73 research outputs found

    Influence of employer-employee relationships on service quality in the hospitality industry in Nakuru County, Kenya

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    Employees are the backbone of the hospitality industry, and the people in service are inseparable from the service they provide. This research investigated the influence of employer-employee relationships on service quality in the hospitality industry in Nakuru County, Kenya. Descriptive design was used to gather both quantitative and qualitative data through the use of questionnaires and interview guide as the key informants. The target population was 73 respondents comprising of 55 employees’ operational employees and 18 supervisors at Nuru Palace and the Legacy Hotel in Nakuru County. The findings also reveal that coaching and mentorship as well as mutual trust between employees and their superiors affect service quality positively.  The study recommends that hospitality establishments should facilitate more on job training and provide technical support to their employees. They should also work on establishing trust between the management and the workforce

    Content of Vernacular Radio Stations Programs and Public Participation in Devolved Governance in Nyeri County, Kenya

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    Public participation in Kenyan counties still remains a mystery although many efforts have been put in place to achieve it. This is so because many county governments have documented use of public participation in governance without indicating a clear program to show how it is actualized. Media, including vernacular radio, is mentioned as one of the avenues for public participation but the question of how this happens remains unanswered. This study aimed to find out the influence of the content of vernacular radio stations programs on public participation in devolved   governance. The study employed a mixed method research design. The target population was 661,156 Nyeri County residents and officials of vernacular radio stations that have listenership in Nyeri. The pyramid method developed by Krejecie and Morgan was used to arrive at the sample size of 384 county residents while purposive sampling technique was used to select Kameme FM and its three officials. Data was collected through questionnaires and interview guides.  Quantitative data was analyzed using  descriptive and inferential statistical techniques through Statistical Package for Social Sciences while Content Analysis was used to analyse qualitative data. Graphs and tables were used for  presentations. The outcome was that there is a strong  positive correlation between content of Vernacular Radio Stations  Programs and public  participation in devolved governance. The study recommends that more attention be given to  content of these vernacular programs for they contribute to public participation ingovernance issues.Key words: Public participation, vernacular radio programs, devolved governance, Nyeri, Karatin

    Influence of Policy Implementation Practices on Employee Development in the Eastern Region of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa, Kenya

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    Policy implementation involves translating the goals and objectives of a policy into an action. The success of policy implementation depends on the choice of appropriate incentives based on the local biophysical and social conditions. The Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) recognizes the importance of employee development and is committed to providing the best possible climate for maximum personal development and goal achievement for each employee. Human resources management in PCEA is guided by a document known as the schemes of service. This document guides the job and career prospects for all cadres of personnel. They include, Church administrators, accountants and bookkeepers, secretaries, gardeners, caretakers, cleaners and security guards. Like many mainstream churches, the PCEA is facing a challenge of staff turnover. Despite this challenge, little information regarding leadership practices that influence employee development in the Kenyan context exists. The study examined the influence of policy implementation practices by church leadership on employee development. A descriptive research design using survey method was adopted. The study targeted 291 Church leaders comprising of 255 elected leaders from the 47 Parishes and 4 mission areas and 36 elected leaders drawn from the 9 Presbyteries of Eastern Region of PCEA. Stratified sampling method was used to select a sample of 145 parish leaders and 20 Presbytery leaders totaling to 165 respondents.  Data was collected using mainly questionnaires. A pilot study was conducted in Mount Kenya region of PCEA. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. The main findings show that leaders in PCEA implemented non-formal training, financed employees, and offered them study leaves with pay and promotions to promote employee development. However, a gap on-the-job training was established. It is time the Church shifts the paradigm to embrace on-the-job training of her employees. If the PCEA has to be successful in her mission in the 21st century, it has to reconsider her on-the-job training systems. Keywords: Employee Development, PCEA, Policy Practices DOI: 10.7176/JPCR/50-07 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Effect of Pricing of New Coca Cola Soft Drink Products on Sales Performance of Coca- Cola Company in Nyahururu Town

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    A sales performance review of new soft drinks products introduced by Coca cola in Mount Kenya region, established that only 15% have succeeded, 55% have performed poorly, 17.5% have failed completely and another 12.5% have exhibited an abnormally high artificial growth. However, there is scanty and inconclusive empirical data that would explain this trend of Coca cola products within Nyahururu town in Kenya. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of price as marketing mix variables of new Coca-Cola soft drinks products on the company’s sales performance in Nyahururu town. The specific objectives included examining the effects of pricing, of new Coca cola soft drinks products on sales performance of the company in Nyahururu town. To achieve these objective, hypotheses was formulated and tested empirically. This study was based on the marketing mix theory by Borden. The study adopted a descriptive research design that gathered both quantitative and qualitative data. The target population comprised of 375 managers and owners of outlets selling Coca cola soft drinks in Nyahururu town. The sample size was 75 which was 20% of the target population as per postulations from Mugenda & Mugenda (2003), which was arrived at through stratified random sampling. Out of this, 73 responded meaning the response rate was 97.3%. The study used a questionnaire to obtain primary data whose validity was enhanced through discussions with the supervisors. Test-retest method was used to achieve reliability during a pilot study conducted in Subukia town. Cronbach’s alpha was used to test the reliability in which 0.789 values was obtained which was acceptable.  Quantitative data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 computer software and presented in frequencies, percentages, and tables for clarity. Qualitative data was used to supplement interpretation of quantitative data. The study established that pricing of new products had an influence on sales performance of the existing Coca cola products. The, study recommends that the pricing of new products should compare favorably with existing products so as to avoid cannibalization and intra-distribution channel competition. The study has added to the body of knowledge that could benefit students, researchers and academicians interested in this area of study. Keywords: Market Mix Variable, Pricing, Coca Cola, Sales Performance, Product

    Selected Factors Influencing Effective Succession Planning in Deposit Taking Savings and Credit Cooperatives in Nyandarua County(A Case Study of Tower Savings and Credit Cooperative- Ol Kalou)

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    SACCOs are a significant sector in today’s economy due to their ability to mobilize savings and give credit for investment thereby improving people’s livelihood. SACCOs have been noted to contribute over 45percent GDP and it is estimated that at least one out of every two Kenyans directly or indirectly derives his/her livelihood from these kinds of cooperatives. SACCOs play an important role in wealth creation, food security, generation of employment and therefore alleviating poverty. The purpose of this study was to analyse selected factors that influence effective succession planning in SACCOs.  The specific objective was to evaluate the influence of top management on effective succession planning in SACCOs in Nyandarua County. The study was based on both the resource based theory, the leadership succession theory and game theory. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The population of the study was 84 respondents who are board members and members of staff of Tower SACCO. The study adopted a census whereby data was obtained from every member of the population because the population was small. A structured questionnaire was the primary data collection instrument. Content validity was used to measure the validity of the instrument. It relied on the knowledge of the experts who are familiar with the subject matter being measured. Cronbach alpha was used to measure the reliability of the questionnaire by providing the internal consistency during a pilot study done to 10 staff at Nyala SACCO, Nyahururu. The study attained a value of 0.734 which met the threshold of 0.70.  The regression model was used to analyse the data obtained to investigate the relationship between the variables. The study revealed that SACCO  top management support influenced effective succession planning in organisations thus the null hypothesis was rejected.  The study recommends that SACCO management should sustain job rotation so as to enhance skills acquisition for employees. It also recommends that SACCO top management should be at the forefront in providing the necessary support and impetus for succession planning and should encourage open discussion about succession planning in their regular meeting. The study is significant to various stakeholders in SACCO industry who include policy makers, board of directors, top management and employees of the SACCOs because it has provided them with insight on issues affecting succession. Keywords: Effective Succession Planning, Top Managemen

    The Effect of Quality of Service on Customers’ Loyalty to Financial Institutions: A Survey of Financial Institutions in Nyahururu Town, Kenya

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    The financial institutions in Nyahururu have experienced a scenario in which customers shift loyalty to different institutions over time, a situation that has led to managers’ complaints on matters of customers’ retention. This study aimed at examining the factors that influence customer loyalty to financial institutions in Nyahururu town. The study objective was to examine the effect of quality of service on customers’ loyalty to financial institutions. The study was based on the Loyalty Business Model as advocated for by Strorback, Strandvik, & Gronroos, (1994) and customer loyalty theory by Reynolds (2015). Descriptive survey design was applied with a target a population of 28860 staff members and customers served by the 6 Micro-Finance institutions in Nyahururu, Kenya. A stratified sampling method was applied to obtain 384 staff members and customers from 6 Micro- finance institutions in Nyahururu Town. Primary data was collected through the use of questionnaires. The data collected was sorted and then coded before analysis. Data was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. In descriptive data analysis, mean, standard deviation and percentages were used. The SPSS computer program was used to aid in analysis. Multiple linear regression and correlation model was also used to analyze data by establishing the interrelationships between independent and dependent variable. Implementing the recommendations from the study would be useful to financial institutions seeking to improve the customer loyalty. This research study has also contributed to the body of knowledge on the best practices of retaining customers within financial institutions. Keywords: Customer’s loyalty, Customer Loyalty, Customer’s retention, Financial Institutions, quality of servic


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    Academic and business research has focused on the competing interests of shareholders and managers, as well as the resulting agency fees. It is well known that managers have a strong desire to advance their own interests, such as their pay, the size of their companies, and the value of their securities. According to agency theory, shareholders will pay agency costs in order to reduce these conflicts. According to the free cash flow principle, when a company creates considerable free cash flow, there are significant agency conflicts between stockholders and executives. A number of empirical studies have proposed solutions to this problem, one of which is the use of a capital structure. Numerous studies on the effect of capital structures on agency costs have been conducted, with varying degrees of success. However, the majority of these studies took place in industrialized nations. The primary goal of this study, which lasted from 2012 to 2018, was to determine how capital configuration affected agency expenses in Kenyan commercial and service firms that were listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange. The study's specific goals included investigating the effects of equity on agency costs, retained earnings on agency costs, long-term debt on agency costs, and firm size as a moderator of the effects of investment configuration on agency costs. A descriptive research method was used in this study to provide a thorough examination of the relationship between capital structure and agency costs. To collect the required seven-year panel data from the entire population of firms, the Nairobi Securities Exchange, the Capital Market Authority's data banks, and the firms' websites were used. These data were then examined at two levels of statistics: descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. In Kenyan commercial and service firms, variations in equity capital, retained earnings, and long-term debts jointly accounted for 65.9% of the variations in agency costs, according to the regression results.JEL: E22; G31; L10  Article visualizations

    Effect of Appraisal Standards on Employees’ Performance Appraisal in SACCOs of Laikipia County

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    Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations (SACCOs) are significant providers of savings, credit and insurance services to a large portion of the Kenyan population. As they grow in number and size a demand to improve management of SACCOs’ staff productivity increases. Consequently, performance appraisal has been adopted as a measure to achieve this goal. However, the 83 active SACCOs in Laikipia County have had performance appraisal hurdles based on the report of the County Cooperative Director’s office. The same report indicates that these hurdles have been brought about by lack of appraisal standards. When a SACCO fails to carry out proper and accurate staff appraisals, it consequently fails in meeting its obligations to its members. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of appraisal standards on employees’ performance appraisal in SACCOs of Laikipia County. This study was grounded on the Equity Theory by John Stacey Adams that says that satisfaction is based on a person’s perception of fairness. It adopted descriptive survey research design and the target population was the managers and board members from the eighty three SACCOs in Laikipia County. Since each SACCO has one manager and nine board members, the total population was eight hundred and thirty members. Sample size determination formula for a finite population was used to arrive at the sample size of three hundred and thirty nine members who comprised of eighty three managers and two hundred and fifty six board members. Both purposeful and stratified sampling were used to attain the sample size. Quantitative and qualitative data were obtained through a structured questionnaire. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and presented in form of frequency and percentage tables, bar charts and pie charts. The analysis was done by SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) version twenty two to generate those measures. Qualitative data was used to supplement interpretation of quantitative data. Based on the findings the study concluded that SACCOs generally carried staff performance appraisal without clarity on their practicality in boosting the SACCO’s performance. On overall performance appraisal, most SACCOs do not generate or receive reports outside those prepared through the Savings and Credit Cooperative Regulatory Authority (SASRA) driven initiatives. The appraisal process should be seen to be both fair and to regard the size of the SACCO. SASRA should conduct a review of the practicality of guidelines that it issues on staff performance appraisal. The standards must be regularly updated and should be comparable across the board. They should also be realistic, viable and reliable. The standards should address quality, quantity, timeliness and cost-effectiveness. This study is important because it has shed light on how the selected factors influence managers and board members of Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies in their efforts to measure employee performance and achieve organizational goals. Keywords: Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations (SACCO) Performance Appraisal, Appraisal Standard

    Effect of Level of Implementation of HACCP Principles on Quality of Catering Services at Day Care Centers: A Case of Nyeri Town Constituency, Nyeri County, Kenya

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    Global reports show a general increase in the growth of childcare services, majorly because of modernization and tough economic conditions that require parents to be involved in various type of employment. Consequently, day care centers are becoming very popular for the child as an alternative avenue where children can spend part of their time. Quality of catering services is considered to play a significant role in the well-being of a child enrolled in any day care centre. To ensure quality of food, catering setups have to implement a food safety management system based on the principles of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP). The study sought to determine the effect of level of implementation of HACCP principles on quality of catering services at day care centers and was based on the System Theory in evaluating adherence to HACCP principles in the catering sections of children day care centers. In identifying the constituency to be studied purposive sampling method was used. Further, purposive sampling was employed in identifying day care catering personnel. A census was carried out in all legally registered 16 daycare centers. Target population was 64 respondents from all the 16-daycare centers and comprised the manager and three catering staffs who are majorly involved in ensuring quality of food at the centers. Mixed methods were used in collecting both quantitative and qualitative data, while primary data was obtained through use of questionnaires and interviews. Secondary data was obtained through a desk study of relevant documents including government policies, institutional strategic plans, minutes and admission lists. Numerical data was analyzed descriptively using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) computer software program. Regression analysis was carried out to indicate the strength of association between the variables under the study. Further, coefficient of determination was calculated to indicate variations in the dependent variable as caused by the independent variable. The Research findings were presented using frequency distribution tables, bar charts and pie charts for quantitative data and thematic areas for qualitative data. From the findings, the study found that majority of day care centers purchased food from reputable or reliable suppliers, at the right time, and of good quality. However, food of different types was not stored in different storage rooms. Hygiene was observed in the preparation and handling of food though cooking was not done until all the ingredients were ready to be served. Majority of cooked food is re-heated few minutes before serving. This study is potentially of use to current and prospective parents since it could help them make informed choices on the day-care centers they choose for their children. For proprietors, the insight from the study could enable them to provide control measures that enhance adherence to HACCP principles in day-care centers, thus improve quality of services, which would eventually lead to increased number of customers and subsequently increase revenues. The study has also added new knowledge to hospitality industry as well as advanced knowledge and theory in hospitality studies. Keywords: - HACCP Principles, Quality of Catering Services, Day Care Centers

    Influence of Lean-Green Practices on The Relationship Networks and Performance of Medium Hotels in the Kenyan Cities

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    Purpose: Examine the influence of lean-green practices on the relationship between networks and performance of medium hotels in the Kenyan cities. Design/methodology/approach: The study was anchored on dynamic capability theory. Pragmatic research paradigm employing mixed method was applied which uilized concurrent triangulation research design. The target population was 534 medium hotels. Stratified random sampling technique was used to determine a sample size of 229 hotels. Findings: The study found that networks positively influenced performance of medium hotels in Kenyan cities and lean-green practices positively and significantly influences on the relationship between networks and performance of medium hotels in Kenyan cities. Designing, implementing and utilizing lean-green practices in collaboration with networking in medium hotels is important in production matrix. Research limitations/implications: Focus was on medium hotels in the Kenyan cities. Practical implications: Results of this research shows that lean-green practices constitute one of the most important strategies resulting in performance. Originality/value: This research is original because the research was conducted in Kenya and there is no other similar research in Kenya
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