214 research outputs found

    Introduction to the Special Issue Containing the Papers Presented at the 4th IWL (November, 23-26, 2015)

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    Established in 2009, the Italian Workshop on Landslides is becoming a traditional meeting for scientists from different countries who want to discuss the most recent findings about landslide research. Every time, the workshop involves experts from different disciplines, such as geotechnical engineering, hydrology, geology, structural engineering, hydraulics, and is organized in such a way to leave ample space for open and lively discussions. In this respect, the Fourth Workshop was not an exception. Indeed, to favor focused discussions and interactions, it was structured in three topical sessions: Interaction between Slope Movements and Man-Made Works; Precipitation-Induced Landslides: Long-Term Predisposing Factors and Short-Term Triggers; Landslide Research: Modern Topics and Procedures (this session was reserved to young scientists). The great number of participants, giving presentations of high scientific level, covered three entire days. This book of proceedings collects a great number of the presented results, providing an overview of the various aspects of landslide research that were discussed in the workshop

    Two Applications of Soil Water Balance in Unsaturated Pyroclastic Soils

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    Abstract Evaluation of the monthly soil water balance (SWB) provides a tool for understanding and predicting the effects of seasonal and long-term changes in soil water conditions within many geotechnical problems. In this paper, two applications of the SWB approach in the pyroclastic partially saturated soils are shown. Firstly, rainfall, evapotranspiration, water storage measured or estimated at the experimental site in Monteforte Irpino (in Southern Italy) are shown. Secondly, rainfall, infiltration, actual evapotranspiration and water storage measured by data provided by a physical model are shown. In the both cases, data are reported over two years (2010-2012). The physical model was constituted by a wooden tank filled with reconstituted silty pyroclastic soil taken from experimental site at Monteforte Irpino (AV) and it was exposed to the atmosphere at a site in Napoli. Comparison between soil hydraulic behaviours observed is discussed and the scale effects on the estimation of the SWB are analysed, treating with practical implications. From the results, it is clear that similar trends in SWB and the same value of suction over wet season (10 kPa) can be observed at both the scales in spite of differences in meteorological conditions and hydraulic properties of soils exposed to atmosphere


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    Numerosi studi svolti sull’innesco delle colate di fango nei terreni piroclastici non saturi hanno messo in evidenza il ruolo dello stato di umidità iniziale del terreno prima dell’evento di pioggia innescante. Le grandezze (contenuto di acqua e suzione) che consentirebbero di definire lo stato iniziale non vengono usualmente misurate, ma possono essere ragionevolmente riprodotte in funzione delle piogge che precedono l’evento critico, indipendentemente dalla condizione ipotizzata alla partenza del calcolo. Ciò è vero se l’intervallo di tempo sul quale è svolta l’analisi è sufficientemente lungo da consentire il raggiungimento della condizione idraulica di equilibrio con le condizioni al contorno imposte, seppur variabili nel tempo. Lo studio è basato su un’analisi a ritroso della frana di Pozzano, frazione di Castellammare di Stabia (Na), avvenuta il 10/01/97, svolta con un approccio disaccoppiato e con l’ausilio dei codici di calcolo SEEP/W e SLOPE/W, che consentono di investigare rispettivamente la risposta idraulica del pendio al variare delle condizioni idrauliche al contorno e la stabilità globale del pendio stesso. Nota la stratigrafia della sezione, le caratteristiche idrauliche e meccaniche dei terreni in esame (ottenute da una campagna di indagine condotta sul territorio dei Monti Lattari), sono stati eseguiti due gruppi di analisi per modellare la risposta del pendio soggetto a piogge di diversa durata e a diverse condizioni di partenza del calcolo. Le serie di pioggia applicate sono state registrate alla vicina stazione pluviometrica di Castellammare di Stabia e culminano con l’evento critico che innescò la frana. Dall’analisi dei risultati si evince che lo stato di equilibrio idraulico nel pendio viene raggiunto nell’arco di pochi mesi precedenti l’evento. Questo risultato consente di determinare l’intervallo temporale a cui estendere lo studio per ricavare lo stato del sottosuolo


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    I sistemi di early warning per la previsione delle colate rapide sono attualmente basati su soglie empiriche definite in termini di intensità e durata della pioggia, riconosciuta come il fattore innescante. Tuttavia la risposta idraulica del pendio non dipende solo dalle caratteristiche della precipitazione, ma anche dalle condizioni idrauliche nel sottosuolo prima dell’evento critico e da fattori geomorfologici locali. Lo scopo del presente lavoro consiste nello stabilire una soglia di contenuto d’acqua nel sottosuolo, (water storage, WS) oltre la quale il pendio si trova in condizioni che predispongono l’innesco di possibili colate rapide. Le simulazioni numeriche volte a riprodurre la frana avvenuta a Pozzano il 10/01/1997 mediante un modello idro-meccanico disaccoppiato hanno permesso di identificare il valore di contenuto d’acqua che predispone l’innesco nel contesto geologico e geotecnico dei Monti Lattari in Regione Campania

    Review on Types of Root Failures in Shallow Landslides

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    Nowadays the interest of geotechnical engineers for green solutions is being developed and the use of vegetation as a reinforcement to improve slope stability is growing. The sliding surface of shallow landslides tends to not exceed 1.5–2 m depth, and as a consequence it can be crossed by roots that, in this case, work as a stabilizing measure. Therefore, the study of the soil-roots interaction is necessary to quantify the contribution of vegetation to the stability of shallow landslides. The goal of this paper is to provide an overview of the root failure mechanisms that can occur along the sliding surface and of the forces applied by roots, in order to evaluate the safety factor of a reinforced slope. Several prevailing stress states occur along a shallow landslide failure surface: tension stress at the slide crest, shear stresses along the base of the unstable soil layer and passive earth pressures at the slope toe. Some considerations are also made regarding acceptable simplifications, in terms of root geometry and soil-root friction strength, that are currently assumed in the literature

    Calibration of TDR probes for water content measurements in partially saturated pyroclastic slope

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    Monitoring of water content in partially saturated slopes prone to landslide could be essential for the good functioning of an early warning system. In this regard, Campania region in Southern Italy is an area with an extensive record of rainfall-induced landslides. In Western Campania, slopes consist of pyroclastic soil cover in partially saturated conditions resting on limestone. Time-domain reflectometry (TDR) allows monitoring of the soil dielectric constant, which is related to the volumetric water content. Topp et al. (1980) proposed the most popular relation between these two parameters but it does not provide satisfactory results when applied to volcanic soils. Therefore, when dealing with pyroclastic soil, ad hoc calibration is required. Here, the calibration of TDR probes in undisturbed pyroclastic soil samples collected at the Mount Faito test site (Campania, Italy) is shown and the proper relation between volumetric water content and dielectric constant is proposed. Lastly, these calibration curves are compared to those found for other pyroclastic soils belonged to different geologic contexts in Campania

    Effect of partial saturation on the stability of shallow foundations above the water table

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    Granular ‘cohesionless’ soils above the water table are partially saturated but are commonly assumed to be dry in geotechnical practice. Accordingly, ‘drained’ shear strength is calculated by replacing the ‘saturated’ effective stress with the total stress. The ‘dry soil’ assumption neglects the effect t of suction on shear strength and, as a result, geo-structures are over designed. To investigate the implications of this assumption, this paper presents an approach to calculate the bearing capacity of shallow foundations above the water table taking into account the effects of partial saturation. This approach is based on the upper bound theorem of plasticity. The bearing capacity of a strip foundation in granular soils is calculated and the solution obtained by taking into account the effects of partial saturation is compared with the solution obtained from the classical ‘dry’ approach

    Performance of Ground Anchors Built in a Flysch Deposit

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    AbstractThe ultimate pull-out tensile load of ground anchors is strongly dependent onsoil nature,grout injection and effective stress state around the bulb. In this paper, the comparison between the results of conventional pull-out testson instrumented anchors built in a flysch formation and those of small scale pull-out tests performed in the laboratory,on undisturbed soil samples recovered at the depth of the anchor bulb,allowed to closely examine the skin friction that can be mobilizedin undrained conditionsat the soil-structure interface. The experiments highlight a strong scale effect, probably depending on the real size androughness ofthe lateral surface of the bulb. In fact, theirregular bulb profiledue to flysch features strongly contributes to the pull-outstrength


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    La nota presenta lo sviluppo e la calibrazione di un sistema innovativo per la misura del contenuto d’acqua in terreni parzialmente saturi, basato sulla spettroscopia d’impedenza. Tale tecnica, relativamente recente e poco comune in applicazioni geotecniche, permette di caratterizzare un campione di terreno a partire dalle sue proprietà elettriche, determinate applicando una tensione alternata e misurando l’intensità di corrente nel campione per valori di frequenza compresi nell’intervallo [500 Hz - 50 kHz]. L’impedenza del mezzo, dovuta sia alla resistenza opposta al passaggio di corrente sia alla reattanza, ovvero alla capacità di immagazzinare e cedere energia, dipende dal contenuto d’acqua del campione di terreno. La sperimentazione di laboratorio discussa in questa nota è volta a costruire una funzione di calibrazione del sistema di misura. I risultati preliminari mostrano un adeguato grado di ripetibilità delle misure e suggeriscono l’esistenza di una correlazione monotona tra il modulo dell’impedenza e il contenuto d’acqua gravimetrico
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