategies for fall armyworm

    Understanding the impact of fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smith) leaf damage on maize yields.

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    Fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smith), a serious pest of maize and other cereals, recently invaded the Old World potentially threatening the food security and incomes of millions of smallholder farmers. Being able to assess the impacts of a pest on yields is fundamental to developing Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approaches. Hence, working with an early maturing, medium maturing and late maturing variety, we inoculated maize plants with 2nd instar S. frugiperda larvae at V5, V8, V12, VT and R1 growth stages to investigate the effects of FAW induced damage on yield. Different plants were inoculated 0-3 times and larvae were removed after 1 or 2 weeks to generate a wide range of damage profiles. We scored plants for leaf damage at 3, 5 and 7 weeks after emergence (WAE) using the 9 point Davis scale. While at harvest we assessed ear damage (1-9 scale), and recorded plant height and grain yield per plant. We used Structural Equation Models to assess the direct effects of leaf damage on yield and indirect effects via plant height. For the early and medium maturing varieties leaf damage at 3 and 5 WAE, respectively, had significant negative linear effects on grain yield. In the late maturing variety, leaf damage at 7 WAE had an indirect effect on yield through a significant negative linear effect on plant height. However, despite the controlled screenhouse conditions, in all three varieties leaf damage explained less than 3% of the variation in yield at the plant level. Overall, these results indicate that S. frugiperda induced leaf damage has a slight but detectable impact on yield at a specific plant developmental stage, and our models will contribute to the development of decision-support tools for IPM. However, given the low average yields obtained by smallholders in sub-Saharan Africa and the relatively low levels of FAW induced leaf damage recorded in most areas, IPM strategies should focus on interventions aimed at improving plant vigour (e.g. through integrated soil fertility management) and the role of natural enemies, as these are likely to result in greater yield gains at lower cost than a focus on FAW control

    Factors influencing the occurrence of fall armyworm parasitoids in Zambia

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    Invasive alien species have environmental, economic and social impacts, disproportionally threatening livelihood and food security of smallholder farmers in low- and medium-income countries. Fall armyworm (FAW) (Spodoptera frugiperda), an invasive insect pest from the Americas, causes considerable losses on maize to smallholder farmers in Africa since 2016. The increased use of pesticides to control FAW in Africa raises concerns for health and environmental risks resulting in a growing interest in research on biological control options for smallholder farmers. In order to evaluate the occurrence of local natural enemies attacking FAW, we collected on a weekly basis FAW eggs and larvae during a maize crop cycle in the rainy season of 2018–2019 at four locations in the Lusaka and Central provinces in Zambia. A total of 4373 larvae and 162 egg masses were collected. For each location and date of collection, crop stage, the number of plants checked and amount of damage were recorded to analyse which factors best explain the occurrence of the natural enemy species on maize. Overall parasitism rates from local natural enemies at each location varied between 8.45% and 33.11%. We identified 12 different egg-larval, larval and larval-pupal parasitoid species. Location, maize growth stage, pest density and larval stage significantly affected parasitoid species occurrence. Our findings indicate that there is potential for increasing local populations of natural enemies of FAW through conservation biological control programmes and develop safe and practical control methods for smallholder farmers.</p

    Vers la comprehension de la systĂ©matique et de l’évolution du genre Acrapex Hampson, 1894 (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae : Apameini : Sesamiina) : phylogĂ©nie molĂ©culaire du genre et dĂ©finition du groupe Acrapex aenigma

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    International audienceSummary: With a species count reaching almost 100 species, the genus Acrapex is the most diverse genus of sesamiine stemborers (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Noctuinae: Apameini: Sesamiina). Acrapex species are mostly distributed in the Afrotropics and consist of several large clades corresponding to distinct species complexes. In this study, 45 morphologically similar species of Acrapex from sub-Saharan Africa are reviewed, including 22 new species that are described: Acrapex alemuran. sp., A. barnsin. sp., A. capelongon. sp., A. congoensisn. sp., A. elgonan. sp., A. elisabethianan. sp., A. eucanthan. sp., A. grandisn. sp., A. igominyin. sp., A. inexpectatan. sp., A. ketoman. sp., A. lilomwin. sp., A. mafingan. sp., A. maketen. sp., A. marungun. sp., A. mazoen. sp., A. mlanjen. sp., Acrapex muchingan. sp., A. ngorongoron. sp., A. obscuran. sp., A. ruirun. sp. and A. wittein. sp. Supplemental descriptions for previously described species are provided as well. These 45 species are assigned to the newly defined Acrapex aenigma species group. We also conduct molecular phylogenetic analyses and molecular species delimitation analyses on a multi-marker (four mitochondrial and two nuclear genes) molecular dataset encompassing 304 specimens (including 256 Acrapex specimens from 54 species of which 16 species belong to the A. aenigma group). Molecular phylogenetics analyses recover well-supported relationships within Acrapex and support the monophyly of the newly defined group. Results of molecular species delimitation analyses are mostly congruent and tend to corroborate the status of the sampled Acrapex species. Consistent with what has been previously found in other studies, the comparison of results from distinct methods and settings for molecular species delimitation analyses allows us to assess species boundaries with more confidence.Avec prĂšs d’une centaine d’espĂšces le genre Acrapex est le genre de noctuelles foreuses le plus diversifiĂ© de la sous-tribu des Sesamiina (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae : Noctuinae : Apameini). Les Acrapex sont majoritairement distribuĂ©s dans la rĂ©gion Afrotropicale et sont composĂ©s de plusieurs clades correspondant Ă  diffĂ©rents complexes d’espĂšces. Dans cette Ă©tude, 45 espĂšces morphologiquement proches d’Acrapex sub-sahariens sont Ă©tudiĂ©es, au rang desquelles figurent 22 nouvelles espĂšces que nous dĂ©crivons : Acrapex alemura n. sp., A. barnsi n. sp., A. capelongo n. sp., A. congoensis n. sp., A. elgona n. sp., A. elisabethiana n. sp., A. eucantha n. sp., A. grandis n. sp., A. igominyi n. sp., A. inexpectata n. sp., A. ketoma n. sp., A. lilomwi n. sp., A. mafinga n. sp., A. makete n. sp., A. marungu n. sp., A. mazoe n. sp., A. mlanje n. sp., A. muchinga n. sp., A. ngorongoro n. sp., A. obscura n. sp., A. ruiru n. sp., and A. wittei n. sp. Nous fournissons Ă©galement des descriptions supplĂ©mentaires pour des espĂšces dĂ©jĂ  dĂ©crites. Ces 45 espĂšces sont assignĂ©es au groupe d’espĂšces Acrapex aenigma, que nous dĂ©finissons. Nous avons Ă©galement rĂ©alisĂ© des analyses de reconstruction phylogĂ©nĂ©tique et des analyses de dĂ©limitation molĂ©culaire d’espĂšces sur un jeu de donnĂ©es molĂ©culaires multimarqueurs (quatre gĂšnes mitochondriaux et deux gĂšnes nuclĂ©aires) comprenant 304 spĂ©cimens (incluant 256 Acrapex de 54 espĂšces dont 16 appartiennent au groupe A. aenigma). Les analyses phylogĂ©nĂ©tiques retrouvent des topologies bien supportĂ©es au sein du genre Acrapex et soutiennent l’hypothĂšse de monophylie du groupe d’espĂšces nouvellement dĂ©fini. Les rĂ©sultats des analyses de dĂ©limitation molĂ©culaire d’espĂšces sont majoritaitement en accord et tendent Ă  soutenir le statut d’espĂšce des Acrapex Ă©chantillonnĂ©s. ConformĂ©ment Ă  ce qui a Ă©tĂ© mis en Ă©vidence dans d’autres Ă©tudes, la comparaison des rĂ©sultats de diffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodes et paramĂ©trages d’analyses de dĂ©limitation molĂ©culaire d’espĂšces permet ainsi d’estimer les contours des espĂšces avec plus de confiance

    Global genomic signature reveals the evolution of fall armyworm in the Eastern hemisphere

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    The major plant pest fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda, is native to the Americas and has colonized Africa and Asia within the Eastern hemisphere since 2016, causing severe damage to multiple agricultural crop species. However, the genetic origin of these invasive populations requires more in‐depth exploration. We analysed genetic variation across the genomes of 280 FAW individuals from both the Eastern hemisphere and the Americas. The global range‐wide genetic structure of FAW shows that the FAW in America has experienced deep differentiation, largely consistent with the Z‐chromosomal Tpi haplotypes commonly used to differentiate ‘corn‐strain’ and ‘rice‐strain’ populations. The invasive populations from Africa and Asia are different from the American ones and have a relatively homogeneous population structure, consistent with the common origin and recent spreading from Africa to Asia. Our analyses suggest that north‐ and central American ‘corn‐strain’ FAW are the most likely sources of the invasion into the Eastern hemisphere. Furthermore, evidence based on genomic, transcriptomic and mitochondrial haplotype network analyses indicates an earlier, independent introduction of FAW into Africa, with subsequent migration into the recent invasive population

    Molecular phylogenetics and definition of the Acrapex minima Janse group (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Apameini, Sesamiina) with the description of four new species from the Afrotropics

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    International audienceFive morphologically similar species of Acrapex Hampson (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Noctuinae, Apameini), from sub-Saharan Africa are reviewed, including four new species that are described: Acrapex mondogeneta Le Ru n. sp., A. mubale Le Ru n. sp., A. robe Le Ru n. sp. and A. rubona Le Ru n. sp. These five species belong to a species complex that we hereby define as the Acrapex minima group. Host plants of three species are recorded; Acrapex minima is recorded for the first time on a host plant, Digitaria natalensis Stent; A. mondogeneta on Hyparrhenia hirta (L.) Stapf and A. rubona on Imperata cylindrica (L.) P. Beauv. We also conducted molecular phylogenetics (using both Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood) and molecular species delimitation analyses (Poisson tree processes) on a six gene multi-marker dataset (four mitochondrial and two nuclear gene fragments; 4582 nucleotides in length) of 42 specimens and 22 species, including 23 specimens from the Acrapex minima group. The results of the corresponding analyses support the monophyly of the group and the species status of the newly described taxa

    Updated phylogenetic and systematics of the Acrapex albivena Hampson, 1910 and A. stygiata (Hampson, 1910) species groups (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Noctuinae, Apameini, Sesamiina), with the description of nine new species from the Afrotropics

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    International audienceThe genus Acrapex Hampson, 1891 (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Noctuinae, Apameini, Sesamiina) constitutes a speciose group of noctuid stemborers mostly distributed in the Afrotropics. In this study nine new Acrapex species are described: Acrapex abyssinica n. sp., Acrapex dabaga n. sp., Acrapex jansei n. sp., Acrapex kifanya n. sp., Acrapex lusinga n. sp., Acrapex ngwenya n. sp., Acrapex njombea n. sp., Acrapex vetiveria n. sp. and Acrapex zima n. sp. All species are assigned to the A. albivena group with the exception of A. lusinga which is assigned to the A. stygiata group. We also provide supplemental descriptions for two previously described species of the A. albivena group, A. punctosa Berio, 1973 and A. sysciodes Berio, 1973, and for one species belonging to the A. stygiata group: A. brunneella Le Ru, 2014. Host plants of three species are recorded; A. brunneella and Acrapex jansei were reared on Cymbopogon pospischilii (K.Schum.) C.E.Hubb and A. vetiveria on Chrysopogon zizanioides (L.). We also conducted molecular phylogenetic analyses (using both Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood) on a multi-marker (four mitochondrial and two nuclear genes) molecular dataset encompassing 138 specimens (including 98 specimens from the A. albivena group and 23 specimens from the A. stygiata group) from 48 stemborer species. The results of the corresponding analyses support the monophyly of the two groups of interest and the species status of all newly described taxa, except for A. lusinga that was not sequenced. The phylogenetic analyses also unravel several evolutionary lineages whose precise status is pending because their DNA was extracted from larval stages.Actualisation des connaissances de la phylogĂ©nie et de la systĂ©matique des groupes d’espĂšces Acrapex albivena Hampson, 1910 et A. stygiata (Hampson, 1910) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Noctuinae, Apameini, Sesamiina), avec la description de neuf nouvelles espĂšces de la rĂ©gion Afrotropicale. Le genre Acrapex Hampson, 1891 (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Noctuinae, Apameini, Sesamiina) est un groupe diversifiĂ© de noctuelles foreuses, majoritairement distribuĂ© dans la rĂ©gion Afrotropicale. Dans cette Ă©tude neuf espĂšces nouvelles sont dĂ©crites : Acrapex abyssinica n. sp., Acrapex dabaga n. sp., Acrapex jansei n. sp., Acrapex kifanya n. sp., A. lusinga n. sp., Acrapex ngwenya n. sp., Acrapex njombea n. sp., Acrapex vetiveria n. sp. et Acrapex zima n. sp. Toutes ces espĂšces sont assignĂ©es au groupe d’espĂšce A. albivena Ă  l’exception d’A. lusinga qui est assignĂ©e au groupe d’espĂšce A. stygiata. Nous fournissons Ă©galement des descriptions supplĂ©mentaires pour deux espĂšces, A. punctosa Berio, 1973 et A. sysciodes, Berio 1973, prĂ©cedemment dĂ©crites dans le groupe A. albivena ainsi que pour A. brunneella Le Ru, 2014, une espĂšce qui appartient au groupe A. stygiata. Les plantes-hĂŽtes de trois espĂšces sont rĂ©pertoriĂ©es ; Acrapex brunneella et A. jansei ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©levĂ©es sur Cymbopogon pospischilii (K. Schum.) C. E. Hubb et A. vetiveria sur Chrysopogon zizanioides (L.). Nous avons Ă©galement rĂ©alisĂ© des analyses de reconstruction phylogĂ©nĂ©tique (utilisant Ă  la fois l’infĂ©rence BayĂ©sienne et le maximum de vraisemblance) sur un jeu de donnĂ©es molĂ©culaires multi-marqueurs (quatre gĂšnes mitochondriaux et deux gĂšnes nuclĂ©aires) comprenant 138 specimens (incluant 98 specimens du groupe A. albivena et 23 specimens du groupe A. stygiata) de 48 espĂšces de foreurs. Les rĂ©sultats de ces analyses soutiennent Ă  la fois l’hypothĂšse de monophylie des deux groupes d’intĂ©rĂȘt et le statut d’espĂšces des taxa nouvellement dĂ©cris, Ă  l’exception d’A. lusinga qui n’a pas Ă©tĂ© sĂ©quencĂ©. Les analyses phylogĂ©nĂ©tiques rĂ©vĂšlent Ă©galement l’existence de plusieurs lignĂ©es Ă©volutives distinctes dont le statut reste Ă  dĂ©finir car leur ADN a Ă©tĂ© extrait de stades larvaire