74 research outputs found

    Multi-task deep learning models in visual fashion understanding

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    Visual fashion understanding (VFU) is a discipline which aims to solve tasks related to clothing recognition, such as garment categorization, garment’s attributes prediction or clothes retrieval, with the use of computer vision algorithms trained on fashion-related data. Having surveyed VFU- related scientific literature, I conclude that, because of the fact that at the heart of all VFU tasks is the same issue of visually understanding garments, those VFU tasks are in fact related. I present a hypothesis that building larger multi-task learning models dedicated to predicting multiple VFU tasks at once might lead to better generalization properties of VFU models. I assess the validity of my hypothesis by implementing two deep learning solutions dedicated primarily to category and attribute prediction. First solution uses multi-task learning concept of sharing features from ad- ditional branch dedicated to localization task of landmarks’ position prediction. Second solution does not share knowledge from localization branch. Comparison of those two implementations con- firmed my hypothesis, as sharing knowledge between tasks increased category prediction accuracy by 53% and attributes prediction recall by 149%. I conclude that multi-task learning improves generalization properties of deep learning-based visual fashion understanding models across tasks

    An effectiveness evaluation of the palmar fascia irradiation of patients suffering from Dupuytren’s disease

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    Introduction. Dupuytren’s disease (DD) is a fibroproliferative disorder of an unknown etiology manifested by a progressive contracture of fingers. The basic method of the treatment is surgery. Among non-surgical treatments, radiotherapy (RT) represents a relevant method. The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of palmar fascia irradiation in patients with Dupuytren’s Disease. Material and methods. The research included a group of 117 patients with Dupuytren’s disease irradiated in the Department of Radiotherapy in the Maria Skłodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology in Gliwice. Patients’ medical records from the Institute of Oncology in Gliwice and the Provincial Hospital of Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery in Piekary Śląskie have been analysed retrospectively. The following were assessed: smoking history and the subjective evaluation of the effect of the therapy and its side effects before irradiation and check-up visits. All patients were irradiated to a total dose of 21 Gy given in 7 fractions. Results. After the RT, 35% of patients showed an improvement, in 58% of patients the disease progress stopped, whereas 7% of patients reported a deterioration. During the observation period, 7.5% of patients noted a deterioration of the contracture or the topical condition, in 35% stagnancy was observed, and 57.5% of patients showed a reduction of the contracture and an improvement in the topical condition. After the RT, 87.5% of patients had no side effects, in 7.5% there was a slight skin erythema, 2.5% had superficial epidermis exfoliation, and 2.5% reported dry skin. Conclusions. The obtained results allow one to conclude that palmar fascia irradiation is an effective method of treatment for patients with Dupuytren’s disease and it is characterised by a low proportion of complications

    On obtaining effective elasticity tensors with entries zeroing method

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    The purpose of this paper is to propose a new method for obtaining tensors expressing certain symmetries, called effective elasticity tensors, and their optimal orientation. The generally anisotropic tensor being the result of in situ seismic measurements describes the elastic properties of a medium. It can be approximated with a tensor of a specific symmetry class. With a known symmetry class and orientation, one can better describe geological structure elements like layers and fissures. A method used to obtain effective tensor in the previous papers (i.e. Danek & Slawinski 2015) is based on minimizing the Frobenius norm between the measured and effective tensor of a chosen symmetry class in the same coordinate system. In this paper, we propose a new approach for obtaining the effective tensor with the assumption of a certain symmetry class. The entry zeroing method assumes the minimization of the target function, being the measure of similarity with the form of the effective tensor for the specific class. The optimization of orientation is made by means of the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm and transformations were parameterised with quaternions. To analyse the obtained results, the Monte-Carlo method was used. After thousands of runs of PSO optimization, values of quaternion parts and tensor entries were obtained. Then, thousands of realizations of generally anisotropic tensors described with normal distributions of entries were generated. Each of these tensors was the subject of separate PSO optimization, and the distributions of rotated tensor entries were obtained. The results obtained were compared with solutions of the method based on the Frobenius distances (Danek et al. 2013)

    Przykład raportu zintegrowanego online na przykładzie KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.

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    Sprawozdawczość finansowa podlega w ostatnich latach nieustającej krytyce. Uważa się, że nie jest ona w stanie sprostać rosnącym potrzebom i wymaganiom inwestorów, którzy nie zadowalają się już suchą informacją z raportów finansowych. Decyzje o lokowaniu kapitału wymagają obecnie danych o charakterze finansowym i niefinansowym, dobrowolnych ujawnień informacji niewymaganych prawem, o znacząco rozszerzonym zakresie, pozwalających na przewidywanie sytuacji finansowej i wyników jednostki w przyszłości. W erze społeczeństwa informacyjnego raport finansowy jednostki gospodarczej stopniowo ewoluuje w kierunku raportowania biznesowego. Inwestorzy potrzebują danych o znacznie większej przejrzystości, zrozumiałych i często wspomaganych informacjami opisowymi. Prezentowana publikacja stanowi głos w dyskusji nad ewolucyjnym charakterem, kształtem, kierunkami rozwoju oraz perspektywami współczesnej rachunkowości.Publikacja finansowana ze środków Rektora Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego

    Ocena skuteczności napromieniania rozcięgna dłoniowego u pacjentów cierpiących na chorobę Dupuytrena

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    Wstęp. Choroba Dupuytrena jest zaburzeniem fibroproliferacyjnym o nieznanej etiologii. Objawia się postępującym przykurczem palców dłoni. Podstawową metodą leczenia jest postępowanie chirurgiczne. Wśród niechirurgicznych metod leczenia swoje miejsce znajduje m.in. radioterapia (RT). Celem pracy jest ocena skuteczności napromieniania rozcięgna dłoniowego u pacjentów cierpiących na chorobę Dupuytrena. Materiał i metody. Analiząobjęto grupę 117 pacjentów cierpiących na chorobę Dupuytrena leczonych w Zakładzie Radioterapii w Centrum Onkologii — Instytutu im. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie w Gliwicach. Retrospektywnie przeanalizowano dokumentacjęmedycznąInstytutu oraz Wojewódzkiego Szpitala Chirurgii Urazowej w Piekarach Śląskich. Zebrano dane sprzed napromieniania oraz z wizyt kontrolnych, dotyczące palenia tytoniu oraz subiektywnej oceny efektu zastosowanego leczenia i powikłań po nim. Wszyscy chorzy byli napromieniani do dawki całkowitej 21 Gy podanej w 7 dawkach frakcyjnych. Wyniki. Bezpośrednio po RT 35% chorych zgłaszało poprawę, u 58% odnotowano zatrzymanie procesu chorobowego, 7% chorych zgłosiło pogorszenie. W trakcie dalszej obserwacji u 7,5% chorych odnotowano pogorszenie stanu miejscowego, u 35% stagnację, u 57,5% poprawę stanu miejscowego. U 87,5% chorych nie odnotowano objawów ubocznych po RT, u 7,5% wystąpił niewielki rumień skóry, u 2,5% chorych powierzchowne łuszczenie naskórka, a 2,5% zgłaszało suchość dłoni. Wnioski. Uzyskane wyniki pozwalają sformułować wniosek, że radioterapia rozcięgna dłoniowego jest skutecznąmetodąleczenia pacjentów cierpiących na chorobę Dupuytrena oraz cechuje się niewielkim odsetkiem powikłań

    The Condyloma acuminata - the review of the treatment methods

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    Introduction and purpose: Condyloma acuminata, a benign manifestation of HPV infection, is a common sexually transmitted disease. Condyloma acuminata most commonly affects the anogenital area, but can also occur in the oral cavity. Macroscopically the lesions present as raised, fleshy papules, sometimes flat and broad, pedicled or cauliflower-like. Generally, the lesions are multiple, and as they grow, tend to coalesce into larger ones. Due to the lack of symptoms, condyloma acuminata are often found incidentally during routine medical appointments, e.g. in gynecologist’s offices. Additional symptoms and signs are pain, minor bleeding and pruritus. Patients suffering from condyloma acuminata are often in psychological and psychosexual distress.  This work aims to provide a summary of the currently available treatment options based on scientific reports to date. A brief description of the state of knowledge: Among the factors that increase the risk of the HPV infection are age, lifestyle, promiscuity, smoking, HIV infection, a history of chlamydia or gonorrhea infections. To date, no treatment algorithm has been developed for condyloma acuminata. Two vaccines are on offer as primary prevention, Gardasil and Cervarix. The available treatment options are divided into two main groups: patient-administered and physician administered. Surgical methods have the highest therapeutic efficacy. Condyloma acuminata has a high recurrence rate. Usually, a multi-session combination treatment is needed to reach total remission. Summary (conclusions): The treatment of condyloma acuminata includes personalized targets due to their diverse clinical picture and the limitations of certain patient groups. The available treatment options do not exhaust the needs of patients suffering from condyloma acuminata. Further research into the effectiveness of specific treatments is advisable

    Critical Analysis of the Efficacy and Limitations of GLP-1 Pharmaceuticals in Obesity Management: A Comprehensive Literature Review

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    Introduction and purpose Obesity, a pervasive global pandemic intricately linked to various comorbidities, necessitates a comprehensive and nuanced approach. This article delves into the intricate realm of obesity guidelines, underscoring the significance of lifestyle modifications, preventive measures for childhood obesity, population-based strategies, clinical management protocols, and vigilant monitoring. GLP-1 drugs, originally designed for type 2 diabetes management, exhibit multifaceted effects beyond glycemic control. They influence appetite regulation, gastric emptying dynamics, and potentially contribute to cardiovascular health improvements. However, the commendable effects come with a caveat - potential side effects necessitating careful consideration in clinical decision-making. Despite gaining popularity through celebrity endorsements, this article firmly underscores the need to view GLP-1 pharmacotherapy as a recommended intervention rather than a miraculous solution. A brief description of the state of knowledge Integral to the obesity discourse is the imperative to address weight stigma, demanding evidence-based approaches in both clinical and public health domains. The narrative extends into the future landscape of obesity pharmacotherapy, contemplating the potential role of probiotics. Emphasizing the necessity for long-term studies and randomized trials, it positions probiotics as a low-risk alternative with significant potential in mitigating obesity while simultaneously addressing concerns related to antibiotic resistance. Summary The pursuit of a balanced and effective approach to obesity management necessitates a nuanced understanding of medical interventions, consideration of societal perceptions, and exploration of innovative possibilities within the evolving landscape of healthcare

    Critical Analysis of the Efficacy and Limitations of GLP-1 Pharmaceuticals in Obesity Management: A Comprehensive Literature Review

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    Introduction and purpose Obesity, a pervasive global pandemic intricately linked to various comorbidities, necessitates a comprehensive and nuanced approach. This article delves into the intricate realm of obesity guidelines, underscoring the significance of lifestyle modifications, preventive measures for childhood obesity, population-based strategies, clinical management protocols, and vigilant monitoring. GLP-1 drugs, originally designed for type 2 diabetes management, exhibit multifaceted effects beyond glycemic control. They influence appetite regulation, gastric emptying dynamics, and potentially contribute to cardiovascular health improvements. However, the commendable effects come with a caveat - potential side effects necessitating careful consideration in clinical decision-making. Despite gaining popularity through celebrity endorsements, this article firmly underscores the need to view GLP-1 pharmacotherapy as a recommended intervention rather than a miraculous solution. A brief description of the state of knowledge Integral to the obesity discourse is the imperative to address weight stigma, demanding evidence-based approaches in both clinical and public health domains. The narrative extends into the future landscape of obesity pharmacotherapy, contemplating the potential role of probiotics. Emphasizing the necessity for long-term studies and randomized trials, it positions probiotics as a low-risk alternative with significant potential in mitigating obesity while simultaneously addressing concerns related to antibiotic resistance. Summary The pursuit of a balanced and effective approach to obesity management necessitates a nuanced understanding of medical interventions, consideration of societal perceptions, and exploration of innovative possibilities within the evolving landscape of healthcare

    Factors influencing the length of the recovery period after blepharoplasty: a review of the latest data

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    Introduction and purpose Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure aimed at restoring the functionality and/or aesthetics of the eyelids. The aim of the study is to draw attention to the factors influencing the recovery period at successive stages of therapeutic procedures. A brief description of the state of knowledge: Preoperative consultation is important in selecting patients, planning surgical procedures, identifying potential complications and meeting patients' expectations. In patients with hypertension, diabetes, smoking, and anticoagulant treatment, a worse scar assessment, longer recovery period and more complications have been observed. Patients who have undergone refractive surgery within the last 6 months are not suitable candidates for blepharoplasty. Nutrition status has a significant impact on wound healing and tissue repair after aesthetic medicine procedures. The use of continuous sutures compared to tissue glue results in similar wound healing time and postoperative discomfort level. Postoperative wound care is essential for the healing process. Electrostimulation of the wound does not accelerate edema reduction. We have focused on many complications, such as swelling, bleeding, infections, eyelid malposition, dry eye syndrome, wound dehiscence, ways to cope with these problems, and the role of lasers.  Summary (conclusions): Important is the proper preparation of the patient for the procedure. A detailed interview and examination influence therapeutic decisions, allowing the doctor to choose the most optimal treatment methods that will shorten the recovery time. Blepharoplasty is one of the most commonly performed aesthetic procedures, so we propose the development of publicly accessible standards that should be included in the initial interview