5,367 research outputs found

    Interactions of Satellite Galaxies in Cosmological Dark Matter Halos

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    We present a statistical analysis of the interactions between satellite galaxies in cosmological dark matter halos taken from fully self-consistent high-resolution simulations of galaxy clusters. We show that the number distribution of satellite encounters has a tail that extends to as many as 3-4 encounters per orbit. On average 30% of the substructure population had at least one encounter (per orbit) with another satellite galaxy. However, this result depends on the age of the dark matter host halo with a clear trend for more interactions in younger systems. We also report a correlation between the number of encounters and the distance of the satellites to the centre of the cluster: satellite galaxies closer to the centre experience more interactions. However, this can be simply explained by the radial distribution of the substructure population and merely reflects the fact that the density of satellites is higher in those regions. In order to find substructure galaxies we applied (and present) a new technique based upon the N-body code MLAPM. This new halo finder MHF (MLAPM's-Halo-Finder) acts with exactly the same accuracy as the N-body code itself and is therefore free of any bias and spurious mismatch between simulation data and halo finding precision related to numerical effects.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted by PASA (refereed contribution to the 5th Galactic Chemodynamics workshop, July 2003

    Mapping Substructures in Dark Matter Halos

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    We present a detailed study of the real and integrals-of-motion space distributions of a satellite obtained from a self-consistent high-resolution simulation of a galaxy cluster and re-simulated using various analytical halo potentials. We found that the disrupted satellite appears as a coherent structure in integrals-of-motion space in all models (``live'' and analytical potential) although the distribution is significantly smeared for the live host halo. Further the primary mechanism for this smearing is the mass growth of the host, which changes both the energy and angular momentum of the satellite debris. Hence, this must be considered when searching for (stellar) streams with future observational experiments such as RAVE and GAIA.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, MNRAS accepted - minor editing without changing the conclusions, a high-resolution version of the paper is available from http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~sgill/downloads/downloads.htm

    Cosmology on a Mesh

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    An adaptive multi grid approach to simulating the formation of structure from collisionless dark matter is described. MLAPM (Multi-Level Adaptive Particle Mesh) is one of the most efficient serial codes available on the cosmological 'market' today. As part of Swinburne University's role in the development of the Square Kilometer Array, we are implementing hydrodynamics, feedback, and radiative transfer within the MLAPM adaptive mesh, in order to simulate baryonic processes relevant to the interstellar and intergalactic media at high redshift. We will outline our progress to date in applying the existing MLAPM to a study of the decay of satellite galaxies within massive host potentials.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of "The IGM/Galaxy Connection - The Distribution of Baryons at z=0", ed. M. Putman & J. Rosenber

    The importance of interactions for mass loss from satellite galaxies in cold dark matter haloes

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    We investigate the importance of interactions between dark matter substructures for the mass loss they suffer whilst orbiting within a sample of high-resolution galaxy cluster mass cold dark matter (CDM) haloes formed in cosmological N-body simulations. We have defined a quantitative measure that gauges the degree to which interactions are responsible for mass loss from substructures. This measure indicates that interactions are more prominent in younger systems when compared to older more relaxed systems. We show that this is due to the increased number of encounters a satellite experiences and a higher mass fraction in satellites. This is in spite of the uniformity in the distributions of relative distances and velocities of encounters between substructures within the different host systems in our sample. Using a simple model to relate the net force felt by a single satellite to the mass loss it suffers, we show that interactions with other satellites account for ∌30 per cent of the total mass loss experienced over its lifetime. The relation between the age of the host and the importance of interactions increases the scatter about this mean value from ∌25 per cent for the oldest to ∌45 per cent for the youngest system we have studied. We conclude that satellite interactions play a vital role in the evolution of substructure in dark matter haloes and that a significant fraction of the tidally stripped material can be attributed to these interaction

    The Importance of Interactions for Mass Loss from Satellite Galaxies in Cold Dark Matter Haloes

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    We investigate the importance of interactions between dark matter substructures for the mass loss they suffer whilst orbiting within a sample of high resolution galaxy cluster mass Cold Dark Matter haloes formed in cosmological N-body simulations. We have defined a quantitative measure that gauges the degree to which interactions are responsible for mass loss from substructures. This measure indicates that interactions are more prominent in younger systems when compared to older more relaxed systems. We show that this is due to the increased number of encounters a satellite experiences and a higher mass fraction in satellites. This is in spite of the uniformity in the distributions of relative distances and velocities of encounters between substructures within the different host systems in our sample. Using a simple model to relate the net force felt by a single satellite to the mass loss it suffers, we show that interactions with other satellites account for ~30% of the total mass loss experienced over its lifetime. The relation between the age of the host and the importance of interactions increases the scatter about this mean value from ~25% for the oldest to ~45% for the youngest system we have studied. We conclude that satellite interactions play a vital role in the evolution of substructure in dark matter halos and that a significant fraction of the tidally stripped material can be attributed to these interactions.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRAS, 11 pages, 10 figure

    Radial Alignment in Simulated Clusters

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    Observational evidence for the radial alignment of satellites with their dark matter host has been accumulating steadily in the past few years. The effect is seen over a wide range of scales, from massive clusters of galaxies down to galaxy-sized systems, yet the underlying physical mechanism has still not been established. To this end, we have carried out a detailed analysis of the shapes and orientations of dark matter substructures in high-resolution N-body cosmological simulations. We find a strong tendency for radial alignment of the substructure with its host halo: the distribution of halo major axes is very anisotropic, with the majority pointing towards the center of mass of the host. The alignment peaks once the sub-halo has passed the virial radius of the host for the first time, but is not subsequently diluted, even after the halos have gone through as many as four pericentric passages. This evidence points to the existence of a very rapid dynamical mechanism acting on these systems and we argue that tidal torquing throughout their orbits is the most likely candidate.Comment: v2: 13 pages, 10 figures, ApJ in press. Revisions include a new section (4.2) comparing our results with observations, and a few added reference

    The evolution of substructure II: linking dynamics to environment

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    We present results from a series of high-resolution N-body simulations that focus on the formation and evolution of eight dark matter halos, each of order a million particles within the virial radius. We follow the time evolution of hundreds of satellite galaxies with unprecedented time resolution, relating their physical properties to the differing halo environmental conditions. The self-consistent cosmological framework in which our analysis was undertaken allows us to explore satellite disruption within live host potentials, a natural complement to earlier work conducted within static potentials. Our host halos were chosen to sample a variety of formation histories, ages, and triaxialities; despite their obvious differences, we find striking similarities within the associated substructure populations. Namely, all satellite orbits follow nearly the same eccentricity distribution with a correlation between eccentricity and pericentre. We also find that the destruction rate of the substructure population is nearly independent of the mass, age, and triaxiality of the host halo. There are, however, subtle differences in the velocity anisotropy of the satellite distribution. We find that the local velocity bias at all radii is greater than unity for all halos and this increases as we move closer to the halo centre, where it varies from 1.1 to 1.4. For the global velocity bias we find a small but slightly positive bias, although when we restrict the global velocity bias calculation to satellites that have had at least one orbit, the bias is essentially removed.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, MNRAS in pres

    The evolution of substructure III: the outskirts of clusters

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    We present an investigation of satellite galaxies in the outskirts of galaxy clusters taken from a series of high-resolution N-body simulations. We focus on the so-called "backsplash population", i.e. satellite galaxies that once were inside the virial radius of the host but now reside beyond it. We find that this population is significant in number and needs to be appreciated when interpreting the various galaxy morphology environmental relationships and decoupling the degeneracy between nature and nurture. Specifically, we find that approximately half of the galaxies with current clustercentric distance in the interval 1-2 virial radii of the host are backsplash galaxies which once penetrated deep into the cluster potential, with 90% of these entering to within 50% of the virial radius. These galaxies have undergone significant tidal disruption, loosing on average 40% of their mass. This results in a mass function for the backsplash population different to those galaxies infalling for the first time. We further show that these two populations are kinematically distinct and should be observable within existent spectroscopic surveys.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, MNRAS accepted - minor editing without changing the conclusion

    Anisotropy in the Distribution of Satellite Galaxy Orbits

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    Nearby clusters such as Virgo and Coma possess galaxy distributions which tend to be aligned with the principal axis of the cluster itself. This has also been confirmed by a recent statistical analysis of some 300 Abell clusters where the effect has been linked to the dynamical state of the cluster. Moreover, the orbits of satellite galaxies in galactic systems like our own Milky Way also demonstrate a high degree of anisotropy - the so-called Holmberg effect, the origin of which has been the subject of debate for more than 30 years. This study presents the analysis of cosmological simulations focusing on the orbits of satellite galaxies within dark matter halos. The apocentres of the orbits of these satellites are preferentially found within a cone of opening angle ~40 around the major axis of the host halo, in accordance with the observed anisotropy found in galaxy clusters. We do, however, note that a link to the dynamical age of the cluster is not well established as both our oldest dark matter halos do show a clear anisotropy signal. Further analysis connects this distribution to the infall pattern of satellites along the filaments: the orbits are determined rather by the environment of the host halo than some "dynamical selection" during their life within the host's virial radius.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, ApJ in pres
