223 research outputs found

    Exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls and hexachlorobenzene, semen quality and testicular cancer risk

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    PURPOSE: We carried out a case-control study to investigate the possible role of occupational and environmental exposure to endocrine disruptors in the onset of testicular cancer (TC). METHODS: We evaluated 125 TC patients and 103 controls. Seminal fluid examination and organochlorine analysis were performed in all subjects. Cases and controls were also interviewed using a structured questionnaire to collect demographic information, residence, andrological medical history and dietary information. RESULTS: We found that a higher level of reproductive tract birth defects was associated with a higher risk of TC. With regard to diet, cases reported a higher consumption of milk and dairy products than controls. Overall, there was a statistically significant increase in TC risk in cases with detectable values of total polychlorinated organic compounds against controls (14.4 vs. 1.0 %; p < 0.001). TC patients with detectable levels of organochlorines had lower mean semen parameters than those with undetectable levels, although this difference was not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: The International Agency for Research on Cancer recently included dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in Group 1 of known human carcinogens. Our study confirmed and identified various risk factors for testicular cancer: cryptorchidism, consumption of milk and dairy products, parents' occupation and serum concentration of hexachlorobenzene and PCBs and, for the first time, we showed the correlation between semen quality and the serum concentration of these pollutants

    Acid-Stable Serine Proteinase Inhibitors in the Urine of Alzheimer Disease Subjects

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    A comparative study of the levels of acid-stable proteinase inhibitors (kallikrein and trypsin inhibitors) in the urine of healthy and Alzheimer subjects, of both sexes, has been performed. A preliminary characterization of the purified inhibitors indicates that the urinary antitryptic activity is accounted for by the presence of the well known Urinary Trypsin Inhibitor (UTI) while an apparently new molecule appears to be responsible for the anti kallikrein activity. The urinary levels of kallikrein inhibitors are very similar in healthy and sick subjects while the levels of trypsin inhibitors appear significatively increased in Alzheimer subjects of both sexes. The data presented here support the hypothesis that unpaired proteolytic processes could be involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease and suggest that the levels of urinary acid-stable inhibitors may prove to be useful markers of the disease

    Extracellular vesicles enhance multiple myeloma metastatic dissemination

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) represent a heterogeneous group of membranous structures shed by all kinds of cell types, which are released into the surrounding microenvironment or spread to distant sites through the circulation. Therefore, EVs are key mediators of the communication between tumor cells and the surrounding microenvironment or the distant premetastatic niche due to their ability to transport lipids, transcription factors, mRNAs, non-coding regulatory RNAs, and proteins. Multiple myeloma (MM) is a hematological neoplasm that mostly relies on the bone marrow (BM). The BM represents a highly supportive niche for myeloma establishment and diffusion during the formation of distant bone lesions typical of this disease. This review represents a survey of the most recent evidence published on the role played by EVs in supporting MM cells during the multiple steps of metastasis, including travel and uptake at distant premetastatic niches, MM cell engraftment as micrometastasis, and expansion to macrometastasis thanks to EV-induced angiogenesis, release of angiocrine factors, activation of osteolytic activity, and mesenchymal cell support. Finally, we illustrate the first evidence concerning the dual effect of MM-EVs in promoting both anti-tumor immunity and MM immune escape, and the possible modulation operated by pharmacological treatments

    A CTNNA3 compound heterozygous deletion implicates a role for \u3b1T-catenin in susceptibility to autism spectrum disorder.

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a highly heritable, neurodevelopmental condition showing extreme genetic heterogeneity. While it is well established that rare genetic variation, both de novo and inherited, plays an important role in ASD risk, recent studies also support a rare recessive contribution. METHODS: We identified a compound heterozygous deletion intersecting the CTNNA3 gene, encoding \u3b1T-catenin, in a proband with ASD and moderate intellectual disability. The deletion breakpoints were mapped at base-pair resolution, and segregation analysis was performed. We compared the frequency of CTNNA3 exonic deletions in 2,147 ASD cases from the Autism Genome Project (AGP) study versus the frequency in 6,639 controls. Western blot analysis was performed to get a quantitative characterisation of Ctnna3 expression during early brain development in mouse. RESULTS: The CTNNA3 compound heterozygous deletion includes a coding exon, leading to a putative frameshift and premature stop codon. Segregation analysis in the family showed that the unaffected sister is heterozygote for the deletion, having only inherited the paternal deletion. While the frequency of CTNNA3 exonic deletions is not significantly different between ASD cases and controls, no homozygous or compound heterozygous exonic deletions were found in a sample of over 6,000 controls. Expression analysis of Ctnna3 in the mouse cortex and hippocampus (P0-P90) provided support for its role in the early stage of brain development. CONCLUSION: The finding of a rare compound heterozygous CTNNA3 exonic deletion segregating with ASD, the absence of CTNNA3 homozygous exonic deletions in controls and the high expression of Ctnna3 in both brain areas analysed implicate CTNNA3 in ASD susceptibility

    Re-establishing apoptosis competence in bone associated cancers via communicative reprogramming induced through notch signaling inhibition

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    Notch and its ligands on adjacent cells are key mediators of cellular communication during developmental choice in embryonic and adult tissues. This communication is frequently altered in the pathological interaction between cancer cells and healthy cells of the microenvironment due to the aberrant expression of tumor derived Notch receptors or ligands, that results in homotypic or heterotypic Notch signaling activation in tumor cells or surrounding stromal cells. A deadly consequence of this pathological communication is pharmacological resistance that results in patient\u2019s relapse. We will provide a survey of the role of Notch signaling in the bone marrow (BM), a microenvironment with a very high capacity to support several types of cancer, including primary cancers such as osteosarcoma or multiple myeloma and bone metastases from carcinomas. Moreover, in the BM niche several hematological malignancies maintain a reservoir of cancer stem cells, characterized by higher intrinsic drug resistance. Cell\u2013cell communication in BM-tumor interaction triggers signaling pathways by direct contact and paracrine communication through soluble growth factors or extracellular vesicles, which can deliver specific molecules such as mRNAs, miRNAs, proteins, metabolites, etc. enabling tumor cells to reprogram the healthy cells of the microenvironment inducing them to support tumor growth. In this review we will explore how the dysregulated Notch activity contributes to tumor-mediated reprogramming of the BM niche and drug resistance, strengthening the rationale of a Notch-directed therapy to re-establish apoptosis competence in cancer

    The intellectual disability protein RAB39B selectively regulates GluA2 trafficking to determine synaptic AMPAR composition

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    RAB39B is a member of the RAB family of small GTPases that controls intracellular vesicular trafficking in a compartment-specific manner. Mutations in the RAB39B gene cause intellectual disability comorbid with autism spectrum disorder and epilepsy, but the impact of RAB39B loss of function on synaptic activity is largely unexplained. Here we show that protein interacting with C-kinase 1 (PICK1) is a downstream effector of GTP-bound RAB39B and that RAB39B-PICK1 controls trafficking from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi and, hence, surface expression of GluA2, a subunit of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid receptors (AMPARs). The role of AMPARs in synaptic transmission varies depending on the combination of subunits (GluA1, GluA2 and GluA3) they incorporate. RAB39B downregulation in mouse hippocampal neurons skews AMPAR composition towards non GluA2-containing Ca(2+)-permeable forms and thereby alters synaptic activity, specifically in hippocampal neurons. We posit that the resulting alteration in synaptic function underlies cognitive dysfunction in RAB39B-related disorders
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