24 research outputs found

    Acceleration of Autoimmunity by Organochlorine Pesticides in (NZB × NZW)F(1) Mice

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disorder that affects women more frequently than men. In the (NZB × NZW)F(1) mouse, a murine SLE model, the presence or absence of estrogen markedly influences the rate of progression of disease. Three organochlorine pesticides with estrogenic effects were administered chronically to ovariectomized female (NZB × NZW)F(1) mice, and we measured the time to development of renal disease, the principal clinical manifestation of lupus in this model. Treatment with chlordecone, methoxychlor, or o,p′-dichlorodiphenyl-trichloroethane (o,p′-DDT) significantly decreased the time to onset of renal impairment, as did treatment with 17β-estradiol used as a positive control. In an expanded study of chlordecone, we found a dose-related early appearance of elevated anti–double-strand DNA autoantibody titers that corresponded with subsequent development of glomerulonephritis. Immunohistofluorescence confirmed early deposition of immune complexes in kidneys of mice treated with chlordecone. These observations are consistent with an effect of these organochlorine pesticides to accelerate the natural course of SLE in the (NZB × NZW)F(1) mouse. Although we originally hypothesized that the effect on progression of autoimmunity was due to estrogenic properties of the pesticides, autoimmune effects and estrogenicity, assessed through measurement of uterine hypertrophy, were not well correlated. This may indicate that uterine hypertrophy is a poor indicator of comparative estrogenic effects of organochlorine pesticides on the immune system, or that the pesticides are influencing autoimmunity through a mode of action unrelated to their estrogenicity

    Preparation and properties of copper-oil-based nanofluids

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    In this study, the lipophilic Cu nanoparticles were synthesized by surface modification method to improve their dispersion stability in hydrophobic organic media. The oil-based nanofluids were prepared with the lipophilic Cu nanoparticles. The transport properties, viscosity, and thermal conductivity of the nanofluids have been measured. The viscosities and thermal conductivities of the nanofluids with the surface-modified nanoparticles have higher values than the base fluids do. The composition has more significant effects on the thermal conductivity than on the viscosity. It is valuable to prepare an appropriate oil-based nanofluid for enhancing the heat-transfer capacity of a hydrophobic system. The effects of adding Cu nanoparticles on the thermal oxidation stability of the fluids were investigated by measuring the hydroperoxide concentration in the Cu/kerosene nanofluids. The hydroperoxide concentrations are observed to be clearly lower in the Cu nanofluids than in their base fluids. Appropriate amounts of metal nanoparticles added in a hydrocarbon fuel can enhance the thermal oxidation stability

    Aversive tension in female adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa: a controlled ecological momentary assessment using smartphones

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    BACKGROUND: Current models of Anorexia Nervosa (AN) emphasize the role of emotion regulation. Aversive tension, described as a state of intense arousal and negative valence, is considered to be a link between emotional events and disordered eating. Recent research focused only on adult patients, and mainly general emotion regulation traits were studied. However, the momentary occurrence of aversive tension, particularly in adolescents with AN, has not been previously studied. METHOD: 20 female adolescents with AN in outpatient treatment and 20 healthy adolescents aged 12 to 19years participated in an ecological momentary assessment using their smartphones. Current states of aversive tension and events were assessed hourly for two consecutive weekdays. Mean and maximum values of aversive tension were compared. Multilevel analyses were computed to test the influence of time and reported events on aversive tension. The effect of reported events on subsequent changes of aversive tension in patients with AN were additionally tested in a multilevel model. RESULTS: AN patients showed higher mean and maximum levels of aversive tension. In a multilevel model, reported food intake was associated with higher levels of aversive tension in the AN group, whereas reported school or sport-related events were not linked to specific states of aversive tension. After food intake, subsequent increases of aversive tension were diminished and decreases of aversive tension were induced in adolescents with AN. CONCLUSIONS: Aversive tension may play a substantial role in the psychopathology of AN, particular in relation with food intake. Therefore, treatment should consider aversive tension as a possible intervening variable during refeeding. Our findings encourage further research on aversive tension and its link to disordered eating. TRIAL REGISTRATION: German register of clinical trials (DRKS): DRKS00005228 (Date of registration: September 2, 2013)

    Programa Embu Enxergando Melhor: uma proposta de atenção integral à saúde ocular em pré-escolares Embu Seeing Better: a complete eye health program proposal for preschool children

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    OBJETIVO: A visão desempenha um papel preponderante no desenvolvimento global da criança. A detecção e o tratamento precoce de problemas visuais são fundamentais para impedir a instalação de seqüelas sensório-motoras irreversíveis. Este estudo visou descrever um programa de atenção integral à saúde ocular de crianças, constituído por ações educativas, de prevenção, de assistência e de reabilitação. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo transversal, no qual se utilizaram dados do treinamento dos professores, da triagem visual realizada na escola e do exame oftalmológico e ortóptico de 23.374 crianças, de cinco a sete anos de idade, matriculadas na rede municipal de educação infantil do município do Embu, no período de 1994 a 2002. RESULTADOS: Foram capacitados 600 professores e testados 22.118 (95%) pré-escolares. Destes, 4.553 (21%) precisavam de exame oftalmológico e, deles, 3.016 (66%) compareceram à consulta. Dos examinados, 1.389 (46%) receberam prescrição óptica, 477 (16%), foram encaminhadas para tratamento ortóptico e 1.601 (53%) receberam alta. CONCLUSÕES: A triagem visual é uma prática eficiente para promover a saúde ocular de pré-escolares, na qual o professor é o elemento chave. Para o êxito destas ações, é fundamental estruturar práticas educativas e de promoção da saúde ocular destinadas às crianças, às famílias e à sociedade.<br>OBJECTIVE: Early detection and prompt treatment of ocular disorders in children are important to avoid lifelong visual impairment. This study aimed to describe a comprehensive eye health care program for preschool children. METHODS: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out focusing eye health conditions of 23,374 children, between five and seven years old, of the public preschool system of Embu, a municipality of Sao Paulo, Brazil, from 1994 to 2002. Data were obtained from preschool vision screening programs performed by teachers and from ocular assessments of all children referred to ophatalmologic and orthoptic evaluation. RESULTS: 600 preschool teachers qualified for eye problems screening tested 22,118 (95%) preschool children out of 23,374 that attended the school during the study period. Among them, 4,553 (21%) needed an ophthalmologic exam and 3,016 (66%) were examined by the ophthalmologist. Of those examined, 1,389 (46%) neceived spectacles, 477 (16.8%) were referred to orthoptic care and 1,601 (53%) were discharged. CONCLUSIONS: Visual screening programs are successful for promoting eye health. Teachers, if appropriately trained, are helpful eye care partners. For effective preventive pediatric eye care, it is necessary to promote eye health education programs

    Mortalidade materna por eclâmpsia Eclampsia as a cause of maternal mortality

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    OBJETIVO: analisar fatores associados à mortalidade materna causada por eclâmpsia. MÉTODOS: estudo de coorte retrospectivo revisando-se prontuários médicos dos partos assistidos no Conjunto Hospitalar de Sorocaba (janeiro/1995 a dezembro/2005). Variáveis pesquisadas: ano do parto, características sócio-demográficas maternas, antecedentes familiares, pessoais e obstétricos, características da gestação, parto, puerpério, atendimento realizado, evolução e condições de alta. A análise estatística incluiu teste exato de Fisher, correlação de Pearson, e regressão múltipla de Poisson. RESULTADOS: registraram-se 35.973 partos, 179 casos de eclâmpsia, 52 com sérias complicações, 23 com maior permanência no tratamento intensivo e 8 evoluíram para óbito. A proporção de eclâmpsia decresceu no período (0,90% para 0,37%; r= - 0,746; p=0,008), mas mantendo a proporção de casos com sérias complicações (0,25% para 0,17%, r= - 0,45; p=0,162). A proporção de óbitos foi maior entre pacientes não brancas (RR=9,10; IC95%=1,83-45,23; p=0,007) e menor entre as tratadas com sulfato de magnésio (RR=0,08; IC95%=0,02-0,35; p= 0,001). CONCLUSÕES: reduziu-se a proporção de eclâmpsia entre os partos assistidos no Conjunto Hospitalar de Sorocaba, porém, a eclâmpsia continua sendo importante causa de óbito materno na região. Este estudo revela que é fundamental o aperfeiçoamento das medidas de diagnóstico precoce e tratamento da pré-eclâmpsia e eclâmpsia pela rede de atenção à saúde.<br>OBJECTIVE: to assess the factors associated with maternal mortality resulting from eclampsia. METHODS: a retrospective cohort study reviewing the medical records of deliveries carried out at the Sorocaba Hospital Compound (between January 1995 and December 2005). The variables included were: year of delivery, social and demographic characteristics of mother, personal, family and obstetric history, characteristics of the pregnancy, delivery and puer-perium, the kind care given, the evolution of the case, and the conditions for release from hospital. The statistical analysis involved the use of Fisher 's exact test, the Pearson correlation and Poisson 's multiple regression. RESULTS: 35 973 deliveries were registered, 179 of which involved cases of eclampsia, 52 of them with serious complications, twenty-three resulting in a longer stay in intensive care and eight in death. The incidence of eclampsia decreased over the period (from 0.90% to 0.37%; r= -0.746;p= 0.008), although the proportion of cases with serious complications remained unchanged (0.25% compared with 0.17%, r= - 0.45; p=0.162). The proportion of patients who died was larger among non-white patients (RR=9.10; CI95%= 1.83-45.23; p= 0.007) and lower among those treated with magnesium sulfate (RR=0.08; CI95%= 0.02-0.35; p= 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: the incidence of eclampsia among deliveries performed at the Sorocaba Hospital Compound decreased, although the disease still represents a significant cause of maternal death in the region. This study shows that it is essential that early diagnostic measures and treatment of preeclampsia and eclampsia be perfected by the health care system