7 research outputs found

    Researches on the control of the common reed (Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. Ex Steud.) in areas of the irrigation or drainage channels

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    The research was undertaken during 2016 and 2017 in the pedoclimatic conditions at the farm SC Agroprod Seaca SA (aluviosol type soil, with a humus content of 4.2%), refers to the possibility of controlling the invasive species Phragmites australis (common reed) in the draining systems from the area. Tt was studied the influence of different methods of common reed control, in corn field and different methods applyed on from the area, (still in experiment for the next year), by comparing the use of glyphosate, with other Phragmites australis (common reed) control methods. In treated area (dry drainage canals), herbicide efficacy was evaluated 30 and 60 days after treatment considering a scale from 0 to 100% for control of common reed (in 2016-2017). In autumn of 2016, the common reed was burned or cut, the effectiveness of these methods, applied, on flood protection dams, in 2016, was appreciated on 11 April 2017, together with the efficacy assessment after application, at different time, in 2017

    Advanced Control Subsystem for Mobile Robotic Systems in Precision Agriculture

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    Abstract: This concept paper presents Mobile Agricultural Robots (MARs) for the development of precision agriculture and implicitly the smart farms through knowledge, reason, technology, interaction, learning and validation. Finding new strategies and control algorithms for MARs has led to the design of an Autonomous Robotic Platform Weed Control (ARoPWeC). The paradigm of this concept is based on the integration of intelligent agricultural subsystems into mobile robotic platforms. For maintenance activities in case of hoeing crops (corn, potatoes, vegetables, vineyards), ARoPWeC benefits from the automatic guidance subsystem and spectral analysis subsystem for differentiation and classification of the weeds. The elimination of weeds and pests is done through the Drop-on-Demand spray subsystem with multi-objective control, and for increasing efficiency through the Deep Learning subsystem

    Conservation Agriculture versus Conventional Agriculture: The Influence of Agriculture System, Fertilization and Plant Protection on Wheat Yield

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    The paper aimed at making a comparison between conservation agriculture and conventional agriculture on wheat yield, in a three crop rotation (wheat, maize and soybean) system. A three factorial experiment based on the split-plot model and variance analysis was set in the Transylvania area of Romania, as follows: A factor-agriculture system: A1-tillage, A2-no-tillage, B factor-fertilization: B1-N40P40 kg/ha. B2-N40P40 kg/ha+N50P30 kg/ha; C factor- treatments: C1-4 treatments, C2-3 treatments, C3-2 treatments at heading, C4-2 treatments at blooming. Fertilization applied in its B2 variant in conservation agriculture brought 460 kg/ha production gain, significantly and statistically ensured. Under conservation agriculture, two treatments applied at blooming determined 318 kg/ha production gain, statistically and significantly covered. The interaction fertilization-treatments produced the highest wheat yield 5001 kg/ha in case of the B2C3 variant, in conventional agriculture, and 5272 kg for the same variant in conservation agriculture, the difference of 953 kg compared to the central variant B1C1 being statistically ensured. Under the conditions of Transylvania, farmers could adopt conservation agriculture as a solution for increasing wheat production, reducing the number of treatments and applying more fertilizer upon blooming. The advantage of the implementation of such a system resides in its beneficial effect on soil structure, water reserve and biodiversity, as well

    Effect of No-tillage System and Fertilization on Wheat Production

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    Conservation agriculture is an alternative to conventional agriculture and one of the most efficient systems for sustainable agricultural development, stimulating soil biological activity, increasing organic matter and humus content. In order to evaluate the impact of the conservation agriculture system compared to the conventional agriculture system on wheat yield, a bi-factorial experiment on wheat crop based on split-plot model was organized in the Transylvania Plain, Romania, where there are a few research results in the field and the area has a high potential for the implementation of conservation agriculture system. First factor (‘A’) was agriculture system, having two levels: ‘A1’ tillage (classic) system and ‘A2’ no-tillage system, and the second, ‘B’ factor was fertilization, with three levels: ‘B1’ no fertilization, ‘B2’- N80P40 kg/ha, which is the average level practiced by farmers in the area and ‘B3’- N150P75 kg/ha, which is the recommended level for obtaining a high production performance specific to ‘Ariesan’ wheat cultivar used in this experiment. The results pointed out that, in comparison with conventional agriculture, the application of no-tillage system determined a lower wheat yield by 353 kg per surface unit. Fertilization assured a significant increase by 610 kg wheat grains per ha. In the case of the conservation agriculture system, the highest production gain was 1,260 kg/ha for ‘B3A2’ level compared to ‘B1A2’ level, where the highest fertilization level was applied. The lowest production gain was 410 kg/ha registered by ‘B3A1-B1A1’ which was the highest fertilizer dose in case of conventional agriculture. In conclusion, the application of no-tillage system increased the efficiency of fertilization in terms of wheat yield compared to the classical agriculture. As a result, it is recommended as farmers dealing with wheat cropping in the area and also in other regions with similar soil and climate conditions to implement conservation agriculture. </p

    Researches on controling reed (Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.) in farmland

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    In terms of worldwide corn ranked second crop of cultivated areas. In the nearby meadow or shallow ground water control of reeds represents a major problem. To achieve these objectives, in 2016, was established experience monofactorial with 10 variants. The researches were conducted in climatic conditions from farm SC Agroprod Seaca SA, about 15 km east of Turnu Măgurele and 10 km north of the Danube River. It was followed initial weeding base on which occurred experience (spectrum weed, average, participation and constancy), we aimed to also control degree by determining the degree of weed (before post-emergence treatment, at 2 weeks after application and before harvesting), the amount of nitrogen and chlorophyll concentration in leaves of corn and cane with Yara N-Tester respectively Portable Digital LED Tester chlorophyll chlorophyll Testing. The best weed control results, including cane were in order V7, V10, V6, V9. Testing on combating cane from the protective dams by applying Glyphogan 480 SL at a dose of 6 l/ha and 10 l/ha, showed that a control efficiency is achieved at begining of reeds vegetation period (May)

    Biocomposites based on collagen and keratin with properties for agriculture and industrie applications

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    In the present research biocomposites based on extracts of collagen and keratin recovered from the leather industry by-products were made and the specific properties for applications in agriculture and industry were studied. To this aim, collagen and keratin have been extracted from bovine leather and sheep wool by-products and have been added and crosslinked with recognized compounds for reduced environmental impact (glycerol, vegetable tanning extract, essential oils with fungicidal properties and insecticides). The biocomposite properties were evaluated on the basis of complex analytical investigations on chemical structure, texture, contact angle, mechanical resistance, water vapor permeability and water absorption, biodegradation, germination and plant biomass growth. The biocomposites have demonstrated pelliculogenic properties and nitrogen controlled release to stimulate germination and nutrition of rape seedlings, which promotes them for agricultural applications, but also other surface properties have been identified, for industrial applications, for example in leather finishing for special destinations. Addition of odorous principles with controlled release recommends this type of biocomposites for environmentally friendly products, maintenance of cleaning, etc