69 research outputs found

    Consumer Law and Policy Relating to Change of Circumstances Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    An unprecedented number of consumer problems has been caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, not least with regard to refunds of prepayments and the ability of consumers to keep up their monthly payments under loan and rental agreements. Based on a notion of societal force majeure sketched in this paper, we propose guiding principles in respect of the introduction of moratoria on recurring payments, the use of refunds or vouchers in respect of prepayments, and associated enforcement challenges. This analysis draws on experiences around the globe.Non peer reviewe

    Genetic dissection of the relationships between grain yield components by genome-wide association mapping in a collection of tetraploid wheats

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    Increasing grain yield potential in wheat has been a major target of most breeding programs. Genetic advance has been frequently hindered by negative correlations among yield components that have been often observed in segregant populations and germplasm collections. A tetraploid wheat collection was evaluated in seven environments and genotyped with a 90K SNP assay to identify major and stable quantitative trait loci (QTL) for grain yield per spike (GYS), kernel number per spike (KNS) and thousand-kernel weight (TKW), and to analyse the genetic relationships between the yield components at QTL level. The genome-wide association analysis detected eight, eleven and ten QTL for KNS, TKW and GYS, respectively, significant in at least three environments or two environments and the mean across environments. Most of the QTL for TKW and KNS were found located in different marker intervals, indicating that they are genetically controlled independently by each other. Out of eight KNS QTL, three were associated to significant increases of GYS, while the increased grain number of five additional QTL was completely or partially compensated by decreases in grain weight, thus producing no or reduced effects on GYS. Similarly, four consistent and five suggestive TKW QTL resulted in visible increase of GYS, while seven additional QTL were associated to reduced effects in grain number and no effects on GYS. Our results showed that QTL analysis for detecting TKW or KNS alleles useful for improving grain yield potential should consider the pleiotropic effects of the QTL or the association to other QTLs

    Comparison of Strain Measurement Techniques for the Characterization of Brittle, Cementitious Matrix Composites

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    Five strain measurement methodologies are described and experimentally compared based on their performance to measure axial strain of brittle matrix composite materials under uniaxial tensile loading, and setup requirements.A clip-on extensometer, electrical strain gages, a laser extensometer, and two Digital Image Correlation (DIC) techniques (edge detection of a painted rectangle and speckle interferometry), are the focus of this investigation. The composite is a novel, fabric-reinforced cementitious matrix (FRCM) system intended for strengthening concrete structures. Instrumentation is not standardized for testing of FRCM materials, so this study is particularly relevant for this field. Results indicate that for this class of composite, both the laser and clip-on extensometers arewell suited for strain measurement,while strain gage measurements are only valid prior to the onset of cracking. Poor results obtained using the DIC technologies are likely attributable to out-of-plane displacement due to specimen curvature and fiber straightening during testing