83 research outputs found

    Barkhausen noise in soft amorphous magnetic materials under applied stress

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    We report experimental measurements of Barkhausen noise on Fe_{64}Co_{21}B_{15} amorphous alloy under tensile stress. We interpret the scaling behavior of the noise distributions in terms of the depinning transition of the domain walls. We show that stress induced anisotropy enhance the effect of short-range elastic interactions that dominate over long-range dipolar interactions. The universality class is thus different from the one usually observed in Barkhausen noise measurements and is characterized by the exponents \tau = 1.3 and \alpha = 1.5, for the decay of the distributions of jump sizes and durations.Comment: 6 pages, 3 .eps figures. Submitted to the 43rd Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference (J. Appl. Phys.

    Hysteresis and noise in ferromagnetic materials with parallel domain walls

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    We investigate dynamic hysteresis and Barkhausen noise in ferromagnetic materials with a huge number of parallel and rigid Bloch domain walls. Considering a disordered ferromagnetic system with strong in-plane uniaxial anisotropy and in-plane magnetization driven by an external magnetic field, we calculate the equations of motion for a set of coupled domain walls, considering the effects of the long-range dipolar interactions and disorder. We derive analytically an expression for the magnetic susceptivity, related to the effective demagnetizing factor, and show that it has a logarithmic dependence on the number of domains. Next, we simulate the equations of motion and study the effect of the external field frequency and the disorder on the hysteresis and noise properties. The dynamic hysteresis is very well explained by means of the loss separation theory.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Universality classes and crossover scaling of Barkhausen noise in thin films

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    We study the dynamics of head-to-head domain walls separating in-plane domains in a disordered ferromagnetic thin film. The competition between the domain wall surface tension and dipolar interactions induces a crossover between a rough domain wall phase at short length-scales and a large-scale phase where the walls display a zigzag morphology. The two phases are characterized by different critical exponents for Barkhausen avalanche dynamics that are in quantitative agreement with experimental measurements on MnAs thin films.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    The role of stationarity in magnetic crackling noise

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    We discuss the effect of the stationarity on the avalanche statistics of Barkhuasen noise signals. We perform experimental measurements on a Fe85_{85}B15_{15} amorphous ribbon and compare the avalanche distributions measured around the coercive field, where the signal is stationary, with those sampled through the entire hysteresis loop. In the first case, we recover the scaling exponents commonly observed in other amorphous materials (τ=1.3\tau=1.3, α=1.5\alpha=1.5). while in the second the exponents are significantly larger (τ=1.7\tau=1.7, α=2.2\alpha=2.2). We provide a quantitative explanation of the experimental results through a model for the depinning of a ferromagnetic domain wall. The present analysis shed light on the unusually high values for the Barkhausen noise exponents measured by Spasojevic et al. [Phys. Rev. E 54 2531 (1996)].Comment: submitted to JSTAT. 11 pages 5 figure

    The effect of disorder on transverse domain wall dynamics in magnetic nanostrips

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    We study the effect of disorder on the dynamics of a transverse domain wall in ferromagnetic nanostrips, driven either by magnetic fields or spin-polarized currents, by performing a large ensemble of GPU-accelerated micromagnetic simulations. Disorder is modeled by including small, randomly distributed non-magnetic voids in the system. Studying the domain wall velocity as a function of the applied field and current density reveals fundamental differences in the domain wall dynamics induced by these two modes of driving: For the field-driven case, we identify two different domain wall pinning mechanisms, operating below and above the Walker breakdown, respectively, whereas for the current-driven case pinning is absent above the Walker breakdown. Increasing the disorder strength induces a larger Walker breakdown field and current, and leads to decreased and increased domain wall velocities at the breakdown field and current, respectively. Furthermore, for adiabatic spin transfer torque, the intrinsic pinning mechanism is found to be suppressed by disorder. We explain these findings within the one-dimensional model in terms of an effective damping parameter α\alpha^* increasing with the disorder strength.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Loss separation for dynamic hysteresis in magnetic thin films

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    We develop a theory for dynamic hysteresis in ferromagnetic thin films, on the basis of the phenomenological principle of loss separation. We observe that, remarkably, the theory of loss separation, originally derived for bulk metallic materials, is applicable to disordered magnetic systems under fairly general conditions regardless of the particular damping mechanism. We confirm our theory both by numerical simulations of a driven random--field Ising model, and by re--examining several experimental data reported in the literature on dynamic hysteresis in thin films. All the experiments examined and the simulations find a natural interpretation in terms of loss separation. The power losses dependence on the driving field rate predicted by our theory fits satisfactorily all the data in the entire frequency range, thus reconciling the apparent lack of universality observed in different materials.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Collective Coordinate Descriptions of Magnetic Domain Wall Motion in Perpendicularly Magnetized Nanostructures under the Application of In-plane Fields

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    Manipulation of magnetic domain walls can be used to improve the capabilities of the next generation of memory and sensing devices. Materials of recent interest for such devices include heterostructures of ultrathin ferromagnets sandwiched between a heavy metal and an oxide, where spin-orbit coupling and broken inversion symmetry give rise to the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI), stabilizing chiral domain walls. The efficiency of the motion of these chiral domain walls may be controlled using in-plane magnetic fields. This property has been used for measurement of DMI strength. While micromagnetic simulations are able to accurately predict domain wall motion under in-plane fields in these materials, collective coordinate models such as the qϕq-\phi and qϕχq-\phi-\chi models fail to reproduce the micromagnetic results. In this theoretical work, we present a set of extended collective coordinate models including canting in the domains, which better reproduce micromagnetic results, and helps us better understand the effect of in-plane fields on magnetic domain walls. These models are used in conjunction with micromagnetic simulations to identify critical points observed in the motion of the domain walls driven by out-of-plane magnetic fields, and electric current under magnetic in-plane fields. Our new models and results help in the development of future domain wall based devices based on perpendicularly magnetized materials

    Collective coordinate descriptions of magnetic domain wall motion in perpendicularly magnetized nanostructures under the application of in-plane fields

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    Manipulation of magnetic domain walls in nanostructures can be used to improve the capabilities of the next generation of memory and sensing devices. Materials of interest for such devices include heterostructures of ultrathin ferromagnets sandwiched between a heavy metal and an oxide, where spin-orbit coupling and broken inversion symmetry give rise to the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI), stabilizing chiral domain walls. The efficiency of the motion of these chiral domain walls may be controlled using in-plane magnetic fields. This property has been used both for measurement of DMI strength, and for improved performance in applications. While micromagnetic simulations are able to accurately predict domain wall motion under in-plane fields in these materials, collective coordinate models such as the q-phi and q-phi-chi models fail to reproduce the micromagnetic results. In this theoretical work, we present a set of extended collective coordinate models including canting in the domains, which better reproduce micromagnetic results, and improve our understanding of the effect of in-plane fields on magnetic domain walls. These models are used in conjunction with micromagnetic simulations to develop simpler descriptions of DW motion under specific conditions. Our new models and results help in the development of future domain wall based devices based on perpendicularly magnetized materials.Comisión Europea (P7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN 608031) Gobierno de España (MAT2014-52477-C5-4-P, MAT2017-87072-C4-1-P) Junta de Castilla y Leon (SA090U16, SA282U14

    Domain wall statics and dynamics in nanowires with arbitrary Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya tensors

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    The influence of different Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) tensor components on the static and dynamic properties of domain walls (DWs) in magnetic nanowires is investigated using one dimensional collective coordinates models and micromagnetic simulations. It is shown how the different contributions of the DMI can be compactly treated by separating the symmetric traceless, antisymmetric and diagonal components of the DMI tensor. First, we investigate the effect of all different DMI components on the static DW tilting in the presence and absence of in plane (IP) fields. We discuss the possibilities and limitations of this measurement approach for arbitrary DMI tensors. Secondly, the interplay of different DMI tensor components and their effect on the field driven dynamics of the DWs are studied and reveal a non-trivial effect of the Walker breakdown field of the material. It is shown how DMI tensors combining diagonal and off-diagonal elements can lead to a non-linear enhancement of the Walker field, in contrast with the linear enhancement obtainable in the usual cases (interface DMI or bulk DMI)