46 research outputs found

    Public libraries in the social accountability of local administrations

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    This work represents a first reflection with respect to certain issues such as: - the importance of social reporting, and in particular the use of the social accountability for public libraries Italian in order to communicate more effectively on the outside their values; being generally recognized the effectiveness of the balance for the purposes of reporting, there does not seem to be any reasons why libraries should not take advantage of such an instrument; - a higher visibility of public libraries, perceived not only by the professionals in the industry, but also by the public administrations, in order to make more significant component the local librarian within the administrations of reference, as agency for change in the community and therefore of necessary service; - analysis of best practices to recognized today, in order to highlight the methodologies and the main features of some excellent Italian examples; - Proposal for a methodology of investigation, through which retrieve the information necessary for the preparation of a social accountability, based on standard can also be used in scope librarian, as ISO 2789, 11620, 16489

    Digitization Projects of Documentary Collections in Academic Libraries

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    This paper is focused on digitization projects of documentary collections in academic libraries. The aim of the work is to suggest an evaluation of digitization projects by using a set of parameters deduced by the observation of national and international models. To create this evaluation scheme it has been necessary to look at the recent national and international academic literature and compare different case studies. The parameters were created by thinking about the whole process of digitization and also taking into consideration an user centred evaluation. The created evaluation scheme has been tested on a sample of digitization projects of Italian, European and American academic libraries. With this kind of analysis it has been possible to check the validity of the evaluation scheme created, to identify points of strength and of weakness within the Italian system and to compare it with the international best practices analyzed

    Modelli e spunti per la rendicontazione sociale delle biblioteche pubbliche

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    This paper is focused on the value of social accountability in public libraries. After a previous work centred on Italian situation, with this one we've tried to understand the state of social accountability in American public libraries and to compare it with the Italian one. During this work we've found a new interesting initiative from the Public Libraries Association: the Project Outcome that is based on the importance of the evaluation of libraries' impact starting from the users and on their involvement to define the real value of a public library in its context

    Le biblioteche pubbliche nella rendicontazione sociale degli enti locali

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    Questo lavoro rappresenta una prima riflessione rispetto ad alcune tematiche quali: – l’importanza della rendicontazione sociale, e in particolare dell’utilizzo del bilancio sociale per le biblioteche pubbliche italiane al fine di comunicare in modo più efficace all’esterno i propri valori; – una visibilità maggiore delle biblioteche pubbliche, percepita non solo dai professionisti del settore, ma anche dalle pubbliche amministrazioni, al fine di rendere più significativa la componente bibliotecaria locale all’interno delle amministrazioni di riferimento, in qualità di agenzia del cambiamento per la comunità e pertanto di servizio necessario; – l’analisi delle best practices a oggi riconosciute, al fine di evidenziare le metodologie e le caratteristiche principali di alcuni eccellenti esempi italiani; – proposta di una metodologia di indagine, attraverso la quale recuperare le informazioni necessarie alla redazione di un bilancio sociale, basata su standard utilizzabili anche in ambito bibliotecario, quali ISO 2789, 11620, 16489

    Rearrangements of ATP5L-KMT2A in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

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    Recent genomic studies have identified a wide range of novel genetic alterations that have substantially increased our knowledge of the biology of B- and T-progenitor acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (B-ALL, T-ALL) and defined new subtypes with prognostic and therapeutic relevance.1-4 Thanks to the use of transcriptome sequencing approaches, new cryptic fusion transcripts have been described, such as the ATP5L-KMT2A gene fusion, described by Gestrich et al. in a 14-month-old patient with aggressive B-ALL.5 ATP5L or ATP5MG (ATP Synthase Membrane Subunit G) catalyzes ATP synthesis during oxidative phosphorylation.6 This protein has recently been reported to interact with a SARS-CoV-2 protein.7 The histone lysine [K]-methyl transferase 2A (KMT2A) gene is a transcriptional coactivator that plays an essential role in regulating gene expression during early development and haematopoiesis. It is frequently rearranged to over 135 translocation partner genes in acute leukaemias.8 ATP5L is a novel KMT2A fusion partner not detectable by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) or karyotype, due to the closeness of the two genes on chromosome 11q23. The Cleveland Medical Centre team found a reciprocal out-of-frame ATP5L-KMT2A rearrangement that juxtaposes the ATP5L exon 1 to the KMT2A exon 2, with the insertion of an extra nucleotide (G) at the fusion site.5 We sequenced leukaemic cells from eight adult ALL patients (two T-ALL, five B-ALL Philadelphia negative (Ph−) and one B-ALL Ph+; Table I) by a 199 gene RNA-sequencing panel (RNA-seq; Pan-Heme FusionPlex, ArcherDx Inc., Boulder, CO, USA).The study was supported by European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) (GA 306242-NGS-PTL) and Associazione Italiana Leucemie (AIL)

    In BCR-ABL1 Positive B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Steroid Therapy Induces Hypofibrinogenemia

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    Hypofibrinogenemia (HF) in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) of B lineage is uncommon and mostly associated with asparaginase (ASP) delivery. Since we noticed a significant reduction in fibrinogen (FBG) plasma levels even before the first ASP dose, we aim to assess the levels of FBG during induction treatment and explore if the FBG fall correlated with therapies other than asparaginase and/or specific leukemia biological features. We retrospectively analyzed FBG levels in 115 patients with B-ALL. In 74 (64%) out of 115 patients FBG decline occurred during the steroid prephase. In univariate analysis, such a steroid-related HF was significantly associated with BCR-ABL1 rearrangement (p = 0.00158). None of those experiencing HF had significant modifications of liver function tests during induction treatment. Our retrospective study suggests that in B-ALL, steroid therapy can also induce HF and that such an event is preferentially observed in patients carrying BCR-ABL1 rearrangements. The pathogenesis of this phenomenon is still unclear. We attempt to explain it by applying the International Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis-Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation score (ISTH-DIC score); nonetheless additional studies are needed to clarify further the mechanisms of HF in this subset of patients

    Candida Colonization Index in Patients Admitted to an ICU

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    Multiple-site colonization with Candida spp. is commonly recognized as a risk factor for invasive fungal infection in critically ill patients. We carried out a study to determine the relationship between Candida colonization and invasive infection in neurological patients admitted to an ICU. At admission (T0) and every three days for two weeks, different samples (pharynx swab, tracheal secretions, stomach contents, etc.) were collected for mycological surveillance. Candida mannan antigen and Candida anti-mannan antibodies were assayed. The Colonization Index (CI) and Corrected Colonization Index were calculated for each time point. Of all patients 70% was already colonized by Candida spp. at T0 and six of them had CI ≥ 0.5. Three patients developed candidemia; they had CI ≥ 0.5 before infection. Positive values of Candida mannan antigen and anti-mannan antibodies were found only in the patients with candidemia. The sensitivity and specificity of the Candida mannan test were 66.6% and 100%, respectively, while the sensitivity and specificity of the anti-mannan antibody test were 100%. In accordance with other authors, we find the surveillance cultures are useful to monitor the Candida colonization in ICU patients. In addition, the sequential observation of anti-mannan antibodies could contribute to early diagnosis of candidiasis more than Candida mannan antigen in immunocompetent patients

    Estudio clínico y molecular en una familia con displasia ectodérmica hipohidrótica autosómica dominante

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    Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (HED) is a rare disease characterized by deficiency in development of structure derived from the ectoderm and is caused by mutations in the genes EDA, EDAR, or EDARADD. Phenotypes caused by mutations in these three may exhibit similar clinical features, explained by a common signaling pathway. Mutations in EDA gene cause X linked HED, which is the most common form. Mutations in EDAR and EDARADD genes cause autosomal dominant and recessive form of HED. The most striking clinical findings in HED are hypodontia, hypotrichosis and hypohidrosis that can lead to episodes of hyperthermia. We report on clinical findings in a child with HED with autosomal dominant inheritance pattern with a heterozygous mutation c.1072C>T (p.Arg358X) in the EDAR gene. A review of the literature with regard to other cases presenting the same mutation has been carried out and discussed


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    Il presente studio si propone di indagare l’evoluzione del potere di controllo datoriale in relazione alle nuove tecnologie impiegate nei rapporti di lavoro. La ricerca si concentrerà sul modo di esercitare il potere di controllo in contesti lavorativi integralmente digitali e sulle tutele riconosciute ai lavoratori che operano in tali ambiti per una duplice ragione. In primo luogo, perché il potere di controllo, divenuto tecnologico, si rafforza dotandosi di nuove abilità che consentono di accedere a informazioni originariamente ignote. Ciò non solo in ragione degli strumenti innovativi impiegati, ma anche (e soprattutto) per la tipologia di dati acquisibili. Quest’ultimi, infatti, possono essere caratterizzati da una “non autoevidenza” risultando non immediatamente comprensibili. Da qui la necessità di una fase di elaborazione che li renda intellegibili, operazione che pone il datore di lavoro nella condizione di accedere a nuove informazioni sui lavoratori. Grazie alla digitalizzazione, dunque, il potere di controllo si dilata in maniera proporzionale alle informazioni che possono essere ottenute da questi “raw data”. Le potenzialità cognitive della nuova tecnologia, in ragione delle capacità di archiviazione ed elaborazione, possono così mutare dati originariamente “neutri” in informazioni capaci di incidere sulla condizione dei lavoratori. In secondo luogo, perché il potere di controllo, abilitato a nuove potenzialità, modifica la propria natura travalicando la tradizionale divisione tra poteri datoriali. I nuovi strumenti digitali, rispetto alla tecnologia precedente, non intervengono solo nel momento di esecuzione della prestazione, ma ampliano il tempo di utilizzo. Ciò consente di variare il periodo di accesso alle informazioni, anticipandolo o posticipandolo, interferendo sulla fase decisionale e – conseguentemente - sull’esercizio dei poteri datoriali. Il cambio di manifestazione e di esercizio del potere di controllo sembra, così, necessitare di un aggiornamento che salvaguardi il rinnovato bilanciamento degli interessi. Da un lato quello dei datori di lavoro di impiegare i dati acquisiti senza trovare ostacoli al soddisfacimento delle proprie prerogative, dall’altro quello dei lavoratori a veder tutelati i propri diritti fondamentali e, in particolare, la dignità e la riservatezza non venendo sottoposti a un controllo che si qualifichi come vessatorio. Definizione, quest’ultima, che potrebbe non risultare lampante ove la valutazione compiuta a priori sulla legittimità del medesimo si soffermi sui dati “grezzi” e apparentemente “neutri”. La reale intensità del controllo si rinverrà solo con l’elaborazione dei dati che li renda “evidenti” e quindi “comprensibili” nelle loro potenzialità. La prospettiva di analisi interesserà, quindi, il potere di controllo alla prova delle nuove tecnologie abilitanti e della potenzialità di elaborare dati, soprattutto “non autoevidenti”, al fine di comprendere se rientri nella nozione di controllo tracciata dallo Statuto dei lavoratori oppure se l’aggiornamento del potere datoriale necessiti di nuove forme di tutela. In questo panorama di “supremazia informativa” del datore di lavoro, agevolata dal potenziamento tecnologico, la netta distinzione prevista dall’art. 4 SL tra strumenti di lavoro e di controllo può risultare superata. Conseguentemente, l’autorizzazione all’installazione quale limite al potere datoriale diviene un momento di tutela forse limitato e incapace di soddisfare le nuove esigenze di garanzia. Contestualmente, affievolendosi la linea di demarcazione tra i poteri datoriali a favore di un nuovo “potere di controllo direttivo” l’indagine deve tenere conto degli ulteriori rischi che possono manifestarsi.This study aims to investigate the evolution of employer control power in relation to the new technologies used in employment relationships. The research will focus on exercising the power of control in fully digital working contexts and on the protections recognised by workers who operate in these areas for a twofold reason. Firstly, because the power of control, which has become technological, is strengthened by equipping itself with new abilities that allow access to initially unknown information. This is not only due to the innovative tools used, but also (and above all) due to the type of data that can be acquired. The latter can be characterised by “non-self-evidence”, making them not immediately understandable. Hence, there is a need for a processing phase that makes them intelligible, an operation that places the employer in the position of accessing new information on the workers. Thanks to digitalisation, the power of control expands in proportion to the information that can be obtained from this "raw data". The cognitive potential of the new technology, due to its storage and processing capabilities, can thus transform initially "neutral" data into information capable of impacting the condition of workers. Secondly, because the power of control, enabled with new potential, changes its nature by going beyond the traditional division between employer powers. Compared to previous technology, the new digital tools do not only intervene when the service is performed but extend the use time. This allows the period of access to information to be varied, anticipating or postponing it, interfering in the decision-making phase and - consequently – exercising employer powers. The change in manifestation and exercise of the power of control thus seems to require an update that safeguards the renewed balance of interests. On the one hand, the employers may use the data acquired without finding obstacles to the satisfaction of their prerogatives; on the other, the workers may see their fundamental rights protected and, in particular, their dignity and privacy by not being subjected to any control that may represent a vexation. The latter definition may not be clear if the a priori evaluation of the legitimacy of the same focuses on "raw" and apparently "neutral" data. The actual intensity of control will only be found with data processing that makes them "evident" and, therefore "understandable" in their potential. The analysis perspective will therefore concern the power of control, testing the new enabling technologies and the potential to process data, especially "not self-evident", to understand whether it falls within the notion of control outlined by the Workers' Statute or whether the updating of employer power requires new forms of protection. In this panorama of the employer's "informational supremacy" facilitated by technological enhancement, the clear distinction provided by art. 4 of Workers' Statute between work and control tools may be outdated. Consequently, the installation authorisation as a limit to employer power becomes a protection, perhaps limited and incapable of satisfying the new guarantee needs. At the same time, as the line of demarcation between employer powers becomes blurred in favour of a new "managerial control power", the investigation must consider the further risks that may arise