2,614 research outputs found

    Toothbrushing rules: power dynamics and toothbrushing in children

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    Dental caries is a disease of childhood social disa dvantage being considered as a marker of family dep rivation and relative poverty. School-based programmes such as, ‘Winning Smiles’ (WS) have been used to promote toothbrushing with luoride toothpaste in children r esiding in areas of high social deprivation. Withou t a clear understanding of the underlying toothbrushing dynam ic how could WS achieve its deined aim to promote toothbrushing as a self-care practice in children r esiding in areas of greatest deprivation? The need to research the dynamics of childhood toothbrushing remained. T he aim of this qualitative exploration was twofold, irst to explore children’s views of toothbrushing and se condly, to relect, if possible, on the degree to wh ich the children’s views and experiences can aid an underst anding of the power dynamics of toothbrushing pract ices in childhood. In order to achieve these aims it was necessary to use a child-centred approach to glean the thoughts, values and opinions of the participating children. The children who participated were aged b e- tween 8-9-years-old and resided and attended school s in the most deprived parts of Dublin and Belfast. The data analysis was theoretically underpinned by the work of Foucault and Nettleton. The children had a series of toothbrushing rules which were a conglomerate of ‘do’s’ and ‘don’ts’. The rules relected an element of con - lict in the children’s behaviour since they describ ed what the children felt they ‘should’ do (‘toothb rushing rules’), as well as what they ‘actually’ did (‘toot hbrushing practices’). The toothbrushing rules were mainly based on their parental household rules which the c hildren incorporated into their toothbrushing pract ices. It is suggested that children incorporate informati on from parents, school-based programmes and the de ntist into their toothbrushing practices. This qualitativ e exploration has allowed the process of understand ing the power dynamics associated with children’s toothbrushing t o begin. In order to gain a greater understanding from the child’s perspective greater time is need t o appreciate how children incorporate what appears to be a rather mundane aspect of everyday life into their health repertoire

    School based health-education programmes, health-learning capacity and child oral health-related quality of life

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    Objective: To use a model of health learning to examine the role of health-learning capacity and the effect of a school-based oral health education intervention (Winning Smiles) on the health outcome, child oral health–related quality of life (COHRQoL). Setting: Primary schools, high social deprivation, Ireland/Northern Ireland. Design: Cluster randomised controlled trial. Method: A total of 383, 7- to 8-year-old children were invited to participate and randomly allocated into intervention and control conditions. Baseline and 12-month follow-up assessments of COHRQoL, self-esteem, toothbrushing–fluoride toothpaste knowledge and unstimulated saliva samples were made. An 18-hour post-brushing, saliva fluoride concentration was used to assess toothbrushing with fluoride toothpaste (behaviour). The data were entered onto SPSSv22. Structural equation modelling was applied using AMOSv22 to test for the role of health-learning capacity (baseline self-esteem and COHRQoL) and simultaneous effects of Winning Smiles upon knowledge, behaviour and COHRQoL (at follow-up). Results: A total of 238 children participated at baseline and follow-up. A partial latent hybrid model fitted the data reasonably well (χ2 = 65.6, df = 50, p = .07) as shown in addition by a Comparative Fit Index of .97 and a Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) value of .042 (90% confidence interval [CI]: .00, .06). The intervention had a significant effect on toothbrushing–fluoride toothpaste knowledge (p < .03) and an effect on COHRQoL at the 6% level (p < .06). Knowledge was strongly associated with saliva fluoride concentration (p < .002). Conclusion: The model of health-learning capacity assisted in explaining the effect of a school-based intervention upon knowledge, toothbrushing behaviour and tentatively on COHRQoL

    H_alpha Emission from High-Velocity Clouds and their Distances

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    We present deep Halpha spectroscopy towards several high-velocity clouds (HVCs) which vary in structure from compact (CHVCs) to the Magellanic Stream. The clouds range from being bright (~640 mR) to having upper limits on the order of 30 to 70 mR. The Halpha measurements are discussed in relation to their HI properties and distance constraints are given to each of the complexes based on f_esc = 6% of the ionizing photons escaping normal to the Galactic disk (f_escs = 1 - 2% when averaged over solid angle). The results suggest that many HVCs and CHVCs are within a ~40 kpc radius from the Galaxy and are not members of the Local Group at megaparsec distances. However, the Magellanic Stream is inconsistent with this model and needs to be explained. It has bright Halpha emission and little [NII] emission and appears to fall into a different category than the currently detected HVCs. This may reflect the lower metallicities of the Magellanic Clouds compared to the Galaxy, but the strength of the Halpha emission cannot be explained solely by photoionization from the Galaxy. The interaction of the Stream with halo gas or the presence of yet unassociated young stars may assist in ionizing the Stream.Comment: ApJ accepted, see http://casa.colorado.edu/~mputman/pubs.html for the full resolution versio

    Weighing the local dark matter with RAVE red clump stars

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    We determine the Galactic potential in the solar neigbourhood from RAVE observations. We select red clump stars for which accurate distances, radial velocities, and metallicities have been measured. Combined with data from the 2MASS and UCAC catalogues, we build a sample of 4600 red clump stars within a cylinder of 500 pc radius oriented in the direction of the South Galactic Pole, in the range of 200 pc to 2000 pc distances. We deduce the vertical force and the total mass density distribution up to 2 kpc away from the Galactic plane by fitting a distribution function depending explicitly on three isolating integrals of the motion in a separable potential locally representing the Galactic one with four free parameters. Because of the deep extension of our sample, we can determine nearly independently the dark matter mass density and the baryonic disc surface mass density. We find (i) at 1kpc Kz/(2piG) = 68.5 pm 1.0 Msun/pc2, and (ii) at 2 kpc Kz/(2piG) = 96.9 pm 2.2 Msun/pc2. Assuming the solar Galactic radius at R0 = 8.5 kpc, we deduce the local dark matter density rhoDM (z=0) = 0.0143 pm 0.0011Msun pc3 = 0.542 pm 0.042 Gev/cm3 and the baryonic surface mass density Sigma = 44.4 pm 4.1 Msun/pc2 . Our results are in agreement with previously published Kz determinations up to 1 kpc, while the extension to 2 kpc shows some evidence for an unexpectedly large amount of dark matter. A flattening of the dark halo of order 0.8 can produce such a high local density in combination with a circular velocity of 240 km/s . Another explanation, allowing for a lower circular velocity, could be the presence of a secondary dark component, a very thick disc resulting either from the deposit of dark matter from the accretion of multiple small dwarf galaxies, or from the presence of an effective phantom thick disc in the context of effective galactic-scale modifications of gravity.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, accepted to Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Identification of Globular Cluster Stars in RAVE data II: Extended tidal debris around NGC 3201

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    We report the identification of extended tidal debris potentially associated with the globular cluster NGC 3201, using the RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE) catalogue. We find the debris stars are located at a distance range of 1–7 kpc based on the forthcoming RAVE distance estimates. The derived space velocities and integrals of motion show interesting connections to NGC 3201, modulo uncertainties in the proper motions. Three stars, which are among the four most likely candidates for NGC 3201 tidal debris, are separated by 80° on the sky yet are well matched by the 12 Gyr, [Fe/H] = −1.5 isochrone appropriate for the cluster. This is the first time tidal debris around this cluster has been reported over such a large spatial extent, with implications for the cluster's origin and dynamical evolution

    The disruption of nearby galaxies by the Milky Way

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    Interactions between galaxies are common and are an important factor in determining their physical properties such as position along the Hubble sequence and star-formation rate. There are many possible galaxy interaction mechanisms, including merging, ram-pressure stripping, gas compression, gravitational interaction and cluster tides. The relative importance of these mechanisms is often not clear, as their strength depends on poorly known parameters such as the density, extent and nature of the massive dark halos that surround galaxies. A nearby example of a galaxy interaction where the mechanism is controversial is that between our own Galaxy and two of its neighbours -- the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. Here we present the first results of a new HI survey which provides a spectacular view of this interaction. In addition to the previously known Magellanic Stream, which trails 100 degrees behind the Clouds, the new data reveal a counter-stream which lies in the opposite direction and leads the motion of the Clouds. This result supports the gravitational model in which leading and trailing streams are tidally torn from the body of the Magellanic Clouds.Comment: 17 pages with 5 figures in gif format, scheduled for publication in the August 20th, 1998 issue of Natur

    Spectroscopic signatures of extratidal stars around the globular clusters NGC 6656 (M 22), NGC 3201, and NGC 1851 from RAVE

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    Context. Stellar population studies of globular clusters have suggested that the brightest clusters in the Galaxy might actually be the remnant nuclei of dwarf spheroidal galaxies. If the present Galactic globular clusters formed within larger stellar systems, they are likely to be surrounded by extratidal halos and/or tails made up of stars that were tidally stripped from their parent systems. Aims. The stellar surroundings around globular clusters are therefore one of the best places to look for the remnants of an ancient dwarf galaxy. Here an attempt is made to search for tidal debris around the supernovae enriched globular clusters M? 22 and NGC 1851, as well as the kinematically unique cluster NGC 3201. Methods. The stellar parameters from the RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE) are used to identify stars with the RAVE metallicities, radial velocities, and elemental abundances that are consistent with the abundance patterns and properties of the stars in M? 22, NGC 1851, and NGC 3201. Results. Discovery of RAVE stars that may be associated with M? 22 and NGC 1851 are reported, some of which are at projected distances ∌10 degrees away from the core of these clusters. Numerous RAVE stars associated with NGC 3201 suggest that either the tidal radius of this cluster is underestimated or that there are some unbound stars extending a few arc minutes from the edge of the cluster's radius. No other extratidal stars associated with NGC 3201 could be identified. The bright magnitudes of the RAVE stars make them easy targets for high-resolution follow-up observations, eventually allowing further chemical tagging to solidify (or exclude) stars outside the tidal radius of the cluster as tidal debris. In both our radial velocity histograms of the regions surrounding NGC 1851 and NGC 3201, a peak of stars at ∌230 km? s-1 is seen, consistent with extended tidal debris from ω Centauri

    A Population of X-ray Weak Quasars: PHL 1811 Analogs at High Redshift

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    We report the results from Chandra and XMM-Newton observations of a sample of 10 type 1 quasars selected to have unusual UV emission-line properties (weak and blueshifted high-ionization lines; strong UV Fe emission) similar to those of PHL 1811, a confirmed intrinsically X-ray weak quasar. These quasars were identified by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey at high redshift (z~2.2); eight are radio quiet while two are radio intermediate. All of the radio-quiet PHL 1811 analogs are notably X-ray weak by a mean factor of ~13. These sources lack broad absorption lines and have blue UV/optical continua, suggesting they are intrinsically X-ray weak. However, their average X-ray spectrum appears to be harder than those of typical quasars, which may indicate the presence of heavy intrinsic X-ray absorption. Our radio-quiet PHL 1811 analogs support a connection between an X-ray weak spectral energy distribution and PHL 1811-like UV emission lines; this connection provides an economical way to identify X-ray weak type 1 quasars. The fraction of radio-quiet PHL 1811 analogs in the radio-quiet quasar population is estimated to be < 1.2%. We have investigated correlations between relative X-ray brightness and UV emission-line properties for a sample combining radio-quiet PHL 1811 analogs, PHL 1811, and typical type 1 quasars. These correlation analyses suggest that PHL 1811 analogs may have extreme wind-dominated broad emission-line regions. Observationally, radio-quiet PHL 1811 analogs appear to be a subset (~30%) of radio-quiet weak-line quasars. The existence of a subset of quasars in which high-ionization "shielding gas" covers most of the BELR, but little more than the BELR, could potentially unify the PHL 1811 analogs and WLQs. The two radio-intermediate PHL 1811 analogs are X-ray bright. One of them appears to have jet-dominated X-ray emission, while the nature of the other remains unclear.Comment: ApJ accepted; 25 pages, 11 figures and 8 table

    Identification of globular cluster stars in RAVE data - I. Application to stellar parameter calibration

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    We present the identification of potential members of nearby Galactic globular clusters using radial velocities from the RAdial Velocity Experiment Data Release 4 (RAVE-DR4) survey data base. Our identifications are based on three globular clusters – NGC 3201, NGC 5139 (ω Cen) and NGC 362 – all of which are shown to have ∣RV∣ > 100 km s⁻Âč. The high radial velocity of cluster members compared to the bulk of surrounding disc stars enables us to identify members using their measured radial velocities, supplemented by proper motion information and location relative to the tidal radius of each cluster. The identification of globular cluster stars in RAVE DR4 data offers a unique opportunity to test the precision and accuracy of the stellar parameters determined with the currently available Stellar Parameter Pipelines used in the survey, as globular clusters are ideal test-beds for the validation of stellar atmospheric parameters, abundances, distances and ages. For both NGC 3201 and ω Cen, there is compelling evidence for numerous members (>10) in the RAVE data base; in the case of NGC 362 the evidence is more ambiguous, and there may be significant foreground and/or background contamination in our kinematically selected sample. A comparison of the RAVE-derived stellar parameters and abundances with published values for each cluster and with BASTI isochrones for ages and metallicities from the literature reveals overall good agreement, with the exception of the apparent underestimation of surface gravities for giants, in particular for the most metal-poor stars. Moreover, if the selected members are part of the main body of each cluster our results would also suggest that the distances from Binney et al., where only isochrones more metal rich than −0.9 dex were used, are typically underestimated by ∌40 per cent with respect to the published distances for the clusters, while the distances from Zwitter et al. show stars ranging from 1 to ∌6.5 kpc – with indications of a trend towards higher distances at lower metallicities – for the three clusters analysed in this study

    Constraining the Galaxy's dark halo with RAVE stars

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    We use the kinematics of ∌200 000\sim200\,000 giant stars that lie within ∌1.5\sim 1.5 kpc of the plane to measure the vertical profile of mass density near the Sun. We find that the dark mass contained within the isodensity surface of the dark halo that passes through the Sun ((6±0.9)×1010 M⊙(6\pm0.9)\times10^{10}\,\mathrm{M_\odot}), and the surface density within 0.90.9 kpc of the plane ((69±10) M⊙ pc−2(69\pm10)\,\mathrm{M_\odot\,pc^{-2}}) are almost independent of the (oblate) halo's axis ratio qq. If the halo is spherical, 46 per cent of the radial force on the Sun is provided by baryons, and only 4.3 per cent of the Galaxy's mass is baryonic. If the halo is flattened, the baryons contribute even less strongly to the local radial force and to the Galaxy's mass. The dark-matter density at the location of the Sun is 0.0126 q−0.89 M⊙ pc−3=0.48 q−0.89 GeV cm−30.0126\,q^{-0.89}\,\mathrm{M_\odot\,pc^{-3}}=0.48\,q^{-0.89}\,\mathrm{GeV\,cm^{-3}}. When combined with other literature results we find hints for a mildly oblate dark halo with q≃0.8q \simeq 0.8. Our value for the dark mass within the solar radius is larger than that predicted by cosmological dark-matter-only simulations but in good agreement with simulations once the effects of baryonic infall are taken into account. Our mass models consist of three double-exponential discs, an oblate bulge and a Navarro-Frenk-White dark-matter halo, and we model the dynamics of the RAVE stars in the corresponding gravitational fields by finding distribution functions f(J)f(\mathbf{J}) that depend on three action integrals. Statistical errors are completely swamped by systematic uncertainties, the most important of which are the distance to the stars in the photometric and spectroscopic samples and the solar distance to the Galactic centre. Systematics other than the flattening of the dark halo yield overall uncertainties ∌15\sim 15 per cent.Comment: 20 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
