799 research outputs found

    Product differentiation in a mixed duopoly

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    This paper analyzes a mixed duopoly with horizontal product differentiation using the unconstrained Hotelling model with quadratic transport costs. Firms play a noncooperative two-stage game on locations (first stage) and prices (second stage), and we consider that the firms move simultaneously or sequentially in both stages. We examine how the presence of a public firm affects both locations (the nature and degree of differentiation) and prices at equilibrium, and we compare these with the results of the private duopoly, in order to determine the effects of privatization. We find that, save in cases where the private firm is leader on prices where there are multiple equilibria, in the remainder of the cases there are two symmetrical equilibria (depending on whether one firm is located to the left or right of the other); the degree of differentiation of the product and the prices are lower; and the social welfare is higher than in the private duopoly. Privatization of the public firm is therefore not socially desirableMixed duopoly; spatial competition; privatization

    Empresa pública y mercados oligopolísticos: análisis de las reglas de maximizar el beneficio y precio igual a coste marginal

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    El objetivo de este articulo es comparar desde el punto de vista del bienestar social las reglas de maximizar el beneficio y precio igual a coste marginal en un marco de equilibrio parcial donde los agentes del mercado siguen comportamientos estratégicos. Considerando un sencillo modelo de duopolio, con una empresa privada y otra pública, donde la actividad de la empresa pública es el único instrumento de invertención con que cuenta el gobierno para lograr el máximo bienestar social, establecemos las condiciones bajo las cuales la regla de maximizar el beneficio es superior a la regla de precio igual a coste marginal.Oligopolistic Markets and Public Firm: The Profit Rule with the Maximization Marginal Cost. Pricing Rule Analysis. This paper considers how differents pricing rules could improve economic efficiency. In a framework of partial equilibrium analysis and assuming strategic behavior of the firms in the market. I will compare the profit maximization rule with the marginal cost pricing rule (MCPR). I use a duopoly model in wich one firms is private and the other is public. The activity of the public firm is the unique way of public intervention in the economy to obtain some welfare goals. lt is found some conditions where the profit maximization rule is better than the MCPR

    The Effectiveness of Teaching Geometry to Enhance Mathematical Understanding in Children with Down Syndrome

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    It is widely known that people with Down syndrome have difficulties transitioning from a basic understanding of counting and cardinality to more advanced arithmetic skills. This is commonly addressed by resorting to the mechanical use of algorithms, which hinders the acquisition of mathematical concepts. For this reason some authors have recently proposed a shift in the focus of learning from arithmetic to more fertile fields, in terms of understanding. In this paper we claim geometry fits this profile, especially suited for initiating children with Down syndrome into mathematics. To support this we resort to historical, epistemological, and cognitive reasons: the work of Séguin and his intuition on the central role of geometry in the development of abstract thinking in the so-called idiot children, the ideas of René Thom about the role of continuum intuition in the emergence of conscious thinking, and finally the two strengths people with Down syndrome display: visual learning abilities and interest in abstract symbols. To support these ideas we present the main findings of qualitative research on elementary mathematics teaching to a group of seven children (3–8) with Down syndrome in Spain. The didactic method used, naturally enhance their naïve geometrical conceptions

    Resiliencia, habilidades sociales y rendimiento académico en estudiantes de educación secundaria de una institución educativa nacional de Nuevo Chao, 2022

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    El presente estudio tuvo por finalidad determinar la relación entre la resiliencia, las habilidades sociales y el rendimiento académico en estudiantes de secundaria de una institución educativa de Virú. Se utilizó el diseño correlacional descriptivo y el tipo de estudio no experimental de corte transversal, para ello dicha investigación contó con una población de 321 estudiantes y una muestra representativa de 175 estudiantes de 2do y 3er grado, a quienes se aplicó como instrumento dos cuestionarios para conocer la información de ambas variables en todas sus dimensiones. Los hallazgos permitieron concluir que no es posible determinar una relación significativa entre resiliencia y rendimiento académico, (Rho=,079; sig.=,300) tampoco es posible una relación significativa entre habilidades sociales y rendimiento académico (Rho=-,015; sig=,846); sin embargo, si existe una relación positiva, moderada y significativa entre resiliencia y habilidades sociales (Rho=0,326**, p<0,05).The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between resilience, social skills and academic performance in high school students from an educational institution in Viru. The descriptive correlational design and the type of non-experimental cross-sectional study were used, for this research had a population of 321 students and a representative sample of 175 2nd and 3rd grade students, to whom two questionnaires were applied as an instrument to know the information of both variables in all their dimensions. The findings allowed us to conclude that it is not possible to determine a significant relationship between resilience and academic performance, (Rho=,079; sig.=,300) nor is it possible to establish a significant relationship between social skills and academic performance (Rho=-,015; sig. =,846); however, there is a positive, moderate, and significant relationship between resilience and social skills (Rho=0.326**, p<0.05).Tesi

    Noves Inscripcions romanes d'Alzira (València)

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    Donem a conèixer dues noves inscripcions romanes trobades a la població d'Alzira (la Ribera Baixa) per un de nosaltres (Agustí Ribera), la primera dissortadament desapareguda i la segona recentment localitzada1

    Resiliencia, habilidades sociales y rendimiento académico en estudiantes de educación secundaria de una institución educativa nacional de Nuevo Chao, 2022

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    El presente estudio tuvo por finalidad determinar la relación entre la resiliencia, las habilidades sociales y el rendimiento académico en estudiantes de secundaria de una institución educativa de Virú. Se utilizó el diseño correlacional descriptivo y el tipo de estudio no experimental de corte transversal, para ello dicha investigación contó con una población de 321 estudiantes y una muestra representativa de 175 estudiantes de 2do y 3er grado, a quienes se aplicó como instrumento dos cuestionarios para conocer la información de ambas variables en todas sus dimensiones. Los hallazgos permitieron concluir que no es posible determinar una relación significativa entre resiliencia y rendimiento académico, (Rho=,079; sig.=,300) tampoco es posible una relación significativa entre habilidades sociales y rendimiento académico (Rho=-,015; sig=,846); sin embargo, si existe una relación positiva, moderada y significativa entre resiliencia y habilidades sociales (Rho=0,326**, p<0,05).The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between resilience, social skills and academic performance in high school students from an educational institution in Viru. The descriptive correlational design and the type of non-experimental cross-sectional study were used, for this research had a population of 321 students and a representative sample of 175 2nd and 3rd grade students, to whom two questionnaires were applied as an instrument to know the information of both variables in all their dimensions. The findings allowed us to conclude that it is not possible to determine a significant relationship between resilience and academic performance, (Rho=,079; sig.=,300) nor is it possible to establish a significant relationship between social skills and academic performance (Rho=-,015; sig. =,846); however, there is a positive, moderate, and significant relationship between resilience and social skills (Rho=0.326**, p<0.05).Tesi

    La adscripción provisional como forma de provisión de puestos de trabajo del personal funcionario de carrera

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    The way of provision of positions for career civil servants in the public service have two basic and general formulas for each and every Public Administration: the competition and free designation. However, the provisional affiliation has been gaining ground as a provisional form not only because it is a fundamental instrument in the use of the powers of organization of each Administration but also because it also has a guarantee content in the rights of the officials and protection in their administrative career We wanted to review the regulation of the provisional affiliation and repair its main characteristics to conclude that it is a form of provision with its own contours and fully established in our system.Las formas de provisión de puestos para el personal funcionario de carrera en la función pública tienen dos fórmulas básicas y generales para todas y cada de las Administraciones públicas: el concurso y la libre designación. Sin embargo, la adscripción provisional ha ido ganando terreno como forma provisoria no sólo porque es un instrumento fundamental en el uso de las potestades de organización de cada Administración sino porque también tiene un contenido de garantía en los derechos de los funcionarios y de protección en su carrera administrativa. Hemos querido repasar la regulación de la adscripción provisional y reparar en sus características principales para concluir que es una forma de provisión con contornos propios y plenamente asentada en nuestro ordenamiento

    Naturaleza normativa de las relaciones de puestos de trabajo. A propósito de la nueva jurisprudencia sentada por la sentencia de la sala 3.ª, sección 7.ª, del Tribunal Supremo, de 5 de febrero de 2014

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    This comment has been to point out the significant shift in the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court concerning relations jobs, which even has robbed the figurative nature of rule so that they could be subject to appeal. The judgment seeks to settle a question treated at length by both case law and the doctrine itself, what is in a relationship of jobs: if they really are or just legal rules within administrative acts performing this dual role as an instrument of management of human resources and as the last link in the organizational chain of a particular administration. The dissent raised again stressed that the issue does not seem to be definitely closed from the point of view of the characterization of these instruments adding precisely what it was combat: the legal uncertainty officials.Con este comentario se viene a señalar el significativo cambio de rumbo en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo en relación con las relaciones de puestos de trabajo, a las que incluso se les ha arrebatado el carácter figurado de norma para que pudieran ser objeto de recurso de casación. La sentencia pretende zanjar una cuestión largamente tratada tanto por la jurisprudencia como por la propia doctrina, sobre lo que es en sí una relación de puestos de trabajo: si realmente son normas jurídicas o simplemente actos administrativos dentro de esa doble función que realizan como instrumento de ordenación de recursos humanos y como último eslabón de la cadena organizativa de una Administración determinada. El voto particular formulado vuelve a incidir en que la cuestión no parece estar definitivamente cerrada, desde el punto de vista de la caracterización de dichos instrumentos, añadiendo lo que precisamente se trataba de combatir: la inseguridad jurídica en los funcionarios

    Colored semi-transparent Cu-Si oxide thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering

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    Colored semi-transparent Cu-Si oxide thin films have been prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering from a single cathode of copper-silicon composition. Thin films of different composition and optical response were obtained by changing process parameters like the relative amount of copper in the target and the O2/Ar mixture of the reactive plasma gas. The film characteristics were analyzed by several techniques. Their optical properties (refractive index, absorption coefficient, color) have been correlated with the process parameters used in the film preparation as well as with the film stoichiometry and chemistry.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación CEN-20072014, MAT2010-18447, MAT2010-21228, CSD2008–00023Junta de Andalucía P09-TEP5283, CTS-518