13 research outputs found

    Degradación enzimática de TRH y análogos en semen humano. Posible función en la fertilidad

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    Recientemente se ha descrito la presencia en semen humano de un péptido similar a la hormona liberadora de tirotropina (TRH) directamente implicado en la fertilidad, habiéndose denominado FPP (péptido promotor de la fertilidad). Se han determinado las actividades de las peptidasas más importantes en la degradación de estos péptidos en semen en distintos diagnósticos. Aunque se registran diferencias significativas en la actividad enzimática entre los distintos diagnósticos, dichas variaciones no son lo suficientemente claras como para aceptar estas peptidasas como marcadores válidos.Ugalkortasun arloan egindako azken aurkikuntzen artean tirotropinaren hormona askatzailearen (TRH) antzeko peptido baten aurkikuntza azpimarratzekoa da. Peptido honek ugalkortasunaren prozesuan eragin zuzena duela aurkitu da, izan ere ugalkortasuna errazten duen peptidoa izendatu diote (FPP). Haziko zatikietan ematen den peptido hauen apurketan peptidasa garrantzitsuenen funtzioa ezartzeko asmoz eta ugalkortasunarekin erlazionatutako diagnostiko adierazle bezala balio dezaketen frogatzeko asmoz, bere aktibitate entzimatikoak neurtu dira. Diagnostiko desberdinen artean aldaketa adierazgarriak badira ere, diferentziak ez dira nahiko argiak peptidasa hauek adierazle baliogarri bezala onartzeko.Parmi les derniers découvertes réalisées dans le champ de la fertilité il faut détacher la présence dans le liqueur seminale humain d'un peptide similaire à l'hormone libératrice de tirotropina (TRH) directèment impliqué dans ce procés qui a été nommé FPP (fertilization promoting peptide). A fin d'etablir le rol des peptidases les plus importants dans la dégradation de ses peptides dans les fractions seminales et de vérifier s'ils peuvent servir comme marqueurs des divers diagnostiques seminalesm rélationés avec la fertilité, les activités enzimatiques ant été déterminés. Malgré les differences significatives parmi les deux diagnostiques, ces variations ne sont pas suffisamment clairs pour accepterces peptidases comme des marqueurs valids.Recently it has been described the presence in human semen of a thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) like peptide, directly implicated in the fertility and therefore it has been called fertilization promoting peptide (FPP). We have measured the activities of the most important peptidases in the degradation of these peptides in semen in different diagnostics. Although there are significative differences among the diagnostics, these variations are not clear enough to accept these peptidases like valid markers

    Application of a person-centered prescription model improves pharmacotherapeutic indicators and reduces costs associated with pharmacological treatment in hospitalized older patients at the end of life

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    [EN] Objective: This study sought to investigate whether applying an adapted person-centered prescription (PCP) model reduces the total regular medications in older people admitted in a subacute hospital at the end of life (EOL), improving pharmacotherapeutic indicators and reducing the expense associated with pharmacological treatment. Design: Randomized controlled trial. The trial was registered with ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT05454644). Setting: A subacute hospital in Basque Country, Spain. Subjects: Adults ≥65 years (n = 114) who were admitted to a geriatric convalescence unit and required palliative care. Intervention: The adapted PCP model consisted of a systematic four-step process conducted by geriatricians and clinical pharmacists. Relative to the original model, this adapted model entails a protocol for the tools and assessments to be conducted on people identified as being at the EOL. Measurements: After applying the adapted PCP model, the mean change in the number of regular drugs, STOPPFrail (Screening Tool of Older Persons' Prescriptions in Frail adults with limited life expectancy) criteria, drug burden index (DBI), drug-drug interactions, medication regimen complexity index (MRCI) and 28-days medication cost of chronic prescriptions between admission and discharge was analyzed. All patients were followed for 3 months after hospital discharge to measure the intervention's effectiveness over time on pharmacotherapeutic variables and the cost of chronic medical prescriptions. Results: The number of regular prescribed medications at baseline was 9.0 ± 3.2 in the intervention group and 8.2 ± 3.5 in the control group. The mean change in the number of regular prescriptions at discharge was -1.74 in the intervention group and -0.07 in the control group (mean difference = 1.67 ± 0.57; p = 0.007). Applying a PCP model reduced all measured criteria compared with pre-admission (p < 0.05). At discharge, the mean change in 28-days medication cost was significantly lower in the intervention group compared with the control group (-34.91€ vs. -0.36€; p < 0.004). Conclusion: Applying a PCP model improves pharmacotherapeutic indicators and reduces the costs associated with pharmacological treatment in hospitalized geriatric patients at the EOL, continuing for 3 months after hospital discharge. Future studies must investigate continuity in the transition between hospital care and primary care so that these new care models are offered transversally and not in isolation.S

    The Nutritional Status of Long-Term Institutionalized Older Adults Is Associated with Functional Status, Physical Performance and Activity, and Frailty

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    [EN] Among older adults living in long-term nursing homes (LTNHs), maintaining an adequate functional status and independence is a challenge. Whilst a poor nutritional status is a potential risk factor for a decreased function in this population, its role is not fully understood. Here, using a transversal multicenter study of 105 older adults living in 13 LTNHs, we analyzed the associations between nutritional status, as measured by the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA), and the parameters of functional status, physical performance, physical activity, and frailty as well as comorbidity and body composition. The MNA scores were positively correlated with the Barthel Index, handgrip strength, Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) scores, absolute muscle power, and Assessment of Physical Activity in Frail Older People (APAFOP) scores and were negatively correlated with dynamic balance and frailty. In a multiple linear regression model controlling for gender and age, the APAFOP score (β = 0.386), BMI (β = 0.301), and Barthel Index (β = 0.220) explained 31% of the variance in the MNA score. Given the observed close relationship between the MNA score and functional status, physical performance and activity, and frailty, interventions should jointly target improvements in both the nutritional status and functional status of LTNH residents. Strategies designed and implemented by interdisciplinary professional teams may be the most successful in improving these parameters to lead to better health and quality of lifeSIThis research was funded by Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa (ADINBERRI DG18/25) and the Professional Association of Nurses of Gipuzkoa (COEGI Nursing Research Grants 2019

    Hábitos de vida de los estudiantes de enfermería

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    "Cuidar" nuestro cuerpo es saludable, pero últimamente se está convirtiendo en peligroso, sobre todo enla adolescencia. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer los hábitos de alimentación y de actividad física en un grupo de alumnos/as de enfermerías; ya que en una de las funciones de estos profesionales es enseñar hábitos de vida saludables.Gure gorputza "zaintzea" osasungarria da, baina azkenaldian arriskutsua gertatzen ari da, batez ere nerabezaroan. Erizaintzako ikasle talde batek elikadura eta ariketa fisikoaren alorrean dituzten ohiturak ezagutzea da azterlan honen helburua, zeren bizi aztura osasungarriak irakasteabaita profesional horien zereginetako bat."Prendre soin" de notre corps est sain, mais dernièrement cela devient dangereux, surtout pendant l'adolescence. Le but de cette étude est de connaître les habitudes alimentation et l'activité physique dans un groupe d'élèves infirmiers/ères, étant donné que l'une des fonctions de cesprofessionnels est d'enseigner des habitudes de vie saines."Looking after" our body is a healthy practice, but lately it is also becoming a hazardous practice, especially during the adolescence. The objective of this study is to know the nutrition and physical activity habits of a group of nursing students, since one of the functions of such professionals is to teach healthy habits of living

    Dieta postcompetitiva en corredores de maratón

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    Los corredores a menudo parecen olvidar la importancia de una correcta alimentación después de una carrera. El objetivo del trabajo era analizar la dieta postcompetitiva de los participantes en la Maratón de Bilbao. Observamos que existen deficiencias en la ingesta de carbohidratos y vitaminas liposolubles. Estos resultados indican que se deberían realizar esfuerzos para mejorar la alimentación postcompetitiva.Korrikalariek maiz asko elikadura egoki baten garrantzia ahazten dutela ematen du. Bilboko Maratoian parte hartu zutenen lehiaketa ondoko dieta aztertzea izan da lan honen helburua. Ikusi ahal izan dugunez, hutsuneak daude karbohidratoak eta bitamina liposolubleak hartzeari dagokionez. Emaitza horiek adierazten digute ahaleginak egin beharko liratekeela lehiaketa ondoko elikadura hobetzeko.Les coureurs semblent souvent oublier l'importance d'une alimentation correcte après une course. Le but de ce travail était d'analyser la diète postcompétitive des participants au Maraton de Bilbao. Nous observons qu'il existe des déficiences dans l'absorption d'hydrates de carbone et de vitamines liposolubles. Ces résultats indiquent que l'on devrait faire des efforts pour améliorer l'alimentation postcompétitive.Runners often seem to forget the importance of a correct partaking of food after a race. The objective of this work is to analyse the post-competition diet of the participants in the Bilbao Marathon. We observe deficiencies in the partaking of carbohydrates and fat-soluble vitamins. These results indicate efforts should be made to improve post-competition diets

    Ingesta de energía y macronutrientes en jóvenes deportistas de diferentes edades

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    El propósito fue evaluar los hábitos nutricionales de jugadores de fútbol adolescentes. Nuestros resultados muestran ingestas de energía significativamente superiores en los grupos más jóvenes. Las distribuciones de la ingesta de macronutrientes no se ajustan a las recomendaciones, con bajo aporte de carbohidratos. Los hábitos nutricionales empeoran al avanzar en edad, sería recomendable promocionar la educación nutricional durante la formación de los futbolistas.Futbol jokalari nerabeen nutrizio ohiturak ebaluatzea da lan honen asmoa. Gure emaitzek erakusten dutenez, energia ingesta askoz handiagoak gertatzen dira talde gazteenetan. Makroelikagaien ingestaren banaketak ez datoz bat gomendioekin, karbohidratoen ekarpena txikia dela. Nutrizio ohiturek okerrera egiten dute adinean aurrera joan ahala. Futbol jokalarien prestakuntzan gomendagarria litzateke nutrizio heziketa bultzatzea.L'objectif a été d'évaluer les habitudes nutritionnelles de joueurs de football adolescents. Nos résultats montrent des ingestions d'énergie significativement supérieures dans les groupes plus jeunes. Les distributions de l'ingestion de macronutriments ne s'ajustent pas aux recommandations, avec un apport en hydrates de carbone bas. Les habitudes nutritionnelles empirent au fur et à mesure que l'on avance en âge. Il conviendrait de promouvoir l'éducation nutritionnelle durant la formation des footballeurs.The purpose of this work was to evaluate the nutritional habits of teenage soccer players. Our results show energy ingests that are significantly higher in the younger groups. The distributions of the ingest of macronutrients do not match recommendations, and have a low carbohydrate content. Such nutritional habits get worse with age, and it would be recommended all to promote nutritional education during the training of soccer players

    Alimentación de estudiantes universitarios

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    El objetivo del estudio fue conocer los hábitos de alimentación de los estudiantes de la UPV/EHU mediante parámetros dietéticos y antropométricos. Entre los datos obtenidos destacamos la alta tasa de sobrepeso (25%) y el desequilibrio en la contribución de los macronutrientes respecto a una dieta equilibrada; las dietas presentan una ingesta baja en glúcidos y alta en lípidos y proteínas.EHUko ikasleen elikadura ohiturak parametro dietetiko eta antropometrikoen bidez ezagutzea izan zen azterlanaren helburua. Lorturiko datuen artean, nabarmentzekoak dira gehiegizko kargaren tasa handia (%25) eta makroelikagaien gehiegizko ekarpena, dieta orekatuari legokiokeenaren aldean; dietei dagokienez, gluzidoetan urri eta lipido eta proteinetan aberats agertzen dira.Le but de l'étude était de connaître les habitudes alimentaires des étudiants de la UPV/EHU au moyen de paramètres diététiques et anthropométriques. Parmi les données obtenues nous remarquons les importants taux de surpoids (25%) et le déséquilibre dans la contribution des macronutriments par rapport à un régime équilibré ; les régimes présentent une consommation basse en glucides et haute en lipides et protéines.The objective of the study is to get to know the nutritional habits of students in the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) by means of dietetical and anthropometrical. Among the data obtained, especially noteworthy is the high incidence of overweight (25%) as well as the lack of balance in macronutrient contribution with respect to a balanced diet. Diets followed show a low carbohydrate intake and a high lipid and protein intake

    ¿Es la dieta del alumnado universitario una dieta mediterránea?

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    El objetivo del estudio fue conocer los hábitos relacionados con la alimentación del alumnado de la UPV/EHU y realizar una comparación con las directrices que la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Comunitaria recomienda mediante la Pirámide de la Alimentación para una alimentación equilibrada. Los datos obtenidos destacan una alta tasa de sobrepeso y un desequilibrio en los grupos de alimentos ingeridos.Hona azterlan honen helburua: EHUko ikasleen elikadurarekin zerikusia duten ohiturak ezagutzea eta Sociedad Española de Nutrición Comunitaria delakoak elikadura orekaturako Elikadura Piramidearen bidez gomendatzen dituen jarraibideekin konparatzea. Lorturiko datuek agerian jarri dute gehiegizko pisuaren tasa handia, bai eta desoreka ere ahoratzen diren elikagai multzoetan.Le but de l'étude était de connaître les habitudes liées à l'alimentation des élèves de la UPV/EHU et de faire une comparaison avec les directives que la Société Espagnole de Nutrition Communautaire recommande au moyen de la Pyramide de l'Alimentation pour une alimentation équilibrée. Les données obtenues font ressortir un taux élevé de surpoids et un déséquilibre dans les groupes d'aliments ingérés.The objective of the study was to discover the nutritional habits of studentsof the UPV/EHU (University of the Basque Country) and to make a comparison withthe guidelines recommended by the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition via theNutrition Pyramid for a balanced diet. The data obtained shows a high rate of excess weight and an imbalance in the food groups consumed

    Efecto de la adicción a opiáceos en el metabolismo opioide endógeno

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    El problema de la adicción a sustancias opiáceas es uno de los problemas más graves de las sociedades modernas. A pesar de que los estudios sobre las bases moleculares de este fenómeno son abundantes, existe controversia acerca de lo que ocurre a nivel del sistema opioide endógeno (encefalinas, endorfinas, dinorfinas). En el presente trabajo describiremos el efecto de la dependencia aopiáceos sobre enzimas degradadores de péptidos opioides y otros péptidos en determinadas regiones cerebrales de humanos con antecedentes de adicción a heroína.Gai opiazeoen zaletasuna gizarte modernoen arazo larrienetako bat da. Fenomeno horren oinarri molekularrei buruzko ikerlanak ugari badira ere, sistema opioide endogenoaren mailan (entzefalinak, endorfinak, dinorfinak) gertatzen dena eztabaidagai dugu gaur egun. Heroinaren zaletasunak joriko gizakien garuneko zenbait aldetan opiazeoen menpekotasunak peptido opioide eta bestelako opioideen entzima degradatzaileen gainean duen eragina deskribatuko dugu lan honetan.Le problème de la dépendance aux substances opiacées est l'un des problèmes les plus graves des sociétés modernes. Bien qu'il existe de nombreuses études sur les bases moléculaires de ce phénomène, il existe une controverse sur ce qui arrive au niveau du système opioïde endogène (ancephalines, endorphines, dynorphines). Dans ce travail, nous décrirons l'effet de la dépendance aux opiacées sur enzymes dégradateurs de peptides opioïdes et autres peptides dans des régions déterminées du cerveau d'humains ayant des antécédents de dépendance à l'héroïne.The problem of the addiction to opiate substances is one of the most serious problems in modern societies. In spite of the fact that there are abundant studies on the molecular bases of this phenomenon, there is a certain controversy about what happens at the endogenous opioid system level (encephalines, endorphines, dinorphines). In the present work we will describe the effect of the dependency to opiates on the degrading enzymes of opioid peptids and other peptids in certain cerebral regions of humans with antecedents of addiction to heroine

    Effectiveness of a Person-Centered Prescription Model in Hospitalized Older People at the End of Life According to Their Disease Trajectories and Frailty Index

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    This study aimed to comparatively analyze the effect of the person-centered prescription (PCP) model on pharmacotherapeutic indicators and the costs of pharmacological treatment between a dementia-like trajectory and an end-stage organ failure trajectory, and two states of frailty (cut-off point 0.5). A randomized controlled trial was conducted with patients aged ≥65 years admitted to a subacute hospital and identified by the Necessity of Palliative Care test to require palliative care. Data were collected from February 2018 to February 2020. Variables assessed included sociodemographic, clinical, degree-of-frailty, and several pharmacotherapeutic indicators and the 28-day medication cost. Fifty-five patients with dementia-like trajectory and 26 with organ failure trajectory were recruited observing significant differences at hospital admission in the mean number of medications (7.6 vs. 9.7; p p p p p < 0.05) between admission and discharge. As for the PCP effect on the control and the intervention group at the end-stage organ failure, we did not observe statistically significant differences. On the other hand, when the effect of the PCP model on different degrees of frailty was evaluated, no unequal behavior was observed