57 research outputs found

    Distribución y control de la especie invasora Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu, plaga del castaño, en España: Comunidades asociadas de parasitoides nativos, y control biológico y evaluación de impacto de la introducción en el medio natural de la especie foránea Torymus sinensis Kamijo

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    "Introducción": La avispilla del castaño, Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu, 1951 (Hymenoptera:Cynipidae) es una especie plaga de los castaños por todo el mundo, actuando como una especie exótica invasora y generando pérdidas económicas severas. Esta especie causa que los árboles produzcan menos frutos, que sus ramas se acorten y se deformen, además de un debilitamiento generalizado, mediante la inducción de agallas en altas cantidades. Esta producción de agallas en altas densidades es debido a que D. kuriphilus no posee ninguna especie que regule sus poblaciones de forma directa, a diferencia de lo que ocurre con otras especies nativas de Cynipidae y la fauna parasitoide de la superfamilia Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). Para regular las poblaciones de D. kuriphilus y evitar los daños que produce, se ha empleado como agente de control biológico a la especie Torymus sinensis Kamijo, 1982 (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Torymidae), introduciéndolo en el medio natural en diferentes países por todo el mundo. La introducción de T. sinensis como controlador biológico de D. kuriphilus ha demostrado ser eficaz para disminuir las poblaciones de esta especie plaga, pero existe una serie de incógnitas acerca de su interacción y efecto negativo con especies nativas, tanto de cinípidos inductores de agallas, como parasitoides. Entre estos efectos negativos se encuentra: a) ataque “no objetivo” a especies nativas de Cynipidae, produciendo el descenso de sus poblaciones; b) competencia con especies de parasitoides nativas que acabe produciendo su desplazamiento; y c) hibridación con otras especies de Torymus nativas. Por lo tanto, la liberación de T. sinensis presenta una serie de incertidumbres asociadas a problemas en conservación de las especies en el medio natural. Además, D. kuriphilus ha generado nuevas comunidades biológicas en los castaños, reclutando especies de parasitoides nativas presentes en los robles. En España, la presencia de D. kuriphilus y la liberación de T. sinensis son recientes, y existen diferentes déficits de conocimiento acerca de la interacción de estas dos especies junto con las especies nativas, lo que genera un marco de estudio a nivel biológico de un problema ambiental con fuertes implicaciones socioeconómicas." Objetivos": La presente tesis doctoral busca generar conocimiento a diferentes niveles acerca del trinomio “D. kuriphilus-T. sinensis-especies nativas”, siendo éstos, biogeografía, ecología y filogenia. Con este conocimiento generado se pretende ayudar a la comprensión y a la gestión de esta plaga y su control biológico, así como indicar y prevenir los posibles daños que pueden generar la introducción de especies foráneas en el medio natural. "Síntesis": A nivel biogeográfico se ha establecido y detallado las distribuciones de D. kuriphilus y de T sinensis en España en el escenario más actual, incluyendo actualizaciones de nuevas zonas colonizadas, así como las zonas de máxima idoneidad para la especie plaga y los posibles escenarios a futuro considerando la dispersión natural de la especie..

    Evaluación de posible impacto ambiental del uso de Torymus sinensis como controlador biológico de la plaga de la avispa del castaño, Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu en España

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    Comunicación presentada en las Jornadas Técnico-Científicas. I Monográfico sobre productos derivados de la castaña, el castaño y su hábitat, celebradas los 19, 20 y 21 de noviembre de 2015 en Ponferrada (León) con motivo de Biocastañea, la Feria de la Castañicultura en El Bierzo (6ª edición, 18 al 22 de noviembre de 2015).Peer reviewe

    Observations on the relationship between Ozognathus cornutus (LeConte, 1859) (Coleoptera: Ptinidae), Sphodromantis viridis (Forskål, 1775) (Mantodea: Mantidae) and Podagrion splendens Spinola, 1811 (Hymenoptera: Torymidae)

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    Se informa de la ocupación de las ootecas de Sphodromantis viridis (Forskål, 1775) (Mantodea: Mantidae) por Ozognathus cornutus (LeConte, 1859) (Coleoptera: Ptinidae), y del parasitismo de estas estructuras por Podagrion splendens Spinola, 1811 (Hymenoptera: Torymidae). Se documenta el comportamiento de lucha y competencia entre machos de O. cornutus por las hembras. Se discute la relación de estas tres especies de insectos de órdenes y orígenes diversos: la mantis de África, el coleóptero de Norteamérica y el himenóptero nativo del Paleártico, enfatizando cómo las especies exóticas pueden generar interacciones ex novo entre ellas.We report the occupation of oothecae of Sphodromantis viridis (Forskål 1775) (Mantidae) by Ozognathus cornutus (LeConte, 1859) (Coleoptera: Ptinidae), and parasitism of these structures by Podagrion splendens Spinola, 1811 (Hymenoptera: Torymidae). Fighting behavior and competition among males of O. cornutus for females is documented. We discuss the relationship among these three insect species of diverse orders and origins: the African mantis, the North American coleopteran and the native Palearctic hymenopteran, emphasizing how exotic species can generate ex novo interactions between them

    The leaf beetle Labidostomis lusitanica (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) as an Iberian pistachio pest: projecting risky areas

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    BACKGROUND Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) is a commercially important tree in the Mediterranean basin, where there is a considerable increase in cultivation, especially in Spain. Because of its recent introduction as a crop in the country (1980s), studies on the pests of pistachio in Spain are still rare. Here, we studied the leaf beetle Labidostomis lusitanica (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), which was observed on pistachio and might become a serious pest under the expanding Spanish pistachio fields. Because early detection of pests is extremely important to properly plan control strategies, we (i) updated the information on the distribution of the species through samplings and surveys, and (ii) modelled its potential distribution. RESULTS Currently, L. lusitanica occurs across the whole Iberian Peninsula, especially in its southern and eastern parts, with adults on flight roughly from late April to early June. Analysis of climatic niches showed that L. lusitanica prefers dry and hot areas, which are conditions found especially in the central-southern parts of the Iberian Peninsula. Such highly suitable areas for this pest overlap considerably with the suitable areas for pistachio cultivation. Surveys of pistachio growers weakly suggested a higher pest attack probability, but, unexpectedly, a lower perceived impact in very suitable areas for L. lusitanica, suggesting that other factors may shape its pest potential in a complex way. CONCLUSION In line with what has been observed for other Labidostomis species on pistachio in other Mediterranean countries, L. lusitanica has a good potential to harm pistachio production in Spain, claiming for further investigations and prevention strategies. © 2021 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry

    Aridity could have driven the local extinction of a common and multivoltine butterfly

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    1.Identifying which species are being negatively impacted by climate change and the mechanisms driving their decline is essential to effectively protect biodiversity. 2.Coenonympha pamphilus is a common and generalist butterfly, widely distributed throughout the Western Palearctic, being multivoltine in southern Europe. Previous studies indicate that it will not be substantially affected by climate change; however, it has seemingly disappeared from the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula in the last decades. 3. Here, we aim to determine if it has effectively disappeared from this area, as well as identify the environmental conditions limiting its distribution and the potential causes behind this a priori local extinction. 4.We downloaded all the occurrence records of C. pamphilus and analysed their spatial and temporal trends. To identify the climatic variables driving the distribution of this butterfly in the Iberian Peninsula, we performed an ensemble species distribution model (SDM), combining 600 individual models produced with 6 algorithms. 5.We confirmed that C. pamphilus has not been observed in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula since 2008. Aridity was the main factor limiting the distribution of C. pamphilus in our ensemble SDM, with areas with high aridity being unsuitable for this species. 6. We hypothesise that multivoltinism is the mechanism driving this local extirpation, as high aridity is causing host plants (Poaceae) to wither prematurely, precluding the development of the second and/or third generations of the butterfly. Even though generalist species are theoretically more resilient to climate change, other traits such as multivoltinism may increase their vulnerability and need to be further investigated

    Torymus sinensis Kamijo, a biocontrol agent against the invasive chestnut gall wasp Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu in Spain: its natural dispersal from France and the first data on establishment after experimental releases

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    Aim of study: The globally invasive gall wasp, Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu, 1951 (Cynipidae: Cynipini), reached Spain seven years ago and is already regarded as an important pest of chestnuts (Castanea spp.) in this country as well as worldwide. In this paper, we present comprehensive data on the establishment in Spain of Torymus sinensis Kamijo, 1982 (Chalcidoidea: Torymidae), an effective non-native natural enemy of this pest, as a result of both natural dispersal and settlement after controlled releases since 2015.Area of study: Sites of the Spanish autonomous communities of Galicia, Asturias, Basque Country, Catalonia, Andalusia and Madrid where D. kuriphilus is present.Material and methods: To study the natural dispersal of T. sinensis from France, we selected two sampling sites in Catalonia, six in the Basque Country and two in Navarra known for their heavy Asian chestnut gall wasp (ACGW) infestation; to study T. sinensis establishment after authorized controlled releases by the concerned authorities, the field samplings were done mainly in Galicia (35 sites) and Andalusia (8 sites). Additionally an experimental release study was made in Madrid.Main Results: Our results showed that T. sinensis has spread throughout Spain by natural dispersal across the French border and now occurs in Catalonia (two sites), the Basque Country (three sites) and Navarra (one site) but not in the neighbouring region of Cantabria. The percentage of parasitism by T. sinensis on D. kuriphilus is higher in the Basque Country sites, which are close to the French border, thus indicating that its establishment in these localities is not recent. After controlled releases, T. sinensis has been successfully established in five release sites in Andalusia (Valle del Genal and Sierra Blanca, Málaga Province) and one release site in Madrid. However, in the region of Galicia (NW Spain), where the number of authorized releases has been higher, the establishment of T. sinensis still appears to be very low.Research highlights: Established populations of T. sinensis may exert a positive buffer against D. kuriphilus-driven chestnut infestation in Spain, similar to what is observed in other invaded European countries.Additional Keywords: Controlled releases, Torymidae, invasive species, Cynipidae, natural spread, biological control.Abbreviations used: Asian chestnut gall wasp (ACGW); Torymus sinensis parasitism rate (TsPR); mean of ACGW larval chambers per gall (MACGW)

    Torymus sinensis Kamijo, a biocontrol agent against the invasive chestnut gall wasp Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu in Spain: its natural dispersal from France and first data on establishment after experimental releases

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    Aim of study: The globally invasive gall wasp, Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu, 1951 (Cynipidae: Cynipini), reached Spain seven years ago and is already regarded as an important pest of chestnuts (Castanea spp.) in this country as well as worldwide. In this paper, we present comprehensive data on the establishment in Spain of Torymus sinensis Kamijo, 1982 (Chalcidoidea: Torymidae), an effective non-native natural enemy of this pest, as a result of both natural dispersal and settlement after controlled releases since 2015. Area of study: Sites of the Spanish autonomous communities of Galicia, Asturias, Basque Country, Catalonia, Andalusia and Madrid where D. kuriphilus is present. Material and methods: To study the natural dispersal of T. sinensis from France, we selected two sampling sites in Catalonia, six in the Basque Country and two in Navarra known for their heavy Asian chestnut gall wasp (ACGW) infestation; to study T. sinensis establishment after authorized controlled releases by the concerned authorities, the field samplings were done mainly in Galicia (35 sites) and Andalusia (8 sites). Additionally an experimental release study was made in Madrid. Main Results: Our results showed that T. sinensis has spread throughout Spain by natural dispersal across the French border and now occurs in Catalonia (two sites), the Basque Country (three sites) and Navarra (one site) but not in the neighbouring region of Cantabria. The percentage of parasitism by T. sinensis on D. kuriphilus is higher in the Basque Country sites, which are close to the French border, thus indicating that its establishment in these localities is not recent. After controlled releases, T. sinensis has been successfully established in five release sites in Andalusia (Valle del Genal and Sierra Blanca, Málaga Province) and one release site in Madrid. However, in the region of Galicia (NW Spain), where the number of authorized releases has been higher, the establishment of T. sinensis still appears to be very low. Research highlights: Established populations of T. sinensis may exert a positive buffer against D. kuriphilus-driven chestnut infestation in Spain, similar to what is observed in other invaded European countries.This study was financed by an Encomienda de Gestión from MAPAMA to Agencia Estatal CSIC, 16MNES003 awarded to JLNA, DGT, MJL and CP, and by project AGL2016-76262-R (AEI/FEDER, UE) awarded to MJL and JLNA. JRB, JMV, MEW and OG were supported by project PP.PEI.IDF201601.4 de Demanda Institucional from CMAOT to the public research Institution IFAPA. CP was funded by a post-doctoral contract from the Universidad de Castilla-La ManchaS

    Quick spreading of populations of an exotic firefly throughout Spain and their recent arrival in the French Pyrenees

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    In August 2018, a firefly (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) of American origin was observed in several localities in Girona (Catalonia, Spain) and was described as Photinus immigrans by Zaragoza-Caballero and Vinolas, 2018. Here, we show that this species dispersed very quickly throughout northeastern Spain and was, in 2020, observed in the French Pyrenees. The animal’s quick progress is documented, and part of its biology is described (dispersion speed, land use, phenology, identification of all life stages). An additional population was localized in Extremadura, and its special status is discussed. We were able to determine its Argentinian–Uruguayan origin and propose, therefore, to consider Photinus immigrans as a synonym of Photinus signaticollis (Blanchard, 1846) (=Photinus immigrans Zaragoza-Caballero and Viñolas, 2018, syn. nov.). Our data clearly show that at least the Catalan and French populations are spreading very quickly and are able to settle permanently if adequate ecosystems are found. The species is highly expansive and may well be invasive; our citizen science platforms are ideally suited to monitor their progress throughout Spain and France. This is important for avoiding future ecological problems with diverse native faunas, such as glow-worms, fireflies and earthworms. If no ways are found to stop the species’ progression, the animals will quite probably invade substantial areas of France, Spain and the rest of Europe in the years to come

    BIOVID: Micro espacios audiovisuales sobre biodiversidad

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    Se han realizado, editado y publicado microespacios de video alojados en la web www.ucm.es/segbiodiversidad/videos sobre aspectos relacionados con la biodiversidad, ecología y metodologías de seguimiento de aves, murciélagos, artrópodos y flora del campus de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid