22 research outputs found

    A survey of the main technology, biochemical and microbiological features influencing the concentration of biogenic amines of twenty Apulian and Sicilian (Southern Italy) cheeses

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    Abstract Twenty Apulian and Sicilian cheeses were analysed for their concentrations of eight biogenic amines (BAs), free amino acids, pH, water activity, and subjected to microbiological characterisation. In addition, lactic acid bacteria isolated from cheeses were assayed for their capacity to generate BAs. Principal component analysis was performed to find the effect of different parameters on the distribution of the cheeses. Although short-ripened (≤30 d) cheeses did not show significant BA concentrations, the only BA showing high positive correlation with time of ripening was histamine. Concentration of histidine and, especially, percentage of histidine-decarboxylase bacteria presumably affected histamine concentration. High pH values were negatively correlated to the concentration of tyramine, putrescine, and cadaverine. Fifty percent of the cheeses contained at least one BA at potentially toxic concentrations. Unambiguous and ever-valid relations among parameters and BAs are difficult to determine, because BAs are the result of combined and varied factors

    Electrical activity-triggered glucagon-like peptide-1 secretion from primary murine L-cells

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    Glucagon like peptide 1 (GLP-1) based therapies are now widely used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Developing our understanding of intestinal GLP-1 release may facilitate the development of new therapeutics aimed at targeting the GLP-1 producing L-cells. This study was undertaken to characterise the electrical activity of primary L-cells and the importance of voltage gated sodium and calcium channels for GLP-1 secretion. Primary murine L-cells were identified and purified using transgenic mice expressing a fluorescent protein driven by the proglucagon promoter. Fluorescent L-cells were identified within primary colonic cultures for patch clamp recordings. GLP-1 secretion was measured from primary colonic cultures. L-cells purified by flow cytometry were used to measure gene expression by microarray and quantitative RT-PCR. Electrical activity in L-cells was due to large voltage gated sodium currents, inhibition of which by tetrodotoxin reduced both basal and glutamine-stimulated GLP-1 secretion. Voltage gated calcium channels were predominantly of the L-type, Q-type and T-type, by expression analysis, consistent with the finding that GLP-1 release was blocked both by nifedipine and ω-conotoxin MVIIC. We observed large voltage-dependent potassium currents, but only a small chromanol sensitive current that might be attributable to KCNQ1. GLP-1 release from primary L-cells is linked to electrical activity and activation of L-type and Q-type calcium currents. The concept of an electrically excitable L-cell provides a basis for understanding how GLP-1 release may be modulated by nutrient, hormonal and pharmaceutical stimuli

    Distinct Potentiation of L-Type Currents and Secretion by cAMP in Rat Chromaffin Cells

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    We have investigated the potentiating action of cAMP on L-currents of rat chromaffin cells and the corresponding increase of Ca(2+)-evoked secretory responses with the aim of separating the action of cAMP on Ca(2+) entry through L-channels and the downstream effects of cAMP/protein kinase A (PKA) on exocytosis. In ω-toxin-treated rat chromaffin cells, exposure to the permeable cAMP analog 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)-adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate (pCPT-cAMP; 1 mM, 30 min) caused a moderate increase of Ca(2+) charge carried through L-channels (19% in 10 mM Ca(2+) at +10 mV) and a drastic potentiation of secretion (∼100%), measured as membrane capacitance increments (ΔC). The apparent Ca(2+) dependency of exocytosis increased with pCPT-cAMP and was accompanied by 83% enhancement of the readily releasable pool of vesicles with no significant change of the probability of release, as evaluated with paired-pulse stimulation protocols. pCPT-cAMP effects could be mimicked by stimulation of β(1)-adrenoreceptors and reversed by the PKA inhibitor H89, suggesting strict PKA dependence. For short pulses to +10 mV (100 ms), potentiation of exocytosis by pCPT-cAMP was proportional to the quantity of charge entering the cell and occurred independently of whether L, N, or P/Q channels were blocked, suggesting that cAMP acts as a constant amplification factor for secretion regardless of the channel type carrying Ca(2+). Analysis of statistical variations among depolarization-induced capacitance increments indicates that pCPT-cAMP acts downstream of Ca(2+) entry by almost doubling the mean size of unitary exocytic events, most likely as a consequence of an increased granule-to-granule rather than a granule-to-membrane fusion

    Exposure to cAMP and β-adrenergic stimulation recruits Ca(V)3 T-type channels in rat chromaffin cells through Epac cAMP-receptor proteins

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    T-type channels are expressed weakly or not at all in adult rat chromaffin cells (RCCs) and there is contrasting evidence as to whether they play a functional role in catecholamine secretion. Here we show that 3–5 days after application of pCPT-cAMP, most RCCs grown in serum-free medium expressed a high density of low-voltage-activated T-type channels without altering the expression and characteristics of high-voltage-activated channels. The density of cAMP-recruited T-type channels increased with time and displayed the typical biophysical and pharmacological properties of low-voltage-activated Ca(2+) channels: (1) steep voltage-dependent activation from −50 mV in 10 mm Ca(2+), (2) slow deactivation but fast and complete inactivation, (3) full inactivation following short conditioning prepulses to −30 mV, (4) effective block of Ca(2+) influx with 50 μm Ni(2+), (5) comparable permeability to Ca(2+) and Ba(2+), and (6) insensitivity to common Ca(2+) channel antagonists. The action of exogenous pCPT-cAMP (200 μm) was prevented by the protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin and mimicked in most cells by exposure to forskolin and 1-methyl-3-isobutylxanthine (IBMX) or isoprenaline. The protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor H89 (0.3 μm) and the competitive antagonist of cAMP binding to PKA, Rp-cAMPS, had weak or no effect on the action of pCPT-cAMP. In line with this, the selective Epac agonist 8CPT-2Me-cAMP nicely mimicked the action of pCPT-cAMP and isoprenaline, suggesting the existence of a dominant Epac-dependent recruitment of T-type channels in RCCs that may originate from the activation of β-adrenoceptors. Stimulation of β-adrenoceptors occurs autocrinally in RCCs and thus, the neosynthesis of low-voltage-activated channels may represent a new form of ‘chromaffin cell plasticity’, which contributes, by lowering the threshold of action potential firing, to increasing cell excitability and secretory activity during sustained sympathetic stimulation and/or increased catecholamine circulation

    A survey of the main technology, biochemical and microbiological features influencing the concentration of biogenic amines of twenty Apulian and Sicilian (Southern Italy) cheeses

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    Twenty Apulian and Sicilian cheeses were analysed for their concentrations of eight biogenic amines (BAs), free amino acids, pH, water activity, and subjected to microbiological characterisation. In addition, lactic acid bacteria isolated from cheeses were assayed for their capacity to generate BAs. Principal component analysis was performed to find the effect of different parameters on the distribution of the cheeses. Although short-ripened (30 d) cheeses did not show significant BA concentrations, the only BA showing high positive correlation with time of ripening was histamine. Concentration of histidine and, especially, percentage of histidine-decarboxylase bacteria presumably affected histamine concentration. High pH values were negatively correlated to the concentration of tyramine, putrescine, and cadaverine. Fifty percent of the cheeses contained at least one BA at potentially toxic concentrations. Unambiguous and ever-valid relations among parameters and BAs are difficult to determine, because BAs are the result of combined and varied factors

    Influence of Quantal Size and cAMP on the Kinetics of Quantal Catecholamine Release from Rat Chromaffin Cells

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    Using carbon fiber amperometry, we exploited the natural variation in quantal size (Q) among individual granules in rat chromaffin cells to examine the influence of Q on quantal release kinetics. Although it is generally accepted that granules with larger Q have slower kinetics of release, we found that this trend was applicable only to granules with Q(1/3) < 0.6 pC(1/3). Granules with larger Q adapted specific mechanisms to maintain a rapid kinetic of release. The semistable fusion pores in the large-Q granules persisted for a longer duration and could reach a bigger size before the onset of very rapid dilation to allow a longer and larger foot signal. Most importantly, a large proportion of large-Q granules maintained a relatively short half-width in the main spike. This suggests that the most rapid phase of fusion pore dilation in many large-Q granules may be faster than that in small-Q granules. Moreover, cAMP selectively advanced the onset of the rapid dilation of the fusion pore in the large- but not the small-Q granules. Thus, our finding raises the possibility that fusion pore and/or granule matrix in small- and large-Q granules may have different molecular structures

    Chronic hypoxia up-regulates α1H T-type channels and low-threshold catecholamine secretion in rat chromaffin cells

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    α1H T-type channels recruited by β1-adrenergic stimulation in rat chromaffin cells (RCCs) are coupled to fast exocytosis with the same Ca2+ dependence of high-threshold Ca2+ channels. Here we show that RCCs exposed to chronic hypoxia (CH) for 12–18 h in 3% O2 express comparable densities of functional T-type channels that depolarize the resting cells and contribute to low-voltage exocytosis. Following chronic hypoxia, most RCCs exhibited T-type Ca2+ channels already available at −50 mV with the same gating, pharmacological and molecular features as the α1H isoform. Chronic hypoxia had no effects on cell size and high-threshold Ca2+ current density and was mimicked by overnight incubation with the iron-chelating agent desferrioxamine (DFX), suggesting the involvement of hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs). T-type channel recruitment occurred independently of PKA activation and the presence of extracellular Ca2+. Hypoxia-recruited T-type channels were partially open at rest (T-type ‘window-current’) and contributed to raising the resting potential to more positive values. Their block by 50 μm Ni2+ caused a 5–8 mV hyperpolarization. The secretory response associated with T-type channels could be detected following mild cell depolarizations, either by capacitance increases induced by step depolarizations or by amperometric current spikes induced by increased [KCl]. In the latter case, exocytotic bursts could be evoked even with 2–4 mm KCl and spike frequency was drastically reduced by 50 μm Ni2+. Chronic hypoxia did not alter the shape of spikes, suggesting that hypoxia-recruited T-type channels increase the number of secreted vesicles at low voltages, without altering the mechanism of catecholamine release and the quantal content of released molecules

    Low-Threshold Exocytosis Induced by cAMP-Recruited Ca(V)3.2 (α(1H)) Channels in Rat Chromaffin Cells

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    We have studied the functional role of Ca(V)3 channels in triggering fast exocytosis in rat chromaffin cells (RCCs). Ca(V)3 T-type channels were selectively recruited by chronic exposures to cAMP (3 days) via an exchange protein directly activated by cAMP (Epac)-mediated pathway. Here we show that cAMP-treated cells had increased secretory responses, which could be evoked even at very low depolarizations (−50, −40 mV). Potentiation of exocytosis in cAMP-treated cells did not occur in the presence of 50 μM Ni(2+), which selectively blocks T-type currents in RCCs. This suggests that the “low-threshold exocytosis” induced by cAMP is due to increased Ca(2+) influx through cAMP-recruited T-type channels, rather than to an enhanced secretion downstream of Ca(2+) entry, as previously reported for short-term cAMP treatments (20 min). Newly recruited T-type channels increase the fast secretory response at low voltages without altering the size of the immediately releasable pool. They also preserve the Ca(2+) dependence of exocytosis, the initial speed of vesicle depletion, and the mean quantal size of single secretory events. All this indicates that cAMP-recruited Ca(V)3 channels enhance the secretory activity of RCCs at low voltages by coupling to the secretory apparatus with a Ca(2+) efficacy similar to that of already existing high-threshold Ca(2+) channels. Finally, using RT-PCRs we found that the fast inactivating low-threshold Ca(2+) current component recruited by cAMP is selectively associated to the α(1H) (Ca(V)3.2) channel isoform