13,324 research outputs found

    Dynamical light vector mesons in low-energy scattering of Goldstone bosons

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    We present a study of Goldstone boson scattering based on the flavor SU(3) chiral Lagrangian formulated with vector mesons in the tensor field representation. A coupled-channel channel computation is confronted with the empirical s- and p-wave phase shifts, where good agreement with the data set is obtained up to about 1.2 GeV. There are two relevant free parameters only, the chiral limit value of the pion decay constant and the coupling constant characterizing the decay of the rho meson into a pair of pions. We apply a recently suggested approach that implements constraints from micro- causality and coupled-channel unitarity. Generalized potentials are obtained from the chiral Lagrangian and are expanded in terms of suitably constructed conformal variables. The partial-wave scattering amplitudes are defined as solutions of non-linear integral equations that are solved by means of an N/D ansatz.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, typos corrected, accepted for publication in Physics Letters

    Price transmission analysis: A flexible methodological approach applied to European hog markets

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    The study of spatial price relationships contributes to explain markets performance, their degree of integration or isolation, and the speed at which information is transmitted. A great deal of methods have been used to analyze this issue, being the most important: causality tests, impulse- response functions and cointegration. Normally, these techniques have been individually applied. However, a more rich knowledge of the functioning of markets can be extracted when they are jointly applied. In this paper, we try to conjugate these three techniques in a common econometric model. First, Johansen(1988) multivariate cointegration tests are used to determine the number of long-run equilibrium relationships. Cointegration is considered not only as informative about long-run price transmission but also as an essential step in the correct specification of a vector error correction model (VECM) used in the subsequent analysis. Second, Dolado and Lutkepohl(1996) causality tests are used to investigate the lead-lag behaviour among markets. Finally, impulse-response functions are calculated from the VECM estimated in the first stage for evaluating dynamic price linkages. The method exposed is applied to study spatial pork prices relationships among seven countries in the EU from 1988 to 1995. Weekly prices at farm level published by EUROSTAT: "Agricultural Markets" are used.

    An Effective Field Theory Look at Deep Inelastic Scattering

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    This talk discusses the effective field theory view of deep inelastic scattering. In such an approach, the standard factorization formula of a hard coefficient multiplied by a parton distribution function arises from matching of QCD onto an effective field theory. The DGLAP equations can then be viewed as the standard renormalization group equations that determines the cut-off dependence of the non-local operator whose forward matrix element is the parton distribution function. As an example, the non-singlet quark splitting functions is derived directly from the renormalization properties of the non-local operator itself. This approach, although discussed in the literature, does not appear to be well known to the larger high energy community. In this talk we give a pedagogical introduction to this subject.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, To appear in Modern Physics Letters

    The spark-associated soliton model for pulsar radio emission

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    We propose a new, self-consistent theory of coherent pulsar radio emission based on the non-stationary sparking model of Ruderman & Sutherland (1975), modified by Gil & Sendyk (2000) in the accompanying Paper I. According to these authors, the polar cap is populated as densely as possible by a number of sparks with a characteristic perpendicular dimension D approximately equal to the polar gap height scale h, separated from each other also by about h. Each spark reappears in approximately the same place on the polar cap for a time scale much longer than its life-time and delivers to the open magnetosphere a sequence of electron-positron clouds which flow orderly along a flux tube of dipolar magnetic field lines. The overlapping of particles with different momenta from consecutive clouds leads to effective two-stream instability, which triggers electrostatic Langmuir waves at the altitudes of about 50 stellar radii. The electrostatic oscillations are modulationally unstable and their nonlinear evolution results in formation of ``bunch-like'' charged solitons. A characteristic soliton length along magnetic field lines is about 30 cm, so they are capable of emitting coherent curvature radiation at radio wavelengths. The net soliton charge is about 10^21 fundamental charges, contained within a volume of about 10^14 cm^3. For a typical pulsar, there are about 10^5 solitons associated with each of about 25 sparks operating on the polar cap at any instant. One soliton moving relativisticaly along dipolar field lines with a Lorentz factor of the order of 100 generates a power of about 10^21 erg/s by means of curvature radiation. Then the total power of a typical radio pulsar can be estimated as being about 10^(27-28) erg/s.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, accepted by Ap

    La desamortització a Castelló d'Empúries (1820-1854)

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    Price transmission analysis: A flexible methodological approach applied to European hog markets

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    The study of spatial price relationships contributes to explain markets performance, their degree of integration or isolation, and the speed at which information is transmitted. A great deal of methods have been used to analyze this issue, being the most important: causality tests, impulse- response functions and cointegration. Normally, these techniques have been individually applied. However, a more rich knowledge of the functioning of markets can be extracted when they are jointly applied. In this paper, we try to conjugate these three techniques in a common econometric model. First, Johansen(1988) multivariate cointegration tests are used to determine the number of long-run equilibrium relationships. Cointegration is considered not only as informative about long-run price transmission but also as an essential step in the correct specification of a vector error correction model (VECM) used in the subsequent analysis. Second, Dolado and Lutkepohl(1996) causality tests are used to investigate the lead-lag behaviour among markets. Finally, impulse-response functions are calculated from the VECM estimated in the first stage for evaluating dynamic price linkages. The method exposed is applied to study spatial pork prices relationships among seven countries in the EU from 1988 to 1995. Weekly prices at farm level published by EUROSTAT: "Agricultural Markets" are used

    A three-dimensional view of the remnant of Nova Persei 1901 (GK Per)

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    We present a kinematical study of the optical ejecta of GK Per. It is based on proper motions measurements of 282 knots from ~20 images spanning 25 years. Doppler-shifts are also computed for 217 knots. The combination of proper motions and radial velocities allows a unique 3-D view of the ejecta to be obtained. The main results are: (1) the outflow is a thick shell in which knots expand with a significant range of velocities, mostly between 600 and 1000 km/s; (2) kinematical ages indicate that knots have suffered only a modest deceleration since their ejection a century ago; (3) no evidence for anisotropy in the expansion rate is found; (4) velocity vectors are generally aligned along the radial direction but a symmetric pattern of non-radial velocities is also observed at specific directions; (5) the total Halpha+[NII] flux has been linearly decreasing at a rate of 2.6 % per year in the last decade. The Eastern nebular side is fading at a slower rate than the Western one. Some of the knots displayed a rapid change of brightness during the 2004-2011 period. Over a longer timescale, a progressive circularization and homogenization of the nebula is taking place; (6) a kinematic distance of 400+-30 pc is determined. These results raise some problems to the previous interpretations of the evolution of GK Per. In particular, the idea of a strong interaction of the outflow with the surrounding medium in the Southwest quadrant is not supported by our data.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (19 pages, 17 figures). Higher resolution version of this article (2.5 MB) is available at http://www.aai.ee/~sinope/ApJ89291_liimets.pd

    Corporate social responsibility and workplace health promotion: A systematic review

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    The complex situation that global society is facing as a result of COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of companies committing to the principles of social responsibility. Among the internal initiatives, those related to the health of workers are, obviously, highly topical. The objective of our research is to provide concise knowledge of the relationship between workplace health promotion (WHP) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) so that the relevant specialized research was gathered in a single document that lays the foundations of its applicability. A systematic review, following the PRISMA method, has been carried out. Twenty-seven articles have been selected from the main scientific databases. Their qualitative analysis concludes that CSR and WHP are linked, have beneficial reciprocal effects, need committed leadership respectful of autonomy and voluntariness, and require the establishment of specific goals within the framework of the organizations' sustainability policies. Future studies should establish the impact of the pandemic on these aspects

    Towards portable muography with small-area, gas-tight glass Resistive Plate Chambers

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    Imaging techniques that use atmospheric muons, collectively named under the neologism "muography", have seen a tremendous growth in recent times, mainly due to their diverse range of applications. The most well-known ones include but are not limited to: volcanology, archaeology, civil engineering, nuclear reactor monitoring, nuclear waste characterization, underground mapping, etc. These methods are based on the attenuation or deviation of muons to image large and/or dense objects where conventional techniques cannot work or their use becomes challenging. In this context, we have constructed a muography telescope based on "mini glass-RPC planes" following a design similar to the glass-RPC detectors developed by the CALICE Collaboration and used by the TOMUVOL experiment in the context of volcano radiography, but with smaller active area (16 ×\times 16 cm2^{2}). The compact size makes it an attractive choice with respect to other detectors previously employed for imaging on similar scales. An important innovation in this design is that the detectors are sealed. This makes the detector more portable and solves the usual safety and logistic issues for gas detectors operated underground and/or inside small rooms. This paper provides an overview on our guiding principles, the detector development and our operational experiences. Drawing on the lessons learnt from the first prototype, we also discuss our future direction for an improved second prototype, focusing primarily on a recently adopted serigraphy technique for the resistive coating of the glass plates.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, XV Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors (RPC2020