706 research outputs found

    Hands-on sustainability: How can we contribute to the construction of a sustainable future?

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    Abstract. The scant response of citizens to reiterated calls for attention to the serious problems affecting all humanity leads to a belief that there are serious obstacles that must be studied in order to understand how to overcome them. In this work we will focus on one of the more important of these problems - the widespread yet incorrect perception that the action of the individual is of little importance - and we will attempt to show from an eminently practical viewpoint the relevance, for the construction of a sustainable future, of what each one of us does or does not do, in general - as a consumer, professional and citizen - and in particular - in the sphere of education

    Diseño y desarrollo de Imagen Corporativa y Página Web para Clínica de Nutrición.

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    El proyecto que se presenta se trata de un caso real con la clínica del doctor Jesús Vázquez Laguna, clínica dedicada a la nutrición y a la salud. Pese a que lleva años funcionando no dispone de una identidad gráfica corporativa ni de un sitio web con el que se le pueda dar a conocer y con el que las personas se puedan poner en contacto. De este modo se aplicarán los distintos conocimientos aprendidos en el grado de la universidad de Zaragoza de “Ingeniería de Diseño Industrial y Desarrollo del Producto”, tanto el diseño gráfico, como el diseño de interfaces y el diseño de servicios, para poder desarrollar la imagen corporativa y el diseño web de la clínica. El objetivo es poderse dar a conocer, modernizar tecnológicamente el negocio y facilitar el acceso a todo tipo de públicos ya que hoy en día es tema de la nutrición está muy concurrido y esta es la mejor manera de poderle sacar partido.<br /

    The vitamin D decrease in children with obesity is associated with the development of insulin resistance during puberty: The PUBMEP study

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    Obesity and cardiometabolic risk have been associated with vitamin D levels even in children. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the association between insulin resistance (IR), cardiometabolic risk factors, and vitamin D in children from prepubertal to pubertal stages. A total of 76 children from the PUBMEP study, aged 4–12 years at baseline, were included. Children were evaluated in prepubertal and pubertal stages. Anthropometric measurements and selected cardiometabolic risk biomarkers, such as plasma glucose, blood lipids, insulin, adiponectin, leptin, and blood pressure, and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) were determined. Children were categorized by obesity degree and IR status combined before and after puberty. Paired t-test and multivariate linear regression analyses were conducted. During puberty, the increase in triacylglycerols, insulin, and HOMA-IR and the decrease in QUICKI were significantly associated with the reduction in 25(OH)D (B = -0.274, p = 0.032; B = -0.219, p = 0.019; B = -0.250, p = 0.013; B = 1.574, p = 0.013, respectively) after adjustment by BMI-z, sex, and pubertal stage. Otherwise, prepubertal non-IR children with overweight/obesity that became IR during puberty showed a significant decrease in 25(OH)D and HDL-c, and an increase in waist circumference and triacylglycerol concentrations (p < 0.05 for all) over time. These results suggest that changes in IR seem to be associated with an effect on 25(OH)D levels during puberty, especially in children with overweight. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Power Quality Management of Interconnected Microgrids using Model Predictive Control

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    Cuenta con otro ed. : IFAC-PapersOnLine Incluida en el vol. 53 Article number: 145388In this paper, the power quality of interconnected microgrids is managed using a Model Predictive Control (MPC) methodology which manipulates the power converters of the microgrids in order to achieve the requirements. The control algorithm is developed for the microgrids working modes: grid-connected, islanded and interconnected. The results and simulations are also applied to the transition between the different working modes. In order to show the potential of the control algorithm a comparison study is carried out with classical Proportional-Integral Pulse Width Modulation (PI-PWM) based controllers. The proposed control algorithm not only improves the transient response in comparison with classical methods but also shows an optimal behavior in all the working modes, minimizing the harmonics content in current and voltage even with the presence of non-balanced and non-harmonic-free three-phase voltage and current systems.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España) DPI2016-78338-RInterreg SUDOE SOE3 / P3 / E090

    Teaser Bull Preparation by Surgically Made Ventral Prepuce Foramen

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    This surgical technique (opening of an artificial ventral prepuce orifice) was used to prepare 50 Holstein x Zebu teaser bulls. This study was made at Triangulo 5 and Triangulo 3 cattle companies, and on El Taburete Farm in the province of Camagüey, Cuba. Healing and recovery, surgery time, and costs of medication and surgical materials, were evaluated. Exploratory examination was made ten months after the procedure to verify the general state of the animal and the success of surgery. This technique demonstrated its simplicity, cost effectiveness, and celerity, both in execution and animal recovery. The surgically made ventral prepuce orifice is recommended to cut down production costs of cattle raising, and it could be used in other species of interest as well, like ovine-caprine

    Procedure for the accounting record in the accounts of the Capital Group

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    El objetivo de este trabajo, es elaborar un procedimiento financiero y contable para las cuentas del Grupo Capital, desde la constitución, hasta la liquidación de las sociedades mercantiles, que sirva de guía y consulta a dichas entidades. Palabras claves: acciones, sociedad mercantil, capital ABSTRACT The objective of this work is to develop a financial and accounting procedure for the accounts of the Capital Group, from the constitution until the liquidation of the mercantile companies, which serves as a guide and consultation to said entities. Keywords: shares, mercantile society, capitalThe objective of this work is to develop a financial and accounting procedure for the accounts of the Capital Group, from the constitution until the liquidation of the mercantile companies, which serves as a guide and consultation to said entities. Keywords: shares, mercantile society, capita


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    Lucio Junio Moderato Columela was an agronomist writer from ancient Rome. He was born in Gades (present-day Cádiz) in the year 4 A.D. and died in Taras (present-day Tarento, a southern italian city) around the year 70 A.D. His work, De Re Rustica, written in latin, is one of the most complete works on agriculture, livestock and animal medicine from Roman times and it was translated into Spanish for the first time in 1824 by Juan María Álvarez de Sotomayor y Rubio under the title of “The twelve books of agriculture”. The main goal of this final degree project has been examining and understanding what Columela shares about diseases, ailments and treatments that affected cattle in the 1st century A.D. For this, we have read the preface and the 26 chapters (I to XXVI) of the sixth book dedicated to cattle. These chapters describe the most frequent diseases of the time and different remedies for their cure. Among the diseases described, we find indigestion, stomach and intestine pain, ranulas and lack of appetite for food, fever, cough, abscess, lameness, scabies, rabid dog or wolf bites and coriazo, lung ulcers and palate tumors, hoof or leg injuries, bites of poisonous animals and infection by leeches. The medical treatments recommended by Columela are mainly natural and they are based in the use of preparations, ointments or concoctions with medicinal plants, food, minerals or even animals. Surgical procedures are also described, highlighting castration or bleeding. In addition to these remedies, Columela mentions some related to superstitious medicine. Columela’s work allows us to get an idea of the ailments suffered by cattle in Roman times, as well as the treatments used to cure them.Lucio Junio Moderato Columela fue un escritor agrónomo de la Antigua Roma nacido en Gades (actual Cádiz) en el año 4 d.C. y fallecido en Taras (actual ciudad del sur de Italia llamada Tarento) hacia el año 70 d.C. Su obra, De Re Rustica, escrita en latín, es una de las más completas sobre agricultura, ganadería y medicina animal de la época romana y fue traducida al castellano por vez primera en 1824 por Juan María Álvarez de Sotomayor y Rubio bajo el título de, “Los doce libros de agricultura”. El objetivo principal de este trabajo de fin de grado ha sido examinar y comprender los datos que Columela aporta sobre enfermedades, dolencias y tratamientos que afectaban al ganado vacuno en el siglo I d.C. Para ello, hemos realizado la lectura del prefacio y de los 26 capítulos (I a XXVI) del libro sexto dedicado al ganado vacuno. En estos capítulos se describen las enfermedades más frecuentes de la época y diversos remedios para su cura. Entre las enfermedades descritas encontramos la indigestión, dolor de vientre e intestinos, ránulas e inapetencia por la comida, calentura, tos, apostemas, cojeras, sarna, mordedura de perra rabiosa o lobo y coriazo, úlceras de pulmón y tumores de paladar, heridas de pezuñas o piernas, mordedura de animales venenosos y afección por sanguijuelas. Los tratamientos médicos recomendados por Columela son principalmente naturales y se basan en el uso de preparados, ungüentos o brebajes con plantas medicinales, alimentos, minerales e incluso animales. También se describen procedimientos quirúrgicos, entre los que destacan la castración y la sangría. Además de estos remedios Columela menciona algunos relacionados con la medicina supersticiosa. La obra de Columela permite hacernos una idea de las dolencias que padecía el ganado vacuno en época romana, así como de los tratamientos empleados para su curación

    Veterinary medicine applied to cattle in roman times according to the work of Lucio Junio Mode-rato Columela (1st Century Ad)

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    Lucio Junio Moderato Columela fue un escritor agrónomo de la Antigua Roma nacido en Gades (actual Cádiz) en el año 4 d.C. y fallecido en Taras (actual ciudad del sur de Italia llamada Tarento) hacia el año 70 d.C. Su obra, De Re Rustica, escrita en latín, es una de las más completas sobre agricultura, ganadería y medicina animal de la época romana y fue traducida al castellano por vez primera en 1824 por Juan María Álvarez de Sotomayor y Rubio bajo el título de, “Los doce libros de agricultura”.El objetivo principal de este trabajo de fin de grado ha sido examinar y comprender los datos que Columela aporta sobre enfermedades, dolencias y tratamientos que afectaban al ganado vacuno en el siglo I d.C. Para ello, hemos realizado la lectura del prefacio y de los 26 capítulos (I a XXVI) del libro sexto dedicado al ganado vacuno. En estos capítulos se describen las enfermedades más frecuentes de la época y diversos remedios para su cura. Entre las enfermedades descritas encontramos la indigestión, dolor de vientre e intestinos, ránulas e inapetencia por la comida, calentura, tos, apostemas, cojeras, sarna, mordedura de perra rabiosa o lobo y coria-zo, úlceras de pulmón y tumores de paladar, heridas de pezuñas o piernas, mordedura de animales venenosos y afección por sanguijuelas. Los tratamientos médicos recomendados por Columela son principalmente naturales y se basan en el uso de preparados, ungüentos o brebajes con plantas medicinales, alimentos, minerales e inclu-so animales. También se describen procedimientos quirúrgicos, entre los que destacan la castración y la sangría. Además de estos remedios Columela menciona algunos relacionados con la medicina supersticiosa. La obra de Columela permite hacernos una idea de las dolencias que padecía el ganado vacuno en época romana, así como de los tratamientos empleados para su curación.Lucio Junio Moderato Columela was an agronomist writer from ancient Rome. He was born in Gades (present-day Cádiz) in the year 4 A.D. and died in Taras (present-day Tarento, a southern italian city) around the year 70 A.D. His work, De Re Rustica, written in latin, is one of the most complete works on agriculture, livestock and animal medicine from Roman times and it was translated into Spanish for the first time in 1824 by Juan María Álvarez de Sotomayor y Rubio under the title of “The twelve books of agriculture”. The main goal of this final degree project has been examining and understanding what Columela shares about diseases, ailments and treatments that affected cattle in the 1st century A.D. For this, we have read the preface and the 26 chapters (I to XXVI) of the sixth book dedicated to cattle. These chapters describe the most frequent diseases of the time and different remedies for their cure. Among the diseases described, we find in-digestion, stomach and intestine pain, ranulas and lack of appetite for food, fever, cough, abscess, lameness, scabies, rabid dog or wolf bites and coriazo, lung ulcers and palate tumors, hoof or leg injuries, bites of poison-ous animals and infection by leeches. The medical treatments recommended by Columela are mainly natural and they are based in the use of preparations, ointments or concoctions with medicinal plants, food, minerals or even animals. Surgical procedures are also described, highlighting castration or bleeding. In addition to these remedies, Columela mentions some related to superstitious medicine. Columela’s work allows us to get an ide

    El Valhuero (Toro, Zamora): una inhumación tardoantigua en un yacimiento de la Edad del Bronce

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    El hallazgo en un yacimiento de la Edad del Bronce de una sepultura aparentemente asignable por su decúbito y orientación W-E a un periodo histórico motivó su  datación radiocarbónica, confirmándose su presunto carácter post-prehistórico. Se estudia el enterramiento y se plantea su encuadre en el contexto de la Antigüedad Tardía de la zona

    Procedimiento para el registro contable en las cuentas del Grupo Capital

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    El objetivo de este trabajo, es elaborar un procedimiento financiero y contable para las cuentas del Grupo Capital, desde la constitución, hasta la liquidación de las sociedades mercantiles, que sirva de guía y consulta a dichas entidades