41 research outputs found

    Glioblastoma — treatment and obstacles

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    Background: Glioblastoma is the most common and aggressive primary tumor in adults. A narrative review of all the relevant papers known was conducted. Materials and methods: Reviews, clinical trials, and randomized controlled trials published from 1981 through September 2021 and written, or at least abstracted, in English were analyzed. Results: The standard of care for glioblastoma is the maximum safe resection possible, followed by radiation therapy and concurrent temozolomide (TMZ) and daily TMZ and tumor treatment fields (TTFields) after irradiation. There is no evidence to date of the benefit of brachytherapy, radiosurgery (SRS), fractional stereotactic radiotherapy (FSRT), and hyperfractionated radiotherapy over conventional external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) for the primary tumor. The assessment of age and performance status before treatment in the elderly enables hypofractionated radiotherapy. The research of tumor molecular signatures contributes to the choice of the best-targeted drug therapy. In recurrent glioblastoma, it is necessary to balance the risks and benefits of re-radiation and association with bevacizumab. Solid data confirming the role of immunotherapy in the treatment of malignant glioma are still lacking. Conclusions: Although the treatment of glioblastoma has evolved in terms of local control, mortality remains close to 12 months after diagnosis. To obtain better results and reduce recurrence, future research needs to investigate the frontiers of knowledge, such as the elucidation of the molecular mechanisms related to the tumor, the optimization of drugs to overcome the blood-brain barrier effectively, and the discovery of new therapies aimed at the heterogeneous profile of this neoplasm

    O impacto do isolamento social na infância e adolescência durante a pandemia de COVID-19

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    RESUMO: O isolamento social medido na infância está associado a um risco aumentado de depressão, altos níveis de inflamação e outros marcadores de doenças cardiovasculares na idade adulta. A pandemia da COVID-19 resultou em medidas governamentais de contenção de doenças, como fechamento de escolas, distanciamento social e quarentena em residências. Crianças e adolescentes estão experimentando um estado prolongado de isolamento físico de seus colegas, professores, familiares e redes comunitárias. Além disso, a duração da quarentena, medo de infecção, tédio, frustração, falta de suprimentos necessários, falta de informações, perda financeira e estigma parecem aumentar o risco de resultados psicológicos negativos. Avaliar a influência do isolamento social na saúde mental de crianças e adolescentes no contexto da COVID-19. Trata-se de uma revisão de literatura do tipo integrativa, e foram utilizados 20 artigos publicados nos últimos cinco anos, escolhidos nas bases de dados Scielo, LILACs e PubMed, em quem os descritores de saúde foram “isolamento social”, “COVID-19” e “infância”. Proximidade e pertencimento são necessidades humanas intrínsecas. As conexões interpessoais oferecem muitos benefícios, fornecendo um quadro de referência para a identidade social, além de serem uma fonte de apoio e alívio em tempos de estresse. À vista disso, é difícil prever os exatos efeitos que a COVID-19 terá na saúde mental de crianças e jovens. No entanto, é possível examinar problemas de saúde mental após isolamento forçado e quarentena em pandemias anteriores. Durações mais longas de quarentena foram associadas especificamente à pior saúde mental, sintomas de estresse pós-traumático, comportamentos de esquiva e raiva. O confinamento, a perda da rotina habitual e a redução da capacidade social e contato físico com outras pessoas podem frequentemente causar tédio, frustração e uma sensação de isolamento do resto do mundo, o que é angustiante para crianças e adolescentes. Essa frustração é exacerbada por não poder participar de atividades habituais do dia-a-dia, não sendo sanada até mesmo com a participação de atividades em redes sociais através do telefone ou internet. O impacto do isolamento social é abrangente, substancial e pode ser duradouro em crianças e adolescentes, porém os efeitos psicológicos de não adotar a quarentena e permitir a propagação da doença podem ser muito mais avassaladores. Assim, privar as pessoas de sua liberdade por um bem-estar coletivo é indicado em situações de pandemia, contudo é muitas vezes controverso e precisa ser manuseado com cuidado visando também a saúde mental da população. &nbsp

    Wokół rekodyfikacji prawa cywilnego. Prace jubileuszowe

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    Praca recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperPrezentowana książka to głos w debacie nad stanem naszej kodyfikacji cywilnej. Jubileusz 50-lecia uchwalenia Kodeksu cywilnego, Kodeksu rodzinnego i opiekuńczego oraz Kodeksu postępowania cywilnego zbiega się z jubileuszem Profesora Janusza Szwai1. Profesor, wybitny cywilista, obchodzi swoje 80. urodziny, mija także 50 lat od obrony przez Niego doktoratu. Jest to doskonała okazja by przyjrzeć się propozycjom zmian prawa cywilnego płynących z różnych środowisk akademickich. Wszak dużą część swojego życia Profesor Szwaja poświęcił pracom legislacyjnym, ich komentowaniu czy krytykowaniu. Sam aktywnie w zmianach różnych kodyfikacji uczestniczył. Jego poglądy zawsze były wyważone. Dziś właśnie taki wyważony głos w dyskusji nad kształtem polskiego prawa cywilnego stał się niezbędny

    Planejamento familiar e o impacto da laqueadura na taxa de natalidade no Brasil: uma revisão sistemática : Family planning and the impact of tubal sterilization in Brazil: a systematic review

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    Ao se buscar compreender o desenvolvimento social brasileiro, uma variável a ser considerada são os níveis de natalidade da nossa população e os métodos de organização e planejamento das famílias brasileiras, desta maneira este tem como objetivo fazer uma análise sistemática da relação entre as taxas de natalidade e o desenvolvimento de intervenções como a laqueadura, para tal este se embasou no método de pesquisa qualitativo com ênfase no levantamento bibliográfico. Concluindo que há uma relação muito íntima entre os métodos de contracepção e a queda de natalidade média brasileira

    Ponadczasowość regulacji prawnych dotyczących niewypłacalności

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    The study describes the legal regulations concerning insolvency in the period of the Second Polish Republic. The political system of the Republic of Poland in the years 1926–1935 is described as authoritarian in order to distinguish it from the total fascist system. The difficult economic and financial situation of the Polish state during the post-partition period required state interference in introducing legal regulations ensuring protection of creditors, while taking into account the rights of debtors who became insolvent for no fault of their own. Bankruptcy became a society-wide problem, albeit of varying severity. The study describes legal regulations concerning insolvency, which are included both in the Ordinance of the President of the Republic of Poland of 24 October 1934, the Law on Settlement Proceedings (Journal of Laws of 1934, No. 93, item 836, with binding force from 1 January 1935), and in the Ordinance of the President of the Republic of Poland of 24 October 1934, the Bankruptcy Law (Journal of Laws of 1934, No. 93, item 834, with binding force from 1 January 1935). The above-mentioned legal acts contained regulations adjusted to the state of insolvency, which is the result of the debtor’s difficult economic and financial situation. The state of the debtor’s insolvency or the threat of insolvency determined whether it was possible to conduct a procedure in which the debtor entered into an arrangement with creditors or whether the debtor should be declared bankrupt. In the case of bankruptcy, a trustee appointed by the bankruptcy court managed the assets of the bankrupt, constituting the bankruptcy estate, and the bankrupt was deprived of the right to manage their assets. The main purpose of bankruptcy proceedings was to sell the assets included in the bankruptcy estate and to achieve equal satisfaction of creditors of the bankrupt debtor. The course of these proceedings was different and depended on whether it was possible to make an arrangement with the creditors or whether it was necessary to implement procedures related to the liquidation of the bankrupt debtor’s assets. Although both legal acts were enacted in the interwar period, they were in force until the entry into force of the Act of 28 February 2003, the Bankruptcy and Reorganization Law (Journal of Laws of 2003, No. 60, item 535), that is, for almost 60 years. Therefore, regardless of the changes in the political system of the Polish state, the insolvency regulations from the authoritarian period in the Second Republic remained in force for many decades. The timelessness of these regulations is confirmed by the fact that some of the legal regulations that were enacted in 1934 are still applied today, although they have been partially modified and adapted to the current economic situation. The entry into force on 1 January 2016 of the Law of 15 May 2018 on Restructuring Law (Journal of Laws of 2015, item 978) resulted in a return to the separation of legal regulations that can be implemented depending on the debtor’s difficult financial situation. The Restructuring Law currently regulates the proceedings enabling an insolvent debtor or a debtor at risk of insolvency to enter into an arrangement with creditors, the effects of an arrangement as well as the conduct of the rehabilitation proceedings. The purpose of the various types of restructuring proceedings is to avoid declaring bankruptcy. On the other hand, the Bankruptcy Law, similarly to the period of the Second Polish Republic, regulates the procedure, the main purpose of which is to achieve equal satisfaction of the creditors of the debtor in the bankruptcy to the highest possible extent, and only if rational considerations allow the debtor’s current enterprise to be retained.The study describes the legal regulations concerning insolvency in the period of the Second Polish Republic. The political system of the Republic of Poland in the years 1926–1935 is described as authoritarian in order to distinguish it from the total fascist system. The difficult economic and financial situation of the Polish state during the post-partition period required state interference in introducing legal regulations ensuring protection of creditors, while taking into account the rights of debtors who became insolvent for no fault of their own. Bankruptcy became a society-wide problem, albeit of varying severity. The study describes legal regulations concerning insolvency, which are included both in the Ordinance of the President of the Republic of Poland of 24 October 1934, the Law on Settlement Proceedings (Journal of Laws of 1934, No. 93, item 836, with binding force from 1 January 1935), and in the Ordinance of the President of the Republic of Poland of 24 October 1934, the Bankruptcy Law (Journal of Laws of 1934, No. 93, item 834, with binding force from 1 January 1935). The above-mentioned legal acts contained regulations adjusted to the state of insolvency, which is the result of the debtor’s difficult economic and financial situation. The state of the debtor’s insolvency or the threat of insolvency determined whether it was possible to conduct a procedure in which the debtor entered into an arrangement with creditors or whether the debtor should be declared bankrupt. In the case of bankruptcy, a trustee appointed by the bankruptcy court managed the assets of the bankrupt, constituting the bankruptcy estate, and the bankrupt was deprived of the right to manage their assets. The main purpose of bankruptcy proceedings was to sell the assets included in the bankruptcy estate and to achieve equal satisfaction of creditors of the bankrupt debtor. The course of these proceedings was different and depended on whether it was possible to make an arrangement with the creditors or whether it was necessary to implement procedures related to the liquidation of the bankrupt debtor’s assets. Although both legal acts were enacted in the interwar period, they were in force until the entry into force of the Act of 28 February 2003, the Bankruptcy and Reorganization Law (Journal of Laws of 2003, No. 60, item 535), that is, for almost 60 years. Therefore, regardless of the changes in the political system of the Polish state, the insolvency regulations from the authoritarian period in the Second Republic remained in force for many decades. The timelessness of these regulations is confirmed by the fact that some of the legal regulations that were enacted in 1934 are still applied today, although they have been partially modified and adapted to the current economic situation. The entry into force on 1 January 2016 of the Law of 15 May 2018 on Restructuring Law (Journal of Laws of 2015, item 978) resulted in a return to the separation of legal regulations that can be implemented depending on the debtor’s difficult financial situation. The Restructuring Law currently regulates the proceedings enabling an insolvent debtor or a debtor at risk of insolvency to enter into an arrangement with creditors, the effects of an arrangement as well as the conduct of the rehabilitation proceedings. The purpose of the various types of restructuring proceedings is to avoid declaring bankruptcy. On the other hand, the Bankruptcy Law, similarly to the period of the Second Polish Republic, regulates the procedure, the main purpose of which is to achieve equal satisfaction of the creditors of the debtor in the bankruptcy to the highest possible extent, and only if rational considerations allow the debtor’s current enterprise to be retained

    Evidence in separate proceedings in commercial cases – assessment of the new legal regulation

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    Przedmiot badań: Przedmiotem analizy są nowe regulacje prawne, dotyczące prowadzenia postępowania dowodowego w postępowaniu odrębnym w sprawach gospodarczych, które zostały wprowadzone na podstawie ustawy z dnia 4 lipca 2019 r. o zmianie ustawy Kodeks postępowania cywilnego oraz innych ustaw. Cel badawczy: ocena skutków regulacji prawnych wprowadzonych w celu uzyskania odpowiedniej ochrony prawnoprocesowej w odniesieniu do spraw gospodarczych. Metoda badawcza: analiza tekstu prawnego i porównanie z istniejącymi regulacjami prawnymi. Wyniki: przeprowadzone analizy treści znowelizowanych (zmienionych) przepisów Kodeksu postępowania cywilnego (Ustawa z dnia 17 listopada 1964 r. Kodeks postępowania cywilnego, t.j. Dz.U. z 2019 r., poz. 1460 ze zm., dalej w skrócie określana jako k.p.c.) prowadzą do wniosku, że nowe instrumenty prawne (takie jak umowa dowodowa) oraz wprowadzone ograniczenia dowodowe, mające zastosowanie w postępowaniu odrębnym w sprawach gospodarczych, wpłyną na ekonomikę postępowania, ale mogą doprowadzić do wydawania orzeczeń niezgodnych z rzeczywistym stanem faktycznym, na podstawie dowodów przedstawionych przez strony. Analiza przepisów o umowach dowodowych prowadzi do wniosku, że nawet w przypadku, gdy danego rodzaju umowa wyłącza dowód z przesłuchania stron, to sąd będzie mógł przeprowadzić ten dowód, a wprowadzenie takiego wyłączenia należałoby uznać za nieważne.Background: Analysis of new legal regulations related to the conduct of evidentiary activities in separate proceedings in commercial cases, which were introduced by the Act of 4 July 2019 amending the Act on the Code of Civil Procedure and other acts. Research purpose: Assessing the effects of introduced legal regulations on obtaining appropriate legal protection in relation to commercial matters. Methods: Analysis of legal text and comparison with existing legal regulations. Conclusions: The analyses of the amended provisions lead to the conclusion that new legal instruments (such as the evidence agreement) as well as new evidence limitations applicable to separate proceedings in commercial cases will affect the economics of proceedings, but may lead to the issuance of decisions that are inconsistent with the actual state of affairs, based on evidence offered by the parties. The analysis of the provisions on evidence contracts leads to the conclusion that even if a given type of contract excludes evidence from the parties’ hearing, the court will be able to take that evidence and the introduction of such an exemption should be considered void

    Zbycie przez syndyka składników majątkowych wchodzących w skład masy upadłości — zagadnienia wybrane

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    THE SALE BY THE TRUSTEE OF ASSETS BELONGINGTO THE BANKRUPTCY ESTATE — SELECTED ISSUESThe paper addresses the question of the consequences of legal acts of a trustee related to the disposal of assets of the bankrupt included in the bankruptcy estate and the impact of these acts on the course of the on-going civil proceedings instituted or carried out by the trustee or the bankrupt debtor. The trustee’s disposal of components making up the bankruptcy estate often entails a personaltransformation of parties in civil proceedings and evaluation of whether procedural succession has occurred effectively and also of the impact of these acts on the interruption of the course of limitation. This issue raises numerous questions of interpretation both in practice and in the subject literature. Due to the framework of the study, the paper shows only some of the issues related to the subject-matter of actions taken by the trustee in connection with the liquidation of the assets of the bankrupt debtor.THE SALE BY THE TRUSTEE OF ASSETS BELONGINGTO THE BANKRUPTCY ESTATE — SELECTED ISSUESThe paper addresses the question of the consequences of legal acts of a trustee related to the disposal of assets of the bankrupt included in the bankruptcy estate and the impact of these acts on the course of the on-going civil proceedings instituted or carried out by the trustee or the bankrupt debtor. The trustee’s disposal of components making up the bankruptcy estate often entails a personaltransformation of parties in civil proceedings and evaluation of whether procedural succession has occurred effectively and also of the impact of these acts on the interruption of the course of limitation. This issue raises numerous questions of interpretation both in practice and in the subject literature. Due to the framework of the study, the paper shows only some of the issues related to the subject-matter of actions taken by the trustee in connection with the liquidation of the assets of the bankrupt debtor

    Zawieszenie i podjęcie działalności gospodarczej przez spółkę z o.o.

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    The study describes the previous incorrect legal regulations and their effects in the scope of suspension of business activity by a limited liability company. In addition, the issue of the ad-missibility of courts applying coercive proceedings to submit financial statements was presented. It is indicated what types of sanctions may be applied for failure to submit annual financial statements by limited liability companies. Finally, changes introduced to harmonise the regulations related to the suspension of business activity were discussed.W opracowaniu opisano dotychczasowe nieprawidłowe regulacje prawne i ich skutki w zakresie zawieszenia prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej przez spółkę z o.o. Ponadto przed-stawiono zagadnienie dopuszczalności stosowania przez sądy postępowania przymuszającego do złożenia sprawozdania finansowego. Wskazano, jakiego rodzaju sankcje mogą być stosowane za niedopełnienie obowiązków złożenia rocznego sprawozdania finansowego przez spółki z o.o. Na zakończenie omówiono wprowadzone zmiany ujednolicające regulacje związane z zawieszeniem prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej

    Dochodzenie roszczeń w postępowaniu grupowym jako jedna z form ochrony prawnej udzielanej większej liczbie podmiotów

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    Agreements in public procurement procedures are civil contracts. However, the content of these agreements is determined by the contracting authority. Contractor agrees to the content of the agreement and the arbitrator designated in the contract. According to Art. 1205 § 1 of the Code of Civil Procedure, the Act of 17 November 1964 Journal of Laws No 43, item 296 as amended judgments issued by the court of conciliation in Poland may be repealed by the court of law only in proceedings conducted based on art. 1206 of the Code of Civil Procedure. This regulation applies only to the existing judgments. While to the nonexistent regulations not having constitutive elements prosecution for negative establishment can be directed art. 189 of the Code of Civil Procedure.  Agreements in public procurement procedures are civil contracts. However, the content of these agreements is determined by the contracting authority. Contractor agrees to the content of the agreement and the arbitrator designated in the contract. According to Art. 1205 § 1 of the Code of Civil Procedure, the Act of 17 November 1964 Journal of Laws No 43, item 296 as amended judgments issued by the court of conciliation in Poland may be repealed by the court of law only in proceedings conducted based on art. 1206 of the Code of Civil Procedure. This regulation applies only to the existing judgments. While to the nonexistent regulations not having constitutive elements prosecution for negative establishment can be directed art. 189 of the Code of Civil Procedure. &nbsp