498 research outputs found

    Design and development of a low temperature, inductance based high frequency ac susceptometer

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    We report on the development of an induction based low temperature high frequency ac susceptometer capable of measuring at frequencies up to 3.5 MHz and at temperatures between 2 K and 300 K. Careful balancing of the detection coils and calibration have allowed a sample magnetic moment resolution of 5×10−10Am25\times10^{-10} Am^2 at 1 MHz. We will discuss the design and characterization of the susceptometer, and explain the calibration process. We also include some example measurements on the spin ice material CdEr2_2S4_4 and iron oxide based nanoparticles to illustrate functionality

    The discovery of polarization in the afterglow of GRB 990510 with the ESO Very Large Telescope

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    Following a BeppoSAX alert (Piro 1999a) and the discovery of the OT at SAAO (Vreeswijk et al. 1999a), we observed GRB 990510 with the FORS instrument on ESO's VLT Unit 1 (`Antu'). The burst is unremarkable in gamma rays, but in optical is the first one to show good evidence for jet-like outflow (Stanek et al. 1999, Harrison et al. 1999). We report the detection of significant linear polarization in the afterglow: it is (1.6 +/- 0.2)% 0.86 days after trigger, and after 1.81 days is consistent with that same value, but much more uncertain. The polarization angle is constant on a time scale of hours, and may be constant over one day. We conclude that the polarization is intrinsic to the source and due to the synchrotron nature of the emission, and discuss the random and ordered field geometries that may be responsible for it.Comment: submitted to ApJ Lett., 5 pages including 2 figures, uses emulateapj.st

    Partitioning of on-demand electron pairs

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    We demonstrate the high fidelity splitting of electron pairs emitted on demand from a dynamic quantum dot by an electronic beam splitter. The fidelity of pair splitting is inferred from the coincidence of arrival in two detector paths probed by a measurement of the partitioning noise. The emission characteristic of the on-demand electron source is tunable from electrons being partitioned equally and independently to electron pairs being split with a fidelity of 90%. For low beam splitter transmittance we further find evidence of pair bunching violating statistical expectations for independent fermions

    New High-quality Strong Lens Candidates with Deep Learning in the Kilo-Degree Survey

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    We report new high-quality galaxy scale strong lens candidates found in the Kilo Degree Survey data release 4 using Machine Learning. We have developed a new Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) classifier to search for gravitational arcs, following the prescription by \cite{2019MNRAS.484.3879P} and using only r−r-band images. We have applied the CNN to two "predictive samples": a Luminous red galaxy (LRG) and a "bright galaxy" (BG) sample (r<21r<21). We have found 286 new high probability candidates, 133 from the LRG sample and 153 from the BG sample. We have then ranked these candidates based on a value that combines the CNN likelihood to be a lens and the human score resulting from visual inspection (P-value) and we present here the highest 82 ranked candidates with P-values ≥0.5\ge 0.5. All these high-quality candidates have obvious arc or point-like features around the central red defector. Moreover, we define the best 26 objects, all with scores P-values ≥0.7\ge 0.7 as a "golden sample" of candidates. This sample is expected to contain very few false positives and thus it is suitable for follow-up observations. The new lens candidates come partially from the the more extended footprint adopted here with respect to the previous analyses, partially from a larger predictive sample (also including the BG sample). These results show that machine learning tools are very promising to find strong lenses in large surveys and more candidates that can be found by enlarging the predictive samples beyond the standard assumption of LRGs. In the future, we plan to apply our CNN to the data from next-generation surveys such as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, Euclid, and the Chinese Space Station Optical Survey.Comment: Accepted by AP

    Metastable and localized Ising magnetism in α−CoV2O6 magnetization plateaus

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    α\alpha-CoV2_{2}O6_{6} consists of jeff=12j_{\mathrm{eff}}={1 \over 2} Ising spins located on an anisotropic triangular motif with magnetization plateaus in an applied field. We combine neutron diffraction with low temperature magnetization to investigate the magnetic periodicity in the vicinity of these plateaus. We find these steps to be characterized by metastable and spatially short-range (ξ∼\xi\sim 10 A˚\r{A}) magnetic correlations with antiphase boundaries defining a local periodicity of $\langle \hat{T}^{2} \rangle =\ \uparrow \downarrowto to \langle \hat{T}^{3} \rangle =\ \uparrow \uparrow \downarrow,and, and \langle \hat{T}^{4} \rangle=\ \uparrow \uparrow \downarrow \downarrowor or \uparrow \uparrow \uparrow \downarrow$ spin arrangements. This shows the presence of spatially short range and metastable/hysteretic, commensurate magnetism in Ising magnetization steps.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    KiDS-450: enhancing cosmic shear with clipping transformations

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    We present the first ‘clipped’ cosmic shear measurement using data from the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS-450). ‘Clipping’ transformations suppress the signal from the highest density, non-linear regions of cosmological fields. We demonstrate that these transformations improve constraints on S8 = σ8(Ωm/0.3)0.5 when used in combination with conventional two-point statistics. For the KiDS-450 data, we find that the combined measurements improve the constraints on S8 by 17 per cent, compared to shear correlation functions alone. We determine the expectation value of the clipped shear correlation function using a suite of numerical simulations, and develop methodology to mitigate the impact of masking and shot noise. Future improvements in numerical simulations and mass reconstruction methodology will permit the precise calibration of clipped cosmic shear statistics such that clipping can become a standard tool in weak-lensing analyses

    LinKS:Discovering galaxy-scale strong lenses in the Kilo-Degree Survey using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    We present a new sample of galaxy-scale strong gravitational lens candidates, selected from 904 deg2 of Data Release 4 of the Kilo-Degree Survey, i.e. the `Lenses in the Kilo-Degree Survey' (LinKS) sample. We apply two convolutional neural networks (ConvNets) to {˜ }88 000 colour-magnitude-selected luminous red galaxies yielding a list of 3500 strong lens candidates. This list is further downselected via human inspection. The resulting LinKS sample is composed of 1983 rank-ordered targets classified as `potential lens candidates' by at least one inspector. Of these, a high-grade subsample of 89 targets is identified with potential strong lenses by all inspectors. Additionally, we present a collection of another 200 strong lens candidates discovered serendipitously from various previous ConvNet runs. A straightforward application of our procedure to future Euclid or Large Synoptic Survey Telescope data can select a sample of ˜3000 lens candidates with less than 10 per cent expected false positives and requiring minimal human intervention

    KiDS-1000 catalogue::Redshift distributions and their calibration

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    We present redshift distribution estimates of galaxies selected from the fourth data release of the Kilo-Degree Survey over an area of ∼1000 deg2 (KiDS-1000). These redshift distributions represent one of the crucial ingredients for weak gravitational lensing measurements with the KiDS-1000 data. The primary estimate is based on deep spectroscopic reference catalogues that are re-weighted with the help of a self-organising map (SOM) to closely resemble the KiDS-1000 sources, split into five tomographic redshift bins in the photometric redshift range 0.1 < zB ≤ 1.2. Sources are selected such that they only occupy that volume of nine-dimensional magnitude-space that is also covered by the reference samples (‘gold’ selection). Residual biases in the mean redshifts determined from this calibration are estimated from mock catalogues to be ≲0.01 for all five bins with uncertainties of ∼0.01. This primary SOM estimate of the KiDS-1000 redshift distributions is complemented with an independent clustering redshift approach. After validation of the clustering-z on the same mock catalogues and a careful assessment of systematic errors, we find no significant bias of the SOM redshift distributions with respect to the clustering-z measurements. The SOM redshift distributions re-calibrated by the clustering-z represent an alternative calibration of the redshift distributions with only slightly larger uncertainties in the mean redshifts of ∼0.01 − 0.02 to be used in KiDS-1000 cosmological weak lensing analyses. As this includes the SOM uncertainty, clustering-z are shown to be fully competitive on KiDS-1000 data

    Cosmology From Random Multifield Potentials

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    We consider the statistical properties of vacua and inflationary trajectories associated with a random multifield potential. Our underlying motivation is the string landscape, but our calculations apply to general potentials. Using random matrix theory, we analyze the Hessian matrices associated with the extrema of this potential. These potentials generically have a vast number of extrema. If the cross-couplings (off-diagonal terms) are of the same order as the self-couplings (diagonal terms) we show that essentially all extrema are saddles, and the number of minima is effectively zero. Avoiding this requires the same separation of scales needed to ensure that Newton's constant is stable against radiative corrections in a string landscape. Using the central limit theorem we find that even if the number of extrema is enormous, the typical distance between extrema is still substantial -- with challenging implications for inflationary models that depend on the existence of a complicated path inside the landscape.Comment: revtex, 3 figures, 10 pages v2 refs adde

    An accurate high-speed single-electron quantum dot pump

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    Using standard microfabrication techniques, it is now possible to construct devices that appear to reliably manipulate electrons one at a time. These devices have potential use as building blocks in quantum computing devices, or as a standard of electrical current derived only from a frequency and the fundamental charge. To date, the error rate in semiconductor 'tuneable-barrier' pump devices, those which show most promise for high-frequency operation, have not been tested in detail. We present high-accuracy measurements of the current from an etched GaAs quantum dot pump, operated at zero source-drain bias voltage with a single ac-modulated gate at 340 MHz driving the pump cycle. By comparison with a reference current derived from primary standards, we show that the electron transfer accuracy is better than 15 parts per million. High-resolution studies of the dependence of the pump current on the quantum dot tuning parameters also reveal possible deviations from a model used to describe the pumping cycle
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