17 research outputs found

    KEBIJAKAN PENYELESAIAN KONFLIK SENGKETA HAK ATAS TANAH BERBASIS NILAI KEADILAN SOSIAL (Studi Tentang Pencekalan Sertipikat oleh Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat Terhadap Tanah Warga Ampera di Kota Cirebon)

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    Pokok gagasan dalam sistem pendaftaran adalah mencatat hak-hak atas tanah, kemudian mengembalikan bukti kepemilikan atas pemberian hak atas tanahnya. Prinsip pendaftaran tanah harus mencerminkan suatu ketelitian mengenai kepemilikan dari tanah dan hak-hak pihak ketiga yang mempengaruhinya. Prinsip jaminan pendaftaran tanah adalah status hak memberikan jaminan dari ketelitian suatu daftar. Pengakuan kepemilikan tanah dikonkretkan dengan adanya sertipikat tanah. Sertipikat hak hak atas tanah berlaku sebagai alat bukti yang kuat sebagaimana ditegaskan dalam Pasal 19 ayat (2) huruf c Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria (UUPA) dan Pasal 32 ayat (1) Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 1997 tentang Pendaftaran Tanah Tahun 1993 Badan Pertanahan (BPN) Kota Cirebon menerbitkan 117 sertipikat hak milik atas tanah yang terletak di di Jalan Ampera Blok Gunungsari Kelurahan Pekiringan Kecamatan Kesambi Kota Cirebon, dengan luas sekitar 6,3 hektare. Penerbitan sertipikat didasarkan atas surat keterangan Kepala Kelurahan Pekiringan No. 04/PHAT/PKR/IX/93, No 05/PHAT/PKR/IX/93, No. 05/PHAT/PKR/IX/93, tanggal 17 September 1993. Tahun 2002 Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat (Pemprov Jabar) mempertanyakan mengenai keabsahan dari sertipikat-sertipikat tanah yang diterbitkan oleh BPN Kota Cirebon pasalnya tanah yang saat ini dimiliki pribadi oleh warga merupakan tanah negara yang telah menjadi aset Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan Socio Legal. Penelitian menggunakan kaedah hukum yaitu peraturan-peraturan tertulis yang terkait dengan Pendaftaran Tanah dan Kewenangan Pemerintah direalisasikan pada penelitian terhadap hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan penerbitan sertipikat tanah aset milik Pemerintah Provinsi. Hasil penelitian mengenai pencekalan sertipikat oleh Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat yaitu dengan memberikan alternatif penyelesaian yang dapat menimbulkan keadilan bagi pihak-pihak yang terlibat, masyarakat pada khususnya. Model penyelesaian yang dapat dilakukan yaitu model penyelesaian secara normatif, sosial dan progresif. Penyelesaian mengenai kasus pencekalan tanah milik warga Ampera ini seharusnya dapat segera dilakukan karena apabila semakin berlarut maka dapat lebih menimbulkan kerugian bagi pihak warga Ampera


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    This paper provides a specific take on the issues of the recent CAP reform impacts on the European farming. Results have been illustrated through working at micro-level (case study area), specifically focusing on the durum food supply chain in Tuscany. Traditionally, much of the past analyses and theoretical debate on policy impacts has been mainly based on quantitative approaches, used for simulating the farmers’ behaviours. By contrast, few qualitative approaches have been developed for evaluating policy impacts on farming. This paper aims to challenge such dualistic thinking by exploring both two approaches. Firstly, the likely effects of decoupling regime -introduced by the CAP reform -on land use, farm income, and labour allocation have been explored through the Positive Mathematical Programming (PMP). Then the qualitative survey, besides providing a comprehensive overview of effective impacts on food chain, allows to explore the complex range of variables which could have affected the decision making at farm level. Rather than demonstrating the coherence between the two analyses, or the diverse results, the objective is to suggest new forms of understanding and new methodological possibilities for future investigations about policy impacts on farming and supply chain dynamic

    On laser welding of thin steel sheets

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    International audienceThis paper presents a process-structure-property relationship study of laser welds as a continuous consolidation method for joining thin monophased steel foils, thereby providing a more effective, less costly method to construct automotive catalytic converters. A body centred cubic (bcc) iron-chromium-aluminium alloy doped with Mischmetal was utilised in this study. Both pulsed and continuous wave modes were used to establish the limit welding diagrams for lap joint configuration. Actual laser welding parameters were selected using several testing conditions. The laser welds behaved substantially different from the base material under creep and high temperature oxidation. The difference was mainly attributed to the changes in grain morphology, precipitation of aluminium nitrides and carbides, and relocalisation of the reactive elements during liquid metal flow upon keyhole formation, solidification and cooling

    Generator/Collector Experiments with a Single Electrode: Introduction and Application to Exploring the Oxidation Mechanism of Serotonin

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    As our understanding of the human genome increases there is an ever expanding demand for fast, sensitive and selective methods of DNA analysis. Due to the low associated production costs, and high sensitivity and selectivity of many electrochemical systems, development of these methods holds much promise. Production of a portable low-cost system suitable for DNA analysis has the potential to revolutionise modern health care. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are a common form of genomic variation. These alterations to the genetic code can cause a change in a given genes’ function and as such may increase an individuals susceptibility to a disease. Consequently it is imperative that any system of DNA analysis is able to distinguish between single changes in the base pair sequence. This review aims to build an understanding of DNAs structure and physicochemical properties, focusing on the thermodynamics and kinetics of DNA hybridisation. From this a wide overview of the current methods of electrochemical DNA sensing is provided with the discussion of both labeled and non-labeled methods. Recent work in which DNA sensing has been taken beyond single-analyte detection is also discussed

    Generator−Collector Experiments at a Single Electrode: Exploring the General Applicability of This Approach by Comparing the Performance of Surface Immobilized versus Solution Phase Sensing Molecules

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    We demonstrate proof-of-concept that generator-collector experiments can be performed at a single macroelectrode and used to determine mechanistic information. The practical advantages of such a system over conventional generator-collector techniques are also outlined. The single-electrode generator-collector technique is applied to study the known mechanism of oxygen reduction in aqueous conditions as a model system. We seek to demonstrate that the single-electrode generator-collector approach is capable of detecting local pH changes, immediately adjacent to the electrode surface during a redox reaction. Experiments are performed using a molecular pH probe attached to the electrode surface. Comparison of experimental data with numerical simulations verifies that the reduction of oxygen at pH 6.8 proceeds via a two-electron, two-proton mechanism. Experiments were also performed with a molecular pH probe dissolved in the electrolyte solution in order to explore the feasibility of this approach, which is potentially applicable to a much wider range of electrochemical systems