71 research outputs found


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    Entre as inĂșmeras dificuldades do tradutor figuram as da traduçãode poemas, da parĂłdia, de certos recursos estilĂ­sticos — Ă s vezesmuito importantes para a caracterização das personagens, etc. AssoluçÔes encontradas para estes problemas, ao se traduzir a obra teatral de Brecht, podem servir de exemplo para outras soluçÔes que visem igualmente resguardar a fidelidade ao texto original

    Evaluation of a real-time virtual intervention to empower persons living with HIV to use therapy self-management: study protocol for an online randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Living with HIV makes considerable demands on a person in terms of self-management, especially as regards adherence to treatment and coping with adverse side-effects. The online HIV Treatment, Virtual Nursing Assistance and Education (Virus de I'immunodeficience Humaine-Traitement Assistance Virtuelle Infirmiere et Enseignement; VIH-TAVIE (TM)) intervention was developed to provide persons living with HIV (PLHIV) with personalized follow-up and real-time support in managing their medication intake on a daily basis. An online randomized controlled trial (RCT) will be conducted to evaluate the efficacy of this intervention primarily in optimizing adherence to combination anti-retroviral therapy (ART) among PLHIV.Methods/design: A convenience sample of 232 PLHIV will be split evenly and randomly between an experimental group that will use the web application, and a control group that will be handed a list of websites of interest. Participants must be aged 18 years or older, have been on ART for at least 6 months, and have internet access. The intervention is composed of four interactive computer sessions of 20 to 30 minutes hosted by a virtual nurse who engages the PLHIV in a skills-learning process aimed at improving self-management of medication intake. Adherence constitutes the principal outcome, and is defined as the intake of at least 95% of the prescribed tablets. The following intermediary measures will be assessed: self-efficacy and attitude towards antiretroviral medication, symptom-related discomfort, and emotional support. There will be three measurement times: baseline (T0), after 3 months (T3) and 6 months (T6) of baseline measurement. The principal analyses will focus on comparing the two groups in terms of treatment adherence at the end of follow-up at T6. An intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis will be carried out to evaluate the true value of the intervention in a real context.Discussion: Carrying out this online RCT poses various challenges in terms of recruitment, ethics, and data collection, including participant follow-up over an extended period. Collaboration between researchers from clinical disciplines (nursing, medicine), and experts in behavioral sciences information technology and media will be crucial to the development of innovative solutions to supplying and delivering health services

    L’association France-RDA

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    Avant de prĂ©senter l’Association France-RDA, fondĂ©e le 29 mai 1973, et son rĂŽle dans les relations franco-est-allemandes, il est nĂ©cessaire de rappeler briĂšvement les activitĂ©s de l’association qui la prĂ©cĂ©da, « Échanges Franco-Allemands » (EFA), dont elle reprit les objectifs. En effet, France-RDA a repris Ă  un mot prĂšs le texte figurant dans l’acte de fondation des EFA enregistrĂ© Ă  Paris le 22 avril 1958, et sur lequel figure d’ailleurs ma signature, ce que j’avais totalement oubliĂ©. Voici ..

    Le spartakisme et sa problématique

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    Badia Gilbert. Le spartakisme et sa problĂ©matique. In: Annales. Economies, sociĂ©tĂ©s, civilisations. 21ᔉ annĂ©e, N. 3, 1966. pp. 654-667

    Allemagne, novembre 1918 : Kurt Eisner devant le Comité exécutif des conseils berlinois

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    Badia Gilbert. Allemagne, novembre 1918 : Kurt Eisner devant le ComitĂ© exĂ©cutif des conseils berlinois. In: Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine, tome 15 N°2, Avril-juin 1968. pp. 340-361

    Brùves remarques sur le tome II des Ɠuvres de Marx

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    Badia Gilbert. BrĂšves remarques sur le tome II des Ɠuvres de Marx. In: L'Homme et la sociĂ©tĂ©, N. 17, 1970. Sociologie et idĂ©ologie : marxisme et marxologie. pp. 319-323

    L'Allemagne de 1918 Ă  1945

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    Badia Gilbert. L'Allemagne de 1918 Ă  1945 . In: Annales. Economies, sociĂ©tĂ©s, civilisations. 22ᔉ annĂ©e, N. 2, 1967. pp. 449-462

    1940-1944, quand Vichy livrait à Hitler les étrangers réfugiés en France

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    L'article 19 de la convention d'armistice du 22 juin 1940 prĂ©voyait que la France devrait livrer au TroisiĂšme Reich les ressortissants allemands, autrichiens, tchĂšques, polonais — antifascistes, puis juifs — rĂ©fugiĂ©s sur son territoire. Un article ignominieux que le gouvernement de Vichy a appliquĂ© Ă  la lettre, et mĂȘme avec zĂšle.Badia Gilbert. 1940-1944, quand Vichy livrait Ă  Hitler les Ă©trangers rĂ©fugiĂ©s en France. In: Hommes et Migrations, n°1175, avril 1994. De la guerre Ă  la dĂ©colonisation. La mĂ©moire retrouvĂ©e. pp. 20-23
