62 research outputs found

    Rethinking about the values transmission in textbooks for children by means of illustrations

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    The Spanish society has changed deeply during the last decades, and these changes have its reflection in all the social aspects. Textbooks and infantile books are not an exception, and the values that are transmitted by them are extremely important for the integral formation of children and young people. In this respect, illustration has a fundamental role in the creation and modification of social stereotypes, and this must be born in mind at the moment of selecting school texts and complementary readings by teachers

    La estrategia del “Ratón de Troya”. Una propuesta para el trabajo colaborativo entre profesores en ambientes multiculturales

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    Los grandes proyecto interculturales que intentan implicar a toda la comunidad educativa, generan frecuentemente una gran resistencia en la escuela. Establecido un marco de trabajo cultural basado en la búsqueda de la comunidad humana –símbolos compartidos– y centrado en las capacidades relevantes de los profesores y en sus preocupaciones, se describe un modelo de trabajo colaborativo basado en las preocupaciones y el conocimiento que aquellos tienen sobre la realidad multicultural de su entorno de trabajo. Este modelo, denominado “Ratón de Troya”, permite llevar a la práctica pequeños pero efectivos proyectos colaborativos en entornos multiculturales, describiendo no sólo los principios generales sino reglas prácticas para su elaboración

    La estrategia del “Ratón de Troya”. Una propuesta para el trabajo colaborativo entre profesores en ambientes multiculturales

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    Los grandes proyecto interculturales que intentan implicar a toda la comunidad educativa, generan frecuentemente una gran resistencia en la escuela. Establecido un marco de trabajo cultural basado en la búsqueda de la comunidad humana –símbolos compartidos– y centrado en las capacidades relevantes de los profesores y en sus preocupaciones, se describe un modelo de trabajo colaborativo basado en las preocupaciones y el conocimiento que aquellos tienen sobre la realidad multicultural de su entorno de trabajo. Este modelo, denominado “Ratón de Troya”, permite llevar a la práctica pequeños pero efectivos proyectos colaborativos en entornos multiculturales, describiendo no sólo los principios generales sino reglas prácticas para su elaboración.The great cross–cultural school projects which try to involve teachers, parents and pupils frequently present a strong resistance to innovation. The cultural framework is established by means of searching for shared human symbols, centred on the teachers´ relevant capabilities . All of this together with their concerns about the multicultural reality in their school, we describe the basis of a procedure called “The Trojan Mouse” . This strategy aims at putting into practice small but effective collaborative projects in multi–cultural environments. We explain not only the theoretical principles but also some practical advices of how to elaborate a collaborative project .Grupo de Investigación FORCE (Formación Centrada en la Escuela) Universidad de Granad

    La convivencia escolar como innovación: Un análisis sobre el caso Andaluz utilizando el "Concerns-Based Adoption Model"

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    The development of an educational norm (Charter of Students Rights and Obligations) in secondary schools in Andalusia is analyzed from the point of view of teachers and educators. To complement the analysis of the documents that regulate secondary schools in the region, a questionnaire with 41 questions was administered to 184 teachers in 24 Andalusian schools. The results, calculated using the CBAM (Concerns-Based Adoption Model), LoU (Level of Use) scale, were then subjected to a descriptive statistical study using measures of central tendency and variability.Este trabajo analiza el desarrollo de una norma educativa (La Carta de Derechos y Deberes del Alumnado) en los institutos de educación secundaria de Andalucía desde la óptica del profesorado. Para complementar análisis de los reglamentos de organización y funcionamiento de los institutos de educación secundaria, se utilizo un cuestionario de 41 ítems a 184 profesores de 24 centros andaluces. Las respuestas, en las que se utilizó la escala LoU (Levels of Use) del CBAM (Concerns-Based Adoption Model), fueron sometidas a un estudio estadístico descriptivo de medidas de centralización y dispersión

    Levels of Stress, Anxiety, and Depression in University Students from Spain and Costa Rica during Periods of Confinement and Virtual Learning

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    Mental health problems, specifically those related to stress, anxiety, and depression, have become more prevalent among college students compared to data available prior to the levels of the COVID-19 pandemic. Recent studies have shown that in different geographical areas, there is a high prevalence of depression and anxiety symptoms in university students compared to prepandemic levels. Thus, our objective was to establish self-perceived levels of stress, anxiety, and depression in university students earning an education degree at the University of Granada and the University of Costa Rica during periods of confinement and virtual learning associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. The final study sample consisted of 942 students from both universities. Two questionnaires were administered: The state trait anxiety inventory and the depression, anxiety, and stress scale 21. Descriptive analyses, mean comparisons, Pearson correlation coefficients, and multivariate regression were performed. Reliability was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha, and the effect size was analyzed using Cohen’s d. The results indicated that levels of depression, anxiety, and stress were mild or moderate despite the confinement and virtual learning associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Women had higher levels of anxiety than men, and singles had higher levels of anxiety than individuals in other family situations. Younger individuals had higher levels of stress and anxiety.Faculty of Education, University of GranadaFostering Student Wellness with a Therapy Dog Program at the Faculty Librar

    To Learn from Experience: Life Stories of Centers and Teachers

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    El método biográfico – narrativo es una forma muy interesante de acercarse al fenómeno educativo. Permite conocer directamente de sus protagonistas la apropiación de los fenómenos que realizan los sujetos. Multitud de investigaciones y reflexiones teóricas en las últimas décadas así lo avalan. Pero este desarrollo deviene de las ciencias sociales en el siglo XX y del uso del método fundamentalmente en la Sociología y en la Antropología Social. Presentamos en este editorial una panorámica del origen y desarrollo del método biográfico - narrativo en las Ciencias Sociales y, particularmente, en la investigación educativa.The biographical-narrative method is a very interesting way to approach the educational method. It allows knowing directly from its protagonists the appropriation of the phenomena carried out by the subjects. Plenty of studies and theoretical reflections of the latest decades endorse this being so. But this development evolves from the Social Sciences of the 20th century and from the use of this method mainly in Sociology and Social Anthropology. In this editorial, we present an outlook of the origin and the development of the biographical-narrative method in Social Sciences and, particularly, in educational research.Grupo de Investigación FORCE (Formación Centrada en la Escuela) Universidad de Granad

    Prediction of early dropout in higher education using the SCPQ

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    There is enormous concern at the international level vis-à-vis the retention of students in universities. Given that dropout rates and their social repercussions are causing great concern worldwide, researchers have been examining this issue to establish models to predict early dropout and to guide actions to support students who are at risk of dropping out. In this paper, we present a study we carried out at the University of Granada in which the risk of first-year students dropping out was analyzed by administering the College Persistence Questionnaire (CPQ v2) to 701 students who began their studies in the 2018/19 academic year. The data pertained to persisting at the institution one year later. The results indicated significant differences within the dimensions of academic and social integration, degree commitment, collegiate stress, academic advising and motivation, scholastic conscientiousness, institutional commitment, financial strain, and academic efficacy. These results align with a wide range of national and international studies.Scholarship for the training of university teachers through the Doctoral Thesis - Analisis del abandono de los estudios en la Universidad de GranadaEl caso de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educacio

    Dropout stories of Andalusian university students

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    RDI European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2014-2020. Junta de Andalucía. Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science. Reference: B-SEJ-516-UGR18. “Stories of dropout. Biographical-narrative approach to academic dropout in Andalusian universities. Multi-causal analysis and prevention proposals.”The abandonment of university studies is a problem that affects the balance and correct organization of university systems throughout the world and that has undesirable personal consequences in advanced societies. Dropping out of school has a multidimensional explanation. Among the causes, associated with each other, that originate it, the following factors stand out: psychological, social, economic, psycho-pedagogical, institutional, and didactic. Studying how all these dimensions act and relate to each other in specific cases of people who drop out of Higher Education, helps us to better understand the phenomenon and to develop prevention measures in university institutions. This text presents the results of biographical-narrative research carried out among the student population in a situation of abandonment of the universities of Andalusia that has allowed us to recover 22 stories of abandonment carried out by as many exstudents who were enrolled in any of the nine universities. Andalusians publish in any of the different university degree studies. The biographical texts have been subjected to narrative analysis to achieve personal exemplifications and characterize paradigmatic cases of relationship between the dimensions of the problem, using concept mapping to present the outcomes.RDI European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)Junta de AndaluciaMinistry of Economy, Innovation and Science B-SEJ-516-UGR1

    New policies to professionalize teaching in Higher Education

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    This article presents a review of the new policies of teacher professionalization derived from the new scenario of higher education in the world. The fragmentation of the academic profession, the new roles associated to the management of research, and the role of knowledge in universities, are cornerstones of the discussion which is arising. Finally, the present article addresses the specific scenario of the situation in Europe, and the sharpening of contradictions in academic professionalization, derived from the paradoxes in which Higher Education Institutions operate in the region