1,822 research outputs found

    Is the Banana Ripe? Andean Bear–Human Conflict in a Protected Area of Colombia

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    The Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus; bear) is endemic to the tropical Andes Mountains of South America. Previous assessments predict that bear populations will decline by \u3e30% in the next 30 years. The species may face the greatest threats within its historical distribution in Colombia where rapid agricultural expansion into natural habitats is increasing human–bear conflicts. Between April 2017 and March 2018, we studied bear feeding behavior on plantain (Musa sapientum) and banana (M. paradisiaca) crops within the Barbas-Bremen protected area in the central mountain range of Colombia to describe the magnitude of crop damage, economic losses, and spatial distribution of feeding sites where human–bear conflicts would most likely occur. We also identified all affected farmers and used structured interviews to determine their attitudes toward the bears and their conservation. We recorded 237 damaged plants and identified 57 bear feeding area locations on 9 farms. Bear damage consisted of bites to the trunk of each plant and consumption of the centers. The damage polygon covered 198 ha, and it was located in the northwestern portion of the protected area. Although we estimated that the magnitude of crop consumption by bears and social and economic dimensions of damage caused by the species in Colombia. Our research also provides insights on how human–bear conflicts may be mitigated in the study area

    Análisis y ejecución de estrategias en la industria de sensores mediante la simulación CAPSIM

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    Documento en el que se muestra el trabajo realizado en la dirección de una empresa de la industria de sensores dentro del simulador de negocios Capsim. Se presenta un análisis de la industria de los sensores, se describe la empresa en la que se trabajó, las estrategias de negocio y el proceso de su implementación, así como los resultados finales

    Limiting spread of COVID-19 in an orthopaedic department-a perspective from Spain

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    Besides national and international recommendations, orthopaedic departments face significant changes in daily activity and serious issues to maintain their standards in musculoskeletal care during the pandemic Covid-19 crisis that we are facing. This report retrospectively addresses measures that were progressively put in place to modify in a week time the activity of a busy orthopaedic department in a large tertiary university hospital in face of the pandemic. Surgical priorities and surgical outcomes are key aspects to consider. The experience may offer some insight to areas where the spread of the disease may be slower or delayed. Abrupt stop of scheduled surgery and clinics is useful to adapt an orthopaedic department to the overall hospital resource reorganization. Orthopaedic surgeons need to be aware of the risks to patients and personnel in view of underdiagnosed cases, which make pre-operative Covid-19 evaluation mandatory for all surgical case

    Comparison between Holocene recent pollen sequences of Calvero de la Higuera archaeopalaeontological site (Pinilla del Valle, Madrid) and Rascafria peat-bog (Madrid)

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    El análisis polínico de una turbera (Rascafría) y dos sitios arqueopaleontológicos (Cueva de la Buena Pinta y el Abrigo de Navalmaíllo pertenecientes al yacimiento Calvero de la Higuera, Pinilla del Valle, Madrid) han permitido reconstruir la dinámica de las comunidades vegetales de los últimos 5000 años, así como las características de la antropización desde la Prehistoria hasta la actualidad. Los registros polínicos holocenos de esta región permiten interpretar el tránsito desde unas condiciones más o menos forestales, caracterizadas por la profusión de pinares y melojares, así como de otros elementos mesófilos como el abedul, a la instalación progresiva de un medio forestal abierto y la proliferación de unidades de paisaje relacionadas con la antropización del medio. Un paleopaisaje de pastizales vivaces dedicados a actividades ganaderas trashumantes y transterminantes define diferentes niveles de presión antrópica. En particular, se ha podido determinar que los primeros eventos claros de antropización y deforestación de los bosques del Valle del Lozoya ocurrieron durante el III milenio cal. BC y que la fisionomía actual del paisaje en el área es la misma desde la Edad Media.The pollen analysis of a peat bogs (Rascafría), two archaeopalaeontological sites (Buena Pinta Cave and Navalmaíllo Rockshelter, located in the Calvero de la Higuera Place, Pinilla del Valle, Madrid)) allowed to reconstruct the dynamic of the vegetation comunities of the last 5000 years, as well as the anthropic signals from the Prehistoric to the present time. The Holocene pollen records of this region allow to interpret a more or less forest conditions in its beginnings, characterized by the profusion of pine-groves and oak forests as well as of other mesophyle elements like the birch, followed by a progressive opening of the forest and the proliferation of landscape units related to anthropic effects. A paleo-landscape of pasture dedicated to transhumant and transterminant cattle activities define different levels of anthropic pressure. Particularly, it has been possible to determine that the first clear events of anthropization and deforestation of the Lozoya Valley forests occurred during the 3rd millennium BC, and the landscape physiognomy has not changed since the Middle Age.Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu

    Assessing the sensitivity of data-limited methods for resources in the Atlantic waters

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    ICES Annual Science Conference 2021, online 6-10 SeptemberLength-based methods have been widely applied to estimate biological parameters and to under-stand the dynamics of marine resource populations within the category of data-limited stocksThe authors thank the financial support of the project IMPRESS (RTI2018-099868-B-I00) project, ERDF, Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities - State Research Agency, and also of GAIN (Xunta de Galicia), GRC MERVEX (nº IN607-A 2018-4)N

    Applying length-based assessment methods to fisheries resources of the Bay of Biscay and Atlantic Iberian Waters: stock status and parameters sensitivity

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    ASLO 2021 Aquatic Sciences Virtual Meeting, 22–27 June 2021Length-based methods have been widely applied to estimate biological parameters and to understand the dynamics of marine resource populations within the category of data-limited stocksProject IMPRESS (RTI2018-099868-B-I00), ERDF, Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities - State Research Agency, and also of GAIN (Xunta de Galicia), GRC MERVEX (nº IN607-A 2018-4)N