23,384 research outputs found

    International consensus (ICON) on treatment of Ménière's disease

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    Objective: To present the international consensus for recommendations for Ménière's disease (MD) treatment. Methods: Based on a literature review and report of 4 experts from 4 continents, the recommendations have been presented during the 21st IFOS congress in Paris, in June 2017 and are presented in this work. Results: The recommendation is to change the lifestyle, to use the vestibular rehabilitation in the intercritic period and to propose psychotherapy. As a conservative medical treatment of first line, the authors recommend to use diuretics and Betahistine or local pressure therapy. When medical treatment fails, the recommendation is to use a second line treatment, which consists in the intratympanic injection of steroids. Then as a third line treatment, depending on the hearing function, could be either the endolymphatic sac surgery (when hearing is worth being preserved) or the intratympanic injection of gentamicin (with higher risks of hearing loss). The very last option is the destructive surgical treatment labyrinthectomy, associated or not to cochlear implantation or vestibular nerve section (when hearing is worth being preserved), which is the most frequent option

    Gravitational hydrodynamics of large scale structure formation

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    The gravitational hydrodynamics of the primordial plasma with neutrino hot dark matter is considered as a challenge to the bottom-up cold dark matter paradigm. Viscosity and turbulence induce a top-down fragmentation scenario before and at decoupling. The first step is the creation of voids in the plasma, which expand to 37 Mpc on the average now. The remaining matter clumps turn into galaxy clusters. Turbulence produced at expanding void boundaries causes a linear morphology of 3 kpc fragmenting protogalaxies along vortex lines. At decoupling galaxies and proto-globular star clusters arise; the latter constitute the galactic dark matter halos and consist themselves of earth-mass H-He planets. Frozen planets are observed in microlensing and white-dwarf-heated ones in planetary nebulae. The approach also explains the Tully-Fisher and Faber-Jackson relations, and cosmic microwave temperature fluctuations of micro-Kelvins.Comment: 6 pages, no figure

    Matrix Quantization of Turbulence

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    Based on our recent work on Quantum Nambu Mechanics \cite{af2}, we provide an explicit quantization of the Lorenz chaotic attractor through the introduction of Non-commutative phase space coordinates as Hermitian N×N N \times N matrices in R3 R^{3}. For the volume preserving part, they satisfy the commutation relations induced by one of the two Nambu Hamiltonians, the second one generating a unique time evolution. Dissipation is incorporated quantum mechanically in a self-consistent way having the correct classical limit without the introduction of external degrees of freedom. Due to its volume phase space contraction it violates the quantum commutation relations. We demonstrate that the Heisenberg-Nambu evolution equations for the Matrix Lorenz system develop fast decoherence to N independent Lorenz attractors. On the other hand there is a weak dissipation regime, where the quantum mechanical properties of the volume preserving non-dissipative sector survive for long times.Comment: 14 pages, Based on invited talks delivered at: Fifth Aegean Summer School, "From Gravity to Thermal Gauge theories and the AdS/CFT Correspondance", September 2009, Milos, Greece; the Intern. Conference on Dynamics and Complexity, Thessaloniki, Greece, 12 July 2010; Workshop on "AdS4/CFT3 and the Holographic States of Matter", Galileo Galilei Institute, Firenze, Italy, 30 October 201

    Moessbauer Spectroscopy for Lunar Resource Assessment: Measurement of Mineralogy and Soil Maturity

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    First-order assessment of lunar soil as a resource includes measurement of its mineralogy and maturity. Soils in which the mineral ilmenite is present in high concentrations are desirable feedstock for the production of oxygen at a lunar base. The maturity of lunar soils is a measure of their relative residence time in the upper 1 mm of the lunar surface. Increasing maturity implies increasing load of solar wind species (e.g., N, H, and He-3), decreasing mean grain size, and increasing glass content. All these physicochemical properties that vary in a regular way with maturity are important parameters for assessing lunar soil as a resource. For example, He-3 can be extracted and potentially used for nuclear fusion. A commonly used index for lunar soil maturity is I(sub s)/FeO, which is the concentration of fine-grained metal determined by ferromagnetic resonance (I(sub s)) normalized to the total iron content (as FeO). I(sub s)/FeO has been measured for virtually every soil returned by the Apollo and Luna missions to the Moon. Because the technique is sensitive to both oxidation state and mineralogy, iron Moessbauer spectroscopy (FeMS) is a viable technique for in situ lunar resource assessment. Its utility for mineralogy is apparent from examination of published FeMS data for lunar samples. From the data published, it can be inferred that FeMS data can also be used to determine soil maturity. The use of FeMS to determine mineralogy and maturity and progress on development of a FeMS instrument for lunar surface use are discussed

    Constraints on Early Nucleosynthesis from the Abundance Pattern of a Damped Ly-alpha System at z = 2.626

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    We have investigated chemical evolution in the young universe by analysing the detailed chemical enrichment pattern of a metal-rich galaxy at high redshift. The recent detection of over 20 elements in the gas-phase of a damped Lyman-alpha absorber (DLA) at z = 2.626 represents an exciting new avenue for exploring early nucleosynthesis. Given a strict upper age of ~2.5 Gyr and a gas-phase metallicity about one third solar, we have shown the DLA abundance pattern to be consistent with the predictions of a chemical evolution model in which the interstellar enrichment is dominated by massive stars with a small contribution from Type Ia supernovae. Discrepancies between the empirical data and the models are used to highlight outstanding issues in nucleosynthesis theory, including a tendency for Type II supernovae models to overestimate the magnitude of the "odd-even" effect at subsolar metallicities. Our results suggest a possible need for supplemental sources of magnesium and zinc, beyond that provided by massive stars.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figs. Accepted for publication in ApJ (The Astrophysical Journal

    Electron-Nitrogen Molecule Collisions in High-Temperature Nonequilibrium Air

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    Ab initio calculation of vibrational excitation and de-excitation cross sections of N_2 by low-energy resonant electron impact have been carried out. The calculation includes initial target state in v = 0-12 and final target state in v = 0-17. The calculated cross sections are found to agree with available experimental data to within reported experimental error. Effect of target rotation has been investigated. Comparison of vibrational excitation cross sections at J = 0, 50, and 150 shows that the major effect of target rotation is to lower the resonance energy. Vibrational excitation and de-excitation rate coefficients are tabulated for electron temperatures of 1100-55,000 K. The present tabulation supersedes an earlier compilation by the Naval Research Laboratory that was derived from experimental data with a factor-of-two error. The tabulated rate coefficients are suited for flowfield modeling of aeroassisted orbital transfer vehicles

    Cross sections for excitation of the b3Σu+, a3Σg+, and c3Πu states of H2 by low-energy electrons

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    We used a multichannel extension of the Schwinger variational principle [K. Takatsuka and V. McKoy, Phys. Rev. A 24, 2473 (1981)] to study the cross sections for excitation of the X 1 Σg+→b 3Σu+, a 3Σg+, and c3Πu transitions in H2 by low-energy electrons. These cross sections were obtained with two open channels for each transition and for energies near threshold to 30 eV. The results for the b3Σu+ and a 3Σg+ states agree quite well with available experimental data. However, the cross sections for excitation of the c 3Πu state differ significantly from the measured values at the two energies, 20 and 30 eV, where data are available

    Lunar resources: Oxygen from rocks and soil

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    The first set of hydrogen reduction experiments to use actual lunar material was recently completed. The sample, 70035, is a coarse-grained vesicular basalt containing 18.46 wt. percent FeO and 12.97 wt. percent TiO2. The mineralogy includes pyroxene, ilmenite, plagioclase, and minor olivine. The sample was crushed to a grain size of less than 500 microns. The crushed basalt was reduced with hydrogen in seven tests at temperatures of 900-1050 C and pressures of 1-10 atm for 30-60 minutes. A capacitance probe, measuring the dew point of the gas stream, was used to follow reaction progress. Experiments were also conducted using a terrestrial basalt similar to some lunar mare samples. Minnesota Lunar Simulant (MLS-1) contains 13.29 wt. percent FeO, 2.96 wt. percent Fe2O3, and 6.56 wt. percent TiO2. The major minerals include plagioclase, pyroxene, olivine, ilmenite, and magnetite. The rock was ground and seived, and experiments were run on the less than 74- and 500-1168-micron fractions. Experiments were also conducted on less than 74-micron powders of olivine, pyroxene, synthetic ilmenite, and TiO2. The terrestrial rock and mineral samples were reduced with flowing hydrogen at 1100 C in a microbalance furnace, with reaction progress monitored by weight loss. Experiments were run at atmospheric pressure for durations of 3-4 hr. Solid samples from both sets of experiments were analyzed by Mossbauer spectroscopy, petrographic microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, tunneling electron microscopy, and x-ray diffraction. Apollo 17 soil 78221 was examined for evidence of natural reduction in the lunar environment. This sample was chosen based on its high maturity level (I sub s/FeO = 93.0). The FeO content is 11.68 wt. percent and the TiO2 content is 3.84 wt. percent. A polished thin section of the 90-150 micron size fraction was analyzed by petrographic microscopy and scanning electron microscopy