49 research outputs found

    Quantum Coherence Oscillations in Antiferromagnetic Chains

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    Macroscopic quantum coherence oscillations in mesoscopic antiferromagnets may appear when the anisotropy potential creates a barrier between the antiferromagnetic states with opposite orientations of the Neel vector. This phenomenon is studied for the physical situation of the nuclear spin system of eight Xe atoms arranged on a magnetic surface along a chain. The oscillation period is calculated as a function of the chain constant. The environmental decoherence effects at finite temperature are accounted assuming a dipole coupling between the spin chain and the fluctuating magnetic field of the surface. The numerical calculations indicate that the oscillations are damped by a rate ∼(N−1)/τ\sim (N-1)/ \tau, where NN is the number of spins and τ\tau is the relaxation time of a single spin.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, two postscript figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Relaxation and Landau-Zener experiments down to 100 mK in ferritin

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    Temperature-independent magnetic viscosity in ferritin has been observed from 2 K down to 100 mK, proving that quantum tunneling plays the main role in these particles at low temperature. Magnetic relaxation has also been studied using the Landau-Zener method making the system crossing zero resonant field at different rates, alpha=dH/dt, ranging from 10^{-5} to 10^{-3} T/s, and at different temperatures, from 150 mK up to the blocking temperature. We propose a new Tln(Delta H_{eff}/tau_0 alpha) scaling law for the Landau-Zener probability in a system distributed in volumes, where Delta H_{eff} is the effective width of the zero field resonance.Comment: 13 pages, 4 postscript figure

    Magnetic qubits as hardware for quantum computers

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    We propose two potential realisations for quantum bits based on nanometre scale magnetic particles of large spin S and high anisotropy molecular clusters. In case (1) the bit-value basis states |0> and |1> are the ground and first excited spin states Sz = S and S-1, separated by an energy gap given by the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) frequency. In case (2), when there is significant tunnelling through the anisotropy barrier, the qubit states correspond to the symmetric, |0>, and antisymmetric, |1>, combinations of the two-fold degenerate ground state Sz = +- S. In each case the temperature of operation must be low compared to the energy gap, \Delta, between the states |0> and |1>. The gap \Delta in case (2) can be controlled with an external magnetic field perpendicular to the easy axis of the molecular cluster. The states of different molecular clusters and magnetic particles may be entangled by connecting them by superconducting lines with Josephson switches, leading to the potential for quantum computing hardware.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Non-monotonic field-dependence of the ZFC magnetization peak in some systems of magnetic nanoparticles

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    We have performed magnetic measurements on a diluted system of gamma-Fe2O3 nanoparticles (~7nm), and on a ferritin sample. In both cases, the ZFC-peak presents a non-monotonic field dependence, as has already been reported in some experiments,and discussed as a possible evidence of resonant tunneling. Within simple assumptions, we derive expressions for the magnetization obtained in the usual ZFC, FC, TRM procedures. We point out that the ZFC-peak position is extremely sensitive to the width of the particle size distribution, and give some numerical estimates of this effect. We propose to combine the FC magnetization with a modified TRM measurement, a procedure which allows a more direct access to the barrier distribution in a field. The typical barrier values which are obtained with this method show a monotonic decrease for increasing fields, as expected from the simple effect of anisotropy barrier lowering, in contrast with the ZFC results. From our measurements on gamma-Fe2O3 particles, we show that the width of the effective barrier distribution is slightly increasing with the field, an effect which is sufficient for causing the observed initial increase of the ZFC-peak temperatures.Comment: LaTeX file 19 pages, 9 postscript figures. To appear in Phys. Rev. B (tentative schedule: Dec.97

    Millikelvin magnetic relaxation measurements of alpha-Fe2O3 antiferromagnetic particles

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    In this paper we report magnetic relaxation data for antiferromagnetic alpha-Fe2O3 particles of 5 nm mean diameter in the temperature range 0.1 K to 25 K. The average spin value of these particles S=124 and the uniaxial anisotropy constant D=1.6x10^-2 K have been estimated from the experimental values of the blocking temperature and anisotropy field. The observed plateau in the magnetic viscosity from 3 K down to 100 mK agrees with the occurrence of spin tunneling from the ground state Sz = S. However, the scaling M vs Tln(nu t) is broken below 5 K, suggesting the occurrence of tunneling from excited states below this temperature.Comment: 4 pages (two columns), 4 figure

    Proton NMR for Measuring Quantum-Level Crossing in the Magnetic Molecular Ring Fe10

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    The proton nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T1 has been measured as a function of temperature and magnetic field (up to 15 T) in the molecular magnetic ring Fe10. Striking enhancement of 1/T1 is observed around magnetic field values corresponding to a crossing between the ground state and the excited states of the molecule. We propose that this is due to a cross-relaxation effect between the nuclear Zeeman reservoir and the reservoir of the Zeeman levels of the molecule. This effect provides a powerful tool to investigate quantum dynamical phenomena at level crossing.Comment: Four pages, to appear in Phys.Rev.Let

    Macroscopic quantum coherence in mesoscopic ferromagnetic systems

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    In this paper we study the Macroscopic Quantum Oscillation (MQO) effect in ferromagnetic single domain magnets with a magnetic field applied along the hard anistropy axis. The level splitting for the ground state, derived with the conventional instanton method, oscillates with the external field and is quenched at some field values. A formula for quantum tunneling at excited levels is also obtained. The existence of topological phase accounts for this kind of oscillation and the corresponding thermodynamical quantities exhibit similar interference effects which resembles to some extent the electron quantum phase interference induced by gauge potential in the Aharonov-Bohm effect and the Θ\Theta -vacuum in Yang-Mills field theory..Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Quantum-Classical Transition of the Escape Rate of a Uniaxial Spin System in an Arbitrarily Directed Field

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    The escape rate \Gamma of the large-spin model described by the Hamiltonian H = -DS_z^2 - H_zS_z - H_xS_x is investigated with the help of the mapping onto a particle moving in a double-well potential U(x). The transition-state method yields Γ\Gamma in the moderate-damping case as a Boltzmann average of the quantum transition probabilities. We have shown that the transition from the classical to quantum regimes with lowering temperature is of the first order (d\Gamma/dT discontinuous at the transition temperature T_0) for h_x below the phase boundary line h_x=h_{xc}(h_z), where h_{x,z}\equiv H_{x,z}/(2SD), and of the second order above this line. In the unbiased case (H_z=0) the result is h_{xc}(0)=1/4, i.e., one fourth of the metastability boundary h_{xm}=1, at which the barrier disappears. In the strongly biased limit \delta\equiv 1-h_z << 1, one has h_{xc} \cong (2/3)^{3/4}(\sqrt{3}-\sqrt{2})\delta^{3/2}\cong 0.2345 \delta^{3/2}, which is about one half of the boundary value h_{xm} \cong (2\delta/3)^{3/2} \cong 0.5443 \delta^{3/2}.The latter case is relevant for experiments on small magnetic particles, where the barrier should be lowered to achieve measurable quantum escape rates.Comment: 17 PR pages, 16 figures; published versio

    Berry's phase and Quantum Dynamics of Ferromagnetic Solitons

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    We study spin parity effects and the quantum propagation of solitons (Bloch walls) in quasi-one dimensional ferromagnets. Within a coherent state path integral approach we derive a quantum field theory for nonuniform spin configurations. The effective action for the soliton position is shown to contain a gauge potential due to the Berry phase and a damping term caused by the interaction between soliton and spin waves. For temperatures below the anisotropy gap this dissipation reduces to a pure soliton mass renormalization. The gauge potential strongly affects the quantum dynamics of the soliton in a periodic lattice or pinning potential. For half-integer spin, destructive interference between soliton states of opposite chirality suppresses nearest neighbor hopping. Thus the Brillouin zone is halved, and for small mixing of the chiralities the dispersion reveals a surprising dynamical correlation: Two subsequent band minima belong to different chirality states of the soliton. For integer spin, the Berry phase is inoperative and a simple tight-binding dispersion is obtained. Finally it is shown that external fields can be used to interpolate continuously between the Bloch wall dispersions for half-integer and integer spin.Comment: 20 pages, RevTex 3.0 (twocolumn), to appear in Phys. Rev. B 53, 3237 (1996), 4 PS figures available upon reques

    Thermally Activated Resonant Magnetization Tunneling in Molecular Magnets: Mn_12Ac and others

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    The dynamical theory of thermally activated resonant magnetization tunneling in uniaxially anisotropic magnetic molecules such as Mn_12Ac (S=10) is developed.The observed slow dynamics of the system is described by master equations for the populations of spin levels.The latter are obtained by the adiabatic elimination of fast degrees of freedom from the density matrix equation with the help of the perturbation theory developed earlier for the tunneling level splitting [D. A. Garanin, J. Phys. A, 24, L61 (1991)]. There exists a temperature range (thermally activated tunneling) where the escape rate follows the Arrhenius law, but has a nonmonotonic dependence on the bias field due to tunneling at the top of the barrier. At lower temperatures this regime crosses over to the non-Arrhenius law (thermally assisted tunneling). The transition between the two regimes can be first or second order, depending on the transverse field, which can be tested in experiments. In both regimes the resonant maxima of the rate occur when spin levels in the two potential wells match at certain field values. In the thermally activated regime at low dissipation each resonance has a multitower self-similar structure with progressively narrowing peaks mounting on top of each other.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure